Dannyphantom - Tumblr Posts

Girl #characters I think I'm most like (pt.1). I started this when it was kinda a thing forever ago to pic like ur top 3 characters you're most similar too but I suck at doing those things when they're still relevant so I'll change it up a bit with my part 2 coming 🔜! I hope for this year that I'll draw more and try a lot more new stuff with art instead of what I think is expected of me. Hope everyone's having a #happynewyear so far! And remember to contact me for #commission info if you're interested!! #art #artist #digitalart #theincredibles #theincredibles2 #violetparr #harleyquinn #batman #batmantheanimatedseries #sammanson #dannyphantom @justarandomphan #dannyphantomfanart #fanart #commissions #comingsoon

#artvsartist thing for this year. Definitely a lot has changed since my last one since I've been focusing more on my animations than illustrations. I'm definitely going to get back at it hard & heavy during the summer. Learned so much during my first year in class and it's crazy. I'm still not very confident in my animation work but I'm hoping that'll change very soon 😊 #art #artist #animation #animator #illustration #digitalart #charcoal #framebyframe #thebookoflife #castlevania #dannyphantom #cosplayer

Little reminder that I opened up a #kofi page! Would love some support if you like/want my art! ko-fi.com/KaheleKreations link also in my bio! #art #artist #kahelekreations #animator #animationstudent #artistsoninstagram #sammanson #dannyphantom #billcipher #gravityfalls

Drawing based on the third part of the series of fanfics Danny Arkham Security Guard AU, written by @gilbirda (Elizabehta Beilschmidt)
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Dibujo basado en la tercera parte de la serie de fanfics Danny Arkham Security Guard AU, escritos por gilbirda (Elizabehta Beilschmidt)
Firstly, we have this thing. No. Its not Ghost King!Danny. You see the thing on his neck? Yeah. That is the ring of rage. Yup. You know what is it on his head. A blood blossom flower crown with veil covering his front face. There are multiple green string tied from the crown to the bracelets and anklets thing. He looks like a puppet that puppeteering his own body. See, I would like to headcanon that Danny purifies the ring of rage and the crown of fire supposedly those things makes the rulers goes mad. Both of it needs to stay on Danny for a really long time.

The Ring and Crown have no effect on Danny. Simply overwhelming and tiring his being. Those two does power his core up to another level. The blood blossom flower crown? ☺️. Its to keep him in check 😉. No. Others may not remove it. Thos flowers overall hurt him but keep him stable. The strings? Let's just say those are connected to life and death. Representation. Yes. The bracelets and anklets have use.
Danny is not a king. He is not a prince either. Ghost Zone simply favour him. Clockwork will not hand over Danny. Clockwork is time and Danny is space. Clockwork have been lonely for a LONG time. Their relationship is a bit complicated. Danny is immortal. The day he receives the ring and crown. That day everything went downhill. No one is allowed to see his face. The GZ don't like anyone seeing it with few exceptions.
Oh yeah. I forgot about the three rings on him. Those are the rings of Death, Life and In-between.

Have another drawing of Danny👍.
Danny Phantom but make it more angst and fluffy. My style.
I headcanon that Maddie Fenton major in biology and chemistry. Her fixation is more on studying how things work. Jack Fenton lean more towards bio-engineering, chemical-engeneering and mechanical. His fixation focus more on creating things.
We all know the Fentons are the real genius guys. I mean look at their freaking invention. Look at that house. Jack once pulled the whole house into another dimension. We know that Jack Fenton-Nightingle is clearly Jack's own ancestor so the supernatural fixation have always been in the family. The Fenton family are actually BIG. They are just scattered all ACROSS the world. Some of them cannot be detected under the radar. The Fenton family IS weird.
Each branch of family have their own type of fixation especially supernatural. since Jack and Maddie never really applied safety measures in their labs, i present this to you, both parents have difficulty on having a child. Yes, Maddie does have miscarriage. A couple of them.
They work with nearly all sort of chemicals and things. Maddie is not good at just sitting around and doing nothing. After a couple of times trying, they decided to take a long break from researching and their works. The Fentons are actually freaking rich. They just like to hide it. Only uses it when they need to. They loves recycling actually.
They get a miracle where i finally have a child. Jazz. The pregnancy went surprisingly easy. Jazz is a healthy child. They are overjoyed of this. But we all know it will never last long. Jack and Maddie loves their work more so after having Jazz, they continue their works and research.
Jazz only managed to get her parents attention when she is shown as a genius child. Both of them are very proud of her. The Fenton household is always kept sterile and clean. 4 years later, Danny enters their life.
But it all went down there. Danny is born premature and because Maddie ignores all the advice from the doctor and do not apply any of them during pregnancy, Danny came out into the world very sick and nearly died. During Maddie's pregnancy, he is exposed to the chemicals and hazardous things frequently. Maddie neglected to care for her own health when she is pregnant with Danny. Jack do try to tell her to take it easy but she is STUBBORN.
Danny is diagnosed with asthma, weak heart and weak immune systems. To top of it all, he is iron deficiency anemic. His eyesight is not good. He is born premature with nutritional deficiencies. He nearly went blind.
Both Fenton parents blame themselves for Danny's condition and tried to do their best. They focus on their kids for a little while. Its been a good 5 years but in the end both of them went down quickly with the habit of neglecting their children wellbeing. Jazz is extremely protective and POSSESSIVE of her brother. Its quite lonely when you are the only genius child and without company of your parents. Adults may think she is bright but children can be cruel. She is so happy when she got Danny as her little brother.
She do not like to share him at all. Wherever Danny is, she is always with him. She likes to carry Danny around. She does not like it when her parents neglected Danny. She grew up matyyre quickly and become the adult he needed in his life.
When they move to Amity park and Danny became friend with Tucker, she was heartbroken and think that Danny will replace her and leave her. She resented Tucker for a little while but grew to love Tucker as another little brother when she saw how caring he is towards her brother. She became interested in psychology when she reads some books and novels. She is afraid for Danny.
Dash enters their life and she is a little hesistant about it. She watches Dash always with how he treat her little brothers. Needless to say when the kid decided Danny and Tucker are not worthy friends, she became angry. She once saw Dash push Danny down from a flight of stairs, she made sure that Dash got grounded for three months and every punishment he gets is what she suggested to the parents of Dash.
She can be very cruel when she want to. Danny's health do not improve from all the neglect. She hates it when their parents give him task and job in the labs. She hates how her parents treat him. When Danny is 14, she is 18 and in collage. She have asked Tucker for a favor to keep an eye on Danny and to always take care of him when she is not there. Tucker takes it with a big heart and he does it seriously.
He may appear like a coward but once Danny is involve, he is ready to throw hands and kick asses. Danny do not frequently appears in school because he frequently gets sick. Once, he got sick for a whole 3 weeks. He have to stay with the Foley's to monitor his health.
When Sam became friends with them, Tucker is neutral around her. Danny is a loveable dork but Tucker do not like Sam's hypocrisy. Tucker is a flirt yes, but he doesn't really focus on the girls. He focus on Danny. He will be damn if something ever happened to his best friend and brother.
Headcanon : Danny is the smallest of the group. He stood 4'10, tucker, 5'4 and sam 5'2 ft. Jazz is 5'7.
The accident happen and you guys think it will improve Danny's health? Hah! No. It makes it more worse. His heart condition became worse, he is nearly subscribe with a pacemaker. He went completely blind. One of his ears went deaf. Its truly a miracle his asthma did not became worse.
He spents 6 months in hospital. He needs to learn how to walk again. Sadly, he is permanently walking limply. He needs crutches to help him walk. Sam blames herself for it. danny did not transform into phantom when he came out from the portal so his friends did not know. He discovered it during his stay at the hospital. The staffs of the hospital discovered it and kept it a secret from the parents.
Tucker did not talk to Sam for a whole 4 month after the portal incident. Jazz was devastated of the news of her brother's current state and blame her parents. Her hatreds of them grew more. The Fenton parents were floored and excited when they discovered the portal the work hard on is working but immediately blown off when they find out about the consequences of their actions. History repeating itself.
Maddie and Jack vowed to focus more on their children especially Danny right away. They did it. They discovered that Danny is a halfa on an accident when they visited him with Jazz. Danny was afraid of them and their reactions and it causes them more guilt and hatreds towards themselves. They make a promise to Danny to never abandoned him.
The Fenton children and Parents became much more closer 6 months after the incident. Fenton parents are researching more on how Danny's body working and how to help him. Jazz finally gets the happy family she desired. It may not be perfect but their parents are trying their best to be there for their children.
The Fenton parents are famous for a lot of inventions. They build other things other than the one that have to do with ghost.
The lunch lady attack happen, Tucker and Sam did make up for a bit and have run away to hide Danny first away from the attack. Sam's body us build and athletic as well as physically more stronger than Tucker. She is the one who ends up carrying both boys in her arms. The Fenton parents arrive and dealt with lunch ladies with ease.
Maddie and Jack improve their skills and prowess in martial arts to protect their children. Their invention works perfectly and able to neutralise Lunch Lady. They do not attack first but did try to debate it with her. She is neutralise after they made a promise to have a talk with the one that change the menu.
Honestly, they get the job done like a true professional. Once the ghost is gone, they search for their son and his friends. Their first priority is their son, Danny. They find him hiding with his friends behind the gym's bleachers. They told him what happened and he became awed with them. News spread and Jazz got a hold of it. She is very proud of them.
Danny's ghost sense did not came out like a whisp from his mouth. It sent a signal to his body and make him shiver. His hearing became deaf to only the sound of the ghost. He can feel their presence.
Danny, have an outfit specifically made for him to go out as Phantom. He usually stays away from overseeing eyes and invisible. He likes to came out at night to see the stars.
You may think his obsession came out as protection and all that or maybe space but nah. Its discovery of unknown world baby.
Might continue this later...
So yeah this idea has been bugging me and all shiz. Remember the picture I last posted of Danny having the Ring or Rage and Crown of Fire but not being the Infinite Realm's King, Prince or even heir?
Yeah. Imma dive into that.
The day Danny died, The Incident Day, The Day an opening and rip of reality causing The Portal to open, a sudden shift in reality happen. Remember the Dan incident? Phantom being separated from the body. One being turns into incomplete two halves of a whole. One being killed another and fused with the ghost half of Vlad Masters. The Danny that died, the human half, did not turn into a ghost. No. He turns into something beyond the power of fate and all shiz. When Danny defeated Dan and trapped him in the thermos. Dan became a being that exists out of a timeline that has been destroyed. His timeline did not exist. Nothing. No home to go back to. But, in the dead timeline, there is one being still waiting there for Dan.
The human half of Danny is supposed to be dead. He is still waiting for his other half to come back home so he could apologize to him. To say he is sorry. He is a being born of misery and sorrow. The ghost half of Danny is full of hatred, and madness and he is really angry. He is angry about being rejected. He is angry because the core is unstable. There is no core now.
No core.
Not even half a core.
The human half has been waiting for Dan for so many years. The day he 'died', he spend his time unable to interact with Dan or even his half side anymore.
Danny is supposed to be a being of both death and life. The one walk in between and on the line always. The balance have been broken the day the human half 'died'. He exists out of the plane. Even Clockwork, the ever-knowing, does not know of the human half's presence.
My theory is why most ghost weapons do not work on Dan but on Danny's (the dog) timeline, there is (and probably more) invention that WORK on Dan is that the human half has been protecting him. Danny's human half has spent years in loneliness and eternal sorrow. He WANTS to be reunited back with his ghost half. He is devastated by what happened in his timeline after his ghost half fused with Vlad's ghost half. No rules applied on Dan's timeline 'dead' Danny's human half. Nothing.
When Dan is trapped in the thermos, the whole timeline disappeared leaving only a void. There, the 'dead' human half exists and gains a body. He knows of clockwork, he knows of The Observants, he knows of everything that happened in the OG's timeline. He knows how to find Clockwork easily. He can create a portal between reality, time, space and dimensions. He is an eldritch abomination. He did break into Clockwork's tower without even the Master of Time knowing of it.
The 'dead' human half is tired of waiting and being in pain as well as unable to be reunited again. He steals the thermos that contains Dan from Clockwork's tower and brings it into the dead timeline. He released Dan.
Dan, upon being released, at first was very pleased but he was stunned and alarmed at what he sees when he look around. It was nothing but black. A void. And in front of him is the supposed dead half of Danny Fenton. But something is wrong with the human half. Something eerie. Something beyond comprehension. Something that made him, the monster, creeped out and afraid.
The human half SMILE at him and said that he will now separate Dan into two beings again so he could talk with his other half. Dan was very angry and well, you know the rest. He tried to fight him but nothing lands. No punches, blasts or even his wail affected the being in front of him.
Every blast, every hit and every attack seems to only sadden the 'dead' human half. But then, something unexpected happens, the being thrust his hands into Dan's chest and pulls. The pull rips Dan into two PAINFULLY.
The ghost half of Danny appeared and was still angry. The ghost half of Vlad howled and screamed as he dissipated into nothing else. Only the human half knows what happens to Vlad's ghost half.
Both halves have a long talk. Their talk was spent for a very long time. They do not know how long has it been because time did not exist there. The ghost has eventually mellowed out a bit and started feeling guilty about what he and plasmids half have done when they fuse into another being.
Both halves tried to fuse but they can't. They are unable to. There is no balanced. To fuse, the human half needs to be 'alive'. Both get the same idea of going into the OG timeline. So, the human half called Niel created a portal and pull the original Danny Fenton that defeated Dan and trapped him in the Fenton thermos into their place.
Things happen and they talk. Like a lot. Phantom and Niel fuse with Danny and let's just say it levels up Danny like he is isekaied but not really. He is reborn as himself but as another whole new person. He escapes from the dead timeline and found out that not even a whole minute has passed. Danny gains a new set of power and all this happens before Urban Jungle and after Forever Phantom.
You see, Phantom and Niel from Dan's dead timeline did not fuse with the OG Danny from the main timeline, no, they became a part of Danny's powers. They live in Danny's core, protecting it from harm and became Danny's 'Guardian Angels'. Danny can summon them whenever he needed to or use their powers. They boost Danny's powers too.
I did not believe in ice core Danny but I believe in flexible core Danny. His core may shift into whatever suits the situation. The presence of Phantom and Niel only strengthens Danny's grip on his core's powers.
Sam and Tucker do not know of Phantom and Niel's existence because both of them insisted Danny kept them a secret. Only time will reveal itself. Danny agreed on one condition that they will train him. They agreed.
The Urban Jungle happen and Undergrowth was met with Danny's summoned 'Guardian Angels'. Danny was just like :
Danny: Niel! Lien! Come forward.
Niel : (appeared out of thin air looking like something that came out of the void)
Undergrowth: Alright, WTF.
Phantom (name changes to Lien) : (appears much like a white being from void)
Undergrowth: WTF???!!!
Amity Park: Did- Did those things come out of Phantom's chest????
Jazz and Tucker: Danny??!!
Undergrowth got beat down by both Niel and Lien and both returned to Danny's again. He has some explaining to do and Clockwork just so happens to realize that there is something otherworldly happening in Danny's timeline. The timeline has completely changed. These Niel and Lien presences changed everything and Clockwork can't see their origins or future and neither could he sees Danny's future. Danny has a long talk with his friends and sister after that.
D-stabilized happened and Dani is stabilised by Danny's core. She did meet Niel and Lien. Both of them are introduced as Danny's summons. That day, both of them discovered that Danny's bedroom door can lead them to Danny's lair. It happens because Danny wants to find somewhere safe for Dani to live and a place that is easy and near for him to access and check on Danny. Danny opens his bedroom door and boom! The lair. He closes the door and opens it again after wishing for it to be only his room and found his room is there like normal. Both of them think they went insane and Danny closes the door again thinking it must be a joke or something. Turns out, Danny's lair appeared much like the room of requirement we read and saw in Harry Potter books and movies.
Danny gives Dani a Fenton phone so they could communicate with each other. They have tested out wherever place Dani is, as long as she still has a connection to Danny, Danny can open the door from inside his lair and the door would lead him to Dani's location. Like from Howl's moving castle. It's convenient.
Time passed by and we will ignore Phantom Planet never happen. Danny somehow finds himself with the Ring Of rage around his neck and The Crown Of Fire on him. Well, it's too big for him to wear on his head so it hovers like a ring. Like how the rings circle their planets. It tips the balance inside Danny and overwhelmed him. Clockwork finds him and put the blood blossom flower crown with the veil on him saying it was a gift from the Infinite Realm itself to help Danny overcome the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire's overwhelming power.
Danny finds out he is immortal and that the other clones that he believes have died and melted are alive and in the Ghost Zone hiding from other ghosts and predators in their ghost core form. Danny collects them and lets them rest inside his lair. He heals them with his core. The blood blossoms flower crown did hurt Dani and other ghosts if they come close but it's a gift special for Danny so only a selected few people can approach Danny without getting hurt. Dani can be in his presence for a long time but it still did hurt. Danny always heals her if she gets overwhelmed by the flowers.
Before, Danny has one clone that still lives. Now, he has five. He gives them names.
Tiny clone - Dean
Bed sheet clone - Dale
Monster clone - Dylan
Prime clone - Drew
Yeah, they don't want to start far from Danny's name. His name is like comfort for them. Lien felt left out because his name starts with L. But then considered it back, he do not want his name to stray far away from Niel's name. After all, his name is Niel only backwards. All of them always stayed by Danny's side. They feel calm around his presence and not afraid. Sam, Tucker and Jazz are unaware of the changes and the news of Danny's status and the other clones.
Only Dani and Drew ever leave Danny's lair. The others stayed behind.
I see Danny Phantom x DC and sometimes rare marvel x Danny Phantom crossover. Consider this, Danny phantom x Harry Potter but not the cliche twin/ghost king/recruiting thing or accidentally summoned.
Danny and Danielle/anyone travelling dimensions and smack dab in pre-marauders era where Danny meets the scrawny angry hissy fit Severus Snape that have not meet Lily Evans yet.
I like familial love. But i like angst too.
Imma make it everyone problem tomorrow.
I thought i wanna write some dp x hp au plots i have in head but then it change into dp fusion au where basically you can fuse with a halfa as long as they have the abilities to fuse their soul with you. For that you really needs a stable halfa as the base to hold the fusion soul and we basically know Danny is the only one real stable and balance halfa ™.
Danny find out this ability accidentally when he is in distressed and Jazz is comforting him by hugging him. Danny felt safe in her hold and he feels something warm in his core and BAM.
Sitting on Jazz's bed is a person. Uh. Not really one but still look humanoid enough. Both was shocked by it and panic for a bit.
Their fusion is pure protectiveness and one hell of a sibling. If this fusion meet Dani, let just say Dani will not be able to escape from their vision at all. Jazz and Danny's fusion is a mother hen. Mama bear dare i say. Intelligence and strength. A bit gooofy but more mature. That fusion may look calm but they literally are a chaos inside.
The fusion likes to cause some chaos a bit and have fun.
Danny did experiment with this fusion ability thing with a couple of others. For example :
1. Tucker
2. Sam
3. Danielle
4. Dora
5. Ghostwriter (surprisingly)
6. Pandora
7. Wulf
Let me tell you i am so excited when a thought of Clockwork and Danny's fusion came up. Like bam.
Imagine the pure power.
But then it can never rival up against infinite realm and Danny's fusion.
I love imagining a pure disaster and misery of a fusion where Danny's ghost half fuse with Danny's 'dead' human half. (I like to imagine that Danny's human half mever really dead but exist outside his timeline and always stick around Dan)
I am not going to call Dan as Danny's older future self. That one is a fusion of two halves between Danny and Vlad ghost half side.
Pure Misery and sorrow x Ball of anger and vengeance. A recipe for disaster.
You may think the 'dead' human half in the apocalypse timeline will refuse to fuse with the ghost half but you are wrong.
He is desperate to be back with the other half. You will not have regular Danny because he did not exist anymore.
The thing that exist is pure embodiment of despair.
So before i lost interest in this prompt i better make it quick.
So yeah. I really like sibling/familial bonding Especially if it centered around Danny.
I want Danny to act like a big brother or mentor like figure and maybe dad in a way. At the same time i want him to feel like how Jazz would feel.
Remember guys, this prompt or au or whatever you wanna called it revolved around Young Severus Snape and his interactions with people around him with the help from Danny. I would like to throw in Dani in there as well.
Where is Jazz, Sam and Tucker or others? Well tough luck buddies i killed them in a way i think???
Danny is immortal and way over 25+ years old. He just looks like 14. Danielle looks like 12 years old but well 2 years in a sense younger than Danny. Danny is not a king or heir to the Infinite Realm's throne but he still have a claim to the royal bloodline and treasure. Let just say he is the keeper of the crown and ring and will give them back when times come.
Ya know, he is sort of like the treasury guardian and keeper. He have so many artifacts in his possessions and will keep them from evils hands.
Sort of adopted by a couple of most powerful beings.
Danny is just adoptable to the ancients. Danielle's powers are not the same level as him nor her status of immortality is like him. She is around because Danny do not want to let ger go. Danny is the only thing keeping her stable physically since the ecto dejecto did not work on her anymore.
She and Danny were just exploring infinite realm and the portals. They stumbled into one of the portals and thought that hey, maybe they can stay in that dimension for a bit and learn about it for the time being. No harm in doing so right?
So, they poses as two normal human beings as best as they can.
Danny took the form of a 14 years old boy and sometimes he turn into a 20 years old young man.
Danielle likes to shapeshift into whatever age she wants. Sometimes 4 years old, sometimes 16, and sometimes 30 years old.
The first time they meet Severus was when Dani drag Danny to play in the park with her. There is a good spot for them to use their powers freely where no one can see them.
There they meet a small child there. A scrawny hurt sarcastic child with quirky characters. Both of them took an instant quick liking to him.
The kid introduces himself as Severus.
Danny (who took the form of 14 years old boy) introduce himself first and the Danielle (12 years old form).
It kinds of difficult to befriend Severus at first but hey both of them are quite stubborn head. Severus reminds them of a tiny hissy fit black kitten. Injured and alone and scared.
Danny promises Severus that both he and Dani will always have a meet up with him whenever he want.
Severus develop a bit around them. They learn about his home life through observations and both of them are furious.
Danielle do not like it.
Both her and Danny have shitty parental figure.
And she wants to help Severus but he is defensive and keeps defending his mother. The boy will throw hissy fit if they bring up about her treatments of him.
Severus mother is neglectful and how she treats him make their stomach twisted into a knot.
The father.
Danny is glad he have not met the man because his core is screaming at him to throw the man into the nether world.
They want to bring Severus with them and live with them in the infinite realm but Severus will not survive there.
He needs to be healthy on the scale of level 30 to even be exposed to pure ectoplasm.
But Severus health level is not above level 2. There are long ways to go.
Severus learns so much from them. They tried to keep their secret on not being humans from Severus but damn that kid is too smart for his own good.
Severus decipher that they are not humans 6 months of befriending and being around them. They revealed themselves to him when he asked if they are witche and wizard.
They were quite shocked to know witches and wizards exist here.
They told him that no they are not the stick wielding maniac. They told him about being a liminal. In a total sense, Danielle is not quite a liminal. Only pure ectoplasm that able to form a body and mimic Danny's human and ghost form.
Danny however is complicated. They thought Severus might not understand 80% of what they tell him but 80% is what he understand.
They share stories.
Severus about the wizards and witches from what his mother told him while Dani and Danny about their dimension.
They thought Severus will reject them because of their status but Severus did not. His eyes shows them that he is interested in them and seeking knowledge.
Severus is a knowledge seeker.
He wants to achieve something that they did not know.
But all they know that this kid is young, good and needs help. Just like them years ago.
Severus love from potion change into love for knowlege in other aspects. He wants to see the infinite realm.
He wants to know more. He can't tell mother or anyone about them. He knows why because his friends have explained everything to him.
He intends to keep his promise.
Danny eventually get a house in that dimension. A real big house but not that large to stand out as mansion. Just large enough to fit 5 people to live in it. The house is a bit isolated from housing areas.
He did not buy it.
He brought the house from his own dimension.
Hey. If his dad can pull a pulling entire house into another dimension then it means he can.
Severus finally lives with them after knowing them for 3 years.
Severus mother is the one who asked for Severus to live with them. They accepted rhe proposal without a second thought. They said they still have rooms for her too if she wants to live with them.
She said she can't.
She love Tobias.
And she said they are still kids.
How wrong she is.
Severus do not want to leave his mother alone but his mother is the one who break the contact with him. She is rather rough with it. A bit harsh.
He was heartbroken by it.
It took a while for Severus to move on and get used to being treated as a child and being loved.
He is rather snappish at them and sometimes Dani will get snappish too. She is a teenager too in a sense and entering her angst stage in Danny's definition.
Danny is the one that keep them together and calm.
He took the role of a parent that both children needs. He took the role of what Jazz used to do for him.
He does have a job. Well. Multiple sometimes. He earns more that they needed for basics and still have time for them.
His patience with them seems infinite.
Severus sometimes get snappish and cry when he and Danielle fought. The latter cries too. Danny only needs to put both his hands on each cheeks of children and cupping them tenderly while wiping their tears to make them calm down.
It took a whole 3 years for Severus to finally accept being treated right but he still is not used to it.
He is 10 years old by then. He usually stays in home or play in the house ground outside with Danielle and sometimes Danny. Danny had enrolled him in different school so he did not meet Lily Evans.
Severus passion for potions turn into a hobby. He rather likes inventing. He applied potions, alchemy, runes and many things for an invention.
Danny and Danielle tries to teach him as best as they could. Danielle is more of a traveller and she sometimes visited he and Danny for a few days in a month. She said she wants to discover this world more now knowing that is have wizarding world.
Danny is the one that stays around because Danny needs and wants to. He wants to protect Severus and always worry for Danielle everytime she decided to visit and explore a place.
Severus is alright with it. Sometimes all of them goes exploring with her too.
Danny likes spoiling him with gifts. Dani on the other hand is more of an affectionate person.
When the letter comes, all of them are prepared for it.
McGonagall did visit them to show and tell them about what they needed to know. He is oblivious to the wrongness in the house. Severus is rather nervous that she will discover their secret. But its okay she did not notice the floating glowing toaster behind her. Or that glowing mirror. And that portal in the corner.
McGonagall assumes Danny and Dani are muggles. Severus snorted hearing it getting a questioning look from her. He quickly find an excuse and hide it.
When she leaves their house, all of them smirk.
The wizarding world do not know what is coming for them.
And yes, you may think Severus is all about rules but nahh..
He is a chaotic head too.
He does not need Dani or Danny to corrupt him.
I see Danny Phantom x DC and sometimes rare marvel x Danny Phantom crossover. Consider this, Danny phantom x Harry Potter but not the cliche twin/ghost king/recruiting thing or accidentally summoned.
Danny and Danielle/anyone travelling dimensions and smack dab in pre-marauders era where Danny meets the scrawny angry hissy fit Severus Snape that have not meet Lily Evans yet.
I like familial love. But i like angst too.
Imma make it everyone problem tomorrow.
Day 1 : Canon Re-write (Prompt)
Main element in idea :
- Exorcist Line Fenton Family
- Muhyo and Roji Bureau of Supernatural Investigation elements (No-crossover. Only the plot building)
- World Trigger elements
- xxxHolic elements
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"Hey, have you heard?"
"The new family in town?"
"I heard they are really weird."
"They say the youngest of the family is freaky."
"Hey hey! Do you know about that family?"
Suppressing a growl, Sam continue walking down the hallway while trying to ignore the constant whisperings around her. The students around paid her no mind when she stomps by them looking like she was about to murder someone.
'Its okay Sam. School today is over. Time to get out from this freaky place.' Thought Sam.
She can't help but feel angry everytime people whisperings and talking about others while spreading rumours. It makes her skin crawl. Its just something she did not like. Something she oppose to.
However, she too could not help to overhear all of the conversation that have been hot for the past few days.
A new family have move into Amity Park.
She did know about them before they ever step into Amity Park. Rumours spread fast in here.
She knows of the new family's name.
No one really knows where did the family move into. They say that the family is there but they could not really find any information of their house.
Its weird.
And freaky.
But it caught her interest.
Not only that but the Foley seems to know them.
Tucker Foley.
The only son of the Foley couple. A techno geek and a nerd. A flirty boy that is bad at being one.
She knows him a bit because he is her classmate.
However, they are not friends.
Foley seems averse to her and had made it into one of his goals to avoid her at all costs. She thinks he did not like her.
Oh well.
Who cares.
Now where is she.
Oh yeah.
The Fenton family.
She have heard of them but never actually saw them face to face or even a glimpse of their photo.
That makes her sounds like a creep.
Back to reality. Right now, she was walking home because dang it she did not want to ride the car that her parents insist that she ride. She will not ride in that glimmering thing. She did not like it if the students around her find out that she is rich.
Dealing with rich parents is one thing.
But dealing with fake people trying to be your friend because of money is a whole another level.
She wants to avoid all that thing.
Her train of violent thoughts was cut off when something caught her eyes.
It was that Foley kid.
He was standing in a crowd in of people in front of her looking around as if he was looking out for someone.
Its eerie to see him being so serious.
His eyes looks sharp and glaring at everything that his eyes lands on. His body is tense.
Sam stopped walking to observe the boy. She hid herself in an alleyway so that Foley kid will not notice her presence.
She observe him a whole full two minutes before the Foley kid's face morphing into a new expression.
That positive expression nearly made her blanched in disgust. Too positive for her.
Someone approach that Foley kid appearing out of nowhere from the crowd.
Another boy.
Probably around their age but he stands shorter than both her and Foley. Probably the shortest among the teenagers around their age.
Sam knows too many people and she is good at remembering their faces and names, but the boy that is currently with Foley is not one that she ever recognize.
Does this means that the kid could potentially be the Fenton kid?
Is that boy the youngest one?
Because she heard that the eldest child of the family is a girl.
The short boy tense and look at her direction. She panic a bit and hid herself trying not to make an eye contact.
She saw him whispers something into Foley's ear causing the geek to tense and ... angry??
Its weird.
She have never seen Foley pull out that kind of emotion.
Well, she is not his friend so she can't say much about it.
Foley and the potential Fenton boy walk away into the crowd. Sam follow them trying not to make her presence known.
Out of sudden, the reality around her shift and she found herself near the edge of Amity Park's forest.
She looks around in panic.
This did not make any sense.
Sounds of branches being step on caught her attention.
The two people that she is following are a little bit far away from her and are still moving into the forest.
Its looks like they are using a path.
She is lucky they did not notice her presence.
She quickly follows them, determined to find out what is going on.
She quitely follows them avoiding obstacles and making as minimal sound as oossible that she could.
They have been walking for a while now and it seems they are not stopping. Sam wanders where they are going.
A short while and all of them finally stop walking.
She saw a whole big house. Probably a mansion but it looks smaller than it. Probably just a big house. On the house is a signboard that says "FentonWorks".
How weird.
She notices that there is an aircraft up on the house.
Okay. That is cool. The thing looks so big.
"Oi. What are you doing here?"
Uh oh.
It's seems she was spotted.
Both boys are looking at her.
Foley was looking at her in distrust and seems to be shielding the other boy with his body.
The Fenton kid is looking at her with mild curiosity.
"I said it again man. What are you doing here? Scratch that. How did you get here? Did you follow us?" Foley demanded an answer from her.
Sam bristles.
She did not like the way he talks to her. But it is not his fault. Its hers. She was the one who follows them here.
But damn it she did not like that tone of his.
"Yes." She answered him.
Foley sneered at her.
"Go away. Turn back and use the path you previously used." He told her.
The Fenton kid still have not said anything.
Sam stubbornly stood her ground.
"No. I want to know what is going on. I saw you with this kid that is probably a Fenton so i thought i want to confront him but then we are here. What is going on?!" She said.
She probably shouldn't said that.
Foley seems more angrier.
And now the Fenton kid is narrowing his eyes at her.
Great job sam.
What freaking good job you did.
........ . ..... ... .... ... .... ... ................ .. ... .. . . . . .. ...... .
⭕ The Fenton family came from a line of exorcist. Their whole line have passed down to the other generation the bureau of supernatural exorcisms. Even though they dealt with supernatural, they do deal with other magical beings and things related to magic. Their job is to investigate and help people with supernatural and magical things.
⭕ Jack and Maddie Fenton focus more on the subject of supernatural and believes every single spirits and such are evil. Especially ghost. Jazz do not want to deal with her family freakishness but the subject of magic caught her interest. Danny is just along for the ride.
⭕Tucker is Danny's childhood friend. The Foley is a close friend of The Fenton. The Foley do know what the Fenton family's job actually is.
⭕ Danny has an ability to sense supernatural and magical beings. His eyesight is open and sensitive to slight touch of magic and supernatural elements. It is a gift important to the Fenton generation and must be protected.
⭕ Jazz goes to normal school her whole life. Danny study at a school that dealt with supernatural and magical children for a short while before transferring into Casper High School. He still studies the Supernatural and Magical things. The Fenton hired a private teacher for Danny.
⭕ Vlad's whole incident is altered. Maddie and Jack did tried to build a portal to study the other side but they have step out of line. It brings consequences and Vlad have to pay for it. He have to pay for it with his life. Magical and Supernatural community have heard if that incident. Jack and Maddie felt guilty for the incident. They have not seen Vlad for a whole 20 years. They do not know where he is. They just wants their friend back.
⭕ Vlad hates them. He is soft with Maddie but he still hates her.
⭕ Tucker's relationship with Sam is complicated. Tucker do not like that Sam is a hypocrite that do not like to admit she is one. He understands her situation and relationship with her parents but sometimes she can be too much for him to handle. Think of their relationship is like Cassandra and Eugene from Rapunzel Tangled Adventure. Tucker only tolerates Sam because of Danny.
⭕ Tucker IS very protective of his best friend and brother, Danny. He grew up with that boy before his family move to Amity Park. To him, Danny is his whole world. He will protect Danny at all cost. He is not overbearing with Danny.
⭕ The Fenton parents did try to build a portal to see the other side again. They have another goal. They are going to use it to find their missing friend, Vlad. Danny knows that what his parents about to do is breaking the same law that they used to break once in the past.
⭕The Fenton parents are still negligence. Their negligence are far worse than canon one. They are mych too focus on finding Vlad that they forgot that they have children. 80% they are absent in their children's life, especially Danny.
⭕ Jazz is four years older than Danny.
⭕ The portal incident happened and Danny's connection with the supernatural and magical things heightened. Its dialed up to 11 and sometimes overwhelmed him more than his previous ability. He is terrified of what his parents will do to him. He have seen how his parents perform in their job and their prejudice with the supernatural things. He is one of them now and he tried to kept it secret.
⭕ Danny became Phantom when he enters the other side and human when he is back in the normal human world. Only the people that have seen death and have the special ability he used to have before the incident will see his Phantom form.
⭕ Danny may transform into his Phantom self in human world but it would be like he is wearing armour of his own body. His body would be in another dimension while his Phantom body is in the human world. If the Phantom body is hurt and damaged in human world, it woukd dissolved and Danny will appear back into human world. Phantom body in human world is much like that of the people from Houseki no Kuni (Land of Lustrous).
⭕ Some ghost are not uh 'ghost'. Those ghost would be people with supernatural and magical abilities.
⭕ Ghost in here is much more violent and dangerous. They are evil but not all of them. Its only 90% evil and dangerous. The being with ectoplasm are not really 'ghost' but those things are much more harder to deal with. Fenton is specialised in dealing with the Ectoplasmic entity. Magic do not work on them but do help people dealing with them. Its like you can't attack me but you can shield yourself. These ghost are form from the magic in the air. Ectoplasm is like the base and when mix with magic you will get these 'ghost'. You have to separate the magic from the base to destroy these creatures.
Edit :
⭕ Alright. I have said about the other side right? No humans. I mean no normal humans of a life form being is allowed to be on that side. If said human crossed that side they will never return back. They are trapped there. If they ever want to get back home they better pray they got help because most (i really mean the majority) of the beings (ghost/spirits/poltergeist/etc) will not help them and probably will eat them.
⭕ Vlad is an exception. He can crossed the barrier but he sort of have a deal. He no longer belongs to the living world. Its really his+ Jack + Maddie' s fault. He can blame them all he want but he can't deny it is his fault too☺️. He is in denial for a long time.
⭕ Danny is special. The 'portal' incident made him into something else. He really needs help. Someone have to always ground him to reality. No people on the 'other side' recognize him as a living being sonce he is in his phantom form. He helps people who got dragged to the other side back home. Its like a deal. He needs to make a deal with the humans. Its how it works.
⭕ Hoo boi here we go. Okay. Making a deal is like forming a magical contract. You can make a life time contract that last as long as you breath or maybe just a contract that have trial period. It can be permanent or non permanent. Danny always goes for non-permanent because permanent is risky and might bind him. You could never know if the human in the other side is good or bad.
⭕ To make a deal with Danny or 'Phantom' as they dubbed him, you need to sacrifice something of yours to him. Yes. I intended this au to be magical supernatural horror thingy.
⭕ Danny have as what you call 'time out'. Remember the Phantom body in human world? He can handle being in Phantom body for a certain time only. He can be hurt physically in the other side. Both human and 'ghost' form. Danny prefer to be in Phantom form because no entity will hatm him because they recognise him as one of them. If they sensed his human form they will hunt him down and tried to consumed him. Especially the 'ghost' that feeds on Ectoplasm and magic. Those things are the worse.
⭕ Sam and Tucker as well as Jazz are not allowed to cross the barrier of the portal. Jack and Maddie have crossed them and thus leaving the Fenton children to themselves. They were in search for their friend and to bring them back. They leave everything they could for their children while they are gone. It leaves Danny devastated and Jazz more angry.
⭕ In Human form, Danny works sort of like a shinigami. He is not a reaper or shinigami. He just works around supernatural and magical elements and things and deal with them. He only could do it if the person require a service because he is not allowed to interfere with someone's life if they do not asked. He is tied to that rule. He may punish those magical or supernatural things with law and all. (Reference to Muhyo and Roji Bureau...)
⭕ Jazz finds out of it because she suspects something happen to her brother. She does goes to the magical community to find some references and help. Now she works with them to protect Danny.
⭕ Sam is.....(wince) in a lot of problems here. She is in a lot of things and requires help. She needs to accept that help and stop trying to force someone to do everything she wants and gaslighting them. She did have some (a lot) issues there. Pamela and Jeremy Manson is trying their best. Pamela learns from ger mistakes. There is an incident that happens between her, Jeremy and Sam that involves a deal with a magical being. She seeks help from 'Phantom' to help their situation and learns her mistakes with her daughter. Pamela and Jeremy Manson are a lot better than the canon one. Its only Sam's stubborn ass here that do not want to accept it.
Day 2 : Magical powers Danny
Prompt idea :
Alright. I actually have an idea of arts for this prompt but i have not started anything yet. This au is about Danny having magical powers right? I kind of like the idea of him dealing with the ghost like sort of curse breaker. He have this identity as "Phantom" to hide himself from everyone from knowing his true identity.
I was thinking of like Cardcaptor Sakura fusion. And some Mo Dao Zu Shi elements. I will explain later.
The Fentons believe and Phantom believe are not the same. Fenton deals with this supernatural thing through science while Phantom deals these kind of things with magic. Their belief clashed. The Fenton can handle alchemy because it make sense to them more than the magic.
Alright. Explaining the fusion thing. There are no card here actually. The portal incident happened when Jack and Maddie tried to do the impossible by creating a sort of portal using alchemy. Yes. You heard me. This have Fullmetal Alchemist elements. You read it right. Jack and Maddie seeks knowledge and they had heard of entity that can help them.
They are wary of it. The first time they do their friend was sacrifice in an experimental portal gone wrong. They want to bring back their friend because they know the 'deal'.
Sam heard of their plan and asked Danny to bring her to see it. Tucker disagree but tagged along because he doesn't want to leave Danny alone with her.
Jack and Maddie have a 'deal' with this Entity. It kind of have to do with the ghost. Their job is kind of sketchy. Their time period is around The Fullmetal Alchemist time period.
The Fenton do not work for the government. The government grovel at their feet.
You see, we dive into this Mo Dao Zu Shi elements. Someone who practice cultivation will develop a core made of pure spiritual energy. We go to the core. Those who practice it will develop this pure core slowly. The Fenton trained their children to do it so they can be cleansed from dark energy and magic that might corrupt them when they, the parents, deal with this sort of law breaking things.
Sam dabble with dark magic because of course she would, she wants to keep he aesthetic. She didn't know anything about the dark magic and its consequences. She just thought people are just afraid to use it because well, its dark.
She accidentally killed Danny with it. Uh. Well, she fatally injures Danny and she in panic copy what the Fenton parents do for reviving the death thing and does it on Danny. She forces Tucker to help her because oh my gosh she killed her friend. Danny is dying because of her oh my gosh-
Danny died by the time she finish the circle. She activate it and both her and Tucker was transported to this place where it is white all over and one faceless humanoid thing in front of them. She made a deal with it and so is Tucker. Danny soul have not been taken yet but the deal put him in a state of not being dead but still alive. His soul is tainted with death and his core couldn't use any kind of pure spritual energy. He still can use it but it hurts him. Danny's body is always at aware of demonic and pure spriritual energy. His magic is the same too. His soul have to be bind to his body.
Danny can't really feel anything. If he is away from Sam and Tucker too long he will go numb and be a food to the malice and cruel spiritual and magical beings. Sort of doll state. He can't feel hungry but he needs to eat yet he doesn't. His body process the food slowly and it affects him greatly. He only feels pain if its spiritually or magically.
Sam and Tucker are trying to find away to restore their friend back to his normal state. Danny helps people through being Phantom. Right now the Fenton parents are travelling in order to vanquish ghost and destroy them while seeking knowledge and way to get their friend Vlad, back.
Vlad is not really 'dead'. He is trapped in some kind of 'man' like figure doll. Jack and Maddie knows of this. They bring Vlad with them. No one knows about Vlad especially their children.
While Sam and Tucker busy figuring out how to restore Danny, he made a deal with the Entity that both his friends and parents made deal with. The entity kind of favour him. It says to him that every time he is facing trouble of helping people with magic he will gain a new knowledge of how to deal with it. But something will be taken from him. He collected them all like cards and make a book of it. He calls it Book of Phantom. Somehow this goes into Varitas no Carte elements.
Sam and Tucker have no idea of Danny's deal and his other activity. Danny does it secretly. Everytime he uses demonic cultivation or dark magic, Danny's appearance changes. You know, the white hair, green glowing eyes .
Some of the ghosts are not ghosts, they are living people that dabbled in black/dark magic and demonic cultivation. Some are hunters and other stuff. There are ghosts but not the usual one.
I will add more later..
Phantasy Phest 2022 Day 3
Urban Fantasy
Lets go over the urban stories of giants. I will go down with this that the Far Frozen people is actually a race of giants. Well a branch of them. No. They are not exactly yetis. Yes. I thought of them as giants.
They are race of giants that live in the frozen land. More of like the norse mythology stories but they did not fit those description. They isolated their race away from the humans when they find a way to get into the infinite realm.
Their race strength are great but not greater than pandora. They are the keeper of knowledge and in the past, during pariah's reign, they are known as his treasurer and keeper.
I am kinda sleepy right now and feeling burnout so i will sleep just a bit before i continue this prompt idea.