amalthea-abstractions - Amalthea’s Abstractions
Amalthea’s Abstractions

Malthie • 26 • She/Her/HersAmalthea’s random blog! Sister Blog to @amalthea-fictions. —Please choose to be a kind human, today and every day.—

65 posts

Amalthea-abstractions - Amaltheas Abstractions - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons
It's Been 3000 Years, But Finally The Second Part Of This! Garrus Needs To Learn Not To Push Shep's Buttons

It's been 3000 years, but finally the second part of this! Garrus needs to learn not to push Shep's buttons when she has clearance to override the shower time limits. He's lucky he's cute.

Also 'shorter second part'? Yeah I'm gonna stop saying that...

Part 1 • Previous Part

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1 year ago

Haha I love this idea! And cue the conversations like

“I have my PhD”

“Oh wow that’s amazing! What is it in?”

“Force studies”

“Oh. One of those degrees🙄”

you know i was thinking about it and since both the force and the inner workings of the human mind are arguably non-observable phenomena i think force-based academia should look a lot like psychology. current arguments and achievements of note include:

are the living and universal force actually different???

are the living and universal force actually connected at all???

those two factions of academics who hate each other's guts and theories and methodology (feat. pragmatists who figured out that the theories work together really effectively when practiced??? just saying)



that one researcher who accidentally won the space nobel prize in physics while trying to figure out how it is Physically Possible for the Jedi to do That One Thing

we have no empirical evidence that "the force" exists and therefore we can ONLY make conclusions based on observable events--- (loud angry yelling)

incredible amounts of popular misinformation and pseudoscience being distributed to the public still somehow

psychometric abilities: discrete or dimensional?

look. this experiment was completely unethical and we would never do anything like it today BUT---

this used to be true but then we told people about it and it changed as a result of that awareness. no we're not lying to you----

everything can be 100% traced back to a biomedical source

nothing can be 100% traced back to a biomedical source

force abilities are actually linked to overarching social factors like socioeconomic status of parents and--- *yelling from the back* OKAY BUT WHAT DO WE DO WITH THAT

look. listen. 60% applicability is golden in this field. you're a hard science researcher you wouldn't understand how hard it is to study an invisible energy field with a mind of its own

and, of course, the interdisciplinary argument staple

that isn't actually a real science :/

1 year ago


But you guys are right. He wouldn’t understand what the hype is about these cartoons (see: Situational and Dramatic Irony). He would try and show the crew some old Bruce Lee movies. Zoro would fall asleep 5 minutes in. To everyone else’s dismay, Luffy loves them and tries imitating the fights. 💀

If the Straw Hats Watched Anime, What Would Be Their Favorite?

Luffy: Naruto. You can’t tell me that “I WILL be hokage one day” doesn’t resonate with Mr. “I’m gonna be king of the pirates!”

Zoro: Rorouni Kenshin Samurai X. Probably tried to learn the Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki at some point tbh

Nami: this one was hard for me to come up with, but I think it would be something like Inuyasha— something nostalgic that reminds her of her childhood when times were simpler

Usopp: Pokémon!! He has watched all the animes, all the movies, played every video game, collects the cards, and will proudly show off his figurine collection if he finds out you’re into Pokémon too

Sanji: Ouran Host Club. Don’t hate me, look deep in your heart and you know it to be true 💀

Chopper: Hamtaro (he will sing along with the theme song)

Robin: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai. She loves that it cleverly plays on theories for scientific phenomena while also having a cute story.

Franky: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ⭐️ He’ll do the poses too

Brook: The English dub of Ghost Stories. Ifykyk

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1 year ago

If the Straw Hats Watched Anime, What Would Be Their Favorite?

Luffy: Naruto. You can’t tell me that “I WILL be hokage one day” doesn’t resonate with Mr. “I’m gonna be king of the pirates!”

Zoro: Rorouni Kenshin Samurai X. Probably tried to learn the Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki at some point tbh

Nami: this one was hard for me to come up with, but I think it would be something like Inuyasha— something nostalgic that reminds her of her childhood when times were simpler

Usopp: Pokémon!! He has watched all the animes, all the movies, played every video game, collects the cards, and will proudly show off his figurine collection if he finds out you’re into Pokémon too

Sanji: Ouran Host Club. Don’t hate me, look deep in your heart and you know it to be true 💀

Chopper: Hamtaro (he will sing along with the theme song)

Robin: Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai. She loves that it cleverly plays on theories for scientific phenomena while also having a cute story.

Franky: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure ⭐️ He’ll do the poses too

Brook: The English dub of Ghost Stories. Ifykyk

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1 year ago

Okay but also

someone on Space Tumblr posts “ok but imagine Archangel in a relationship with Commander Shepard”

and it blows up

There’s factions of people who think it’s a stupid pairing and that Archangel and definitely not a knockoff of Aria from season 1 should come back

The Sharchangel shippers write fan fictions

(Joker always sends those screenshots into the Normandy group chat with the caption LMAOOO)

((He has an account called @Sharchangel4Ever))


Archangel leaves a mark on pop culture on Omega. There's a multi-season vidset, or something, because the guy helped a lot of people and saved a lot of lives, and ended a lot of intimidation and exploitation, and Omega isn't exactly rife with heroes. It's a good story.

So there's a lasting media impression. Garrus laughs it off when it comes out - when the crew tease him about the CW-casting Ruggedly Handsome turian actor playing his alter ego, or the shoehorned-in kiss-kiss-bang-bang romance arc between "Archangel" and the asari crime queen of Omega, who's very clearly an Aria T'Loak analogue edited just enough that the real thing won't go hunting down the film crew. He tells Shepard the real stories that inspired certain episodes, with an abundance of dry humour and an unexpected level of self-deprecation. But she can tell it bothers him, because - the thing is, the vid portrays him as a lone wolf vigilante. And he wasn't.

Sometimes, the character will say a cliche line about doing better alone or his lifestyle being too dangerous to get close to others, and Shepard will glance over at Garrus and find him just. Staring into the middle distance, like he's not really there with her anymore, and she thinks, he isn't. Not really. He's back in that hideout, coming home to a massacre. He's draping sheets over the lifeless bodies of the friends who died horribly to protect him. He's remembering their faces, and realising that no one else ever will, even as they celebrate him - the one he ultimately holds responsible.

So she reaches out to her contacts in the media world, and manages to track down the people making the vid. It's not exactly hard, but it's time consuming - she gets in touch with the actor playing the lead on the extranet, he points her to the director, the director sends her to the writers, who send her to the studio, and then to the financiers. But she convinces them to change it. When the next season releases, Archangel starts meeting/recruiting his team.

And he never mentions it - at least, not to her - but she thinks that seems to ease something in Garrus. His team immortalised on the silver screen, given credit for their part in his story, portrayed as heroes for what they were trying to do.

(He doesn't watch the last few episodes - Sidonis' betrayal, the massacre, his desperate last stand against the united gang forces, the revelation that Archangel's body was never found. Neither does she. But she checks what viewers are saying on social media later on, and honestly, she hopes he does, too.)

((She thinks he could do with all the reminders that those deaths were not his fault))

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1 year ago
Oh No, I've Done It Again, I've Tainted A Cute Idea With Angst

Oh no, I've done it again, I've tainted a cute idea with angst

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2 years ago

Late to the train but YES! There’s a great fic on AO3 that explores this idea and gives Saizo the original name of “Yamakaji” ~
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I just had the most upsetting Kaze thought.

“Saizo” is the name bestowed upon the one who becomes the new chief of the Igasato Clan. It’s passed down from family head to family head. Saizo wasn’t always his brother’s name. He got it after their father’s death- as he’s the older twin. But, like, it’s totally possible to kill Saizo off during Conquest. Doubly so in any playthrough if you’re doing classic mode.

But… if Saizo dies, then Kaze becomes the new chief. His name probably gets changed to Saizo the Sixth (assuming Asugi doesn’t exist) as his brother had been Saizo the Fifth. Kaze, who had gotten so used to referring to his brother as Saizo, would have to be called by the exact same name shortly after losing him.

Imagine how painful that would be.

I Just Had The Most Upsetting Kaze Thought.

And, like, he’s a ninja, and is very secretive by nature, so he’d probably keep any and all emotions about it bottled up.

Aghhhhhhhhh!!! KAZEEEEEEE!!!!!

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2 years ago
amalthea-abstractions - Amalthea’s Abstractions

so yk how for final selection students use their mentors nichirin sword since they don’t have their own yet?

do you think urokodaki knows haganezuka so well because he keeps making him new swords after all his students die to that neck demon?

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2 years ago
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall
Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall

Aaaand this Is my Christmas gift for yall

Aaaand This Is My Christmas Gift For Yall

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2 years ago
I Have Seen Discussion About Her Hair Having Been Darker Once But I Always Assumed It Used To Be Fully
I Have Seen Discussion About Her Hair Having Been Darker Once But I Always Assumed It Used To Be Fully

I have seen discussion about her hair having been darker once but I always assumed it used to be fully green??! 🍡

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3 years ago

I really love this request! I was asked to do the Wandavision quote in darker colors, which challenged me because I typically work in light pastels. I’m happy with how it came out and hope you all like it too!

I Really Love This Request! I Was Asked To Do The Wandavision Quote In Darker Colors, Which Challenged

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3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
amalthea-abstractions - Amalthea’s Abstractions


"I Will Fulfill My Duty! I Will Not Allow Anyone Here To Die!" Rengoku Kyojuro
"I Will Fulfill My Duty! I Will Not Allow Anyone Here To Die!" Rengoku Kyojuro

"I will fulfill my duty! I will not allow anyone here to die!" Rengoku Kyojuro 🥺🥺🥺

"Demon Slayer: Mugen Train"

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