Abandon all hope, ye who enter here-And put on your backpack, we're going on an adventure
84 posts
Marekh00 - Sillypilled Idiotmaxxer - Tumblr Blog

Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes, let's not shoot for anything further!

Literally me at this EXACT moment
Please come help me, I'm in pain

How I feel in this summer heat
Tired, sleep even, you could probably also say... eepy
@andysuprario :3 :3 :3

I drew Fran from Reincarnated as a Sword for my lil sibling!! :3
My favourite games to play with my friends
1. Break-kneecaps
Break each others kneecaps!
2. Knife-stabbystab
Basically tag but you stab people (bonus if you stab them)
3. Heavy makeout
Explains itself
For my next campaign!
Innnn relation to my last post, more things I need!
- alcohol, a bunch
Honorable mentions:
- some strong shit
Concerning my friends who might see this: this is not a cry for help, it's just crying in general
Actual tragedy

Things I need:
Thigh-highs, for research purposes
Arch Linux, because epic
That no one sees this
Things I need:
Thigh-highs, for research purposes
Arch Linux, because epic
That no one sees this
Being in a coma is like the free trail of death, I will not tag this at all
What is dog everything -
No that doesn't really work in English...
Top 10 things

Fran wholeheartedly concurs.
Literally me when I learn about astrophysics

Franβs honest reaction to that information:
This is by far the boldest cup I have seen

How it feels to have food but no youtube
How it feels to have cookies but no milk

The only radical part about that movie was the poor quality
Common mistake, don't confuse woke for just bad
Top 5 places to get mauled by a bus
My bed, timeless classic
Inside another bigger bus, busception
The forest, fits any situation
Behind the local gas station, gotta support local businesses
Denmark, more mess for them to clean up
Me when I finish a book and there's no more pages left (the gnomes took them while I wasn't looking)

Normalise sleeping in a bed with pillow (pillow is a metaphor for a gril)
Base insults? Nah we're here with the acidic, the HCl, the low pH type insults
You just don't understand
But why did Hakita make him so hot??? Hello???