Goblin Oc - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I redesign my dnd characters, they inspired by LOA campaigns like OUAW, Uprooted and Crooked moon


Vampire Bat, witch

I made her more creepy, because she is creepy

I love her old design, but now she looks more accurate to her character

She not exactly bad, but she is not good either

Loves fresh organs, apples and chocolates

I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon
I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon

Catchphrase: "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" *swing axe* SPLOSHH *Laughter*


A troll

Unhinged lady, practices dark magic, she had awful, terrifying past

Loves to drink

She already were quite scary, but not enough

I made her a bit scarier

Her favorite activitys is a grave robbery and gardening

I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon
I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon

Catchphrase: "You chose a terrible time to get lost, pal"


A goblin

Very weird woman, lives alone in the forest in the little cabin

Very deep in her thoughts all the time

Attract misfortune but learn how to use it in her advantage

She have a unibrow as a protection from the evil eye, and a few amulets as well

I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon
I Redesign My Dnd Characters, They Inspired By LOA Campaigns Like OUAW, Uprooted And Crooked Moon

Catchphrase: *sigh* "Fick it. Who cares, right?"

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4 years ago
Was Bored And Was Feeling Like A Feral Goblin King At 4am With Heels And A Cover On As A Cape Because
Was Bored And Was Feeling Like A Feral Goblin King At 4am With Heels And A Cover On As A Cape Because

Was bored and was feeling like a feral goblin king at 4am with heels and a cover on as a cape because everyone else are peasants and need to hand over all there colorful stones and gummy worms to me now! And so I drew this to not only show that energy but made some rules for my goblin kingdom >:D

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2 years ago
Time For The Usual "Guess What? Not Dead." And Now Back To The Void I Go.

Time for the usual "Guess what? Not dead." and now back to the void i go.

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1 year ago
Just Remembering The Goblin Kingdom's Beginnings, The Goblin King Isn't Actually That Useless Herself-

Just remembering the goblin kingdom's beginnings, the Goblin king isn't actually that useless herself-

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1 year ago
Come One Come All Tpo Feast Your Eyes Upon The Wonderful, (and Quite Stupid) Clifton Crumb SmugChin!Has

Come one come all tpo feast your eyes upon the wonderful, (and quite stupid) Clifton Crumb SmugChin! Has to be my favorite dnd character made yet

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1 year ago
(I Know It's Just A Paper Drawing) But Here Are My Current Three Ocs And Their Flags For Pride Month!

(I know it's just a paper drawing) but here are my current three ocs and their flags for pride month!

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1 year ago
An Update To My Reference For My Favorite Dnd Character, Clifton C. SmugChin (often Just Called Crumb)

An update to my reference for my favorite dnd character, Clifton C. SmugChin (often just called Crumb)

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1 year ago

Crumb was momentarily called a "dilf" as a joke (we love a 3'5 king) but then it lead to another realization

Crumb Was Momentarily Called A "dilf" As A Joke (we Love A 3'5 King) But Then It Lead To Another Realization

(while it was a drawing much older than this one, crumb did in fact, have the slutty open shirt first, suck that Asterion!)

An Update To My Reference For My Favorite Dnd Character, Clifton C. SmugChin (often Just Called Crumb)

An update to my reference for my favorite dnd character, Clifton C. SmugChin (often just called Crumb)

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1 year ago
Just Some Self Indulgence Of Drawings Based Off Outfits Of My Old Minecraft Skins In Past Servers I've

Just some self indulgence of drawings based off outfits of my old minecraft skins in past servers i've been in ehehe

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1 year ago
Being Bored And Putting "Ego" In Some Outfits. And Yes, There Is Absolutely NOTHING Behind Those Eyes.

Being bored and putting "Ego" in some outfits. And yes, there is absolutely NOTHING behind those eyes.

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6 months ago
Ok, Mu Want To Make Was Too Strong And So I At The Very Least Did A Little Doodle Of My Furbies :D

Ok, mu want to make was too strong and so I at the very least did a little doodle of my Furbies :D

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5 months ago

love somehow finding another style everytime I draw, totally not annoying myself with a lack of consitancy or anything

Love Somehow Finding Another Style Everytime I Draw, Totally Not Annoying Myself With A Lack Of Consitancy

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Lil Goblin Oi Drew, She Has A Lot Of Backstory, Call Her The Amalgablin, Cause She Has The Head Of A
Lil Goblin Oi Drew, She Has A Lot Of Backstory, Call Her The Amalgablin, Cause She Has The Head Of A

lil goblin oi drew, she has a lot of backstory, call her the Amalgablin, cause she has the head of a witch and the shrunken head of a dragon in her body that she can pop out at will or whenever they want. but her name actual name is Mirc. she do be deadly. small sketch of her chilling. also her name is Mirc. she really likes fried fish and nap when she isn't hunting monsters, doing guild request, or other stuff stuff.

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7 months ago
Before I Ramble More About My GB Hyperfixation, Have Some Rare OC Content From Me! Sodik Is A Model For

Before I ramble more about my GB hyperfixation, have some rare OC content from me! Sodik is a model for monster media and she's one of the most popular monster models in the world! Many creatures look up to her and aspire to follow in her footsteps (hoofsteps?). Anyway, she's technically a part of her own universe, but she'll definitely be referenced in my GB stories and whatnot. Cus why wouldn't I? She also has a punk rockstar husband, Damon, who is head over heels for her and she for him. 😳

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2 years ago
Im Trying To Get Into Art And Posting Again

i’m trying to get into art and posting again

good luck, bee

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