Talia Al Ghul - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Marry Me

by @bluethursday

Marry Me | Marry Me: In Laws

Marry Me: Breakfast | Marry Me: Mothers

Marry Me: Valentine | Marry Me: Highschool

Marry Me: Firsts | Marry Me: Brothers

Marry Me: Mock Wedding | Marry Me: Bully

Marry Me: Compulsion | Marry Me: Mountain

Marry Me: School Dance

The first thing that comes out of Damian’s mouth when he speaks to Tim is “Marry Me.”

They had never spoken before, but Damian had stalked from afar, hunted his prey and observed everything there was to observe about one Timothy Jackson Drake.

He concluded his observation with two thoughts. One, Timothy was perfect and two, Damian needed him in ways that made his chest hurt when he thought of Tim going off and marrying people who weren’t Damian Wayne.

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@otakucalsama @helianthuss-annuss @number-426 @magical-elves-haunt-me-blog @dementedcat @avalovesfic @themissfandomheart @eltte @oracle-life @newphonewhosthis @heartslogos @xynonsworld @coolgirl874 @cat100200 @an-entity-i-think @arthena819 @slythernpotato @elysian-keir @leismyqueen @ashe-is-crying @uhmytimingsucksright @theturdis @pookahime-blog @leth2001-blog1 @the-quiet-carrotcake @strayprncess @fu-kheaven

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2 years ago

Searching for a Maribat Fic (2). Help?

I actually just red this recently but I wasn't able to finish it cause of wifi problems and I couldn't find it again. This is a tumblr fic btw. Marinette is actually an Al Ghul and she ran away around 5 and some years ago because smth bad was gonna happen to her. Talia didn't know why and thought it might've been because she was a girl and thought her father as a hypocrite. After her father died she started searching for her with the League (cause they weren't hypocrites) and found her in Paris, she was gonna give Mari a chance to be a heiress or not and if she didn't want to then she was fine to stay in Paris. She entered Paris with the League and noticed the Miraculi magic, she and the others didn't mind because all they were here for was her daughter not knowing they were gonna come across a war. They came across the Miraculous Team fighting Hawkmoth, throwing his staff at Ladybug, that was turned into a sword.

That's pretty much where I ended before I accidentally lost it. Pls help me, the fic was interesting as far as I red and I want to finish it.

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2 years ago

Searching for a Maribat Fic (3). Help?

I remember reading this fic in AO3. I'm not sure if it was a Daminette or if it was Bio Dad Bruce or Marinette getting adopted by the Wayne Family. I just remember that the BatFam knows about Mari being the Guardian and then they end up talking about the Lazarus Pit and the effects it left on Jason and Damian. Mari offered to heal them but she'll have to make positions and the healing needs to be private for each person. Mari first heals Jason and she uses the mouse miraculous to use multiple miraculous and one of them was the Cat. She uses it to cataclysm Jason on the chest and his last thought went smth along the line of 'Why?'. After that, I think she revives Jason? I don't remember much about how she brought them back. I do know that she uses her blood for the potion because it needed the blood of someone who is intimate with death or maybe the word was someone who understood death very well. Ofc BatFam doesn't know this until she heals Jason and starts healing Damian. With Damian, it went a little differently. She kills him and pulls/takes the Chaos Shard from his chest and makes a clone of hers jump into space so that the chaos shard can explode in a safe area, which ends up killing clone her. BatFam finds out what she had to do after that and were devestated.

And that's pretty much all that I remember of that Fic. Put a link in the comments below if you know what fic it is. Or at least the title and author of it. Thank You very much.

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7 months ago

Dick Grayson sends a text to the bat sibling group chat at like 3 in the morning before going to bed, something like

Ppl are always so quick to call me a whore, as if I didn’t learn it from my father, Batman, the biggest whore

And then wakes up to 500+ missed messages because he accidentally sent that to the titans and JL joint gc

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5 months ago

Spencer Reid is a bat Good Mom!Talia Editon One-shot

Spencer Reid has been an enigma for as long as Derek had known him.

Eidetic memory, never wore matching socks, love for statistics and math, and a special interest in languages, etc. Reid was one of his closest friends in the bau for years now, but he'd never have guessed how hot his mom was.


Spencer was having a terrible day. Firstly, he forgot his lunch, missed his stop, had to wait for the next, and then almost ran to work, and when he finally made it, the coffee machine was broken. The only thing that was going to save it was the fact his mom was coming into town for a mission and wanting to meet up after work.

"You're late, pretty boy!" Morgan laughed at him. He attempted to ruffle his hair, but he dodged it, knocking himself against his desk. That would leave a bruise. At least his family wasn't here, Dami would tell him he was embarrassing the family name despite the fact he didn't even have the family name.

"Fuck..." he grumbled clutching his leg and limped behind his desk to collapse into his chair.

"Definitely not my day." He complained.

"Come on, boy genius! At least we dont have a case!" Penelope exclaimed.

"Pleaee for the love of God dont jinx us." Prentiss begged, lining up her paperwork on her desk.

"Bad day, Spencer?" She queried amused." Don't even get me started." He complained, throwing his arms back.

She snickered at him but returned to her own work. Garcia continued past to her own office after stealing her pen he borrowed yesterday, and Morgan simply smirked and sat back down.

The day continued with occasional questions or jokes. Some of the paperwork had begun to stack, and they were taking the day to complete it, but the rhythm of paperwork was drolling.


Penelope had made a deliciously delightful and creamy pasta dish for dinner last night and taken the leftovers to split with her chocolate thunder. Derek and her were currently on their way to the closest microwave when they saw her.

Her being an incredibly good-looking older woman of possible Middle Eastern descent approached them.

"You two look like you know your way around the building, care to show me the way to the cafeteria?" She spoke with a calm and fluid voice with slight humor in it and an Arabic accent. The kind of voice, the words, that just roll together, and you just know they sing heavenly. Her eyes were sharp and intelligent, and it raised a slightly uneasy feeling in her stomach.

She was dressed simply but richly. The kind of clothes she could only dream to buy and never pull off.

"I don't know who's asking?" Derek attempted to flirt.

"I don't appreciate my time being wasted by shameless dogs like you. I'm already spoken for, and even if i wasn't, i certaintly wouldn't waste my time with you." She spoke harshly, shoving past between them barely avoiding bumping shoulders.

"Good lordy, what her problem?" She attempted to joke, trying to pick up her slack jaw.

"I don't know, but i don't like it." Derek warned in that sexy and mysterious voice of his.

Derek turned around and trailed behind that woman's expensive pencil skirt. She unfortunately realized that she wasn't going to be able to heat up her pasta and would have to eat it cold again. She lamented for a second, then followed him past the few people milling about.


Derek had been in the fbi, police, and marines way too long to not be suspicious of a woman like that. He's seen plenty of men underestimate pretty women and miss the sharp keen eyes and get stabbed by their sharp keen knives, and he wasn't going to let that happen to any of his friends. Mostly Reid and Baby girl, the others don't need his help all that much.

She was walking fast, suddenly with a mission, and Derek somehow lost her in the lunch crowd. Eventually, he realized he couldn't see her and was getting nowhere, so they made the decision to head back to the bullpen she was probably long gone anyway.

By the time they made their way back after they found a microwave , they had all but forgotten about the mysterious woman until they saw her perched on Spencer's desk stealing his food.

Henquicku catologed the others in room watching in the room. Rossi and Emily were shamelessly watching a few desks away while Hotch and JJ were near his office on the railing, both pretending not to notice.

"What's going on?"He whispered to them. "That is apparently a woman close enough with Spencer to go to his apartment while he's gone and notice his lunch is on the counter so she made him homemade to replace it and brought it to his work." Rossi stated without looking away.

The woman was smiling lovingly at Spencer, and sharing a large dish of some Middle Eastern dish, he'd butcher the name of.

They continued shamelessly staring, but the woman would occasionally look st, then from the corner of her eyes. Spencer was laughing with her and smiling wider than he's seen him smile in years.

" I can't do this anymore. I'm asking them." Emily suddenly announced stsndingnuo and taking the room in great strides.

" Wait, Prentiss-" both he and Rossi tried in vain to stop her and were outmatched by Garcia folding shirts after her much slower.

"Hi, SSA of the BAU Emily Prentiss." She introduced herself with a kind smile and an outstretched hand.

"It took you all long enough to end your blatant eavesdropping." She spoke harshly, staring at the hand as if it had personally offended her.

"Talia, please not now." Spencer hissed at her, his voice scandalized.

"But habbibi-," the newly dubbed Talia tried defensively, attempting to explain himself.

Habbibi? Wasn't that some kind of Arabic word for love or something like it. He really wasn't as languidly gifted as the others.

"These are my friends and coworkers. Please play nice for my sake." Spencer pleaded. He could see Hotch and JJ finally making their way to them from the corner of his eye.

He turned to look questionably to look at Rossi but only got a shrug and a grimace all in one.

"Talia, pleased to make your acquaintance." She spoke as if her words poked at her own being.

" I'm-" He attempted.

"I already know who you all are, kalb." She spoke disdaned.

" Mom!" Spencer shouted suddenly incredibly offended.

"Mom...?" He heard Garcia mutter under bresth. You and me both baby girl.

" Reid, who is this?" Hotch questioned.

" Why I'm his mother. Don't you see the resemblance?" She spoke smoothly, her chin coming to rest on her hand. Her crossed legs and one hand on her lap while the other rested on her leg holding her head up directly contrasting Spencer's scandalized face, but the way he was now leaning backward arms crossed staring her down started to seem a little familiar.

While their mannerism were similar, their everything else was different. Spencer face shared no Middle Eastern features, and with light curly brown hair and chocolate eyes, her straight dark brown hair, and almost glowing emerald eyes, they were far from having any family resemblance.

"I thought your mother was Diana Reid?" Garcia asked hesitantly.

"Well, genetically speaking, yes." He answered, cringing st his own words.

"And legally." Hotch spoke deeply.

"Well, my beloved never cared much about laws anyway." She waved it off, disinterested.

"Mom! We are in a federal building!"

" What? You know he kidnapped Jason off the streets. That's far from the worst law he's broken anyway." She continued.

"He was later legally adopted. I never was." He spoke, his voice wavered slightly.

"Oh, habbibi, he would adopt you the second you asked. He keeps all the papers up to date in his office." She comforted.

" I... Um Hotch?-" His eyes were becoming suspiciously damp.

" Take the rest of the day, Reid." Hotch spoke simply before turning bakc to his office talimg Rossi with him. What a softie.

And as he watched Spencer and his mom walk out, he couldn't help but think more on the enigma of Spencer Reid.

A/n I loved writing Penelope and tried to bleed her cooky personality into her pov. The reason why Talia is a little bit more harsh is because she knows they weren't really there for her son when he was struggling with like Hankle and the other stuff so I wanted to make her have a bit of a grudge against them.

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3 years ago

It's getting better . . . right?

A (very) brief look into how Damian’s life with the League was.

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Ao3 // Wattpad

previous II next

I'm confused (Part 3)

Damian wanted to spend the whole afternoon in the shower. He wanted to forget everything.

He needed a break.

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions for him. Everything was so confusing.

It was too much.

Although his brothers were becoming more tolerant towards him. It still felt forced.

And to make it worse, things were only getting worse at school.

Today was a good example of that.

His peers usually ridiculed him in private. Somewhere they couldn’t get caught.

They’ve never mocked him in such a public space before. Especially not a public space where adults could return at any time.

It was different.

Damian hates how he allows his mind to wonder how the outcome might’ve been different. If the librarian walked in on what they were doing to Damian, would she have tried to stop it?

Or would she just turn a blind eye?

He hoped that it wasn’t the latter. The librarian was one of the only adults in the facility that Damian could somewhat tolerate.

Out of nowhere, he felt the water become hotter and cursed.

It felt like he was back in the League and they were throwing lava at him again. He was supposed to learn two lessons during that exercise.

One: Learn how to withstand the heat.

If Damian could survive being pelted with lava, he could survive or at least tolerate any high temperature.

And if he got gravely injured or didn’t survive during the lesson? Well, there’s a reason that they had the Lazarus pit.

Any burns or scars that Damian had would dissolve. As if they never existed. It was the one thing he liked about the pit.

Without it, Damian’s whole body would be littered with scars. From the intense training sessions, he’s gone through to the punishments that he has suffered from. Scars were something that he was accustomed to.

Two: Learn how to dodge

If he didn’t want his skin to burnt because of the lava, then he better evade the numerous attacks. It didn’t matter if Damian got hit: there was a sequence on how they launched it. And they wouldn’t stop until all the gallons of lava were empty.

All the injuries that Damian received during that training session might’ve brought him a lot of pain, but it worked.

In the end, Damian believes that the torment that he had gone through was worth it because he had acquired something from it.

He could only hope that it would be the same here.


Getting out of the shower was harder than Damian thought it would be. He had quickly gotten used to the boiling drops that crashed onto his skin and instantly accepted the pain.

He deserved it after all.

After a few minutes of staring at his sunken reflection, he forced himself to go back to his room.

He didn’t expect to see his siblings lounging around like they owned the place.

Damian hesitated, not knowing what to do.

“Do you guys require my assistance?”

All three heads immediately turned towards him and Grayson’s smile brightened.

“Hey baby-bat.” he greeted, “Any plans today?”

Why do they keep asking that? What do they want from me?

Damian slowly nodded, “Actually,” he lied. “I do.”

The dark-headed trio glanced at each other and Todd raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”



He wants to stay home.

“So you aren’t lying?”

He is.

Damian forced a scowl on his face, “No, I’m not.”

The older bat kept pushing, “Are you positive?”

Damian kept a straight face, trying not to let his annoyance show. “Definitely,” he walked forward avoiding the spots where his brothers resided, and crossed his arms. “You guys can leave now.”

Drake walked towards him and Damian had to force himself not to flinch.

Please don’t punish me. I didn’t do anything wrong.

“So you wouldn’t mind telling us what your plans are?”

Damian raised an eyebrow, “I don’t need to tell you anything. It’s none of your business.”

Why can’t they just leave me alone?

“We just want to get to know you better, baby-bat.” Grayson gently assured. “You’ve been here for around a year and we barely know you.”

Damian tutted, “And who’s fault is that exactly?”

His. It was his fault.

Damian knew that it was his fault that no one wanted to get to know him. He was the unwanted one. The one no one expected.

He was an Al Ghul.

A murderer.

He has so much blood in between his fingers and he hasn’t even reached the age of eighteen.

Drake scoffed, “You didn’t exactly make it easy for us to get to know you.”

Of course, he’s right. Drake is always right.

“And am I supposed to care about that?” Damian retorted, “I don’t need plebeians like you to understand me. People like you aren’t-”

“Damian.” Grayson’s stern voice cut through the room like a whip. “Enough.”

“But he was- I didn’t-“ Damian’s voice sounded pitiful in his ears. “Drake was the one who started it.”

The teen scowled at him, narrowing his eyes at Damian. “Why am I not surprised that you’re shifting the blame to me?”

“I’m not shifting the blame towards anyone!” Damian screamed in frustration, trying to get his brothers to understand. “I'm telling the truth!”

The emotions that trashed inside of him for weeks have finally begun to still. As if even they’ve grown tired of trying to figure everything out.

Nothing made sense anymore.

One moment, his brother would act like how his mother would describe a family. Caring, loyal, and loving.

Then the next, they would remind Damian of how the League treated him. Cold, worthless, and unworthy.

Weren’t they supposed to be the good guys?

“What’s going on here?”

Damian turned and saw his father’s muscular frame towering over the door. The tone of his voice was calm, but Damian could see how his blue eyes seemed to rage, demanding for answers.

Damian forced his face to become neutral as he tried to explain the situation. “Father, I was ju-”

“You know, the usual.” Drake interrupted him, “The demon child acting like a brat, throwing his weight around like he owns the place.”

“I was not-”

“Damian.” his father’s voice was coated in the familiar intonation that Damian could never recognize. Was it disgust? Annoyance? Anger? A mix of all? “We’ve talked about this.”

No, they haven’t.

His father barely acknowledged Damian unless he was reporting a mission, or if he did something wrong. Sadly, it was mostly the latter.

If it wasn’t for all the training that Damian’s received, he would’ve flinched from the way his father looked at him. His gaze was filled with disgust. As if Damian was nothing but a piece of gum stuck in his shoe that he couldn’t remove.

As if he was a burden.

But isn’t that what he was?

His father gave him a final glance, “I’m benching you from being Robin until we get this attitude of yours under control.”

He heard someone mutter an “If that’s even possible.”

When Damian heard his father’s footsteps become inaudible, he forced his head up.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Grayson dragging Drake out of Damian’s room. When their eyes met, the oldest Wayne only sighed before shaking his head at Damian.

He knew Grayson well enough to know what his I-am-very-disappointed-in-you looked like.

“You should apologize.”


“Apologize,” Todd slowly repeated, as if he was talking to a child. “You should apologize to Tim.”

“Why would I need to apologize for something that wasn’t my fault.”

Todd shut his eyes and clenched his fists before walking past Damian, muttering to himself.

“I knew we shouldn’t-”

“-bothered to try.”

“-deserved everything that happened-”

That was the last thing Damian heard before he heard his door slam shut.

Suddenly, the events of the night have finally plummeted itself towards Damian’s head.

No more Robin.

Damian felt his chest tighten and his heart seemed to race at speeds that could rival the Flash. Everything around began to spin and he couldn’t help but let out a small, frightened breath.

What was wrong with him?

His feet seemed to tremble and he fell on the floor. The room began to heat up.

The sun was against him. It was like all it wanted to do was burn Damian’s skin until there was nothing left.

Was he sweating?

Damian was definitely sweating. Why was he sweating? It’s the middle of Winter.

He couldn’t breathe.

Is he going to die?

He didn’t even get a chance to prove himself to his father.

Though, his mind couldn’t help but contemplate the possible scenarios of when they find him in the middle of his room, dead.

Would his father cry? Or would he just be relieved? Relieved at the fact that he didn’t have to watch over Damian anymore. Would they be happy that the Wayne family was finally back to being normal? Now that the smudge of brown was gone from their picture-perfect portrait.

“Calm down.” He heard a calming voice mutter, “Deep breaths.”

“Ummi?” Damian’s voice sounded muffled as his vision began to fade into the darkness, “Are you taking me home?”

A silhouette bent down to give Damian an embrace.

He didn’t feel anything but he still heard his ummi’s voice. “Deep breaths,” she repeated.

Damian forced himself to focus on the light as he followed the instructions. He couldn’t fail his ummi. She was the only one who ever loved him for him.



His head began to ease up. The pain was slowly going away.



He could feel his legs, it no longer felt like a mountain was on top of them.



His vision slowly cleared up. He could see shapes begin to form as the light steadily took over the darkness.

He was going to be okay.

“Ummi?” his voice cracked.

There wasn’t anyone there.

He felt tears form on the corner of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

If he cried, it meant that Damian was weak. That he was useless. And he wasn’t.


His brothers probably hate him again because of his stupid little outburst. He was so stupid.

His father banned him from being Robin, so he probably won’t be able to see his teammates for the time being.

Why couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut?

He was all alone again.

He didn’t have enough energy to move to his bed, so he hugged his knees closer to his chest as he tried his hardest to keep his tears at bay.

Everything was back to normal.


(Damian’s emotions have been building up for quite a while now. He’s confused and frustrated. A dangerous combination for someone who wasn’t allowed to express how he felt throughout the beginning of his life.

And from my experience, it’s the smallest things that just make a person break. So when Damian was blamed for something that wasn’t his fault, he just lashed out.

Sorry for the lack of updates from the past two weeks. School sucks. It’s like my teachers barely give me any work throughout the school year just so they could dump everything in May.

Hopefully, this chapter didn’t disappoint you guys too badly. And if it did, give me some nice constructive criticism in the comments. I love reading them, no matter how harsh.)

Tags :
3 years ago

It's getting better . . . right?

A (very) brief look into how Damian’s life with the League was.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ao3 // Wattpad

previous II next

I'm confused (Part 3)

Damian wanted to spend the whole afternoon in the shower. He wanted to forget everything.

He needed a break.

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions for him. Everything was so confusing.

It was too much.

Although his brothers were becoming more tolerant towards him. It still felt forced.

And to make it worse, things were only getting worse at school.

Today was a good example of that.

His peers usually ridiculed him in private. Somewhere they couldn’t get caught.

They’ve never mocked him in such a public space before. Especially not a public space where adults could return at any time.

It was different.

Damian hates how he allows his mind to wonder how the outcome might’ve been different. If the librarian walked in on what they were doing to Damian, would she have tried to stop it?

Or would she just turn a blind eye?

He hoped that it wasn’t the latter. The librarian was one of the only adults in the facility that Damian could somewhat tolerate.

Out of nowhere, he felt the water become hotter and cursed.

It felt like he was back in the League and they were throwing lava at him again. He was supposed to learn two lessons during that exercise.

One: Learn how to withstand the heat.

If Damian could survive being pelted with lava, he could survive or at least tolerate any high temperature.

And if he got gravely injured or didn’t survive during the lesson? Well, there’s a reason that they had the Lazarus pit.

Any burns or scars that Damian had would dissolve. As if they never existed. It was the one thing he liked about the pit.

Without it, Damian’s whole body would be littered with scars. From the intense training sessions, he’s gone through to the punishments that he has suffered from. Scars were something that he was accustomed to.

Two: Learn how to dodge

If he didn’t want his skin to burnt because of the lava, then he better evade the numerous attacks. It didn’t matter if Damian got hit: there was a sequence on how they launched it. And they wouldn’t stop until all the gallons of lava were empty.

All the injuries that Damian received during that training session might’ve brought him a lot of pain, but it worked.

In the end, Damian believes that the torment that he had gone through was worth it because he had acquired something from it.

He could only hope that it would be the same here.


Getting out of the shower was harder than Damian thought it would be. He had quickly gotten used to the boiling drops that crashed onto his skin and instantly accepted the pain.

He deserved it after all.

After a few minutes of staring at his sunken reflection, he forced himself to go back to his room.

He didn’t expect to see his siblings lounging around like they owned the place.

Damian hesitated, not knowing what to do.

“Do you guys require my assistance?”

All three heads immediately turned towards him and Grayson’s smile brightened.

“Hey baby-bat.” he greeted, “Any plans today?”

Why do they keep asking that? What do they want from me?

Damian slowly nodded, “Actually,” he lied. “I do.”

The dark-headed trio glanced at each other and Todd raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure?”



He wants to stay home.

“So you aren’t lying?”

He is.

Damian forced a scowl on his face, “No, I’m not.”

The older bat kept pushing, “Are you positive?”

Damian kept a straight face, trying not to let his annoyance show. “Definitely,” he walked forward avoiding the spots where his brothers resided, and crossed his arms. “You guys can leave now.”

Drake walked towards him and Damian had to force himself not to flinch.

Please don’t punish me. I didn’t do anything wrong.

“So you wouldn’t mind telling us what your plans are?”

Damian raised an eyebrow, “I don’t need to tell you anything. It’s none of your business.”

Why can’t they just leave me alone?

“We just want to get to know you better, baby-bat.” Grayson gently assured. “You’ve been here for around a year and we barely know you.”

Damian tutted, “And who’s fault is that exactly?”

His. It was his fault.

Damian knew that it was his fault that no one wanted to get to know him. He was the unwanted one. The one no one expected.

He was an Al Ghul.

A murderer.

He has so much blood in between his fingers and he hasn’t even reached the age of eighteen.

Drake scoffed, “You didn’t exactly make it easy for us to get to know you.”

Of course, he’s right. Drake is always right.

“And am I supposed to care about that?” Damian retorted, “I don’t need plebeians like you to understand me. People like you aren’t-”

“Damian.” Grayson’s stern voice cut through the room like a whip. “Enough.”

“But he was- I didn’t-“ Damian’s voice sounded pitiful in his ears. “Drake was the one who started it.”

The teen scowled at him, narrowing his eyes at Damian. “Why am I not surprised that you’re shifting the blame to me?”

“I’m not shifting the blame towards anyone!” Damian screamed in frustration, trying to get his brothers to understand. “I'm telling the truth!”

The emotions that trashed inside of him for weeks have finally begun to still. As if even they’ve grown tired of trying to figure everything out.

Nothing made sense anymore.

One moment, his brother would act like how his mother would describe a family. Caring, loyal, and loving.

Then the next, they would remind Damian of how the League treated him. Cold, worthless, and unworthy.

Weren’t they supposed to be the good guys?

“What’s going on here?”

Damian turned and saw his father’s muscular frame towering over the door. The tone of his voice was calm, but Damian could see how his blue eyes seemed to rage, demanding for answers.

Damian forced his face to become neutral as he tried to explain the situation. “Father, I was ju-”

“You know, the usual.” Drake interrupted him, “The demon child acting like a brat, throwing his weight around like he owns the place.”

“I was not-”

“Damian.” his father’s voice was coated in the familiar intonation that Damian could never recognize. Was it disgust? Annoyance? Anger? A mix of all? “We’ve talked about this.”

No, they haven’t.

His father barely acknowledged Damian unless he was reporting a mission, or if he did something wrong. Sadly, it was mostly the latter.

If it wasn’t for all the training that Damian’s received, he would’ve flinched from the way his father looked at him. His gaze was filled with disgust. As if Damian was nothing but a piece of gum stuck in his shoe that he couldn’t remove.

As if he was a burden.

But isn’t that what he was?

His father gave him a final glance, “I’m benching you from being Robin until we get this attitude of yours under control.”

He heard someone mutter an “If that’s even possible.”

When Damian heard his father’s footsteps become inaudible, he forced his head up.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Grayson dragging Drake out of Damian’s room. When their eyes met, the oldest Wayne only sighed before shaking his head at Damian.

He knew Grayson well enough to know what his I-am-very-disappointed-in-you looked like.

“You should apologize.”


“Apologize,” Todd slowly repeated, as if he was talking to a child. “You should apologize to Tim.”

“Why would I need to apologize for something that wasn’t my fault.”

Todd shut his eyes and clenched his fists before walking past Damian, muttering to himself.

“I knew we shouldn’t-”

“-bothered to try.”

“-deserved everything that happened-”

That was the last thing Damian heard before he heard his door slam shut.

Suddenly, the events of the night have finally plummeted itself towards Damian’s head.

No more Robin.

Damian felt his chest tighten and his heart seemed to race at speeds that could rival the Flash. Everything around began to spin and he couldn’t help but let out a small, frightened breath.

What was wrong with him?

His feet seemed to tremble and he fell on the floor. The room began to heat up.

The sun was against him. It was like all it wanted to do was burn Damian’s skin until there was nothing left.

Was he sweating?

Damian was definitely sweating. Why was he sweating? It’s the middle of Winter.

He couldn’t breathe.

Is he going to die?

He didn’t even get a chance to prove himself to his father.

Though, his mind couldn’t help but contemplate the possible scenarios of when they find him in the middle of his room, dead.

Would his father cry? Or would he just be relieved? Relieved at the fact that he didn’t have to watch over Damian anymore. Would they be happy that the Wayne family was finally back to being normal? Now that the smudge of brown was gone from their picture-perfect portrait.

“Calm down.” He heard a calming voice mutter, “Deep breaths.”

“Ummi?” Damian’s voice sounded muffled as his vision began to fade into the darkness, “Are you taking me home?”

A silhouette bent down to give Damian an embrace.

He didn’t feel anything but he still heard his ummi’s voice. “Deep breaths,” she repeated.

Damian forced himself to focus on the light as he followed the instructions. He couldn’t fail his ummi. She was the only one who ever loved him for him.



His head began to ease up. The pain was slowly going away.



He could feel his legs, it no longer felt like a mountain was on top of them.



His vision slowly cleared up. He could see shapes begin to form as the light steadily took over the darkness.

He was going to be okay.

“Ummi?” his voice cracked.

There wasn’t anyone there.

He felt tears form on the corner of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

If he cried, it meant that Damian was weak. That he was useless. And he wasn’t.


His brothers probably hate him again because of his stupid little outburst. He was so stupid.

His father banned him from being Robin, so he probably won’t be able to see his teammates for the time being.

Why couldn’t he just keep his mouth shut?

He was all alone again.

He didn’t have enough energy to move to his bed, so he hugged his knees closer to his chest as he tried his hardest to keep his tears at bay.

Everything was back to normal.


(Damian’s emotions have been building up for quite a while now. He’s confused and frustrated. A dangerous combination for someone who wasn’t allowed to express how he felt throughout the beginning of his life.

And from my experience, it’s the smallest things that just make a person break. So when Damian was blamed for something that wasn’t his fault, he just lashed out.

Sorry for the lack of updates from the past two weeks. School sucks. It’s like my teachers barely give me any work throughout the school year just so they could dump everything in May.

Hopefully, this chapter didn’t disappoint you guys too badly. And if it did, give me some nice constructive criticism in the comments. I love reading them, no matter how harsh.)

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5 months ago
You Can't Take One Without The Other

You Can't Take One Without The Other

Damian Al Ghul x Twin!reader

Content Warnings: mention of the word "abuse", nothing major, and not proof read:3

You Can't Take One Without The Other

Despite her seemingly cold demeanor accompanied by her unmoving stature. Talia Al Ghul is a woman—a mother that lets her hard shell peel open when it comes to what's hers—her children.

Damian Al Ghul, her prodigy, blood born assassin, but also her beloved son. So composed and calculated yet also holds a temper that it easily triggered. Trained to kill on the spot without mercy, the young boy is honed to secure any emotion that hinders his mission—the Al Ghul's mission. He was made to not let any other being get in his way, to use all means necessary as long as he's able to give expected results, preferably exceed them. Yet despite his killer instincts and apathetic front, he is a boy of value. He believes blood over all matters.  He cherishes his family to such a strong degree that he's willing to kill just to preserve and protect it. No outer force can sever his belief on this. But it doesn't stop at family. Damian adores animals and takes care of them unconditionally. It pains him to see any of those creatures hurt in any way. Which pushed him to pursue the path of veganism.

The Demon Prince, Heir to the Shadows, and Son of Assassins....

Damian Al Ghul

Damian may possess the prowess and talents meant to satisfy the legacy of Al Ghul, never forget his other biological half, his twin sister.

The youngest, Talia's sweetheart, her doll, and her precious killer. Her little girl, the same as Damian, trained to be the perfect assassin for their family's legacy and for the preservation of the world, isn't just a weapon, she is also a daughter she dearly loved with all her heart. The mother might say she doesn't pick favorites, but one might think otherwise once you see how she treats the two differently. Although tender towards both, Talia can't help but train Damian a little harsher than her heiress. If you try to argue with her about this, she would just shut you down. But deep down, all she wants to do is give her daughter the childhood her mother failed to experience while also helping her build strong walls to protect herself once their mother leaves them on their own devices to strive for independence. Of course, this doesn't make the daughter twin an ordinary girl. She also values family and cares for animals but not the same degree as her brother. Believing that animals are a resource meant for humans for which they should be treated with respect and value if one wishes to utilize its maximum potential. This contrast in stands causes quarrels between the two during moments involving any animal. Not to mention she as well possesses the  strength and capabilities that qualifies her as an excellent assassin whose efficiency in the shadows allows her to parry and counter any attack thrown to her by her foes.

The Demon Princess, Heiress to The Shadows, Daughter of Assassins, and Talia's Second Chance...


The Duo of the Shadows, The Successors of the Demon, The Treasure of Talia Al Ghul

Together, no enemy can stop the twins. No matter how harsh nor how inhumane the training they are put through, as long as each twin is there to root for the other, they are ready to take the abuse. In the glory of their legacy. In the name of Ra's Al Ghul's greatest aspiration.

But what will happen if a new variable is introduced to the family of demons? A man of night once again reminded of his time in the shadows. A wake up call for the Dark Knight that what happened all those years ago gave birth to consequences that he now has to bear.

Will the bat be able to handle his demons? Will a mother finally let her young fly on their own?

You Can't Take One Without The Other


Hi so this is my first time making a batman based fic. I'm still new to the community so I'm basing on just common knowledge. I really wanted to try and focus on how Damian and the reader would be in the clutches of the shadows. I'm still learning though!

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4 years ago

Batman: Bride of the Demon

by Bob Kane et Mike W. Barr

Isn’t there a version of Bruce and Talia’s story where she’s not a rapist, but gets pregnant during their relationship then lies about miscarrying seeing how close Bruce is to forgetting about his mission? Talia’s still morally gray, but that version still has plenty of drama to explore.

Plus since it seems like only fanfic writers want to take the implications of Bruce being a rape victim seriously, that road might be better anyway.

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10 months ago

Can you do talia holding damian pretty please? Your art is amazing!!!

Can You Do Talia Holding Damian Pretty Please? Your Art Is Amazing!!!

her beloved son <3

another messy sketch cause it's the only thing i can draw rn

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10 months ago

I hope one day you'll do another brutalia, you draw them so lovely

Me too! I love them so much☺️ I hope in the future I will be able to implement all my ideas for art with them

i have this little sketch for you tho

I Hope One Day You'll Do Another Brutalia, You Draw Them So Lovely

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10 months ago
Found This. Another Kiss From Mom

found this. another kiss from mom

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7 months ago

I got no goddam sleep last night, this is why

Backstory: Nyssa Wayne

Nyssa Wayne, who was once known as the vigilant and skilled shadow under Batman, harbored a secret connection to Bruce Wayne, they were related. Orphaned at a young age, she grew up unaware of her true lineage. Bruce, with his complicated family history, never knew of her existence either. Nyssa’s journey began when she was discovered by Bruce during one of his patrols. Impressed by her natural fighting ability and her unyielding spirit, he took her under his wing and trained her to be his protégé. As shadow, Nyssa formed a strong bond with the Bat-Family, especially with the first Robin now nightwing, Dick Grayson, and the second Robin, Jason Todd. She shared a deep, father-daughter relationship with Bruce, who instilled in her a strong moral code: they fought for justice, not as judge, jury, or executioner.

However, the rigid adherence to this morality led to tension. Nyssa’s desire for retribution against Gotham’s criminals clashed with Bruce’s principles. She felt that certain criminals, like the Joker, could never be redeemed and that the justice system often failed to protect the innocent. A heated confrontation drove a wedge between them, and feeling misunderstood and constrained, Nyssa faked her own death, leaving the Bat-Family in mourning. She disappeared for years, during which time she discovered that the Joker had brutally tortured and murdered Jason Todd. Consumed by a thirst for vengeance, Nyssa tracked down the Joker and executed him in cold blood. Only Selina Kyle, Catwoman, knew the truth and decided to take Nyssa under her wing. They developed a close mother-daughter bond as Selina trained her in the arts of stealth, combat, and survival.

During her time with Selina, Nyssa encountered Talia al-Ghul, the enigmatic daughter of Ra's al-Ghul and Bruce Wayne’s former lover. Talia recognized Nyssa’s potential and invited her to train with the League of Assassins. Within the League, Nyssa and Talia formed a close relationship, with Talia ultimately naming her the godmother of her son, Damian Wayne. Nyssa's world was shaken when Jason Todd was resurrected and brought to the League. Though he didn’t remember her, Nyssa’s memories of their bond as Robin and her feelings for him remained strong. They grew close once more and shared a night of passion, but Nyssa knew she couldn’t risk their relationship and left the League the next morning, breaking Jason’s heart.

Returning to Gotham, Nyssa resumed her work with Selina and adopted the villainous persona "True Justice." She soon learned that Jason had rejoined the Bat-Family as the Red Hood. He had been brought back into the fold and was struggling with his new identity. Meanwhile, the Bat-Family discovered Damian’s existence and brought him to Gotham, where he became the fifth Robin. The Bat-Family, now consisting of Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Barbara Gordon: Oracle, Jason, Tim Drake: Red Robin, Stephanie Brown: Spoiler, Cassandra Cain: Black Bat, Damian, and Duke Thomas: The Signal, continued their mission to protect Gotham.

Nyssa’s hidden identity was eventually uncovered by Dick Grayson. Their reunion was not immediate; it was a gradual process built on trust and understanding. Dick, who had always been like an older brother to Nyssa, was elated to find out she was alive. He initially confronted her in a dark alley, where he removed his mask, revealing his tear-stricken face. The sight of Dick’s raw emotions broke down Nyssa’s walls. They spent countless hours talking, reminiscing about the old times and discussing the paths they had taken. Dick was persistent, his compassion and wisdom breaking down Nyssa’s walls. Over time, through many late-night conversations and heartfelt discussions, Dick convinced Nyssa to reveal herself to the Bat-Family. Reluctantly, she agreed. Dick brought her to the Batcave, where the family’s reactions ranged from shock to relief. Bruce, seeing her alive, was overwhelmed with a mix of guilt and joy. Jason, hurt from their past encounter but relieved to see her, struggled with conflicting emotions. The others, each processing the news in their own way, welcomed her back into the fold with varying degrees of warmth and skepticism.

The reunion with Jason was particularly poignant. Jason had always been the rebellious one, and his resurrection had left him with scars both physical and emotional. When Nyssa had left the League of Assassins, she had done so to protect him, but her departure had unintentionally caused him great pain. When they first saw each other again, the silence between them was heavy with unspoken words. Jason approached her, his eyes a storm of emotions--anger, relief, confusion, and a lingering sense of betrayal. Nyssa found herself unable to look him in the eyes, the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. Jason finally broke the silence, his voice filled with hurt and anger as he demanded to know why she had left him without a word after the night they shared. Nyssa explained her reasons, her voice trembling as she expressed her regret and the deep pain she had felt knowing she had hurt him. Jason, still angry but relieved that she was alive and safe, struggled to reconcile his feelings. He wrapped her in a tight embrace, whispering that he never stopped loving her despite the pain she had caused. They realized that despite the hurt and the distance, their bond was still there, forged in the fires of their shared experiences. They decided to start anew, not as the people they once were, but as the individuals they had become.

Nyssa’s return marked a new chapter for the Bat-Family, one fraught with unresolved tensions but also the potential for reconciliation and renewed strength. Over time, Nyssa worked to rebuild her relationships with each member. She shared many heartfelt conversations with Bruce, where they addressed the pain of their separation and the different paths they had taken. With Jason, she navigated the rocky terrain of their past and found ways to support each other, recognizing their shared trauma and growth.

Nyssa also formed new bonds. She mentored Damian, drawing from her experiences to guide him through the complexities of being Robin and the legacy of their family. Damian remembered who she was, having always looked up to her as a sister and aunt figure. The two of them shared a love for art and animals, often spending time together sketching or visiting animal shelters. With Tim Drake, she discovered a kindred spirit in their analytical approaches and shared a mutual respect for each other's skills. Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain became close allies, and together, they tackled many challenges, often leaning on each other for support and camaraderie.

In time, Nyssa found her place within the Bat-Family once more. She became a symbol of resilience and redemption, proving that even the most strained relationships could heal and evolve. Her journey was a testament to the power of forgiveness, the strength of family, and the enduring hope that justice could prevail, even in the darkest of times.

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While I do agree with the Justice League being very concerned about this, I also think they deal with bs like this on the daily, so it could go something like this.

Bruce: I think it’s important for everyone here to know, Billy is with with Talia at Nanda Parbat right now.

Clark: Well, that’s not good. Is he okay?

Bruce: … Yes. Currently, Talia is training him in sword fighting. He has also seen some tigers.

Diana: GREAT! Talia is a skilled sword fighter. He’s lucky to be fighting alongside her.

Oliver: Diana no

Diana: Diana yes

Billy showing up to Nanda Parbat: Hey, I got told to meet my grandmother? What's that about-

Talia, picking Billy up and tucking him under her arm: Perfect, Jason has finally given me a grandson. Do you like swords and tigers?

Billy, about to be Spoiled™ for the next two weeks: Boy, do I!

I can’t resist:

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11 months ago

Jason's time in the league except he knew Damian.

Like yeah I know Damian is a test tube baby and got aged a bit faster or something but imagine this.

Talia, no matter how mischaracterised, develops a soft spot for Jason while he is catatonic. She is also a mother and has been/is undeniably in love with Bruce. No matter how much it sounds like she only loved Bruce to produce the perfect heir, they were in love, even if it was just once. She, mother of Bruce's child, raising him to be strong, the way she know how, ready to let him be free and meet his father, shall he desire. That same mother finds Jason, the dead son, of his grave, wandering, his mind never fully there, and decides to heal his injuries and help him heal.

Maybe that wasn't the plan, at first, maybe she never expect to be mother of a child not biologically related to her. Maybe by the way she was raised or by the standards that surrounded her. But now? As she watches her child, because Jason is her son, murder is professors because he finds them unworthy of breathing. Maybe then she realises that motherhood was something she wished for, maybe living peacefully. She wouldn't, though. Maybe in another time, but now? She had her father to manipulate while watching her children thrive.

Maybe they could've been in a life without blood, but the doubts it. The kids are attracted to danger, most likely, they love saving. Albeit their methods bloody, she knows it won't last long, with her beloved so close.

Maybe she lets Jason go back to Gotham, followed by a couple Shadows under her and her sons command only. She calls every week, checks in, asks what his plans are, how the bat is doing. Maybe she lets him yell at her, his frustrations wild, that she knows can only be pleased with blood, that she knows makes his opinion of his family twisted. Never of Talia, no, maybe he never called her mother, but she is sure he would never let her see him this way otherwise. Maybe it's because she saw him at his worst, once, but maybe, maybe she can dwell on maybes, for once, and hope that Jason does consider her his mother. Even if she could never replace his late mother, at least letting her help him with his plans is the most she can ask for.

With that, she understands Gotham, instead of being through reports, news, old tales from her beloved, it's from her son. Soon, it would be from both of them.

For now, until Jason creates his big reveal, finishes his plans, deals with whatever issues he wants to deal with, she will let him have Gotham to himself. She will keep her father away. She will continue doting on Damian, as she will tell him stories of her beloved, The Bat, and let his eyes shine. As she could not preserve her sons innocence, but she could try to ignite their hopes.

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3 years ago

I see a lot of headcanons and fics where Jason will slip up and refer to Bruce as 'dad' and Bruce will get very visibly soft and teary-eyed (and I'll never get tired of it I love soft!batdad)

but what about Jason slipping up and calling Talia 'mom'?

and to an outsider it looks like it doesn't affect her as she remains poker-faced, but to someone closer you can see the slight upturn of her lip and a soft, endearing look on her face when no one is looking.

and she obviously does this with Damian, too whenever he does anything remotely adorable

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11 months ago

There’s a thing I see in fics sometimes where Talia has authority over Jason and she profits off of it by giving him tasks or missions, which is funny to me because there is not a single moment in Lost Days in which Talia has even the slightest bit of control over what Jason is doing.

Like when she first finds him and he’s catatonic? Yea okay, but he’s catatonic. As soon as he takes a dip in the Lazarus Pit and regains his mental capacities he just takes off like a rocket and everyone else has to scramble after him.

He goes rouge and tries to kill Bruce and Talia is like UHHH and attempts to stall him from trying that again by finding him instructors to hone various skills, and Jason goes along with it but also straight up murders about half of his teachers after he’s done learning from them, while Talia just watches with some pride but also mild concern in the background.

Throughout all of this he’s also leeching off of her bank accounts and contacts. Talia is getting nothing out of this arrangement

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