Cyno Fluff - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

୨୧ don’t forget to eat!

" reader accidentally skips their meals, how would their boyfriend react? "

ft. kazuha, heizou, cyno, tighnari, SCARAMOUCHE! x gn!reader (seperate)

cw: mentions of not eating (eat 2 meals a day stay healthy!!!), fluff, wanderer is a little bitch man (i still love him though), not proofread

>> 🍁 kazuha’s musings: inspired by me forgetting to eat/being too lazy to do so lol. also i thought it'd be fun to write for scaramouche! idk if i should refer to him as wanderer in my works since that's the 'present day' version of him now i suppose? if ppl like seeing me write for wanderer i'll add him to my main four

 Dont Forget To Eat!

✦ Kaedehara Kazuha

 Dont Forget To Eat!

Your health is more important than anything to Kazuha, even when he's far from you, his home, he'll spend late nights looking up at the stars and wishing you're doing well.

The first time he notices this bad habit of yours is whenever he offers you lunch or a small snack, or how when he asks what you've eaten that day, the only response you can give him is a sheepish smile and a scratch of the neck.

On the rare weeks when he is with you, Kazuha takes it upon himself to cook all of your meals. Not like he wouldn't cook for you outside of this reason, but it gave him more incentive to make his dishes extra delicious. Are you picky about certain foods? Kazuha won't add it. Don't enjoy fish? Don't worry, he'll use more vegetables instead. Oh, you like spicy food? Good thing he picked up some spices from his trip to Sumeru.

When you brush him off and say whatever you're working on is seemingly more important than eating, he'll walk up to you from where you're sitting on your desk, wrap your arms around you, and whisper ever-so sweetly into your ear in a way that makes your knees weak.

"Love, it's not healthy to skip meals. Join me for dinner, please?"

Definitely the type of guy to spoon-feed you. When you do get a taste of the food he made, Kazuha smiles whole-heartedly at the way your eyes light up while your tastebuds soak up the flavours. Kazuha mostly admires you enjoying the food more than actually eating.

If you're not eating because you're too engrossed in your work, Kazuha basically forces you to take a break. He's still soft-spoken about it, but firm with you, offering a massage if the stress is getting to your muscles.

"A clear mind leads to better work ethic, how about some tea, darling?"

Brings you a cup of green tea and snacks every few hours when you're busy!!! It feels so domestic, too, Kazuha bringing his lips to your cheek and offering a few words of encouragement before leaving you be.

He'll give you some quick and easy recipes he learned before he leaves to make sure you don't skip your meals again. Besides, Kazuha would be greatly saddened if you continued this habit, please don't make him worry and eat healthy for both of your sakes...

✦ Shikanoin Heizou

 Dont Forget To Eat!

Pretty much noticed it right away. He's a detective, after all, and you're his dear partner, it's only right for him to take note of every little detail about you. His job is very important to him, which means he tries to take care of his well-being to be the best he can during work, which includes sneaking off to get a quick bite to eat whenever he can...

Heizou would rope you into these sneaky outings, somehow able to find you wherever you are and invite you to a quick lunch date. And you know how Heizou's specialty dish description mentions that whoever eats it wants to tell the truth? Yeah, he basically does that to you.

"Hmm, you've been skipping your meals, haven't you? Tsk, I can't have my dear partner be doing that, can I?"

He'll lightly chide you about it in a playful tone, yet you're still confused he managed to get it spot-on. He laughs it off when you point it out, just telling you that you mean a lot to him, so he should keep a close eye on your health. (He's so casual about it, but you can still feel how genuine he's being and it makes your chest feel tight)

Heizou can't really say anything about eating healthy... He eats fried food for almost every lunch break. But he thinks that as long as you're eating something at a reasonable time, he'll be satisfied. Heizou will make it a point to take you out for lunch, and even if you're busy he'll just point out the rumbling of your stomach.

"You're not gonna feel good if you don't eat. No worries, it's my treat--now, let's go, my dear partner!"

He really likes taking you out on picnics during your breaks, bringing a small array of street snacks and relaxing with you under a pink sakura tree while admiring the scenery--which to Heizou, is you.

✦ Cyno

 Dont Forget To Eat!

Sadly, Cyno is busy and on most days is unable to see you. However, when he does have the time, the first thing he does is to go and see you. He invites you for lunch, and you make an off-handed comment that you haven't had much to eat that day in a lighthearted tone. However, Cyno seemed much more concerned than amused.

"Have you not been eating properly?"

Is what he asks you, amber eyes narrowed with an unwavering gaze directed at you. The vague answer you give doesn't lower his worries, either--it's almost like he's interrogating you, but you can see the concern written all over his face. When you do tell him the truth, he only silently stares at you before sighing to himself.

"Order whatever you like, it's on me."

Most of the time he'll already be off somewhere dealing with his matra duties, but on your desk, you'll see a snack neatly placed on it with a note beside it...

"I'm coming home earlier than usual, I'll make us dinner. Eat this to tie you over. Love, Cyno"

He can't be there all the time to remind you to eat, so he likes leaving notes around your shared home, or sneaking one in your bag in the early mornings before he leaves. You're very thankful that you live with Cyno, both because you can spend at least a bit more time with him and because if he wasn't there, you'd probably forget to eat more often than not.

Obviously, Cyno will sneak in a joke somehow. His jokes always seem to put a smile on your face, even if it's a pitiful one, and he has a joke that seems almost perfect for this situation... One day Cyno had happened to see you around Port Ormos, and he looked almost giddy when he caught your attention. It's actually quite common for you to run into each other like this, Cyno never failing to send you off with a quick kiss.

He offers you a Candied Ajilenakh Nut, and I think you can see where this is going...

"Here, have a Candied Ajilenakh Nut... and I'll ca-shew later... Ah, no, I don't have to leave right now. Did you not get it? So basically--"

He'll ask you if you've eaten that day, and when you say yes he'll give you the cutest look, Cyno's eyes much more softer with the smallest smile on his face. He'll walk up to you and gently pat your head like you're a pet cat, ruffling up your hair in an act of contentment.

As mentioned, he'll try to cook dinner for you. Cyno doesn't think he's the best cook, and he's only perfected a few dishes. He'll give you something that's both nutritious and filling, and Cyno almost looks nervous when he watches you take the first bite, muscles relaxing once he sees you hum in enjoyment.

Don't try to avoid not eating under Cyno's watch, he doesn't care if you supposedly have work to do, your health is more important than some measly pieces of paper.

"I made you dinner."

"Oh, just save my plate! I'm not that hungry--"

Cue Cyno glaring at you

"I-I'll be at the dinner table..."

Cyno smiling "Good."

✦ Tighnari

 Dont Forget To Eat!

You should have already expected to receive a long lecture for your bad habit, nothing misses Tighnari's keen ears and eyes. Sure, you were getting a lot of work done, but Tighnari noticed your energy was more easily drained than usual. When he questions you, his ears point downwards and armed crossed unimpressed when you awkwardly admit you haven't made any time to eat.

Cue a twenty-minute lecture on the importance of a nutritious diet and needing food to keep you energized, and how Tighnari's worried that you've been doing this for a while now without his knowledge.

Doesn't matter what you were doing at that moment, he immediately says you two are taking a lunch break and takes you to a quiet part of the forest with freshly made pita pockets in his hand.

He comes off as a little bit curt, but it's just because he's worried. Tighnari gets out of his lecturing mentality once you bite down on the pita pocket, and even though he still has the urge to delve into another lecture; he stops himself and lets you enjoy your food.

"You lummox, don't just skip meals like that. Here, take half of my pita pocket, I insist!"

The next few weeks is the same question from Tighnari: "Have you eaten yet?" He gives you small candies or nutritious plant-based snacks throughout the day, chiding you on actually eating them instead of just storing them away in a bag.

He almost acts like a worried mother towards you; it's a habit of his, Tighnari always looking out for others and especially you. If he's a bit busy that day, he'll ask Collei to drop off some pita pockets for you. They're both very sweet, Collei cheerily encourages you to eat at least two meals a day.

You can see Tighnari's tail swish slightly when he sees you're a bit more energized, indicating that you actually ate something! You feel a bit bad for Tighnari kind of babying you like this, but he really doesn't mind at all. A part of him actually kind of likes giving you snacks or making food for you, it's like an act of service to show his care for you.

"I'm assuming you're getting kind of tired of eating pita pockets for lunch every day, huh? Don't worry, I made something different today."

✦ Wanderer

 Dont Forget To Eat!

"...What do you mean you haven't eaten?"

He acts more annoyed than anything when you tell him, eye twitching when you claim that you just "didn't feel hungry." You're just a fragile human, and humans require food to process into energy--why didn't you want to eat?

His annoyance with you is just a mean mask for his real concern. What if you just stopped eating and slowly started getting weaker? No, he can't let that happen. You may be a fragile human, but to the wanderer, you're his fragile human, and he'll be damned if you decide to skip meals.

He'll make an off-handed and snide remark that "Fine, if you wanna starve so badly then I won't stop you." and he'll curtly tell you that the human body requires too much maintenance--even though he's a mechanical puppet.

Please ignore how mean he may sound, Wanderer just doesn't know how to show his genuine care for you--he abandoned Kunikuzushi many years ago. But, if he's Wanderer now, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to act more outwardly... caring, he guesses.

Once his ears hear the low grumble of your stomach, he narrows his eyes at you. What's even stranger to him is that you still insist that you don't need to eat, humans are so odd. He scoffs, walking off to who knows where.

"Stay there, I'll get some firewood."

Soon enough he comes back, quickly setting up a small fire and preparing ingredients without a word. He doesn't miss the way you're staring at him almost in awe, trying to focus on the pot filled with rice quietly bubbling.

"Why do you look so surprised? ...of course I can cook, why couldn't I?"

Much to your surprise, the ochazuke he presents to you looks extremely appetizing--at least you thought so, maybe it's because you were really hungry. You gingerly took a bite, the light flavours of the green tea complimenting well with the plainness of the rice. When you look up to meet eyes with Wanderer, he's grinning slyly knowing you like the dish.

"Hmm, and you looked so reluctant for me to cook. What, did you think I was gonna poison it or something? Idiot, it's not like I wanna kill you, I would have done that when I still had the gnosis."

"Don't think I'm gonna do this for you every time you forget to eat, I'm not a babysitter."

"...What are you gawking at? Go wash the dishes."

 Dont Forget To Eat!

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1 year ago

Want lovies rn :(( I want Cyno’s hands on my waist, holding me close to him so I can feel his warmth :(( want him to comfort me, whispering sweet things in my ear with his soothing voice :((

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2 years ago

For you, and you only

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy!

This is my first time writing for cyno so his is a bit shorter 😭

Heizou,Kazuha,Kabukimono and Cyno (seperate) x gen neut!reader

Headcanon,fluff,not proofread, Kabukimono is Scaramouche 😭


For You, And You Only

HEIZOU ▪︎ analytical harmony

He loved solving puzzles and mysteries and you knew that when you started dating him

He'd take you to events that was specifically made for nerds who loved using their brains

You ended up just following him around though as he did all the puzzle solving 😭

Every once in a while though, you would solve a simple puzzle/crack the code/find a clue and he'd praise you like youre the smartest person ever

Proud bf coming through

But when events like that are not available, he'd make puzzle boxes and give it to you

Inside that said box, would be a little paper filled with sweet little nothings, or just a simple "have a good day today love :))"

Must admit, you look forward to getting those puzzles from him

Its that little thing which makes your relationship all the more sweeter

For You, And You Only

KAZUHA ▪︎ Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves

Gentle, poetic, a gentleman and handsome, he is truly the package

What more could you ask for anyways?

That man wants to let you know every waking moment that you are deserving of his love

And what other way would be more romantic than giving you weekly haiku's

He's settled on making one every week so he doesnt overwhelm you too much (which isnt true you love how he expresses his love)

And he wants to make a Haiku that truly resonates how he feels towards you

Kazuha only wants the best haiku's given to you

Alwaya puts his all into it

Because you deserve the world <33 (thats him he is world)

Sometimes, when he reads his haiku to you he'd give you a maple leave, or something he saw that gave inspiration for his latest haiku

You kept them all, youve got a shelf full of the trinkets he gave you as he recited his haiku

And placed his haikus in a special box

His goal for writing haiku's was not only to remind you of his love

But to also comfort you when he isnt around

Kazuha is a wanderer, a ronin, his home is in mother nature and he wants to travel

You understood of course, you would join him in some of his journeys when fate calls for it

But if you cant, reading the haikus he gave helps a lot as if he was truly there with you

His love is with you all the time no matter how far apart you both are

For You, And You Only

CYNO ▪︎ Judicator of Secrets

When you both first started dating and youre upset, Cyno usually freezes up and stares at you

Dont blame him though, he was afraid anything he did would make you even more upset

He never wanted to make you upset ever

You were his lovely partner he only wanted to make you smile and happy

It was really hard, especially with his serious personality

After a few months though, he finally found a way to comfort you

He'd sit down next to you in silence

Then crack up the most downright horrid joke ever with a blank face, looking straight at you

It never fails to make you laugh

He knew you were laughing at the fact that the joke was bad

But to him it didnt matter because he ends up seeing you smile

You were the only one who actually liked his stupid jokes, and listened to him as he explained it in great detail

You made him happy

It was time for him to return the favour

For You, And You Only

KABUKIMONO ▪︎ Puppet without a heart

He is a puppet, barely understanding human emotions but always trying his best to be just like them

When you both started dating, he felt more human than he ever did

He adores and appreciates you so much

He wants to be able to pay back all you have done for him

He doesnt know how to though, human emotions are complex and beautiful

Just like Kazuha, he wants to give his all when it comes to appreciating you and expressing his love for you

Sometimes, he'd walk by the shore of the beach

And if by some chance he's lucky, he'd find a seashell that reminds him of you

He doesnt pick a random seashell no, he'd collect all he sees as he walked around

And when he thinks he's found enough, he'll pick the prettiest one that reminded him of you

When he gave you a seashell for the first time and explaining in full detail why it reminded him of you

You almost cried, you appreciated it so much you made it as an accessory

He loved that you brought it around

That man started going out more finding more small things that reminded you of him

Half of the time he has his eyes stuck to the ground finding things to give to you

Everyone teases him for it, but Niwa would always defend him

Kuni just wants to see your eyes sparkle and see you smile when he gives you stuff

He wants to be the reason you smile

He'd spend his whole life time finding ways to make you happier than ever


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1 year ago


— genshin men with a short s/o headcanons ft. alhaithem, kaveh, tighnari, cyno, wanderer (lemme know if you guys want a 2nd part)

— this is an old draft that I decided to finish off and just get out of the way, so apologies if it’s badly written/short



bro is tall, he’s also extremely muscular which means a majority of people are shorter than him

doesn’t comment much about your height cause he doesn’t feel the need to do so

will sometimes place his head onto your own head and just lay there

doesn’t mind when you rest your head on his phat titties chest



teases tf outta you for your small stature

always asks you if you’ve never had milk or dairy (yes, even if you are lactose intolerant he’ll still ask u)

always compares your heights and your hand sizes

“look at those tiny hands, they look so cute”, “my hands are way bigger than yours, they practically engulf them”

will unabashedly use you as a rest, lays his arm on your shoulder and doesn’t move it no matter what



he’s quite short himself, so if you’re shorter than him your are so damn small (says my 4’10 ass)

isn’t quite used to people being shorter than him

he’s glad that when he hugs you that it’s quite easy

same with kisses, you don’t have to lean down, same for him



he isn’t the tallest either, so when you guys got together he was lowkey kinda happy you are shorter than him

cause he is kinda insecure about being short, but he doesn’t like admitting it

won’t tease you for your height, the same has happened to him and he knows how belittling it feels



is a short king. will tease you 24/7 for your height

calls you his short goober, don’t ask. don’t even think of asking him to change your nickname, cause he won’t

gives him an ego boost low key, but be sure to give him a small smack in the back of the head whenever he gets too high on his horse

if anyone else makes fun of your height, he’s angy, only he gets to call you short😡

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1 year ago


character(s) — cyno, tighnari, alhaitham, kaveh, wanderer

reader’s gender is not specified, nor is their race. I always try to make my fanfics as inclusive as possible

tw/cw — none ig, lmk if there are any

note(s) — I made this as an autistic person, however this may not include like every trait of someone with autism if that makes sense. PLS DON’T USE THIS FANFIC TO SELF DIAGNOSE URSELF WITH AUTISM, it’s important to get professionally diagnosed due to overlapping symptoms



he would be the perfect boyfriend tbh

like if you have any hyperfixations u wanna talk about? he’s all ears

even if he’s busy playing tcg with someone, he doesn’t mind you talking about your hyperfixations with him

my man can multitask, it ain’t hard

if ur not a big fan of large crowded areas, he will make sure to walk with you in the least busiest parts of sumeru city

if you don’t like loud noises, like the crowded area, he will try his best to make sure he doesn’t bring you to loud areas

if anyone ever makes fun or belittles you for having autism.... he will beat them up/hj

he will mainly use his threatening aura to make them apologies or just make them leave you alone

no one messes with the mahamatras partner and gets away with it

you have comfort foods? he’s learning how to make them. whenever he can’t make them, he will buy them for you

you’re clingy? he loves that, hug him all you want, fidget with his hands all u want, he’s smitten asf

struggle to make eye contact? he’s ok with that too! he’s actually kinda used to it tbh, cause people can barely look him in the eye due to his status

overall, quite protective and just overall rlly loving, doesn’t rlly care u have autism, he still loves u as you are <33



when it comes to your sensory issues, he can relate, as a fennec hybrid his senses can easily get overwhelmed, so don’t worry about your sensory issues being a burden, he’s totally ok with it

have comfort foods? he will make them as much as he possibly can, he doesn’t mind how simple they are, he’s making them and sometimes he will buy them whenever he goes to the city

you stim? he will support you with it, if he’s feeling generous, which he usually is since ur his partner, he will let you fidget with his tail and ears, as long as ur gentle with them obviously

have hyperfixations? he’s all ears, quite literally, you can tell him all about whatever it is ur obsessed with no matter what he’s up to, whilst he’s studying the wildlife? he doesn’t mind, whilst he’s patrolling the forest? go ahead

anyone ever makes fun of you or is mean to you, he will sort them out with a good telling off. this sassy fox man will give them the lecture of a lifetime, he doesn’t mind if it’s for u tho :)

collei is supportive as well, she’s even more so understanding than the other forest rangers mainly due to her elazer, it’s not the same in any way shape or form, but she understands what it feels like to be different



this man has traits that are quite similar to autism, so it doesn’t bother him that you have it, he’s supportive in his own way if you know what I mean

sensory issues? oh look, there’s now a pair of noise cancelling earphones for you, how strange, how’d that get there?

people would think that your stinking annoys him, newsflash it doesn’t. in a way he finds it kinda cute, but not in a belittling way if that makes sense

have hyperfixations? he can and will listen to you all day if he has to, and he would do it gladly too

doesn’t mind if ur clingy, he can read his book whilst you hug him on the couch or sum, kills two birds with one stone, he gets his research done, and you get cuddles

he’s actually a huge softy for you but won’t admit it to anyone, not even himself :))



kaveh is amazing, like best supportive boyfriend alert

if you have sensory issues, he can’t really help with the big crowds and loud noise but he’ll try his best to help you cope through it and give you distractions

like if ur in a crowded erea he’ll ask you to talk about your hyperfixations to him. if you don’t have hyperfixations he’ll just ask what you have done today

when it comes to taste sensory issues, he’ll try to avoid eating food that you dont like the smell of cause he doesn’t wanna overwhelm your nose. he will eat said food like that someplace else when ur not around

if you have comfort foods, he sadly can’t really buy them often since he doesn’t have a lot of money, but now and again as a special treat he can make it for you or buy it

clingy? great, he is too, cuddle him all you want, he’s not one to complain. wanna kiss him all over? go ahead, he embraces it

tries his best to understand how you work, he can sympathise with how frustrating things can be when people don’t quite understand you and how you work

you don’t like affection? that’s fine too, he will try to keep physical affection to a minimum as much as he possibly can, he can be affectionate in other ways tho

love language is probs spending personal time together, so that’s enough for him if u don’t want affection too

overall, 10/10 best boy and baby girl, recommend



ngl he’s not rlly the best, but he tries. it’s just really difficult for him to be nice since after all he’s been through, he tries tho, he really does

whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by large crowds and/or noises, he will pick you up bridal style and bring you to nahidas place, where it’s quiet and no one else is there

like certain foods? he can’t cook, since he was made by ei who can’t cook to save her life, so he will just buy your comfort foods for you instead

want cuddles? it depends on his mood wether or not he’ll comply, if he’s in a good mood, yes, if he’s in a neutral mood, yes, if he’s in a bad mood, no.

whenever you stim, he sometimes watches, other times he looks away, he doesn’t wanna say anything mean to you by accident

if you can’t understand sarcasm, he’ll try his best to not use it around you, but it’s difficult sometimes since he has used sarcasm for so long

if you have hyperfixations and like to talk about them, he will listen, doesn’t mind hearing you talk about your interests, in a strange way it fascinates him, sometimes he asks questions other times he just stays silent and nods his head now and again in acknowledgment

if he ever hears anyone being mean to you, wether that be on purpose or not, he’s finna throw some hands, and he will win. tries not to actually fight them, tries to argue with them. he tries to fight less cause it makes nahida kinda upset

speaking of nahida, she’s amazing with you, like the best person to ever go to. she’s the god of wisdom after all, more or less knows how to take care of you during certain phases, he sometimes actually goes to her for advice on your behaviours and how best to support you, but you didn’t hear that from me


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7 months ago

“To be up with you

with Cyno”

To Be Up With You

“I want to be with you,” he weakly tried to argue. The general had been trying through the night to stay awake with you. His reasoning? That he wants to be with you

It seemed silly, and you’re right. Because he absolutely is.

After all his patrolling and work, you thought a day off was in order. Even though he challenged you to genius invokation TCG several times, you watched and took care of him. Ensuring he could rest.

He objected this arrangement, but eventually relented until it came time for bed.

Even as he struggled to keep his ruby eyes open, he claimed that he had to stay up with you.

“Allow me to stay awake, or face. . .” He trailed off as you gently pushed him back. He had no energy to put up a fight.

You crawled under the covers of your bed alongside him. While he drew you in close, you whispered something that didn’t quite register in his exhausted mind.

“I’m not leaving your side any time soon, so please. Try to rest.”

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5 months ago

"The way she is with me

with Cyno"

"The Way She Is With Me

No one would believe you. No one would believe that the general mahamatra was sitting in front of you allowing you to place little flowers in his previously braided hair. Absolutely no one would think you were telling the truth if you announced how serene his expression was while asking how it looked.

And that was fine.

You didn't need others to believe you and your boyfriend's silly little moments like this. Maybe that's what made them so special. The fact that no one could replicate the behavior on either of your ends just made it that much more amusing.

"My art is completed," you triumphantly declared. He chuckled softly, content in this very state. Just with you in your guys' special date spot. Like a crevice in the universe just for the two of you, molded by his hands.

With his flower-strewn braids, he turned to face you slowly. He wasn't willing to destroy your handiwork. You noticed the smirk on his lips, "You really “rose” to the occasion, didn't you?"

You couldn't help but laugh at his typical antics.

And that laugh just made him fall a little further into your heart.

"The Way She Is With Me

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1 year ago

I had a brain rot these past couple of days where female reader and cyno were pen pals and used fake names for one another. But then when cyno and female reader meets for the first time cyno noticed how similar there hand writing and is immediantly smitten

Ooh that's so cute!

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

Cyno realising you're his pen pal

Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No Cw.

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

As soon as he met you, Cyno felt like he knew you from somewhere. He couldn't tell if it was the way you worded things, or the topics that you chose, but something about you felt familiar. And what's more, something about you just felt right; as if he'd wanted to meet you even before he knew you existed, (Of course, later he'd realise that he did know of your existence before that...).

He'd unknowingly watch you everytime you wrote something down, his subconscious mind having already put the pieces together before he had. But it's not like it was unusual for Cyno to be curious about someone's handwriting. It's a good way to recognise them, should he ever have to.

(But, he's glad that watching your words unfurl across the page seem to have a way of calming him, while also getting him somewhat excited, for some "unknown" reason...)

Everyone has a sense of irregularity when writing – it's impossible for your handwriting to be neat all of the time, or to stop your pen from blotching or smudging. But, that just means that the same pen would be likely to cause the same imperfections.

So, when Cyno takes notice of the handwriting, he can't help but be surprised. After all, what are the chances? However, that wouldn't quite be enough for him to know. He'd play it off as a coincidence, pushing it from his mind with a clear of his throat and a quick glance away. But when he looks back a second later, he sees the same blotting of ink above your "i"s and stamping of jumbled letters where the ink had printed onto the side of your hand as you wrote. And while even this is common enough to write off as chance, your signature sign off, even with a different name, is enough to convince him that it's really you.

Out of everyone, he'd know. From many hours of reading your words, and re-reading them over and over whenever he needed a little pick-me-up, no-one is better acquainted with your lettering and wording than Cyno is...

As much as Cyno wants to ask you then and there, he manages to hold himself back. Barely.

He doesn't need the reassurance; he'd already known it from the start.

Plus, wouldn't it be funny if he confronted you about it in a letter of his own, sent to the "pen-name" he'd been so affectionately involved with over the past year? Cyno certainly thinks so.

Thank you for reading! 🩷

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake
I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

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1 year ago

how do you think cyno would deal with COVID in a modern setting? would he distance from his partner or stay inside with them the whole time?

See, this is kind of hard to tell.

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

COVID lockdowns with Cyno

Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No Cw

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

As soon as there was talk of lockdowns, Cyno would be looking into it. He'd be skeptical, but worried at the same time.

He wouldn't know what to do at first. He wouldn't want to bring you any harm, in case he was already carrying the virus without knowing, but he also wouldn't want to be away from you for too long.

Because the lockdowns kept going on and off, I think you'd be separated for the first one (that being around 3 months). Cyno would check up on you every couple of days, but ultimately, he'd mostly leave it to you to reach out for the first 2 weeks or so. He'd definitely be a little worried about annoying you too often at first, so once you basically "set the schedule" of how much you wanted to text, video chat, or whatever, he'd follow along and continue that.

Of course, when that first lockdown ends, Cyno would be wanting to see you in person the first chance he gets. Texting, voice calls, videos, and pictures just weren't quite cutting it for him anymore, and it's likely that you were getting a bit impatient by this point, too.

By the time the next lockdown rolled around, you were basically living together, anyway. After so long physically apart, Cyno wanted to hang around. "Just in case," he'd try to play it down. Of course, he was a little bit anxious, despite how much he denied it.

After that, things would go quite smooth. You'd be comfortable, you wouldn't be lonely or worried about each other anymore, and you'd have some pretty good entertainment with all of Cyno's jokes that he'd be trying to cheer you up with.

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or
How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

Thank you for reading! 🩷

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1 year ago

Helloo!! I've been reading a lot of your posts and it's really good! I love it so muchh. I was wondering if you can write about Cyno with an s/o who is really energetic, like they're talk a lot and just can't stop moving around. Either tapping their feet or fidgeting with their fingers. It's fine if you don't want to.. But if you do, I really appreciate it!! Thank you in advance <3

Helloo!! I've Been Reading A Lot Of Your Posts And It's Really Good! I Love It So Muchh. I Was Wondering

Cyno with an energetic S/O

Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No CWs

Helloo!! I've Been Reading A Lot Of Your Posts And It's Really Good! I Love It So Muchh. I Was Wondering

Cyno is someone who is often reserved and quiet, preferring to spend a lot of time alone or with just a few close friends. But, when he starts dating someone who is talkative and energetic, he is forced out of his shell and into more drawn-out social situations. Initially, he may be a bit overwhelmed by their high energy level and constant chatter, but he comes to appreciate it as a positive influence on his life.

Cyno finds his partner's fidgety and energetic nature endearing, even if it can be a bit distracting at times (sometimes finding it hard to concentrate on work). He likes to watch them fidget with their hands or bounce their leg when they get excited about something; he finds it amusing and will gently tease them about it.

Despite his initial reservations, cyno finds that he enjoys engaging in long conversations with his talkative partner. He likes to hear about their day, their thoughts and opinions on various topics. He may not be as talkative as they are, but he is a good listener and is always interested in what they have to say.

Dating someone who is so energetic and enthusiastic about life inspires Cyno to try new things and step out of his comfort zone. He may go on more adventurous dates or participate in activities he wouldn't normally consider, all in the name of making his partner happy.

While Cyno is generally calm and composed, he does have a mischievous streak that his partner may bring out in him. He'll find himself surprising them with unexpected pranks or teasing them in a playful, flirty way.

Overall, having someone full of energy by his side is great, as it helps him balance out his serious nature and brings out a more playful side of Cyno that he may not show to others. He enjoys the dynamic they have together and can't help but find their enthusiasm infectious.

Helloo!! I've Been Reading A Lot Of Your Posts And It's Really Good! I Love It So Muchh. I Was Wondering
Helloo!! I've Been Reading A Lot Of Your Posts And It's Really Good! I Love It So Muchh. I Was Wondering

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Thank you for reading! 🩷

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