Crazy? I Was Crazy Once - Tumblr Posts
There's this wip I made months ago but couldnt finish it due to personal matters and my fcking drawing pen is not working anymore.
The idea is still in my mind and will be there forever. Am I going to continue it? Maybe. Will it take too long? Yes, because perspective and anatomy sucks to learn. I don't even have the time. But I'll get there someday. Have a forever wip of genloss fanart. Anyway, it's supposed to be a summarized story of genloss but in animatic form. The scenes are already complete in my head and the thought of storyboarding all of it is making me lazy as it is, and because of that, it's making me crazy.
Sus? I was sus once! They put me into space, an eternal space! An eternal space with lethal ionising radiation. The lethal ionising radiation made me sus.
Accurate retelling of something that happened in maths:
Teacher: The next subject will be VERY DIFFICULT!
*starts rubbing his hands together and laughing menacingly like the maniac evil dubious creature he is*
Who are all these cute women who wants to meet me?!? This is the fourth message I have gotten!
I hate it when I sleep so good that it gets suspicious, like am I not supposed to wake up and go to school yet? Helloooo?
My favourite part in fnaf is when the security guard turned to the camera and said "this was truly the best five nights I've had with Freddy"
But why did Hakita make him so hot??? Hello???

Whoa mama! Hakita, slow down with the hot as fuck enemies, it hurts to kill em!

Everybody gansta until she parses no-op through my cpu
That feeling when you have to write an essay but you don't fuck with the topic

Base insults? Nah we're here with the acidic, the HCl, the low pH type insults
You just don't understand
But why did Hakita make him so hot??? Hello???

Me when I finish a book and there's no more pages left (the gnomes took them while I wasn't looking)

Top 5 places to get mauled by a bus
My bed, timeless classic
Inside another bigger bus, busception
The forest, fits any situation
Behind the local gas station, gotta support local businesses
Denmark, more mess for them to clean up
This is by far the boldest cup I have seen

Things I need:
Thigh-highs, for research purposes
Arch Linux, because epic
That no one sees this
My favourite games to play with my friends
1. Break-kneecaps
Break each others kneecaps!
2. Knife-stabbystab
Basically tag but you stab people (bonus if you stab them)
3. Heavy makeout
Explains itself

Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes, let's not shoot for anything further!
Who the fuck looked at nature and thought "ah yes, now I'll invent real and complex factorisation of polynomial"
Fuck you