Couldnt Agree More - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

idk. this shit with AI like

I think we're misunderstanding that the people who are obsessed with it don't actually care about the process that it takes to get to the completed outcome with art, animation, music, creative mediums. They only care about the outcome.

They have zero relationship with or connection to the joy of process, the improvement over time, the steps between start and finish that take you to completion and all the micro-adjustments and intuitive alteration that comes with it. It is utterly foreign and irrelevant to them, they only want absolute efficiency and instant outcomes.

These folks would've never picked up a pencil in the first place, they can't even bothered to spend 10 minutes learning something new, these are not the type of people who will spend 10 years training a skill they deem replaceable, irrelevant, or adversarial to them.

They can't even grasp why you wouldn't make everything 60fps, completely misunderstanding the purpose of intent, motion, and the illusion of life you create by animating with limited and thoughtful frames. They're the types of folks who run thoughtful, well planned and well executed animation through AI machines that force additional hallucinated frames in for a "perfectly smooth" experience, at the loss of the original intent and energy of the art they are interfering with.

The average person on the receiving end of the homogenization of arts and crafts and culture doesn't really know about or care too deeply about the end outcome, and I'm not mad at them for it nor do I blame them.

We live in a fucked up system that has the majority of humans on earth scrounging to maintain their existence so they don't plummet into homelessness and starvation. They're left with the mediocrity of plastic clothing, generic fast-food, heavily processed shit that's worse for us all as whole and makes us sick. And that's not to say they don't hate it too, there's not one person I know in my life that enjoys any of this.

Everyone to a degree is subtly conscious of how fucked things are, by the way those fucked up things interact with and make their lives slightly worse, slightly more gross, slightly more wasteful and slightly more unbearable.

There is a small portion of mankind that is obsessed with profit and efficiency at any cost, and we are in a manufactured system that incentivizes and rewards those predatory behaviors rather than discourage. I don't have all the answers to how we fix this, except that it would require an absolute, fundamental change to a system that has a proclivity towards violently self-reinforcing when it feels threatened.

I don't know where we go from here, except towards each other, as we always have. In the wreckage of it all, create community and support for each other, pull away where you can from the mediocrity machine and have social bonds and connections where you create together, have community, and seek out places in real life where you can sell your crafts to people who want to disconnect from the sludge of mass manufactured filler stuff.

I promise you, the people who want your stuff and are tired of it all are out there, they likely just don't know how to find you or how to connect with creators who are making the things they want. They've spent their whole lives from childhood to adulthood being conditioned to accept cheaply made goop as their only option.

It's not gonna be easy, it never has been, and we're working under dire circumstances but we have got to try.

The only way out is small, local, and together, the way humans did it for thousands of years before our technology got too big for our slow-evolving brains. Create, create, and don't ever stop. The reward has never been the final outcome of the projects we engage in, but the feeling and flow of creating along the way, the steps between finish and start that get us there.

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1 year ago

I finished reading Spy Ski School (book 4 in the spy school series) and…Jawa, Ben, and Chip are a trio that I would like to see more of. So kindly, Mr. Gibbs, give them to me, please.

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7 months ago

do you recommend web development

👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 it's fun yeah

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11 months ago

This is so big for me, I always look out for others and always am nice to them and will genuinely put a lot of effort into a relationship/friendship but if my efforts aren't reciprocated then I lose interest little by little.

I genuinely lose interest when I see myself trying harder than you. I need my energy reciprocated

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11 months ago

Gentle tummy scratches

reblog if you agree

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I prefer SBI as found family because if you make them related by blood, you bind them in uncomfortable ways.

Suddenly C!Tommy's dedication to his brother is out of misplaced loyalty, C!Tommy calling on C!Technoblade becomes an act of responsibility, not an option based on love, care, or concern. C!Philza showing up at the end of L'Manberg, not being there for his son, to talk C!Wilbur down when he's suicidal. . .

It mirrors too much of reality for my taste. People bend over backwards for blood family, for family that does not care and comes together not of choice but out of obligation, out of fealty and misplaced love.

Then compare that to a family that chose each other. C!Technoblade hears the boy that supported him in the Potato War needs help? He joins the fray without hesitation. C!Philza, who mentored this boy with a song in a soul? Jumping in before it's too late. C!Tommy, without any "actual" family (but what is family if not a bond by choice) latching onto Big Brother Technoblade and Wilbur.

The latter brings me immense joy

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10 years ago

Perfect ass for fucking!!!!!



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6 months ago

so i just saw this and i’m not sure how i feel about it

feel free to explain - if you can? i’m still a little 🤔 abt it personally - in the tags

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5 years ago

There's something so deeply evil about making fun of and blaming regular Chinese people for a virus all while they're the ones suffering through it, dying and losing family members and friends as if the victims created the virus on purpose with their own hands specifically to annoy you like if this had happened in germany or something everyone would be like #prayforgermany #iamparis like i hope you die

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9 months ago

Does anyone else get annoyed when you see comments like "such a sad loss" or "he could've had such an amazing career" or "what a shame" under posts about Heath? Like I understand it is sad and unfortunate that he died really young but it's been 16 years... Is that all what people remember him for?? And will always remember?? It's so ironic that the man, that has always talked about love, living in the moment and just really loving life and everything that it brings you and trying to enjoy that the best you can, will always be remembered mostly for his early death. In my opinion that's kind of disrespectful. Heath is so much more than his death. His life was not a tragedy! He had a family that he loved very much, great friends, an amazing career etc. He lived his life to the maximum, through love, kindness and positivity and that's how you should remember him! Please, pity him less and celebrate him for who he was and everything that he's brought to this world more.

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2 years ago

i love you grace van dien, i love you dacre montgomery, i love you eduardo franco, i love you actors who get shit from this fandom

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Normally I would be literally buzzing for the new f1 season but at this current moment, I feel literally nothing…? And I fully blame Zak brown.

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7 months ago
Eyup It's A Real Person Woah, Not Actually Claus EGAD!! Ok Just Want To Clarify This, So Here's 10 Reasons

eyup it's a real person woah, not actually Claus EGAD!! ok just want to clarify this, so here's 10 reasons as to why i will smite any shippers who interact with this page:

1) Shipping kids is gross

2) Only canonical ships are tolerable here (e.g, Hinawa x Flint and Black Sesame Seed x White Sesame Seed and things like Ness x Paula etc. only things that are done right and would actually make sense, like Jeff x Tony where they're like best friends but a bit closer, no kissing or yucky stuff at all thabk you very much)

3) Love and romance is very eugh yucky disgusting gross

4) Ness and Lucas don't even know who eachother are because Ness is most likely quite literally dead when Lucas was born, and even if they were around at the same time, Lucas would probably hate him. And Claus literally eats mud and calls couples "gooey goblins with smelly breath", why would he want to be one himself like broski 😭

5) I would rather die than interact with shippers

6) The Mother community must remain cleansed of yucky shipping

7) Shipping is straight up nasty, leave them alone

8) I don't wish to associate with people who ship characters at all, ever, in any series at all i dont care

9) I just don't like it at all so keep it away from here

10) eugh

i will instantly block any people who i think ship characters from the Mother series because i don't want you on my page, sorry not sorry broskies. i won't answer any asks from shippers either, unless i myself don't think "EUGH YUCKY THAT SHIP IS GROSS GO AWAY" so you can still submit one idc. however, if you are one of those gross Nesscas, Ninten x Ness, Ninten x Lucas, Clausten or.. i dont even want to think about that other one, then please bugger off you disgusting little maggots, you don't get any stupid Claus content that i put time and effort into eeughhhh


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6 months ago

its AUTUMN i shouldnt need to do homework i should go to the RECORD STORE and drink HOT COFFEE and read BOOKS and watch MOVIES with my FRIENDS and kill my CHEMISTRY TEACHER

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2 years ago

You’re 100% right about Hobipalooza being in a different league. Ignore all those tired anons. Comparing a 70 minute performance full of j-hope’s self-written & self-composed songs making him the highest ticket selling artist in lollapalooza history, selling out $1M in merch, with a crowd full of people that traveled all over the world to watch HIM perform, cannot be compared to Jin showing up at Coldplay’s (already sold-out weeks in advance) concert to perform for 3-minutes or JK’s 3-minute World Cup performance (at an already sold-out months in advance most anticipated sporting event of the year) sponsored by Hybe and Hyundai. They’re world’s apart. Armys aren’t even streaming JITB, they refused to buy his music, and they constantly leave JITB’s songs off of their playlists. It sucks to say but Hobi has been self-made for a long time. I don’t even want to turn this into a fanwar but his achievements and success clearly have hybe and armys shook. They think ignoring or or downplaying him will magically make him less, or make others more.

Too bad for them j-hope will be headlining MAMA Awards and will once again show everyone what it means to put on a performance. And hopefully he’ll be going home with several trophies as well...since you know he was nominated for 6 MAMA Awards aka the most nominated artist this year.

exactly to all of this thank u for saying it its good to know there are some non delusional ppl following me,,,,, bighit has been downplaying him for so long that its second nature to them as well as armys they cant bear to admit that the members may not all be on the same level when it comes to achievements/talent/success

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11 months ago

My thoughts about Vito Scaletta.

Vito is my favorite character. Not much of a surprise, I know. Vito is possibly the most loved character from the series. Yet, from what I’ve seen, not everyone was pleased with Vito in Mafia III. After reading a lot of comments on the issue, I came up with my own conclusion about him, and I hope this text helps any mafia fan who’s not sure about playing the third game.


I remember having recently finished Mafia I and still being heartbroken about it (who wasn’t?), when deciding if I was going to play Mafia II. By the time I already knew Vito was Tommy’s killer and all, but at the same time I was too curious to back away.

It was love at first sight. I always found Vito extremely relatable, and the fact that we had the same age (19 - 20) in the beginning only add up to the feeling that we had a connection. This feeling is what allowed me to constantly observe Vito, especially after Mafia II ending.

Then Mafia III comes and I have to admit I wasn’t very keen on the idea of playing it after reading so many bad reviews, but one thing convinced me: Vito. I was one of the fans who would end up hooked by the opportunity of seeing my bff once again. I’d eventually fall in love with the game itself and everything, but I still feel like there’s something to be said about Vito in his forties.

Since I love him so much, I usually take my time analyzing him, and the outside perspective Mafia III offers makes things even better. So here’s what I saw:

Vito’s story is about a boy who daydreams about entering the Mafia. He keeps an idealized image of it, and the whole plot of Mafia II is about him doing everything he can to make this dream come true (and that’s why the second game is my favorite one). The rise of a poor but determined boy and the fall of a made man whose ideas were all wrong right from the start but he never saw any of it coming. His monologue, the sadness in his eyes while looking at his family album, his expressions while listening to Leo’s reprimands, his coldness when arriving at the observatory, the way he says “what the fuck is this?” and the look in his face when realizing he couldn’t save Joe – everything is there, proving that an old Vito was dying right there, right in that moment. Leaving his old self in the city that raised him.

Remember when he was all dressed up looking at the mirror right before meeting Eddie for the first time? His reaction when hearing about how Joe talked about him to Henry? His pride during the Omerta? That’s the old Vito. The innocent Vito. That Vito remained at Empire Bay.

Sounds familiar? Yeah, c'est la vie. We all grow up, sooner or later. I have a feeling that for Vito it was later. Anyway, he’s not the same when arriving at New Bourdeux. And here’s where we start our conversation.

He comes to a new town (the opposite of everything Empire Bay was), this guy Marcano (older than him) HATES him, Leo probably disappears leaving him all by himself and he’s given an ugly, poor district called River Row to run and make money out of it. Cool. Oh, and I didn’t even mentioned the fact that he was still carrying the weight of losing his best friend. Nice.

Mafia III takes place 17 YEARS LATER Mafia II. Imagine Vito going from a young and scared 26-year-old to the 43-year-old man who you found inside a freezer, cursing at the four winds. Can you imagine what hell he went through during all this time? Did the people who complain about “Vito not being the same anymore” EVER imagined what he had to endure in New Bourdeux that would eventually turn him into who he is now? How on earth would he still be the same? Come on, guys. It’s a no-brainer.

Even though I really miss my quiet Empire Bay boy, I really like who Vito has become. He’s clearly the smartest of the underbosses, took River Row out of its misery, kept his own business out of records, has a lot of experience in the mob, doesn’t allow himself to get carried away by other ideas but the job (drinking/race war) and his ending is absolutely the best – proving once again my thesis that Vito’s not a wonderstruck boy anymore, but a mature man who knows “how this shit works”.

Also, his italian accent mixed up with a bit of a southern accent is just really cute.

And you can still see something of the Old Vito. The way he spent 12 years and a lot of money to find Joe and how he works at a dock (AND HIS JACKET) definitely shows his Empire Bay ghosts still revolve around him. But it makes me happy to see that he grew out of his kid fantasies.

Even now, in his forties, while realizing how cruel reality is, I still can relate to him. He’s simply one of the best things from the Mafia franchise.

That’s all, folks. Thanks for the read.



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