Eduardo Franco - Tumblr Posts

So y’all gonna tell me this ain’t the same person???
These spot the difference games are getting harder my dudes
i love you grace van dien, i love you dacre montgomery, i love you eduardo franco, i love you actors who get shit from this fandom

#valid reasons why i think eddie and argyle would’ve made perfect friends
Let's just hope that they actually add him in future 😭🙏
why do I have to see Murray’s balding ass???? according to the duffers and stranger things writing process, he’s served his purpose—should’ve been gone after S3 if not S2 so why do I have to see him over and over again? why did this fucker get a call so he can keep pointing out the obvious?
they’ll keep the raging z*onist but not Kali (Eleven’s sister character who was meant to just be edgy but brought so much depth to herself AND El, 008, test subject with fucking powers that would be beneficial in taking down Vecna) or Argyle (literal ride or die who got roped into the upside down business, was shot at with his friends, buried a dead body, drove across the country to reunite the group, is linked to the group in multiple ways, played a similar role as Robin’s in ST3 but apparently he doesn’t get to stay).
they’ll keep the ugly, old white guy who is just a companion at this point but not the POCs that go MIA after they’re used to further the plot for a white main character.

I'm giving up on Stranger Things if:
Jonathan doesn't apologize for being creepy
Stancy or Jancy happens (come on duffle bags, let Nancy be independent, you can do it)
Max dies
Max's trauma is rushed or brushed off
Argyle dies
Dustin dies
Lucas dies
Steve dies
Something bad happens to Mike or Will/one of them dies
can't wait for more of my most underrated boy ♡

My friend: your taste in men is shit
Me: no its not they're perfect
my taste in men:

the thing about eduardo franco is that the duffer brothers never deserved him
casually searching eduardo franco content and i find out he raps? i’m here for his flow lmao that’s why when he says certain lines in ST his cadence is fire for no reason.
yeah anyway i take this personally. my people are never up on the screen like eduardo was and this shit is whack

#okay was anybody going to tell me that eduardo franco wears a suit and does a musical number in the first binge movie #or was i supposed to just watch it out of morbid curiosity and find out for myself
another day another rewatch of eduardo franco on jake johnson’s podcast

a baby girl appreciation post.