Da Veilguard - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I am 100% calling this now after watching some of his recruitment mission: Assan is party's #1 baby but Lucanis is the #2 baby.

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6 months ago

Replaying DA:I in anticipation for Veilguard remembering that I cannot give Cassandra Pentaghast the love she deserves because I only play female characters.

Replaying DA:I In Anticipation For Veilguard Remembering That I Cannot Give Cassandra Pentaghast The

(Also I find it funny that the odd number games have gender/race specific romance but the evens dont)

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5 months ago

How spoiler-y is the gameplay trailer? I really want to watch but I want absolutely no spoilers for this game. (Small details on lore and world building are fine but no big plot stuff)

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5 months ago

So I dont recall where I saw this but allegedly Veilguard won't have custom world states? Is this true or nah

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6 months ago

thinking about how, at the end of DAO and DAI, no matter what your character has done, how they're been throughout their game as a person, what choices they made, they're celebrated. They're embraced as The Hero of the Day, the ultimate savior. They're either mourned as a hero and celebrated with kind words, or have a whole celebration in their name. They're The Star at the end of the game. and then there's DA II. And there is no celebration for you, no heroic ending that satisfies your heroic deeds and urges. Yes, they bow to you if you side with templars. And still, there's no joy. No happines of liberation. Only obidience and acceptance of what faith has brought upon everyone eventually. There is no big happy winning. And then, when you side with mages, there is not even a single thankful soul at the very end. Templars let you go. They don't touch you. They flinch as you approach. They're scared of you. There is no winning whatsoever in this game, if you think about it. No grand evil stopped, only blood spilled everywhere and things coming into motion. thinking about how... i want the same for DATV. It would be very thematically convinient, as we can guess that the questions of status quo, historical revisionism and legacy are very important for this story, and while i wouldn't exactly hope that Rook eventually has to decide if the veil should be kept or destroyed, i think we eventually will be met with the events of the upmost importance, with the result that for a lot of people might be very controversial. I want the game to end without THE happy ending, but more than that, i want the game that ends with the world that is not the same and it doesn't celebrate that. Something happened. Something so big and unthinkable that we all need time to just let that sink in. There is no hero of the day - the world is changed, at its core. No one celebrates that. There are no heroes and saviors. Maybe only those who are guilty.

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6 months ago

ALSO, ALSO- thinking about the fact that we can't change Rook's last name, and it's predetermined by from which fraction your Rook is. which is- Antivan crows are ruled by the "houses" system. Usually assassins use their house's name as their last name, like Zevran's last name is actually the name of his house, Arainai. What house is crow!Rook from?? what if they're from house Dellamorte? What if they're from house Arainai???? What if they are from any other house????????? what sort of dynamic they will be having with Lucanis then????? Hello?? I'll take a guess, judging by gameplay reveal, that crow!Rook is most likely to be NOT from house Dellamorte, as, for example, it is stated in reveal that Neve never actually met shadow dragon!Rook before, so they're most likely to take the same approach with other companions and fractions, and k i n d a make them from the same field but, still, make them be strangers ughhhh i physically need to think about this game every single moment, i need this week's reveal and the "companions week" reveal like an air, pleaaaaaaaseeeeee

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6 months ago

Now, I’m not saying I straight up want this to happen, or that DATV will 100% be a game good enough for this to happen (it probably won’t), or if it can even qualify

But wouldn’t it be so fucking funny if DATV won this year’s Game Awards. You know, the 10th anniversary Game Awards. You know. Just like DAI won the very first Game Awards. Wouldn’t that be fun and fit for a good ending

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5 months ago

Thinking about how DAI was so political? You were deciding the fate of entire STATES, the fundamental INSTITUTIONS. Who is to rule Orlay? What to happen to Circles and mages? Templar order? Seekers? Do you choose to reveal the truth of falsified history? Which of your decisions will determine the next Divine, you know, the single most important person in the whole Andrastean Thedas?

And then NON of this will matter in DATV. It doesn’t matter what’s the state of the world is going to be, who’s in charge, who’s in power, who’s oppressed. The world is about to get destroyed, literally. The very physical reaping of the whole world doesn’t care about politics negotiations and wars. Everything will be in danger.

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4 months ago
Day 9 Of #Veiltober - Harding!Looks Like Harding Might Have Something For You...

Day 9 of #Veiltober - Harding! Looks like Harding might have something for you... 👀

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8 months ago

Okay but guys imagine all of the wonderful angsty Solavellan banter we can get between Rook and Solas

Rook: *interacts with a picture Solas painted, a poem, etc.*

Rook: Cute. So who’s the lucky lady?

Solas: Please refrain. Those are personal.

Rook: Oooh, the dread wolf has a private diary? A secret love life?

Solas: My “love life” is no business but my own.

Rook: I hate to break it to you, but it’s going to be reallly hard to not be in each other’s business for the foreseeable future.

Rook: Sooo, I have to ask.. are the rumors true? That you were interested in the inquisitor?

Solas: No. That is insulting.

Solas: I am in love with her.

Rook: “in”? As in, currently?

Solas: …I would prefer if we do not discuss the matter further.

Rook: *flirts with a companion*

Solas: Is that your attempt at entering a courtship?

Rook: Oi, butt out of it. What would you know about romance, anyway?

Solas: More than you, it seems.

Rook: *in an argument with a romanced partner*

Solas: You should make amends.

Rook: I did nothing wrong!!

Solas: Perhaps you feel that way currently. But you must ask yourself if losing what you have in the long run is worth this stubbornness. Do not allow love to become regret.

Rook: I honestly think this Inquisitor lady is blown way out of proportion. I doubt she’ll live up to the stories.

Solas: Do not insult Lady Lavellan. She is a kind and generous spirit that is rare to find in this world. Her bravery and selflessness are unlike any I have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

Rook: Ha! Gotcha! You DO still love her!

/Part 2/

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7 months ago
My Love, Are You The Devil?
My Love, Are You The Devil?

My love, are you the devil?

I would worship you instead of him

I have no time for confession

For I'm too busy committing sins

Paris Paloma - The Fruits

Commission by Будка банановой собаки|BananaDog

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6 months ago
Solavellans Need A Happy Ending

Solavellans need a happy ending❤️🤲

My Lavellan, her babyboi and their elven glory child 🌚🌝

Art by @bluebananadog ❤️

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