Creature Drawing - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
(Near) Midnight Doodles! Did The First One While Listening To The Gotg 3 Score, And Boy Does That Music
(Near) Midnight Doodles! Did The First One While Listening To The Gotg 3 Score, And Boy Does That Music

(Near) midnight doodles! Did the first one while listening to the gotg 3 score, and boy does that music go hard. John Murphy did GOOD

Text says: "Hello to you, too..."

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2 years ago
The Imarri Or Plains Dragon, Shown Here In The Nude For Reference And Documentation. They Wear Clothes,

The Imarri or Plains Dragon, shown here in the nude for reference and documentation. They wear clothes, don't worry.

The continent of Har Fang has no native apes and has been isolated from the rest of the planet for millions of years. The Plains Dragon was the first species to achieve sapience here, separated into two populations by a mountain range, the Anorri and the Imarri.

Also called "Lesser Dragons" or "Winged Fire Drakes", though the Imarri consider these names insults, having being used by the Anorri to diminish them and elevate themselves as "superior beings".

The Anorri, having found a powerful source of shaping magic, rapidly advanced technologically and mutated themselves to the point that they looked nothing like their Plains Dragon ancestors or Imarri cousins.

When the ice wall started advancing, most of the Anorri perished, and those that managed to flee into modern known Har Fang violently displaced the Imarri out of their ancestral lands.

The Imarri today are found in scattered populations along the southern edge of Har Fang in areas deemed too resource poor to settle by the Anorri.

While it varies from culture to culture, and even individually, most Imarri today are neutral to friendly towards humans. As long as one does not intrude on their territories without prior warning and does not steal any of their already meager resources, they see no reason to despise humans.

An exception to this is the Badlands, also known as the island of Ketcharri. There, a culture emerged containing both Imarri and Humans as equals.

The same courtesy does not apply to the Anorri, who mostly see them as primitive savages at best and pests to be eradicated at worst.

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2 years ago
Horses From My Groups DnD Campaign :) I Loved Designing Them Off Of Our GMs Descriptions And Now All
Horses From My Groups DnD Campaign :) I Loved Designing Them Off Of Our GMs Descriptions And Now All

Horses from my groups DnD campaign :) I loved designing them off of our GMs descriptions and now all I wanna do is design creatures and fantasy animals 😤

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2 years ago
Some Lil Portraits I Did During The Height Of My Burnout. Lil Things That Reminded Me How Much I Liked
Some Lil Portraits I Did During The Height Of My Burnout. Lil Things That Reminded Me How Much I Liked
Some Lil Portraits I Did During The Height Of My Burnout. Lil Things That Reminded Me How Much I Liked

Some lil portraits I did during the height of my burnout. Lil things that reminded me how much I liked making art 😭

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4 years ago
Mohohna The Chonker Bird-thingy, I Felt Drawing Something Pretty Weird, So Here's Bird 2:electric Boogaloo

Mohohna the chonker bird-thingy, i felt drawing something pretty weird, so here's bird 2:electric boogaloo

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4 years ago
I Was Trying Out Digitally Drawing Stuff, Here's My Boi Snub. Not Bad For My First Time In A While. Also

i was trying out digitally drawing stuff, here's my boi Snub. not bad for my first time in a while. also had to redraw it cause of a small accident. my boi snub

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4 years ago
This A Species I Call Mustangs, These Doggos Basically Can Break The Sound Barrier If Needed To Go To

this a species i call mustangs, these doggos basically can break the sound barrier if needed to go to that speed. the pipes are to release the immense steam and heat being made from the intense speed these guys can run. which can be 500-800 mph if needed. also basically an organic car.

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3 years ago
This Is My Nonbinary Ghoul OC, Jiggy. Atleast From The Last Design I Finally Got To Draw Her. I'm Going

this is my nonbinary ghoul OC, Jiggy. atleast from the last design i finally got to draw her. i'm going to work more on them and their story. got a bit better drawing digitally

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3 years ago
The Winged Nurse Maid, New Oc. Her Name Is Miirtuu, I Had Some Artist Block But I Guess Drawing Miirtuu

The Winged nurse maid, new oc. her name is Miirtuu, i had some artist block but i guess drawing Miirtuu helped cause i kept putting the idea off.

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2 years ago
The Prankster Who Sleeps On A Couch And Disobeys The Laws Of Human Anatomy, Here She Is And He's Ready

the prankster who sleeps on a couch and disobeys the laws of human anatomy, here she is and he's ready to switch your tube of toothpaste with green food color mustard, this is Jaemyn, in her glory. drawing beards and cloth folds hurts. i gave up on the hands-

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2 years ago
My Attempt At A Lil Rat Creature, Just A Sketch, Lil Baby, Just A Lil Guy... Lil Lass... I Also Gave

my attempt at a lil rat creature, just a sketch, lil baby, just a lil guy... lil lass... i also gave up on the fucking back leg it was late-

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2 years ago
Just Sketches And W.I.PS Of A Character That I Will Probably Draw In The Future, Their Name Is Snickerdoodle,
Just Sketches And W.I.PS Of A Character That I Will Probably Draw In The Future, Their Name Is Snickerdoodle,

just sketches and W.I.PS of a character that I will probably draw in the future, their name is Snickerdoodle, usually have a big ol' patchy sheet covering them, they are also big like... 27 ft tall... she is a doctor hidden in the sewers! also what I plan to be under that big sheet she's under. they go by (she/they pronouns)

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Here She Is, My Lil 11'5, 535 Pound, Walking Wall Of Muscle, Barbarian Sphinx! I Just Love Her, Muscles

Here she is, my lil 11'5, 535 pound, walking wall of muscle, barbarian Sphinx! i just love her, muscles are hard and so is leather armor but eh. her name is Therine, using her for a lil session in group I'm in. got a lil lazy on the wings.

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Character Sheet Of She.....the Epitome Of Violence And Animalistic Tendencies....
Character Sheet Of She.....the Epitome Of Violence And Animalistic Tendencies....

Character sheet of she.....the epitome of violence and animalistic tendencies.... <3Princess<3, also a makeshift low-effort comic with my friend's character Clancy trying to walk their friend <3 Princess<3 also me trying to draw in a cartoony style.

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Getting Back Into The Beat Of Making Lil Creature/species Of My Own Again, Here's The First One, Call

getting back into the beat of making lil creature/species of my own again, here's the first one, call it a Nagialpent, used a lot of crocodile and alligator arm references, but these dudes are big boys of m o I s t habitats or dry ones, depends if ether has a good food source, and they're like 3x the size of the anaconda python.

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Another Creature Dude, It's A Baolft, If You Can Find Out What Word Combination I Used For It's Name,

Another creature dude, it's a Baolft, if you can find out what word combination I used for it's name, but yea it's like canine wyvern with some long sharp claws, these guys are at least 2x bigger than the average grey wolf, also pretty territorial, but good boys.

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New Critter Alert, This Is The Boardog, About 9x The Size Of A Malamute. These Guys Are Pretty Chill

new critter alert, this is the Boardog, about 9x the size of a malamute. these guys are pretty chill when no provoke, but if you piss it off enough it'll burst into flames and charge at ya!

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Women In STEM. Damn Nerds. Anyway, They Do Make Metal Golems And Stuff, Or Golem Out Of Other Materials.

Women in STEM. damn nerds. anyway, they do make metal golems and stuff, or golem out of other materials. Their names are Cerrehh and Fen-fen. whimsical alchemists they are, they do make golems and stuff out of any element, some strange homunculi, masters of alchemy, and dabble in some witchcraft.

nobody knows how exactly old they are, but they do like to make a game out of it, breaking into people's homes or get them lost in some forest and make them guess their age between 0, 26, 79, and no, people get it wrong either way and they knock them out and they wake up in their own closet in their house

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Lil Goblin Oi Drew, She Has A Lot Of Backstory, Call Her The Amalgablin, Cause She Has The Head Of A
Lil Goblin Oi Drew, She Has A Lot Of Backstory, Call Her The Amalgablin, Cause She Has The Head Of A

lil goblin oi drew, she has a lot of backstory, call her the Amalgablin, cause she has the head of a witch and the shrunken head of a dragon in her body that she can pop out at will or whenever they want. but her name actual name is Mirc. she do be deadly. small sketch of her chilling. also her name is Mirc. she really likes fried fish and nap when she isn't hunting monsters, doing guild request, or other stuff stuff.

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