Dp Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
Again an artwork for the adorable dp x warrior cats fic written by @drizzle-art called 'a ghost of a warrior' on ao3 I highly recommend checking it out ❤❤❤

Highly recommend checking this crossover out
Danny phantom x bsd by @nerdofspades

Based of a mini comic I found a while ago. when danny finally fully dies he is reincarnated as a cat his friends and family to deep in their mourning and grief over his death don't pay much attention to the odd cat even shooing it away. Danny deciding its time for him to move on leaves amity park who he meets along the way is up to u dose he encounter strange forest cats called clans if so who does he meet and witch clan? or is he adopted by a bats? Or something else entirely?
I'd love to here about your ideas 💡
He still has his powers to a degree and helps out wandering ghosts
Ghost Boy? In my college class? It's More Likely Than You Think
[ao3 link]
Warnings: None Words: 6,031
College was crazy.
There was absolutely no reason why college had to be as insane as it was.
Alright, maybe there was a reason. A reason called, "We have four years to make these students professionals in their chosen field, and some even less time than that."
Danny understood. He really, truly did. He knew that to work in his dream job at NASA, he needed to learn not just how to locate the constellations in the night sky, but also about subjects like chemistry, biology, calculus, physics—a lot of physics.
But seriously, when the hell was a guy supposed to sleep?
Last night's problem set only had five questions, theoretically. But it was run by a completely sadistic site that Vlad himself must have designed—that bastard—because while submitting a correct answer seemed to mark one of the five outlined stars in gold, the site also seemed to be more than happy to remove the gold star if he got a problem incorrect.
Which meant that the theoretical five-questioned assignment ended up taking Danny many, many more questions than that.
Just when he had thought the hell was over, he realized he still hadn't begun his paper for his mandatory freshman writing class. So then, he got the absolute pleasure of writing an essay about a stupid, Victorian-era play he didn't read regarding the symbolism of a hat as it related to...foreshadowing, or something.
He didn't read it. He only signed up for this dumb writing seminar because the timing worked better on his schedule. He'd much rather be taking the writing class about horror novels. But unfortunately, that one happened during his mandatory physics course.
When it was all over and he finally caught sight of his pillow, he was pretty sure he’d shed a single tear. Did he remember sinking into the mattress? Closing his eyes, and drifting off?
No. He didn't.
He was fucking tired.
But apparently, the universe did actually hate him because instead of being roused by his alarm the next morning, instead he was shaken by his ghost sense.
Oh yeah, apparently Skulker found his dorm.
No seriously, fuck that guy.
What the hell kind of sick weirdo wants to make a rug out of someone else's skin, anyway? Not to mention that Skulker had no conception of what a good time to hunt was, considering he seriously was trying to start chaos at five in the fucking morning.
Again, fuck that guy.
He only just barely had enough time to fly home, shower, hastily read over and submit his essay (he'd long since learned from high school that he couldn't trust himself that late at night to be coherent), and make a mad dash to his favorite bagel spot on the way to class.
However, the bagel guy—he had a name, Danny was almost sure—must have been under the weather today because, for some reason, he could not stop staring at Danny.
The instinct to run his hand over his face to check for post-fight ectoplasm splatters was a learned reaction, at this point. But this time, he couldn't feel anything off. His skin was dry. Cold, like usual, but dry.
"Uh..." the bagel guy continued staring at him slack-jawed.
"Do I have something on my face?"
That seemed to shake the bagel guy out of his stupor. He blinked, his eyes darting around to catch the eye of a few other customers who, for some reason, were giving Danny a really wide berth.
Did he smell or something? Had he forgotten to put his deodorant on?
Oh god, did his parents do something to make national news again? Did the news use a family photo when reporting the story or something? Why was everyone looking at him? Seriously, what the hell was going on today?
The bagel guy locked eyes with Danny once more, briefly, before darting back down to the register and handing Danny his change. "One everything bagel with cream cheese for the, uh—for—coming right up."
"Thanks," Danny said, trying to be as friendly as possible. Jazz always said that he shouldn't judge people for acting strange. That they could be going through something personal.
So, Danny shook it off. Maybe he missed a chunk of ectoplasm on his hair when he was showering. Skulker had nailed his shoulder pretty well. The green, ecto-infused smoothie he'd sipped that morning was working its magic to mend his skin, but who knew? Maybe a little bit of blood was leaking through his shirt. It wouldn't be the first time that happened, anyway.
Or the last.
Amazingly, he did get his bagel. But when the man handed it to Danny, his eyes were almost popping out of his skull. His heavily accented, "Ah, here is one—ah, your—your bagel," sounded especially halted today.
But no. The big, gruff bagel guy wouldn't have stuttered. He wouldn't have been nervous to pass a bagel to a tired-looking college student either.
Danny must have misheard.
He darted down the sidewalk. He was going to be late for class. And it was because of his internal panic that he didn't notice the girl with her nose buried in her cell phone at first. Not until she almost crashed into him, looked up, and nearly jumped out of her skin.
"HOLY SHIT!" she yelled, her hands flailing beside her. Her phone flew out from her fingers and clattered on the pavement.
"Sorry!" Danny scooped up her phone from the ground and handed it to her.
She stared at him as if he were completely insane, making no move to take the phone until Danny leaned forward a little closer and pointedly said, "Here."
Whether or not this girl was hungover or still drunk from whatever party she'd been at the night before, Danny did not have time to work around her brain. He was going to be late for class!
"Fuck," she said, eyes still glued on Danny. She did, however, finally reach out and gently take the offered cell phone.
Which was all he needed.
Mission accomplished, he whirled back around intending on continuing his fast-walk-nearly-run pace to the science building, but caught the eye of a biker who seemed to go into a similar trance as the bagel guy and ended up crashing straight into a parked car.
"Oh my god!" Danny darted over to the strewn biker. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine! Stay back!" the man yelled, struggling up and holding his hand out to block Danny from seeing his face.
Was this guy...cowering at him? Like he was some sort of ghost?
No, no. This was silly. Now Danny was just being paranoid.
"Just stay back!"
An oddly phrased demand, and a little biting at that, but the biker did just crash into a parked car because of Danny and that other girl—who was currently holding her phone up at Danny—so he guessed he could forgive this random dude for being a little snappish.
Danny didn't have time to dwell on this stranger anyway, because holy shit his class was starting in ten minutes and if Danny didn't get his ass to the room right now he was going to be screwed.
So with one more apology to the biker, and one more glance to the strange phone-obsessed girl, Danny adjusted the strap of his bag back over his shoulder and took off down the road.
Not literally took off. Though, he really wanted to jet through the air today. He'd had these urges to duck out of sight and fly to class before, but it never felt so compelling before.
Unfortunately, the street was crowded as shit, and in between classes as it was, the building would likely be crowded too. Finding a discrete place to transform would probably take just as long as running to the classroom like his half-life depended on it. And so, the latter option it was.
Somehow, he managed to make it to class with five minutes to spare. Okay, maybe not somehow. Maybe he did risk using his flight to propel him forward a little bit. Could anyone blame him?
College was crazy. And anyone who thought they saw a guy not quite touching the ground when he walked could have just as easily been sleep-deprived and were almost certainly hallucinating. Humans couldn't fly! Only ghosts could fly, and Danny Fenton was clearly a human college student just running to class.
Gaslight, gatekeep, ghostboss—or whatever the saying was.
Energy was buzzing in Danny’s veins, and he found it a little difficult to stay in his seat. An aftereffect of only barely using his flight powers, he was sure. His body got a taste of being airborne, and now it didn't want to return to the laws of gravity.
Danny could forgive his ghost core for that. Gravity could be very exhausting sometimes. Especially when he was in the middle of a ghost fight and his enemy was hurling him to the ground.
But he was in a lecture, and it would look weird if this random college student was hovering over his seat, so Danny forced his butt onto the chair as he dropped his bag beside him.
Whispers fluttered around him, which wasn't too unusual. People often talked in pleading freak-out whispers to their friends after an especially grueling night of homework.
Danny was about to turn to his chemistry lecture buddy and do the same—because seriously, he was going to have nightmares over that damn assignment for weeks—when he realized that his chemistry buddy was not in his usual seat.
And then, a whisper caught the attention of his enhanced eardrum.
Ah, that explained it.
Oh yeah, it was all coming together now.
They must have been talking about the ghost fight from this morning, the one with Skulker. This city wasn't Amity Park, so the students here weren't exactly used to ghost attacks. Of course, the initial fight was probably very exciting for them.
And, well, his parents probably were on the news that morning, but likely only to be interviewed about the attack. Maybe they ended up rambling about ghostly habits and migration patterns or whatever other bullshit theories they’d been churning with recently.
So then, the bagel guy must have recognized Danny as a Fenton, a child of Jack and Maddie, the infamous, kooky ghost experts.
The effects of that realization were delayed, but when they finally hit, he felt like his brain was hit by a semi-truck.
Because, shit. He didn't know if he could deal with his bagel guy knowing who he was. He was going to have to find a new bagel spot, wasn't he?
Danny craned his neck over to the door. The lecture was supposed to be starting, but his chemistry buddy was nowhere to be found.
But then, to his immense relief that he wouldn't have to suffer through this lecture by himself, the door opened to reveal the tall, lanky form of Cameron, his chemistry buddy.
Danny eagerly moved his bag out of the way of Cam's seat, his woes of that fucking assignment hot on his lips, but before he could begin his trauma-dumping session, something strange happened.
Really, really strange.
As Cam began habitually walking over to his seat, he looked up, caught Danny's eye, and froze.
His mouth parted into a perfect 'o,' his lips widened, and his eyebrows disappeared under his hairline. Then, he backed up, caught the bewildered expression of another student near him, and moved to another aisle.
Danny sat there too stunned to call out to Cam, though the intent was at the precipice of his being. Hurt stabbed his gut, and the social anxiety the A-List had trained his brain for in high school started creeping up his spine.
Did Danny do something wrong?
Why had Cam moved away?
What did that look to the other kid mean?
He tried to think of a reason why Cam might have suddenly decided that Danny was a weirdo freak that should be avoided, but the only thing he remembered doing between yesterday and today was the two texts he'd sent at eleven last night complaining about the assignment. But surely, everyone had complained, right?
Or was the assignment genuinely effortless for everyone? And Danny was just an idiot who didn't understand some really simple concept, and now Cam had suddenly realized that he'd picked the wrong chemistry buddy to sit next to in class?
That must have been it.
Why else had he moved away?
Danny turned around, looking to the back of the lecture hall. But all he could see was a sea of faces all looking at him.
Okay, honestly, what the fuck was wrong with everyone today?
He whipped out his phone, paranoia striking through his gut like a spear. Maybe he'd accidentally revealed himself during the fight? But he checked Google, searching for Phantom's human identity, but all he got at the top of the search were old Reddit threads theorizing about which historical figure he could have been, and celebrity news sites spouting completely absurd clickbait-type theories about his past.
Is Danny Phantom Napoleon's son?
Could Danny Phantom be Related to George Washington?
New Theory Suggests Danny Phantom is Alexander the Great!
Yeah, like Danny was leading legions of ghosts around Europe anytime soon.
As Danny wracked his brain for what the hell he'd done to deserve the wrath of having his class stare at him like he was some sort of weird alien species and his classmates were plotting on how to initiate first contact, the side door opened and the professor came darting in the hall with a stack of folders all but falling out of his hands and a muttering of breathy, "sorry, sorry," light on his lips.
The muttering broke out into jilted, uncomfortable laughter, and Danny still couldn't help the feeling that they were laughing at him.
He tried to brush that off as just the remnants of his high school on him and keep his attention focused on his short, salt-and-pepper-haired professor who looked like he couldn't remember if he was going to the beach or Burning Man today, and decided to dress for both.
Yang put the manila folders down on the front table, miraculously without spilling any of the contents inside, set his bag down on the rolling chair beside him, and picked up a piece of chalk to face the board.
He held a hand up and began writing Chemistry 101 — Stoichiometry on the board.
Behind Danny, the snickers grew louder.
Was there some inside joke that he just wasn't getting? Had his classmates prepared some sort of prank for the teacher today and Danny hadn't read the email? Was it April Fool's Day, even though logic and reasoning told Danny that it was only October?
"Sorry I was late, everyone," Yang began. "Now if you don't mind, I want to begin by going over a few problems from last night's assignment. I noticed a pattern in the problems everyone was getting wrong..."
Someone coughed rather obnoxiously behind him.
Danny felt ice begin to build in his stomach.
"...so as you can see here, I noticed a lot of people forgot to calculate the used excess of iron to find the amount of excess reactants. Remember, guys, you can't just subtract the bigger and smaller masses in the problem..."
Another obnoxious cough.
Yang didn't break stride. "...you have to actually convert it to moles and set up your mole ratio, and then convert back to grams. I mentioned this in class but it seemed like too many of you—"
"Professor Yang?" the impatient voice of Brittany, one of his classmates, said from behind.
The class broke out in a fit of whispers and giggles, this time not even trying to hide their restlessness.
"What is it?" Yang turned around, his chalk still hovering on the board.
And then he looked at Danny. His eyes bugged out like a cartoon, sticking out beyond the rims of his glasses. His jaw opened and closed like a fish, and he dropped the chalk on the floor.
Now, the class was roaring with noise.
Danny stared eye-to-eye with the professor for ten seconds or ten minutes. He didn't know which, and it didn't matter anyway, because then Yang's thin lips opened to exclaim a word that may as well have electrocuted him all over again:
Confusion and panic hit Danny like a sledgehammer.
How did Yang know he was Phantom? Had he been revealed? Did everyone know he was Phantom?
And then he heard the whispers.
"It's really him! It's Phantom!"
"Why is he here?"
"It's Phantom!"
How did everyone know his secret?
Danny had to stop this.
He had over four years of hiding his ghost half from his parents, the world, and most impressively, his parents. Over the years, he'd honed his ability at lying and using his silver tongue to smooth over situations with such practiced ease, he was expecting his Oscar in the mail any day now.
Which is why, like an utter pro, he jumped up from his seat and shouted, "It's a lie, I'm not a ghost!"
The room went silent, and then was launched into a frenzy.
"Is he delusional?"
"It's really him! It's Phantom!"
His panic was bordering on hysteria as it stampeded over him, beating his core so furiously that Danny thought it was going to jump through his ribcage.
He stood, his gloved hands held out in front of him as he began his best at pleading with the masses, but before he could grovel too much, Professor Yang's voice sliced through him like a knife, calling out, "Phantom! What are you doing in my class?"
Gloved hand?
Danny looked at his hands again. They were gloved.
And glowing.
The relief was so heavy on his shoulders, his back, and every inch of his skin. It was also mortifying.
Because here he was, in his Chemistry 101 class not as Fenton, but as Phantom.
"Holy shit," Danny muttered.
What. The. Hell.
No, really.
What the hell?
How was this happening?
Had he really been so tired that he'd forgotten to change out of his Phantom form that morning?
No, hang on—had he been walking around in his Phantom form all morning?
How had he not noticed?
Then all the memories came flying back to him at once. The bagel guy acting weird, staring at him like he wasn't sure if he should seriously give a ghost a bagel because "Do ghosts need to eat? Is human food poison?"
And then the girl. She hadn't screamed because she nearly crashed into a stranger, she screamed and threw her phone in the air because she'd nearly crashed into Phantom. And that's why she was recording him after, too. She was recording Phantom, a ghost that wasn't native to this college town.
Danny thought he'd die of cringe-fail right there because that meant she also recorded the biker crashing into a parked car and was probably uploading it to TikTok later. He was sure it would be trending in minutes.
That was, if she hadn't already uploaded it to Tiktok, and it wasn't already trending. His phone suddenly felt heavy in his pocket.
He looked around at the faces of intrigue and excitement, feebly attempting to squash the anxiety that was currently tap dancing over his skin. Okay, so his initial attempt at acting hadn't gone so well. That was okay; nobody could be perfect all the time. If he just channeled the inner cool and suave hero that he was, he could totally save the situation.
For sure.
He floated a few feet in the air. His legs felt awkward sprawled out, and he tried to form a ghost-tail, but somehow his sense of self was too strong for that today. No matter, to balance it out, he splayed his arms out wide and began doing jazz hands, saying, "It's me! Danny Phantom! Just here checking your classroom for ghosts!"
There was a moment of collective pause before his brain caught up with what his mouth said, and then he scrambled, making a big show of ducking around the room to search for...ghosts, or something. He lowered to the floor to check under the auditorium chairs, flew to the front of the room to peek around the tables, and finally went up to the ceiling to glance around the four corners of the room.
Once he felt embarrassed enough, he stopped in the center of the room, puffed out his chest, and said, "Good news, citizens! There are no ghosts in this room!"
Whispers and mutters once again broke out from his classmates, along with a few giggles. In the front of the classroom, Yang's head was craned up to look at him, his expression showing pure bafflement.
Okay, Danny was bombing this set. He was catching onto the vibe of the room, and had come to this very astute conclusion: there was no saving this.
Time to abort the mission.
"Well, that will be all! Have a fun class learning about chemistry!"
And then, without another word, he jetted through the wall and into the hallway of the building, turning invisible immediately. Fortunately, with classes having started several minutes ago, the corridors were mostly empty. Only a few stragglers remained, booking it down the halls and trying to duck inconspicuously into their classrooms.
Danny cut around a corner of the hall where, thankfully, no one was standing. That didn't stop him from triple-checking over his shoulder (all that was there was the water fountain, Danny) before he let his ring wash over him.
Then, when he was sure he was human again this time, he ran down the hall and pushed open the auditorium door to his class which, by the looks of things, hadn't calmed down from their encounter yet.
The door hit the wall with a bang—oops, he thought he hadn't pushed so hard—and then every head was turned to him.
"Sorry!" Danny rubbed the back of his neck and gestured vaguely to the clock on the wall. "I lost track of time."
The room was...silent. Incredibly, confoundingly silent.
That wasn't good.
On instinct, Danny glanced down again to make sure that he was wearing his red hoodie and blue jeans and not his Phantom black and white jumpsuit. He was, in fact, wearing the right clothes. And out of the corners of his eyes, he saw the glint of his black bangs.
So then, what the fuck?
Alright, there was no need to panic. He was human, his classmates were human, they'd just met Phantom, and now Danny was busting in the classroom late. It wouldn't be the first time he was late to class, anyway. Lots of students were late for Chemistry!
With his brain sufficiently pep-talked, he pointed as inconspicuously to his seat as he could and said, "I'll just...take my seat."
No one responded, so he took that as his cue to begin his walk of shame up the steps of the auditorium aisles to his usual seat near the front, which was still amazingly void of students anywhere near it.
"Phantom?" a voice rang out from the spattering of students around the room.
Danny missed the next step and ate shit on the floor. His bag hit his back heavily, and he could have sworn his shoe nearly flew off his feet. He scrambled to stand, his hand missing the railing only once, before he managed to stand back proud and tall. Sort of. His backpack had slid off one shoulder, and his body was hunched forward and he tried to regain his breath because holy shit, it actually really hurt for his torso to land on the corner of the step.
He rubbed his sternum, sure it was going to bruise, and coughed out, "Uh—what?"
"Phantom!" the voice, now too familiar, repeated. "You're him. Phantom."
Danny glanced up, and dread not only slammed into him with the force of a semi, but also backed up and floored it into his soul again. And again.
Because that voice was none other than his Chem 101 buddy, Cam.
No, Danny was a magnificent actor. He surely could save this one.
What did people always say? Something about the third try being a charm?
He could really use a charm right now. Unfortunately, Murphy seemed keen on watching him suffer instead.
"No—no way! I'm not a ghost! I'm totally human, guys! See?" Danny said with quite a lot of conviction, waving his hands beside his body like some sort of circus display.
It was so conclusive of a performance, that Cam simply laughed.
Shit. This was not how he wanted today to go at all.
"I can't believe I never put it together before! Did people really buy that in your hometown?"
"What act? I'm not acting!" Danny insisted.
But his classmates, it seemed, were even less convinced.
"Seriously, it's so obvious."
"How did no one notice?"
"They're literally the same person it's crazy."
"What? No! No we're not the same person!" Danny insisted, trying not to sound desperate and hopelessly failing. "He's my—uh—twin? Yeah, that. He's my twin."
"He's obviously not," a classmate said.
"He is. He died in the womb," Danny refuted.
"Okay, now you're just being ridiculous."
"Does it sound better or worse if I say that my mother drank ectoplasmic smoothies while she was pregnant and that's why he turned into a ghost?"
"Fenton!" Professor Yang called out.
Danny felt his blood turn so cold they started forming frost in his veins.
And then, he refused to look down because he was pretty sure ice crystals were glueing his feet to the floor.
In his panic, he'd totally forgotten that this was, in fact, a classroom. With a professor. And not just any professor, his chemistry professor. As in, the guy that had the sole power of crushing all of Danny's dreams of working for NASA via the power of the curve.
Yang took a step back, colliding with the chalkboard behind him and smearing white dust all over his brightly-colored shirt. But he ignored this, instead finding it more pertinent to fold his arms and regard Danny with a look of pure incredulation. "Are you really Phantom?"
"What? No!" Danny said. However, as luck would have it, that gasping answer caused him to inhale the wrong way, and coughs shot up his throat to overtake his body.
And then like the valiant superhero he was, he began having a coughing fit. In front of his classmates.
He knew Sam and Tucker always called him a dork, but this was really unfair.
"You okay, Phantom?" one student asked.
Danny tried to argue, "I'm not Phantom," but unfortunately for him, he hadn't stopped coughing yet.
Taking his silence for a confirmation that he was in fact the elusive ghost known as Phantom, another classmate commented, "I didn't know Phantom breathed."
Not-so-quiet whispers and mutters broke out around the class at once discussing theories of his cardiovascular system.
All while Danny was doubled over, trying desperately to reclaim what little of his dignity was still left. As well as reclaim some of the oxygen that his body seemed more than willing to push away for some reason.
Seriously, was he out of karma yet?
Okay, Universe, if this is your way getting back at me for reading the Cliffnotes of that book for the essay last night, I get it. Cheating is bad, blah blah blah. I'm very sorry in a deeply remorseful way, so can we please stop ruining my life now?
"...so he wouldn't need to breathe!" A classmate's voice had stepped above the rest.
"That's what I said!"
"Dude, he's literally fallen asleep on my floor once. I'm telling you he needs to breathe."
That voice must have been Cam's.
Danny took a deep breath, regaining control of his lungs. "Wait, guys!"
But it was too late. And, oh god, why were people now giggling over their phones? Had someone taken a video of him earlier? Was he trending online right now?
If this got back to Sam and Tucker, he was never going to live this down.
"Okay, okay!" Yang's voice rose in volume. "Class, settle down!"
The class went silent.
"Alright, I know we are all curious to know about Fenton's secret double life—"
"I don't have a secret double life!"
"Sure you don't, Phantom," Cam said.
"—But please, we do actually have quite a bit of material to cover today, judging by the very impressive homework scores from last night. And, by the way, class, might I remind you all that my office hours are on Mondays and Wednesdays from two to four. I won't name names, but I'll just say that if you need to make it a point to come for some review, you know who you are."
Was Yang looking at him?
"Regardless, if Fenton is done screwing around with his ghost powers, we do need to get through the material sometime this year."
"But I'm not a ghost!" Danny protested.
"Dude, you're standing in a block of ice," a classmate argued.
"Holy shit, he froze his legs to the floor!"
Danny felt frost on his cheeks. "The A/C system is broken! Everyone knows that!"
"The ice is glowing."
"So? A lot of ice glows."
"Fenton, please." Yang had never sounded so disappointed in his life. "I'd expect anyone in this class to know that ice is made of which elements?"
Danny hated where this was going. "Hydrogen and oxygen."
"And please describe the bonds to me."
"The hydrogens have a double bond with the oxygen, and then there's two pairs of electrons leftover."
"What shape?" Yang pressed, pushing his wiry glasses up his nose.
"Good, thank you. So we have two hydrogen and one oxygen in an H20 molecule, yes? And so tell me, would that configuration with those two elements cause anything to glow?"
"Um, no." Danny had the sudden urge to die. "Water does not glow."
"But, interestingly, ectoplasmic water does glow, correct? Because....?"
They'd touched over ecton science earlier in the semester. "Because ectons are larger and can sit closer to the nucleus which results in atoms fusing and due to the greater amounts of energy they emit, some this excess energy can be seen in our visible spectrum."
Yang smiled and then gestured to the seat devoid of any humans near it that Danny, previously Phantom, had been sitting in at the start of class. "Thank you, Mr. Phantom. Now, if we're all done dillydallying, we have some stoichiometry to go over."
It took Danny more than a second of the awkward silence that followed to realize that oh yeah, his feet were literally frozen in place.
"So..." He glanced around the room, meeting the expectant gazes of his classmates. "Just to be clear, none of you care that I might potentially be..."
A ghost?
Some sort of weird mutant hybrid thing?
"Danny, you're the only one making a big deal out of this," a classmate answered.
Danny guffawed.
"Yeah, it's whatever. You're dead, so what? We're all dead in college. You're not special."
"I have a biology lecture later right after this for my weed-out course and going to that is basically the same thing as dying, I'm pretty sure," Cam joined in.
Danny resisted the urge to smack his forehead with his open palm.
He turned back to Yang. "And if I were maybe the—uh—being that kind of has saved humanity from being invaded by ghosts give or take one or two times, would that maybe get me extra credit on the next test?"
Well, that was a brutally quick response.
Danny shrugged. "It was worth a shot." He reigned in on his core's fluttering, and the ice began to melt around his feet.
He tried to ignore the obvious phone flipped his way as he did.
Shit, this was going to be all over social media later. How embarrassing. He could only hope that Tucker wouldn't find it. But who was he kidding? If he checked his phone, he bet he already had about sixteen messages from Tucker laughing at his misfortune.
Once he finished freeing himself from his ecto-ice like some ghost toddler, he began a very graceful and humiliating trek to his seat, complete with multiple instances of him bumping into chairs as he trudged down the row. When he finally reached his seat, it was just his luck that the rusty hinges let out an obnoxious creaking wail as he lowered himself down. He winced, hissing out apologies, but in the silent hall, the sounds of the withered metal were almost too much to bear.
It was for that reason that his entire body refused to unclench until the professor was well underway with his lecture about excess reactants and whatever else they were going to be quizzed on next week.
He tried his best to pay attention and not check his phone for the no doubt endless notifications. He'd already made his presence too obvious in this hall, anyway. Professor Yang would have been thoroughly annoyed if, after everything, Danny decided to spend the remainder of the class on his phone.
Miraculous as it was, he did manage to survive the lecture.
After class when he finally was able to check his phone, he saw that the world was too focused on the viral posts about Phantom being spotted outside of Amity Park to give any attention to the little itty bitty post of Danny, in human form, frozen to his lecture hall floor.
As it turned out, that post only had two likes—one of them was Tucker—and one comment from a random user reading, "lol why phantom freeze that dweeby kid to the ground???"
Danny didn't resist the urge to facepalm this time, and in fact did it so hard he was surprised he didn't give himself a concussion.
At least his secret was safe.
"You really don't care that I'm Phantom, do you?" Danny asked, looking up from the barely clean dorm room floor that his back was currently stretched out against.
"No?" Cam glanced from his notebook. "Why?"
"Uh, I figured the whole part where I'm a part ghost would have been a little weird?"
Cam's thin brows shot up to his hairline. "You're only a part ghost?"
"Yeah? Why, what did you think?"
"Oh, I just figured you were legit dead or something."
Cam uttered those words with such nonchalance, that Danny reacted almost immediately, shooting up from the floor so hard, he accidentally switched into his Phantom form.
"You thought I was dead?" His voice echoed when he spoke, and his ghostly tail wiggled underneath him.
Cam's pointed look and handwave were explanation enough.
"Okay, you know what? That's fair." Danny swiped his notebook off the floor and forced his adrenaline-spiked body back into human form. "That's actually super fair."
"Yeah I mean, being a ghost is sort of Phantom's whole shtick, anyway."
"Right but like...wait, you didn't even care that you thought I was a fully dead and deceased ghost taking college classes? And you still wanted to do homework with me tonight?"
Cam, once again, only gave a very lazy shrug. "Well, yeah. I just want to pass this class, dude, and we've already established that we should tag-team team this class instead of trying to rawdog it by ourselves."
"I mean...I guess?" Danny blinked at his friend, his mind reeling with astonishment. "You're weird, you know that?"
"Says the ghost-human person or whatever. Now, are we gonna finish this prelab assignment, or are you gonna keep having an existential crisis about your place in the Universe?"
Danny slid back on the floor, propping his knees up to lay his notebook against. "No, you're right. We need to finish this prelab."
"Thank fucking god."
[read more of my stuff here]
Danny Phantom but make it more angst and fluffy. My style.
I headcanon that Maddie Fenton major in biology and chemistry. Her fixation is more on studying how things work. Jack Fenton lean more towards bio-engineering, chemical-engeneering and mechanical. His fixation focus more on creating things.
We all know the Fentons are the real genius guys. I mean look at their freaking invention. Look at that house. Jack once pulled the whole house into another dimension. We know that Jack Fenton-Nightingle is clearly Jack's own ancestor so the supernatural fixation have always been in the family. The Fenton family are actually BIG. They are just scattered all ACROSS the world. Some of them cannot be detected under the radar. The Fenton family IS weird.
Each branch of family have their own type of fixation especially supernatural. since Jack and Maddie never really applied safety measures in their labs, i present this to you, both parents have difficulty on having a child. Yes, Maddie does have miscarriage. A couple of them.
They work with nearly all sort of chemicals and things. Maddie is not good at just sitting around and doing nothing. After a couple of times trying, they decided to take a long break from researching and their works. The Fentons are actually freaking rich. They just like to hide it. Only uses it when they need to. They loves recycling actually.
They get a miracle where i finally have a child. Jazz. The pregnancy went surprisingly easy. Jazz is a healthy child. They are overjoyed of this. But we all know it will never last long. Jack and Maddie loves their work more so after having Jazz, they continue their works and research.
Jazz only managed to get her parents attention when she is shown as a genius child. Both of them are very proud of her. The Fenton household is always kept sterile and clean. 4 years later, Danny enters their life.
But it all went down there. Danny is born premature and because Maddie ignores all the advice from the doctor and do not apply any of them during pregnancy, Danny came out into the world very sick and nearly died. During Maddie's pregnancy, he is exposed to the chemicals and hazardous things frequently. Maddie neglected to care for her own health when she is pregnant with Danny. Jack do try to tell her to take it easy but she is STUBBORN.
Danny is diagnosed with asthma, weak heart and weak immune systems. To top of it all, he is iron deficiency anemic. His eyesight is not good. He is born premature with nutritional deficiencies. He nearly went blind.
Both Fenton parents blame themselves for Danny's condition and tried to do their best. They focus on their kids for a little while. Its been a good 5 years but in the end both of them went down quickly with the habit of neglecting their children wellbeing. Jazz is extremely protective and POSSESSIVE of her brother. Its quite lonely when you are the only genius child and without company of your parents. Adults may think she is bright but children can be cruel. She is so happy when she got Danny as her little brother.
She do not like to share him at all. Wherever Danny is, she is always with him. She likes to carry Danny around. She does not like it when her parents neglected Danny. She grew up matyyre quickly and become the adult he needed in his life.
When they move to Amity park and Danny became friend with Tucker, she was heartbroken and think that Danny will replace her and leave her. She resented Tucker for a little while but grew to love Tucker as another little brother when she saw how caring he is towards her brother. She became interested in psychology when she reads some books and novels. She is afraid for Danny.
Dash enters their life and she is a little hesistant about it. She watches Dash always with how he treat her little brothers. Needless to say when the kid decided Danny and Tucker are not worthy friends, she became angry. She once saw Dash push Danny down from a flight of stairs, she made sure that Dash got grounded for three months and every punishment he gets is what she suggested to the parents of Dash.
She can be very cruel when she want to. Danny's health do not improve from all the neglect. She hates it when their parents give him task and job in the labs. She hates how her parents treat him. When Danny is 14, she is 18 and in collage. She have asked Tucker for a favor to keep an eye on Danny and to always take care of him when she is not there. Tucker takes it with a big heart and he does it seriously.
He may appear like a coward but once Danny is involve, he is ready to throw hands and kick asses. Danny do not frequently appears in school because he frequently gets sick. Once, he got sick for a whole 3 weeks. He have to stay with the Foley's to monitor his health.
When Sam became friends with them, Tucker is neutral around her. Danny is a loveable dork but Tucker do not like Sam's hypocrisy. Tucker is a flirt yes, but he doesn't really focus on the girls. He focus on Danny. He will be damn if something ever happened to his best friend and brother.
Headcanon : Danny is the smallest of the group. He stood 4'10, tucker, 5'4 and sam 5'2 ft. Jazz is 5'7.
The accident happen and you guys think it will improve Danny's health? Hah! No. It makes it more worse. His heart condition became worse, he is nearly subscribe with a pacemaker. He went completely blind. One of his ears went deaf. Its truly a miracle his asthma did not became worse.
He spents 6 months in hospital. He needs to learn how to walk again. Sadly, he is permanently walking limply. He needs crutches to help him walk. Sam blames herself for it. danny did not transform into phantom when he came out from the portal so his friends did not know. He discovered it during his stay at the hospital. The staffs of the hospital discovered it and kept it a secret from the parents.
Tucker did not talk to Sam for a whole 4 month after the portal incident. Jazz was devastated of the news of her brother's current state and blame her parents. Her hatreds of them grew more. The Fenton parents were floored and excited when they discovered the portal the work hard on is working but immediately blown off when they find out about the consequences of their actions. History repeating itself.
Maddie and Jack vowed to focus more on their children especially Danny right away. They did it. They discovered that Danny is a halfa on an accident when they visited him with Jazz. Danny was afraid of them and their reactions and it causes them more guilt and hatreds towards themselves. They make a promise to Danny to never abandoned him.
The Fenton children and Parents became much more closer 6 months after the incident. Fenton parents are researching more on how Danny's body working and how to help him. Jazz finally gets the happy family she desired. It may not be perfect but their parents are trying their best to be there for their children.
The Fenton parents are famous for a lot of inventions. They build other things other than the one that have to do with ghost.
The lunch lady attack happen, Tucker and Sam did make up for a bit and have run away to hide Danny first away from the attack. Sam's body us build and athletic as well as physically more stronger than Tucker. She is the one who ends up carrying both boys in her arms. The Fenton parents arrive and dealt with lunch ladies with ease.
Maddie and Jack improve their skills and prowess in martial arts to protect their children. Their invention works perfectly and able to neutralise Lunch Lady. They do not attack first but did try to debate it with her. She is neutralise after they made a promise to have a talk with the one that change the menu.
Honestly, they get the job done like a true professional. Once the ghost is gone, they search for their son and his friends. Their first priority is their son, Danny. They find him hiding with his friends behind the gym's bleachers. They told him what happened and he became awed with them. News spread and Jazz got a hold of it. She is very proud of them.
Danny's ghost sense did not came out like a whisp from his mouth. It sent a signal to his body and make him shiver. His hearing became deaf to only the sound of the ghost. He can feel their presence.
Danny, have an outfit specifically made for him to go out as Phantom. He usually stays away from overseeing eyes and invisible. He likes to came out at night to see the stars.
You may think his obsession came out as protection and all that or maybe space but nah. Its discovery of unknown world baby.
Might continue this later...
So yeah this idea has been bugging me and all shiz. Remember the picture I last posted of Danny having the Ring or Rage and Crown of Fire but not being the Infinite Realm's King, Prince or even heir?
Yeah. Imma dive into that.
The day Danny died, The Incident Day, The Day an opening and rip of reality causing The Portal to open, a sudden shift in reality happen. Remember the Dan incident? Phantom being separated from the body. One being turns into incomplete two halves of a whole. One being killed another and fused with the ghost half of Vlad Masters. The Danny that died, the human half, did not turn into a ghost. No. He turns into something beyond the power of fate and all shiz. When Danny defeated Dan and trapped him in the thermos. Dan became a being that exists out of a timeline that has been destroyed. His timeline did not exist. Nothing. No home to go back to. But, in the dead timeline, there is one being still waiting there for Dan.
The human half of Danny is supposed to be dead. He is still waiting for his other half to come back home so he could apologize to him. To say he is sorry. He is a being born of misery and sorrow. The ghost half of Danny is full of hatred, and madness and he is really angry. He is angry about being rejected. He is angry because the core is unstable. There is no core now.
No core.
Not even half a core.
The human half has been waiting for Dan for so many years. The day he 'died', he spend his time unable to interact with Dan or even his half side anymore.
Danny is supposed to be a being of both death and life. The one walk in between and on the line always. The balance have been broken the day the human half 'died'. He exists out of the plane. Even Clockwork, the ever-knowing, does not know of the human half's presence.
My theory is why most ghost weapons do not work on Dan but on Danny's (the dog) timeline, there is (and probably more) invention that WORK on Dan is that the human half has been protecting him. Danny's human half has spent years in loneliness and eternal sorrow. He WANTS to be reunited back with his ghost half. He is devastated by what happened in his timeline after his ghost half fused with Vlad's ghost half. No rules applied on Dan's timeline 'dead' Danny's human half. Nothing.
When Dan is trapped in the thermos, the whole timeline disappeared leaving only a void. There, the 'dead' human half exists and gains a body. He knows of clockwork, he knows of The Observants, he knows of everything that happened in the OG's timeline. He knows how to find Clockwork easily. He can create a portal between reality, time, space and dimensions. He is an eldritch abomination. He did break into Clockwork's tower without even the Master of Time knowing of it.
The 'dead' human half is tired of waiting and being in pain as well as unable to be reunited again. He steals the thermos that contains Dan from Clockwork's tower and brings it into the dead timeline. He released Dan.
Dan, upon being released, at first was very pleased but he was stunned and alarmed at what he sees when he look around. It was nothing but black. A void. And in front of him is the supposed dead half of Danny Fenton. But something is wrong with the human half. Something eerie. Something beyond comprehension. Something that made him, the monster, creeped out and afraid.
The human half SMILE at him and said that he will now separate Dan into two beings again so he could talk with his other half. Dan was very angry and well, you know the rest. He tried to fight him but nothing lands. No punches, blasts or even his wail affected the being in front of him.
Every blast, every hit and every attack seems to only sadden the 'dead' human half. But then, something unexpected happens, the being thrust his hands into Dan's chest and pulls. The pull rips Dan into two PAINFULLY.
The ghost half of Danny appeared and was still angry. The ghost half of Vlad howled and screamed as he dissipated into nothing else. Only the human half knows what happens to Vlad's ghost half.
Both halves have a long talk. Their talk was spent for a very long time. They do not know how long has it been because time did not exist there. The ghost has eventually mellowed out a bit and started feeling guilty about what he and plasmids half have done when they fuse into another being.
Both halves tried to fuse but they can't. They are unable to. There is no balanced. To fuse, the human half needs to be 'alive'. Both get the same idea of going into the OG timeline. So, the human half called Niel created a portal and pull the original Danny Fenton that defeated Dan and trapped him in the Fenton thermos into their place.
Things happen and they talk. Like a lot. Phantom and Niel fuse with Danny and let's just say it levels up Danny like he is isekaied but not really. He is reborn as himself but as another whole new person. He escapes from the dead timeline and found out that not even a whole minute has passed. Danny gains a new set of power and all this happens before Urban Jungle and after Forever Phantom.
You see, Phantom and Niel from Dan's dead timeline did not fuse with the OG Danny from the main timeline, no, they became a part of Danny's powers. They live in Danny's core, protecting it from harm and became Danny's 'Guardian Angels'. Danny can summon them whenever he needed to or use their powers. They boost Danny's powers too.
I did not believe in ice core Danny but I believe in flexible core Danny. His core may shift into whatever suits the situation. The presence of Phantom and Niel only strengthens Danny's grip on his core's powers.
Sam and Tucker do not know of Phantom and Niel's existence because both of them insisted Danny kept them a secret. Only time will reveal itself. Danny agreed on one condition that they will train him. They agreed.
The Urban Jungle happen and Undergrowth was met with Danny's summoned 'Guardian Angels'. Danny was just like :
Danny: Niel! Lien! Come forward.
Niel : (appeared out of thin air looking like something that came out of the void)
Undergrowth: Alright, WTF.
Phantom (name changes to Lien) : (appears much like a white being from void)
Undergrowth: WTF???!!!
Amity Park: Did- Did those things come out of Phantom's chest????
Jazz and Tucker: Danny??!!
Undergrowth got beat down by both Niel and Lien and both returned to Danny's again. He has some explaining to do and Clockwork just so happens to realize that there is something otherworldly happening in Danny's timeline. The timeline has completely changed. These Niel and Lien presences changed everything and Clockwork can't see their origins or future and neither could he sees Danny's future. Danny has a long talk with his friends and sister after that.
D-stabilized happened and Dani is stabilised by Danny's core. She did meet Niel and Lien. Both of them are introduced as Danny's summons. That day, both of them discovered that Danny's bedroom door can lead them to Danny's lair. It happens because Danny wants to find somewhere safe for Dani to live and a place that is easy and near for him to access and check on Danny. Danny opens his bedroom door and boom! The lair. He closes the door and opens it again after wishing for it to be only his room and found his room is there like normal. Both of them think they went insane and Danny closes the door again thinking it must be a joke or something. Turns out, Danny's lair appeared much like the room of requirement we read and saw in Harry Potter books and movies.
Danny gives Dani a Fenton phone so they could communicate with each other. They have tested out wherever place Dani is, as long as she still has a connection to Danny, Danny can open the door from inside his lair and the door would lead him to Dani's location. Like from Howl's moving castle. It's convenient.
Time passed by and we will ignore Phantom Planet never happen. Danny somehow finds himself with the Ring Of rage around his neck and The Crown Of Fire on him. Well, it's too big for him to wear on his head so it hovers like a ring. Like how the rings circle their planets. It tips the balance inside Danny and overwhelmed him. Clockwork finds him and put the blood blossom flower crown with the veil on him saying it was a gift from the Infinite Realm itself to help Danny overcome the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire's overwhelming power.
Danny finds out he is immortal and that the other clones that he believes have died and melted are alive and in the Ghost Zone hiding from other ghosts and predators in their ghost core form. Danny collects them and lets them rest inside his lair. He heals them with his core. The blood blossoms flower crown did hurt Dani and other ghosts if they come close but it's a gift special for Danny so only a selected few people can approach Danny without getting hurt. Dani can be in his presence for a long time but it still did hurt. Danny always heals her if she gets overwhelmed by the flowers.
Before, Danny has one clone that still lives. Now, he has five. He gives them names.
Tiny clone - Dean
Bed sheet clone - Dale
Monster clone - Dylan
Prime clone - Drew
Yeah, they don't want to start far from Danny's name. His name is like comfort for them. Lien felt left out because his name starts with L. But then considered it back, he do not want his name to stray far away from Niel's name. After all, his name is Niel only backwards. All of them always stayed by Danny's side. They feel calm around his presence and not afraid. Sam, Tucker and Jazz are unaware of the changes and the news of Danny's status and the other clones.
Only Dani and Drew ever leave Danny's lair. The others stayed behind.
You’re like me..?
sneak peek
Summary: When Airis first heard about Phantom she had her suspicions about him, but without meeting him she couldn’t really prove them, so she did what she had been wanting to do for a while now, she ran away from home and into the craziness of Amity Park.
If you asked her, Airis would tell you she had a pretty secure grip on her emotions.
She didn’t hold her anger like an abusive father holding a child's wrist, no, she holds hers in a tight hug and rubs its back soothingly whenever it starts to shake.
However, what she was reading made her want to let go of her anger and let it run around like a scared cat in the vet's office. The Fentons papers on ghosts was so fucking biased it was disgusting. They were basically describing themselves when talking about the ghosts in their papers.
They only had a few facts right, but then they twisted those facts to suit what they thought of ghosts. It made Airis have to take multiple deep breaths in order to keep her anger in her arms. She had held it in a firm hug for so fucking long, she would not let go now just because two bumbling idiots though all ghost were malevolent.
Looking up from her phone Airis saw the sign that greeted her into Amity Park. She let a small smile form on her lips as she flew past the sign. Howfully Phantom would listen to her and not attack first, but from what she had read she doubted he would. Especially once she revealed she was like him.
The town was surprisingly quiet. Not at all what she was expecting for America’s most haunted town. Her grumbling stomach quickly alerted her to the fact that she hasn’t eaten anything in at least 4 or 5 hours.
Stupid basic half-human human needs.
Opening her phone again she looked on her maps to see a fast food joint called ‘Nasty Burger’ nearby. Not as good as Mcdonalds or Wendys, but it would have to do. Quickly memorizing the route she closed her phone and shoved it in her hoodie pocket.
As she walked she couldn’t help, but look around and let her thoughts wander.
If Phantom was really like her then she had to plan it out so if he ended up not being like her then she wouldn’t expose herself to all the people that would love to dissect her. The scar on her chest wouldn’t let her just forget.
She didn’t fully trust Phantom of course, but it was so hard not to when she felt such a connection to him just by looking at him in a picture, not even in person yet. Sighing to herself Airis grumbled in frustration at not understanding her feelings. No one knew her feelings like she did, but with this new growing feeling between her and the ghost boy she felt like a 10 year old again who was just starting to hold her emotions on a thin leash that risked snapping at any given moment.
Airis needed to hit something she hadn’t hit anything since that day, but knew she couldn’t wouldn’t. It might draw unwanted attention to herself, but then again Amity Park was strang, had stranger.
Seeing the Nasty Burger up ahead she quickened her pace and walked into the burger joint. She struggled a little to not make a face of disgust at the strong scent of high school jocks mixed with popular girls and grease. As soon as she spotted who was ruining the smell of grease she tried not to sneer tried was a strong word.
Airis walked up to the counter and glanced at the menu before ordering the closest she could get to her normal Mcdonalds order. While she waited she couldn’t help the sneer that made its way onto her face again when she looked back at Jocks and obvious popular girls sitting at one of the booths.
The sneer was replaced with a questioning look when one of the jocks looked across the fast food joint and smiled. Airis didn’t like that smile it was a smile she would never be able to wipe from her memories of him.
She watched with bated breath as the jock got up and went over to a table where three people were sitting and picked up the white boy with black hair and blue by the front of his shirt. Oh, oh no, fuck no.
Airis didn’t stop the animal-like growl that reverberated through her throat as she stormed over the jock and the three other kids they were her age.
Just as the jock lifted his hand to punch the smaller boy she sprung forward and socked the jock in the jaw, sending him to the ground and forcing him to drop the black haired boy onto his seat.
The entire Nasty Burger fell silent as Airis stared down at the blond haired Ken doll.
“Do you enjoy hurting people?” Airis practically snarled at the guy.
“Who the hell do you think you are?!” He snarled back but it didn’t sound nearly as threatening as he must have thought it was.
Airis almost laughed out loud at the sound of his voice. Smirking, Airis replied. “Says the squeaky toy.”
Her smirk grew larger at the sound of muffled laughter next to her. Glancing in the direction she saw all three of the teens trying to hide their laughter.
The blond's face turned red in anger or embarrassment; whatever it was it was amusing. He stood up and Airis realized that he was more than a few inches taller than her she spent most of her life being shorter than almost everyone in her life.
The blond obviously noticed this as well and smiled in “victory” don’t make her laugh.
“So what if I like messing with Fent-eno? What are you gonna do about it twink?” The blond sneered.
Airis couldn’t help the laugh that came out of her mouth. “Twink?! Really!” Another fit of laughter bubbled out of her mouth. “That the best you can come up with diko?”
The blond looked confused while she heard the darker skinned teen start laughing even harder. “What's that supposed to mean short stack?!” He growled out. Airis couldn’t even count it as a growl, she heard better growls from 8 year olds.
Her smile turned into something more sinister before she spoke. “Now why would I tell you what it means?” SHe sneered at him before continuing. “You don’t deserve even a sliver of my respect.” Just to make a point she sent out a bit of her revenant aura towards the jock.
Her sneer turned into a smirk as she watched him try to fight off the shaking that was quickly setting into his bones. “This isn’t over, loser.” He “growled” out, before stomping off to the table his friends were sitting and they quickly left.
Airis merely grumbled to herself before turning to go get the food she came here for.
“Thanks for that.” Looking behind her at the voice she saw it was the black haired boy that was talking. “No one ever usually stands up against Dash.”
She smiled at him, a genuine smile she pointedly ignored how her core thumped painfully in her chest she hadn’t smiled genuinely like that in what felt like forever.
“Trust me it was my pleasure.” She huffed as she turned fully to the other teens. One was a girl with black hair tied up in a small ponytail on the top of her head. The girl wore clothes that screamed goth at Airis. The other boy was a darker skinned teen with a red beret adorning the top of his head.
The boy that the now dubbed ‘Dash’ had in his hand moments ago had black hair as well and bright blue eyes almost as bright as her own. He wore a simple hoodie with red sleeves and a hood.
Airis snarled. “I hate bullies.”
The black haired boy smiled at her. “Yeah me two.” He stuck out his hand in front of him. “I’m Danny by the way. The girl is Sam and the other boy is Tucker.”
She took his hand in a firm hold before shaking it. “Nice to meet you. I’m Airis.”
As she let go of the boy's hand Sam spoke up. “Hey Danny, why doesn’t she come with us to my house?” She looked at Airis. “We were planning on bowling and then watching a movie.”
Airis couldn’t help how her smile softened. “I’d like that.”
I need Danny being Billy's dad fanfictions this instant that aren't 'Who's Old Now'!!!!!
What if Jazz replaced Dan in another timeline?
CW: attempted murder via strangulation
Also on AO3 here :)
"Could you leave me alone?!" Danny shouted. "Stay out of my business!"
Jazz looked affronted. "How can I stay out of your business if I'm also part of your business?!"
Sputtering, he cried out, “Just— Just leave me alone!”
“No! You’re not taking the proper safety precautions! You’re going to get hurt one of these days and I’ll laugh in your face! You’re always so reckless! It’s not my fault that I have to watch over you!”
His eye twitched as he crossed his arms. “I’m not a baby anymore! You can’t control me like you used to when I was a kid! I’m a teenager and I’m way more powerful than you! I don’t need you to watch over me!”
“Danny! Don’t be so stubborn!” She insisted. “I’m just asking you to be safe!”
“I said. I. Don’t. Need it!!”
Danny had enough and stormed away from her. Jazz cried out, "Get back over here!" but he ignored her and continued walking.
He ran into his room and threw himself on his bed. He stretched out his hand, went partial ghost, and then locked his door. However, Jazz didn't follow him inside.
Danny groaned, burying himself in his pillow. He loved his sister, but sometimes, her love for him was just too overbearing! He couldn't stand the feeling of being watched over and babied like she had always done since he was a child, but he quickly realized that he had probably overreacted. Danny grimaced, realizing that he would have to apologize to his sister soon, but he was mentally exhauated.
Just as he pushed the idea of apologizing to her to later in the back of his mind, his phone rang. He picked it up with an exhausted, “Hello?”
“Dang, Danny, what’s going on with you?” Tucker asked, sounding concerned and also amused. He was holding his camera in one hand while the other held the phone to his face.
Danny groaned. “Jazz is being a total control freak again! I can’t even go out without her having to force more equipment onto me! I’m sick and tired of her always being in my business!”
“Dude, that sucks, but she’s looking out for you! Cut her some slack.”
“I know, but it’s so annoying. I wish she could understand that I’m not a baby anymore.”
Tucker hummed. “Mhm.”
Danny huffed and although Tucker’s expression didn’t show it, he realized that he was bringing down the mood somewhat.
“How’s Boston?” He asked.
“It’s cool,” Tucker said with a smile. “Do you want a pen or a keychain for your souvenir?”
“Oh screw you!” Danny laughed, pretending to be annoyed by the lackluster presents.
The phone beeped again, and Sam jumped into the call. “What’s up?” She said, a pair of sunglasses on her nose while a wide brimmed sun hat covered her face in shadows.
Danny sighed, reminded even more of the fact that his two and only best friends were on vacation. Even Valerie couldn’t spend time with him, too busy working for an internship under her dad.
Danny’s own parents were in Virginia, trekking on the Appalachian mountains to find more ghosts.
So basically, Danny was alone. With his sister.
“Oh! Sam! How’s Greece?”
“It’s great. I’ll bring you guys here in a few weeks,” she promised, turning her camera around so they could also take a view of the busy streets.
Tucker put his hands together and pretended to pray to her. “Oh, great Sugar Mommy Sam, please deliver us to Greece soon.”
“Never mind. Tucker, you’re staying home. I’m taking Danny and the two of us are going to eat souvlaki and seafood, look at Ancient Greek monuments, and learn about the lives of the fallen gods without you.”
Tucker gave a cry of pretend panic and Danny laughed too, already comforted by the sound of his two best friends and putting away the thought of Jazz.
They chatted for a few more minutes before Sam and Tucker had to leave, although not before promising to bring him souvenirs.
Danny laughed and smiled but when they left, it slipped off of his face. He sighed, pressing his head down onto his pillow again, dropping his phone carelessly.
Was a single summer without anyone bothering him too much to ask?
After a while, as Danny lazed about, he finally got up to get lunch.
When he went down to the kitchen, Jazz was sitting at the table, a book open in front of her alongside two plates of food. The one that wasn't directly in front of her was underneath a Fenton™ heating lamp.
Now the guilt mixed together with the irritation.
He knew that he was supposed to apologize, but he couldn't help the hostility that rose up in him. No matter how much he felt guilty, he refused to back down. Danny stomped to his seat, pulling back the chair and taking the plate. Then he began eating without saying a word.
Jazz peeked at him from behind her book a few times.
Danny scowled before looking up. "What?"
She hesitated, and then finally said, "Danny, you know that I love you, right?"
Oh Ancients, here she went again.
Danny loved his sister, but he couldn't stand how she tried to act better than him simply because she had more "experience" than him living in the world. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't truly relate to him and his experiences.
"... just get out with it," he snapped, putting down his fork and slumping back in his seat.
Jazz's eyebrows furrowed, disapproving but she didn't say anything about his disrespectful appearance.
"I know that you think I'm controlling, but I'm doing this for your own good. You're only a kid, and you're being forced to fight against ghosts. Of course I worry! We can never know for sure if you can beat up everyone you see... so I just want you to be safe. That's why I—"
"Jazz." His voice was hard. Jazz startled at the sound of it, looking shocked. "I'm not a baby. I'm my own person, and I don't need your help! You putting your nose in my business doesn’t help me!"
Jazz flinched and then glared back at him. "Well, I wouldn't have to, if you would listen and be careful!"
"I'm plenty careful! I'm literally the most careful person you'll ever know!" Which wasn't true, but Danny was incensed enough to say anything.
"Don't you lie to my face! Danny, you are so—!"
That was when there was the sound of something popping and the both of them turned to the door in confused silence. The sudden appearance of a pair of slow, clacking heels against the floor made the both of them tense.
No one should've been home but them.
So who was this?
With his hands underneath the table, Danny transformed halfway, ready with a ghost ray if it was an enemy. His ghost senses told him that it probably wasn’t a ghost, but he still had to be careful. Jazz picked up her plate, ready to toss it at a moment's notice.
The person who entered their home stopped at the door to the kitchen.
The first thing Danny noticed was that she was tall. Freakishly tall. His dad was the tallest person he knew, and this person wouldn't even be completely dwarfed by him if she was standing next to him.
The second thing he noticed was that she looked just like Jazz, only older. Her facial features were all the same, the same sweet smile, the same heart shaped face, the same long hair. The only thing that was noticeably different were her eyes, which shone with a light that he had never seen before and watched with a focus that almost unsettled him. She was dressed in a trench coat and a dark dress shirt. Her heeled boots clicked on the floor, drawing attention even further to her monstrous height.
This woman, this older doppelgänger of Jazz, paused at the doorway, studying them before she gasped and then rushed forward to pull Danny into her hug.
"Danny! Oh, it's you!" The Jazz lookalike cried, and her hold was tight and warm, pressing him against her chest like she was trying to absorb him through her skin. Danny stumbled and then just stayed in her embrace, dumbfounded. Her hug felt familiar, just like the hand that cradled the back of his head and the other that rubbed at his back.
"Jazz?" Danny blurted, eyes wide.
The Jazz clone pulled him back, smiling through teary eyes and nodded. "That’s right. It's me, Jazz."
Jazz was probably as confused as Danny, but she didn't hesitate to stand up and take a closer look. The older version of Jazz continued to hug Danny while Jazz flitted around them nervously. The two of them sank to the floor and it took a moment for Danny to understand what was happening before he pulled away, bewildered.
Something flashed through the Jazz clone's face too quickly for him to decipher.
"I'm sorry, but what? What's going on? If you're Jazz then... why are you in the past?" And why had Clockwork not said a single thing?
The Jazz before them pressed a hand against Danny's cheek. Her skin was gloved, and the coolness of the leather against his skin made him shiver. The look in Jazz's doppelgänger's watery eyes was intense and focused, her lips pulled into a small smile. "I am Jazz Fenton. I came here in hopes of finding a world where I could live."
Both Danny and Jazz became excited immediately.
"Wow! You're so beautiful! You're really me?" Jazz asked excitedly. "What do you do in the future? What's our job? Do we have a partner? How is everyone in the future?"
"Jazz! Let her breathe!" Danny felt a small sense of vindication for correcting his sister. However, he also looked at the older version of Jazz eagerly, wanting to know if he remained a hero and if their city was alright, if he got married to Valerie, and if Sam and Tucker were still his friends.
The older version of Jazz paused before she pursed her lips. "I'm afraid... it's not great in my timeline. That's why I came here. To escape." A flash of a strange smile crossed her face but it disappeared before Danny could try and decipher it.
He blinked, his stomach dropping as he tried to understand what she was hinting at. "Are you saying... that some of us are dead?"
The older Jazz smiled sadly. "You're all dead. I lost you, Danny. I lost you, Mom, Dad— I didn't even have Sam or Tucker. Everyone is dead. Humanity has been almost completely wiped out. I'm the sole survivor of our family in that world."
Both Danny and Jazz were dumbfounded.
A pit immediately formed inside of Danny's stomach as his blood turned cold.
The sole survivor? Humanity was almost wiped out? What on earth had happened in that world??
"Wait... you mean everyone? Like everyone everyone?? What happened?" He asked desperately. "Wasn't I a hero? How did I let this happen??"
How could this have happened? How could he have been so careless as to let everyone but Jazz die? A small part of him was a little happy that Jazz of all people survived, knowing that she was resilient and strong, but the larger part of him just felt sad. His core ached with the thought of her being alone in a possibly devastated world.
"Everyone died after you died," older Jazz said in quiet resignation. "People started dying in droves... there's only me left in the entirety of America."
Jazz clasped her hands over her mouth in horror, while Danny clenched his fists. "How did we die?"
"You... our family was at the Nasty Burger, when an accident occured and then the entire place exploded. You were on your way there when... you also got caught in the accident. Even your powers weren't enough to keep you alive when you were in the middle of such a large explosion." She looked down, her expression twisted in sorrow. "I was at home when it happened. And then... I was alone."
Danny's stomach twisted itself into knots. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth and he didn't know what to say.
Jazz whispered, hushed, "... it sounds like Dan."
Danny had to agree. However, older Jazz looked at the two with confusion.
"Dan? Who's that?"
Danny blinked. "You don't know...? Oh, it's because your timeline is different. Er, Dan is an alternate version of me. He's kind of like you, but more evil."
Jazz sighed and explained, "Danny from that timeline watched us die at the Nasty Burger too and then he started killing everyone. He's a little similar to you that way. But then he went to our world to try and kill us all again, so we trapped him in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz stared at them, her mouth open in shock before she burst out into laughter. The sound of her bell-like laughter was sweet, but the context was jarring and Danny and Jazz couldn't help but share a look of 'what the heck?'
Older Jazz eventually quieted down and she said softly, "How interesting. You're saying that he also had his family killed and then he killed everyone in his world?"
Something was definitely wrong but Danny didn't know what. Jazz was the one who replied, and she nodded slowly, "Yeah."
"You defeated this Dan?" Older Jazz looked at Danny with bright eyes.
Danny slowly nodded. "He's in the Fenton thermos."
Older Jazz smiled, her eyes narrowing into crescents. "How quaint. I know it's a bit presumptuous, but could I stay here for a little?"
Jazz startled and said, "Oh! Your world is destroyed, right? Yeah, y-you can stay if you want!" Then she flushed red at her stuttering.
Danny raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he turned to the Jazz from another timeline. "We should find you another name. Something like... Minnie?"
"From Jasmine? If you say so, Danny," Minnie said amicably. "Call me Minnie then, to avoid confusion."
"Are you hungry?" Jazz asked. Minnie shook her head and stared at her with half lidded eyes.
Jazz noticed the look and asked, "What?"
"Nothing. You're just so innocent."
For some odd reason, it didn't sound that nice coming from her mouth.
However, Danny wasn’t that concerned about it, more preoccupied with the presence of his big sister from a post-apocalypse world. They pulled her to the kitchen table anyways and thus, Minnie joined the duo for the summer.
Minnie spent a few days with them. As the only actual adult in the house, she quickly took control over the house's chores and Danny was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to do his daily chores with her around. Jazz had griped about it, but Minnie laughed it off.
She seemed to enjoy the domesticity of their daily life, content to be doing anything, even something as mundane as folding clothes as long as Danny was within her sight.
Losing him must've hurt her a lot. He understood. He had, after all, also gone completely crazy after losing his family in another timeline.
She had many similarities to Jazz. However, she was also different from Jazz in that she was far more capable. When she was worried about him on his patrols, she would just follow him out instead of nagging him. With her long legs and advanced technology, she was able to keep up with him and even catch a few ghosts herself. Even when he flew over the city, she could find him wherever he was and defeat ghosts along the way.
Minnie soon proved herself to be a more advanced and grown up version of herself very quickly. She was mature and patient, with a quiet confidence to herself that didn't come as naturally to Jazz. The age and grief that she had experienced had surely attributed to her mature personality, but it couldn't be denied that Jazz would grow up into an awesome person.
It kind of made Danny proud in a way.
Look at how cool his sister was!
Like now, Minnie was tinkering with her watch, a sleek and black piece of technology that she used to get here. Danny and Jazz had learned that Minnie taught herself bioengineering and weapons manufacturing in order to cope with her stress and depression. Apparently, she was currently learning how to program robots in her world.
If Tucker was here, he would probably fall onto his knees to beg her to take him in as an apprentice.
"Is that what you used to fight in the future?" Danny asked, pointing at the watch. The two of them sat in the kitchen, both in their own little world.
Minnie hummed, taking a screwdriver to take apart a piece. "No. I had something else helping me."
He blinked at the wording. "Oh. Can I see it?"
"I'm afraid not," her tone was very kind and she stopped working to pat his hair, "It couldn't come with me."
He didn't pay much attention to her after that, just soaking in the attention before she went back to work.
He laid his head on his arms, closing his eyes to the sound of Minnie fiddling with her machinery as he thought about the past few days.
Minnie had been a welcome addition to their household, not only because she took over the role of the adult in the house, but also because she was a calming presence between Jazz and Danny. She had quickly become a mediator between him and Jazz. Their fights had lessened in quantity because of Minnie's presence, but the quality had definitely gotten worse in animosity. And while he and Jazz weren't getting along, Jazz and Minnie were the exact opposite.
He didn't really know what he had expected, but he had thought that Jazz and Minnie's relationship would be as hostile as his with Dan's. Instead, the two of them were friendly and Jazz even had a bit of hero worship towards Minnie. Which was a bit narcissic, but he could understand it.
"Where's Jazz?" Minnie asked suddenly.
Danny opened his eyes. "She's in her room."
"Did you two fight again?" She asked, putting down her tools to raise an amused eyebrow at him.
Danny frowned.
"It's not my fault!" Ever since Minnie had arrived, Jazz had grown even more overzealous with her overprotectiveness. Danny was completely over it. He was a growing boy! He didn't need to be coddled any longer!
He didn’t like fighting with his sister either, but was he so wrong in believing that he could be on his own? Jazz had her own problems fo worry about. It was just like his childhood, when she would disregard herself and the opportunities given to her to take care of him. It infuriated him, saddened him, and made him ashamed all at once.
He just wanted to prove himself. He wanted to be seen as an adult, not a little kid like she believed.
He unleashed his grievances to Minnie, who was quiet and thoughtful the entire tale.
As he was finishing up his complaints, he huffed. "I just want to be taken seriously."
"She just loves you. I would know, I also love you very much," Minnie said.
Danny blushed pink at that but he continued to insist, "I know! But I'm a superhero! I need to be able to take care of myself without my big sister hovering over me like a helicopter mom!"
Minnie laughed softly. "Maybe you just need to prove to her that you can take care of yourself. We did grow up taking care of you after all."
He just groaned.
Minnie looked at Danny with a small smile for some time. “Danny,” she began softly, “how would you feel if I stayed here indefinitely?”
Danny blinked, a little bewildered by the topic change, but he then returned the smile. “That’d be nice. You could help us out around the house! I think we could convince mom and dad to let you stay. And you and Tucker would probably get along, since you two work with technology!”
Minnie stared at him with that ever present smile on her face. The way her bright eyes peered into him was intense with its color and piercing scrutiny.
In some ways, she was even more haunting than him, who was an actual ghost.
Minnie then chuckled a little. “That would be nice. But I can’t exactly stay in a place that already has a Jazz Fenton.”
Danny blinked. “Really? Why?”
Minnie replied, “We’re both alive, that’s why.”
Then she paused, tilting her head.
“Do I need to be worried?” Danny asked.
Minnie shook her head slowly. Her expression was considering, like something had just popped into her head to make her think. She was thoughtful, before she finally smiled even wider.
“I’ve forgotten how smart you were,” Minnie finally murmured, reaching some unspoken conclusion.
Danny tilted his head, asking a silent question.
Minnie smiled, a flash of her pearly teeth enough to get his hair rising. “But that’s alright. We’ll soon have all of the time in the world for me to relearn your habits.”
And from then on, she wouldn’t answer any of his questions. No matter how much he pressed, she did not say a word. Danny was hesitant, but in the end, he let it go.
He had begun to realize that Minnie had a darkness to her that was sometimes really unsettling. She didn’t seem like she noticed it or purposely kept it down, but it was quite creepy to see it when it rose in her eyes. Sometimes, he wondered if she knew that she couldn’t hide it and if she knew that it made Danny’s skin crawl when he saw it.
However, he wasn’t too concerned about her inner darkness or whatever she was talking about.
No matter what, he knew that any version of Jazz wouldn’t intentionally harm him.
He’d probably find out soon anyway.
The day ended quietly and night began quietly. It was still early dawn when Danny crawled back to his bed after a long night of patrol around Amity Park. Although he was exhausted, he was filled with a sense of pride and happiness from protecting his city once more. His muscles ached and his eyes stung from being awake for so long, but he knew that because it was summer, he could sleep the whole day away.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, there was a bang and a knocking sound, like something had fallen to the ground.
Startling away from his light doze, Danny sat up from his bed. Rubbing his eyes, he trudged out of his room to investigate what it was.
He poked his head out of his room and called out to her. “Jazz? Are you alright?”
The sound seemed to have come from her room.
There was only some muffled noises.
Had she fallen down from her bed?
Not entirely that concerned about what Jazz was up to, Danny called out again, “If you need help, just call Minnie! I have to get some shuteye!”
He began to close the door, but then paused.
His core was tingling slightly, a bad feeling rising up in his throat.
Danny sighed, cursing his own Obsession before he went to Jazz’s room and then knocked on her door. “Are you okay?” He asked.
There was another faint noise but Jazz didn’t seem to be replying.
Danny sighed again, now a little more annoyed, before he opened the door.
There, on the floor, was Jazz. Straddling on top of her was Minnie, her hands wrapped around her throat and mouth, pressing down at her throat with an unsettling smile on her face, like she wasn’t trying to kill Jazz at that moment. Their red hair was scattered around and the room looked like there was a bit of a struggle.
Jazz was still struggling, muffled noises coming out of her as she wriggled underneath Minnie, but Minnie’s weight and frame kept her settled as she began to choke the life out of her.
The two of them paused as they stared at Danny. Although Jazz was wide eyed and still trying to twist out of her grip, Minnie didn’t look alarmed and only smiled sweetly.
However, in this moment, she looked just like the Devil.
Danny stared, dumbfounded for only a split second, before he immediately reacted and transformed, blasting at Minnie with his ghost rays.
“Get off of my sister!!” He shouted, his heart nearly choking up his throat as he noticed Jazz’s weak kicking.
Minnie laughed quietly and her watch flashed, lighting up instantly with a shield that rebounded Danny’s ghost ray. Jazz whimpered and knocked her head against the ground with her flinch.
Danny didn’t relent, shooting out more and more beams as he desperately flew over in an attempt to throw Minnie off.
The shield bounced him back, making him land painfully onto the wall. His vision shook and his bones felt like they were rattling inside of him. His breath was punched out of him in an instant and he gasped, blinking away the stars in his eyes from the pain.
“What the—?!”
“Oh, Danny,” Minnie crooned. “I’m from the future. You think I don't have the technology to defeat halfas like you?”
Danny gasped, struggling to find air, and hit her with an energy ring in desperation. The shield blocked it once more.
“Minnie!” He tried to reason urgently, “You don’t have to do this! You don’t need to do this!”
How could he have trusted her so much?
How had he not know that Minnie's darkness wasn't just from grief? That her darkness actually came from the killings she had probably done and that she wasn't as simple as she looked?
Had Danny's underestimation of Minnie caused Jazz to be hurt?
Minnie smiled, and the expression on her face was mocking and sweet. It made Danny’s blood curdle in his veins and he clenched his fists, knowing that he had to find a way to bypass Minnie’s shields and save Jazz.
He had to find a way to buy some time!
“But I do. I can’t stay if there’s two living versions of Jazz Fenton in one world. We’ll pull apart the fabric of his universe. If I want to stay, I’ll have to get rid of her.”
Her hands slipped down from Jazz’s mouth to press against her throat.
Jazz began coughing, tears filling the corner of her eyes as she clawed at Minnie’s hands. Her face was almost looking blue as she tossed her head around in an effort to get away. Her fingers could not even pull at Minnie’s watch. Her legs kicked weakly and she tried to buck off Minnie, but it was useless.
Danny had never wanted to curse the fact that Jazz grew up to be such a strong woman more.
Danny couldn’t watch this anymore.
“Please! Please, we can find another way!” He pleaded, almost getting on his hands and knees as he begged Minnie to spare Jazz’s life.
He would do anything as long as his big sister got to live.
“There is no other way,” Minnie’s voice was impossibly and jarringly gentle. “I want to stay with you. So I’ll just have to kill her. But it’s okay. You’ll still have me after she’s gone.”
The thought of it made Danny sick.
Jazz struggled weakly as Minnie’s grip seemingly grew in strength.
Danny was full on panicking now.
“No! No, please, you can’t! You can’t do this!”
“It’s alright, Danny. I’ll still be here, even if she’s gone. I’ll still be your big sister,” Minnie said soothingly, but it only frayed his nerves even more.
He would lose it if he lost Jazz. If Jazz died, he really would go crazy!
Minnie paused, just as Danny threw himself at the shield again, only to be thrown off. In that moment as Minnie was distracted by Danny’s self-sacrifice, Jazz was able to get the barest amounts of air into her lungs to speak further.
“I-I have an idea.”
Suddenly feeling like Jazz was going to make the stupid decision of letting her psychopathic doppelgänger kill her, Danny cried out, “No!!”
Jazz ignored him. Minnie similarly took her eyes off of him to inspect her younger counterpart.
“Y-You’re lonely, right? What if… what if we give you Dan? The one from the other dimension? He’s also Danny and you could go back to your world with him…”
Minnie looked at her with a considering gaze, her hands still wrapped tightly around her neck.
“You’re saying that I take Dan off of your hands?”
She tilted her head. She didn’t seem adverse to the idea.
Danny could not believe that Jazz was genuinely negotiating with the crazy version of herself that was actively trying to kill her.
Jazz nodded weakly, tears being squeezed out of her eyes as her lips turned white. Her feet scrabbled on the floor slightly as she struggled to speak.
Danny couldn’t breathe either.
“Yeah,” Jazz said hoarsely, and Minnie watched her struggle for a little longer as she thought about it.
Danny wanted to drag her off and he nearly did so, but Jazz seemed to have a plan and he didn't want to ruin it. However, he thought to himself that if he saw any sign of Minnie finishing the kill, he would tear her apart.
Minnie was still, her hands continuing to press into Jazz’s windpipe. Then she let go and got off of Jazz with a beaming smile. She dusted herself off as Jazz finally caught her breath, coughing hoarsely, and Danny couldn’t do anything but stare at the two of them in horror. Standing on top of Jazz, Minnie then reached down with a hand to help her up.
“I’m sorry about that,” she said, her voice calm and sinisterly sweet, “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”
Jazz shivered hard and turned to Danny with wide, wet eyes. Danny felt his heart drop in his chest and he had the overwhelming urge to push away the despicable clone that was on top of his sister.
“D-Danny, go and get Dan.”
Immediately, Danny wanted to refuse.
He looked at Minnie, who didn’t look offended as she watched the two of them with interest. Her hand was still stretched downwards in the air, waiting for Jazz to take it, like a demonic entity that was waiting for her to sell off her soul. She just stood there, tall and long-limbed, like some sort of skeletal grim reaper.
The worst part of it all was that he couldn’t fight back against her. Dan was full ghost, and he was able to be fought off. However, Minnie was human, and she had built the technology necessary to combat him.
How could he have forgotten that she was an adult with all of the time in the world to create the tech needed to take him down?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Danny was still weak and it was the worst feeling in the world for that realization to sink in.
Even worse, Minnie was his sister.
Danny could fight himself all day and feel no remorse— which would give him another therapy session if he ever told Jazz this— but his sister? His big sister, who had cared for and protected him since the day he was born? His big sister, who had taken care of him more than their parents? His big sister, who despite all of her shortcomings and his flaws, loved and cherished him?
He couldn’t.
He was scared.
Even though Minnie was probably evil incarnate, she was still his sister. His big sister who he also loved with all of his heart.
Danny looked at Jazz again and despite how she was shaking and teary eyed, she gave him a hard look and ordered, “Go!” before she turned her head around and took Minnie’s hand.
Danny took off.
He raced down to the basement, immediately blasting the cabinets open with his powers. If he could have focused, he probably would’ve opened it a little less destructively. However, his sister was still in the same room as her evil doppelgänger and he couldn’t think. His chest heaved with his hurried and quick breaths, his vision felt blurry, he was a mess.
He needed to hurry.
He needed to get back to Jazz before anything else could happen to her!
Danny grabbed the Fenton thermos that contained Dan and then flew back up to Jazz’s room, immediately slamming the door open. Jazz sat on her bed, shivering, with Minnie standing beside her, tall and impossibly towering.
Danny threw the thermos towards Minnie, who caught it with a gleam of delight in her eyes as her lips stretched further. She cradled the thermos to herself closer, and smiled.
“Thank you very much,” she said softly, nails tapping against the metal like she was testing its durability. She looked down at the thermos and the way she held it was like how a mother would hold a baby, careful and affectionate.
It only sent chills down Danny’s spine.
He could not forget the image of her choking the life out of his sister.
Danny grabbed a blanket and threw it over Jazz, pulling her closer to him. Jazz squeaked but didn’t say a word. Danny glared at Minnie, shielding Jazz with his body as he snapped, “There. You have the thermos, so leave.”
Minnie smiled. “Alright,” she said. “I will take this with me. Would you like a replacement for it?”
“Just leave!”
Why did she insist on acting so kind despite having no problem in killing others?!
Danny was freaked out even further by the contrast in her actions and her words, and he clutched Jazz to himself, glaring at Minnie with all of his might. No matter what, she had to leave. He wouldn’t stand for this psycho to be anywhere near them again!
Minnie paused and then smiled. She walked closer and Danny immediately blocked Jazz from her view, fear rising once more as he tensed like a hostile cat. All of his hair rose and he couldn't help the growl that climbed up his throat.
Minnie reached forward and Danny immediately blocked it. She dodged past the weak move and reached... behind his ear.
She pulled away something small and black, making Danny freeze.
What was that?
Why was it attached to him?
Minnie chuckled, looking amused by his reaction. She pocketed the small device and then with a zap, she pressed a button on the watch on her wrist. A blue-green portal opened up, flickering with sparks and little lights. Something dark and shadowy writhed within, unable to enter but the sight of it made Danny's skin rise with goosebumps. Jazz gasped when she saw it, but Danny didn’t let go, not until he knew for sure that Minnie was gone.
Minnie held the thermos in one arm as she said, “I’m leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality. Oh, and another thing… be careful, Danny. I’m sure you don’t want what happened to me to happen to Jazz, after all.”
The smile on her face was eerie, a calm and simple smile that made her eyes narrow and her expression even more insidious, like she was cursing them. Horrifyingly enough, Danny could recognize the love in her eyes. She loved him, and this love paired with her grief made her this way. Despite everything, she loved him and it made Danny’s blood go cold and his chest feel warm in unison.
Suddenly, he couldn’t help but wonder, “What did you do in your dimension after I died?”
Minnie chuckled, a foot already stepping over the edge of the portal, disappearing into its depths.
She smiled at them both, her expression radiant.
“I killed everyone, of course.” Her tone was so cheery that Danny didn’t have time to truly process her words before Minnie then went through the portal and disappeared completely.
Both Jazz and Danny remained silent.
Danny was suddenly struck with another epiphany.
Minnie and Dan were exactly alike, weren't they? Two siblings who lost each other and then decided to go on a killing spree to vent their anguish.
Danny was overcome with the sudden, overwhelming fear that he and Jazz were destined for unhappiness.
Then slowly, Jazz reached out and touched his hand, which clutched at her shoulders, unknowingly shaking.
“Danny, you alright?” Her voice was a croak, beaten raw from being squeezed out by Minnie’s hands.
Danny immediately dropped onto his knees onto the bed, pulling open the blanket to look at Jazz’s throat.
Around her neck was a ring of dark bruises, already turning a deep purple and red, spotted with the imprints of Minnie’s fingers.
A bloody taste filled Danny’s mouth as he bit his tongue to suppress his rage, and he felt the urge to open up a portal so he could beat up Minnie, screw her identity being his older sister from another timeline!
“I should be asking you that!” He cried, hands tremblingly tracing the marks. “Are you okay??”
Jazz didn’t reply, just reaching out to pull him close. Danny slumped against her hold and returned the hug, holding her tight. He hated it. He hated how powerless he was, how he could do nothing against Minnie. Even now, he was powerless as she held him. He couldn’t even do the right job of comforting her. If anyone else saw this, they would’ve thought that he had been the one who was attacked instead.
“Are you okay?” He asked again, voice weak. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m okay,” she whispered. She put her head on his and they sat in silence for a little while.
Danny felt sick. His shame and self-blame all mixed inside of him and he couldn’t help thinking that he was useless.
He hadn’t even been the one to save her. She had done that all on her own.
“I’m sorry,” he said again, after some time.
For being mad.
For being weak.
For dying and leaving her alone in another world.
Jazz hummed. “It’s okay, little brother. I forgive you.”
Danny clutched at the fabric of her shirt and said, “I-I’ll try to keep myself safe. I’ll take care of myself. Then we’ll both live long lives and by the time we’re 90, you’re going to wish one of us dropped dead so I could stop annoying you!”
It was a promise.
Jazz said, “I wouldn’t think that.”
Danny buried his head into her shoulder, careful to avoid her fragile neck and he felt something hot rush to his face, threatening to leave his eyes.
He clutched at Jazz like she was a lifeline as he said in a small voice, "I-I... we'll always be together, okay? You'll always be my sister and I'll always love you, even if you annoy me. You'll love me even if I'm annoying too, right?"
"Even if you're a pain in the butt, I won't ever leave you," Jazz promised, laughing a little.
Already feeling the mood brighten, Danny perked up and said mischievously, “We’ll see about that. I’ll chase away all of the boys and girls that come near you.”
“Even the girls? I’m not sure if I should be proud of you for being inclusive or annoyed that you’ll be keeping me single,” Jazz joked, and the two of them laughed.
Jazz rubbed her cheek against his hair when their laughter finally died down.
"I'm sorry for being too controlling. I'll... I'll try to keep it cool, okay? But promise me that you'll be safe. And that you'll try to come back to me no matter what, even if you lose the fight."
Danny nodded in silent acceptance of her apology, clutching at her shirt again. Oddly enough, he was reminded of when they were children, when Jazz used to be the only other person in his life.
He had Sam and Tucker now, but sometimes he wished that he was still a child, tucked into his big sister's embrace while she chattered on and on about nonsensical things that only toddlers could care about, when everything was normal and kind and made sense.
Danny loved Jazz. He loved all of his friends and family. His Obsession was one that formed around protection, but most of all, it formed around his family. He would still be happy and whole if his family was with him, even if the city they lived in was different. Dan and Minnie were just different facets of their reality. They had lost their family and in their grief, they took it out on the innocent lives around them. Like them, Danny's Obsession lied with the ones he loved, not the place where they lived.
But he was different from them.
His family wouldn't be the first ones to die and leave him.
In many worlds, Jazz and Danny lost their family and lost each other.
But in this world, they were still together. Blood continued to tie them together, and they were still a team of brother and sister, protecting and caring for each other.
In this world, their family wouldn’t be so tragic.
And that was a promise.
Would you guys like a short continuation for Dan and Minnie? :3
I need to write more sibling fics for these two, I’m kind of obsessed. I love codependent relationships and I think I nailed it in this fic, but sometimes I wonder if it's too sickly sweet 😅 this fic is full of the headcanons that I have for dp, can you tell?
I hope that any of you won't dislike Danny for being a kid. Both he and Jazz have their character flaws and I hope it shows within this fic :)
In Minnie’s world, Jazz was the sole survivor of the Nasty Burger incident, and she lost her mind right after she was taken in by Vlad. After that, she began to create biological weapons and unleashed them on the world. She killed all of the scientists that could oppose her and then she just watched the world die. She’s 100% insane but you won’t notice it bc she’s trying to convince herself that she’s normal. As such, she acts calm, pretends to be pleasant, and her only noticeable abnormality is that she doesn’t react to things like a normal person. She has endless amounts of patience for a lot of things bc she spent most of her years watching people die slowly. Inspired by this tumblr ask I got
Minnie actually had a plan to kill Jazz, but a weapon was too messy so she planned to drag Jazz to a portal and then kill her in a different place. However, Danny was approaching and Minnie changed her mind to just choking Jazz in the little time she had left. That’s why her plan seems a little amateurish. (Otherwise, Jazz would actually die and that isn’t the point of this story 💀)
“Hey. Uh, Johnny?” Danny said awkwardly, “What does it mean when one of the older ghosts calls you their favored and why does it freak people out?”
Johnny 13 gave the halfa a bewildered look, “Dude. Didn’t you listen to Death? At all?”
“Death?” Danny scrunched his face, “What do you mean? I don’t…”
“Wait.” Johnny straightened, “You’ve talked with Death, right? She explained-?”
Danny shook his head, confused, “Was I supposed to?”
“When you first died, she’s supposed to appear. She gives a whole spiel and then transfers a bunch of information.” Johnny frowned, “She did it for Plasmius, so it’s not a halfa thing.”
“Oh.” Danny looked down, “What if… What if someone died and came back a few times very quickly? Would that… Would that cause any problems?”
Johnny stilled, horrified, “Ok. Look, do you want to talk about your death? Because I’m not asking if you don’t, but...”
“I guess…” Danny said, “So you know that my parents made the portal, right?”
“Yeah.” Johnny said.
“They’d been trying to do it for a long time. Plasmius actually worked with them for a while back when they were in college. It’s why all of their tech is similar in design.” Danny explained, “They built the thing, plugged it in, turned it on… and nothing.”
“But it works now.” Johnny frowned.
“Yeah. It does.” Danny nodded, “But remember my friends? Sam and Tucker?”
“The edgy emo and the computer geek?”
“As Sam’s friend, I am obligated to inform you that she is goth not emo… but yes, those two.” Danny smiled sadly, “My mom and dad were upset. They left the house and Jazz was working her shift at a library. The whole house was empty and I was… you know. A normal teenager home alone.”
Johnny snorted at that, “Ah yes. A completely normal teenager
“Yeah, yeah. The point is, the first thing I did after being left home alone was call my friends over.” Danny rolled his eyes, “Told them what happened and… It was Sam who suggested we go down there first — she’s always been into ghost and occult stuff — and look around. Tucker was down, because it was tech even if we didn’t think most of the tech would work. He wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to mess around with it. Jazz had given me some lectures on lab safety — my parents don’t usually follow it themselves — and I had a bad feeling so I put on the Hazmat suit.”
“That’s not a superhero costume you came up with?” Johnny asked, eyes widening.
“No, um. It’s a hazmat suit. The only way I changed my form was the insignia and even then that was Sam’s idea.”
“Yeah, but um….” Danny paused, “We wound up standing outside the portal. It wasn’t working or anything, but there was a big spooky metal hole in the wall. You know, the kind of thing you’d expect in sci-fi movies. Sam dared me to go in and I was nervous. That bad feeling just intensified, but again — fourteen. I wasn’t being smart about it. So… I went into it. I kept going and it was dark. I was turning back when I tripped and I flailed. Accidentally hit some button that was on the side and it turned on.”
Johnny took a sharp breath.
“And um. Did you know that the portal takes a lot of electricity to start up?” Danny joked weakly, “Took three blocks worth. Um, lots of ectoplasm, too — from both the zone and the artificial stuff my parents use.” He shuffled, “So um, turns out both those things can revive and kill people. So I just kind of — died and revived a lot until it turned on and basically spat me out into the lab.
“That’s - Kid…”
“So um, maybe since I was dying and reviving so much death didn’t have a chance to fill me in? Honestly, would have like the heads up.” Danny said sheepishly, “I didn’t even understand what had happened until ghosts started coming through the portal.”
Danny shrugged, “I mean, I kind of suspected. I was falling through floors. It was hard to ignore, but I didn’t know - My parents are good inventors, but not the best scientists and it made things hard to figure out.”
“What? You bought that whole non-sentient BS?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, “I just didn’t buy any of it — and I mean none of it. I wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. The whole town thought my parents were crazy, they were always in the lab working, and I only ever saw them briefly once or twice a day. Don’t get me wrong. They’re still my parents and I love them, but… they have two big priorities. Their work and their kids. Their work is just… a higher priority to them.”
“Oh.” Johnny cringed, “Oh. Kid…”
“So yeah. Life sucks. Death sucks… but I really need to know what to do and why Ember is freaking out over me being called ‘favored one’.”
“Uh, right.” Johnny paused, “Well, it’s like old ghost language. Um. Basically, it’s like being called a really, really close friend or adopted family. Kind of like… ‘hey, this is my person that I love and protect’. It’s platonic unless they specify otherwise.”
“Huh, okay.” Danny blinked, “That makes sense, but why would Ember freak out?”
“Well… who called you that?”
“Oh! Clockwork and Pandora call me that when I visit.”
Johnny blanched, “What?”
“And now you’re freaking out, too.”
“You’ve been just- Kid! Are you just casually talking to them?”
“Um, yeah? They said it was okay?”
“Do you know nothing about the hierarchy of the- Wait. No. You didn’t get to talk to Death. Of course you don’t-“ Johnny sighed — covering his eyes, “Okay, so do you know what the ancients are?”
“I thought that was just a saying.”
“No, it’s not-” Johnny pinched the bridge of his nose, “The Ancients are the most powerful spirits in the Zone. They’re ghosts, but they resemble ideals more than they do a person most of the time. Practically gods. The ancients are Undergrowth, Frostbite, Nocturne, Pandora, Clockwork, Vortex, and Pariah Dark. Thing is… where most ghosts plateau at a certain power level the ancients can just keep growing in power. Clockwork is one of the strongest — so strong, the Observants bound him to their will.”
“Yeah, I heard about that, but he’s really nice, you know.” Danny smiled, “And he makes really good cookies really fast.”
Johnny stared at Danny for a long moment, “Danny. Do you not hear yourself right now? He’s basically the god of time.”
“Yeah, but if he didn’t want me to visit, I wouldn’t be able to find him.” Danny shrugged, “So he told me if I can see the clocktower, I’m welcome to come in.”
“Besides. I’m friends with half of those guys and they’re cool.”
“Wha- How many ancients do you know?”
“Um… All the ones you just listed? I’m friends with Frostbite, Pandora, and Clockwork. I fought Undergrowth, Vortex and Nocturne before, but Nocturne likes me now. Um, Undergrowth doesn’t like me, though. Loves Sam, though… Um, obviously I know who Pariah Dark is after the whole thing in Amity-“
Johnny stilled, “Wait a minute… Kid. I need you to answer me honestly here… Did Pariah ever mention a challenge when you fought him?”
“Well, um. I guess? He was all formal speak, though, so…”
“Kid.” Johnny said very slowly, “Did he ever issue a challenge or accept a challenge from you?”
“… Um. He did say that he accepted my challenge or something, but wasn’t that just fight-talk or…”
“I think I get it now.” Johnny sighed, facepalming, “Just… maybe don’t tell people about this and consider asking one of the ancients allies you have about what Pariah accepting your challenge means for you.”
“For me? What-“
“Just… give it some thought.” Johnny paused, “And- Well, I can talk to Ember for you, yeah?”
Danny curled up on a sofa as Pandora embraced him with three arms and ran her fourth hand through his hair.
“Pandora.” Danny said softly, “Some of my friends say you, Frostbite, and Clockwork are ancients.”
“They are correct.”
“I didn’t know what ancients were.”
“I noticed.” Pandora laughed a bit, “But you’re a sweet child. You helped me get my box back and did not demand my favor. Perhaps it was selfish not to tell you, but I didn’t want to distress you. You are a kind and humble soul. Is it such a surprise I wish to continue seeing you?”
“You thought I would stop if I did?” Danny asked, confused, “I mean, sure my other friends were shaken up by it, but they don’t know you. Why would I be afraid when you’re so nice?”
Pandora blinked and then smiled warmly — a little laugh pulling from her throat. Oh, the innocence of such a young spirit, “Why, indeed? I suppose I didn’t give you or myself enough credit, did I?”
Danny shrugged, “I don’t have room to judge people for being different anyway. I’m a halfa. Pretty sure that’s even rarer than being an Ancient, right?”
“I suppose that is true.” Pandora smiled, “There are only a few halfas and none are quite like you. There will only ever be one of you.”
“Does this have something to do with why I never got to meet death?” Danny asked, confused, “That’s the only thing I can find that seems all that different-“
“In a way… Yes, but there are many more differences. The main one is that you powers have grown beyond Vlad Masters and they continue to do so.” Pandora said, “You are what we call a ‘Juna Potenco’. Most realms will never have heard of such things, but us ancients do not forget and when faced with a gift like yourself… well, you’ll only see more of us with time.”
“What does that mean? Is it bad?”
“No, no. It is a gift, not a punishment.” Pandora promised, “You are an inspiring soul, favored one, and it seems the realms themselves have seen that.”
“That doesn’t sound right.” Danny pulled away and sat up as he shook his head, “I’m a halfa, but that’s what I am. It doesn’t say anything about who I am. There isn’t anything special about who I am.”
“Everyone else disagrees with that last statement.” Pandora shook her head, “But I will let you in on the secret.”
“These are not due to your half spirit nature, but something truly special.” Pandora cupped his cheek, “Danny, do you truly wish to know? As amazing as this is, I am not sure you will be ready for the truth just yet.”
“I’m - I’ve been debating what colleges to apply for, but… I don’t know if any of them will take me now with my grades. I still look fourteen — fifteen at the oldest… and I still feel fourteen.” Danny looked at Pandora with pleading eyes, “So if this would impact my future, I think I’d like to know. Before things get complicated.”
“Are you sure?”
Suddenly, everything froze.
Danny looked up to see Clockwork putting a medallion on Pandora while Frostbite gave him a smile.
“I presume you’re here to assist in informing him?” Pandora asked.
“Indeed.” Frostbite nodded.
“Informing me of what?” Danny asked, confused.
“When you went to face Pariah Dark, you stated your intention to fight him.” Clockwork said, “And he accepted your challenge. You fought in single combat, removed the Crown of Fire from his head, and then managed to get him into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.”
“Plasmius might have locked the Sarcophagus, but you have repeatedly bested him and even when he has gotten the best of you, it has not been in single combat. However, Plasmius at one point claimed your fight was a ‘fun challenge’. You agreed — officially accepting it as such. When you defeated him, he lost any fragile claim to the throne.”
“Claim to the- Wait. What are you saying?” Danny glanced between them, “What? No. No… you have to be kidding me. I’m just me. I was trying to help, not-“
“Child, your soul was always going to be tied to the zone one way or another.” Pandora said, “Mortality is already a fragile thing, but someone so surrounded by ectoplasm at a young age all while experiencing the struggles you did with your parents absence… it was inevitable that you would be a powerful ghost.”
“But, then, Great One.” Frostbite continued, “You stood fully emerged in the space between worlds and thought of protection and forgiveness — mercy. You did not even consider vengeance or desires of your own. Only the wellbeing of others. It is an act of great sacrifice and not one many can complete so fully.”
“To put it simply, Danny.” Pandora said, “You’re one of us, Juna Protenco. New and young power that will grow infinitely. Though you are far from ancient, you will be with time.”
“An ancient to be.” Danny said distantly.
“The Ancient of Protection, Space, Mercy, and Matter.” Clockwork turned into his newborn form, “The best candidate for king we’ve had in a long time. Though, perhaps I am a bit biased.”
“Does it have something to do with space-time?” Danny guessed, “Because Matter, Time, and Space…”
“Correct.” Clockwork smirked, “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move. I guide you and you make changes that I will use to guide you again.”
Dannu blinked, “Oh. I get it.”
“You do?” Pandora blinked.
“That’s domains for you.” Frostbite chuckled and then quickly explained when Danny gave him a confused look, “We all innately understand our domains and their meanings. My domain is progression, society, and advancement.”
“Mine is responsibility, hope, protection, and perseverance.” Pandora revealed.
“Indeed.” Clockwork transformed into the middle aged man again, “But now that you know of your future, we must prepare.” He put his hand on Danny’s shoulder, “Your coronation must happen by the time you turn eighteen. As Ghost King, you will need to learn some diplomatic skills. We will teach you while you finish your human schooling.” Clockwork promised, “You can tell your parents the truth or you can say you are simply leaving for college, but Maddie and Jack Fenton cannot move to the Zone with you. Your sister is welcome. Your friends are welcome, but unfortunately…”
“I understand.” Danny lowered his head, “I don’t think I’ll tell them just yet. Maybe I’ll leave a note or a video, but…”
Clockwork’s eyes glazed over briefly — clearly checking the timeline.
“That is a good idea.” Clockwork nodded.
“Okay.” Danny swallowed, “I can’t -”
“No.” Clockwork said, “Honored as these two would be, they have their duties and people. They cannot. I am both bound by the Observants and a little too prone to acts of selfishness. It is too much power for me. No. It must be you.”
“You’re not selfish. You helped me.” Danny tilted his head, confused.
Clockwork chuckled guiltily as Pandora made a face and Frostbite shifted awkwardly.
“There is a reason people fear me, Danny.” Clockwork seemed more amused than anything by the sudden awkwardness, “I appreciate your trust in me, but I was not so good or kind in life. I hold domain over regret and retribution as well as time. It is a position I earned after giving and getting both in equal measure. I am not a protective spirit by nature. I am one that seeks justice and sometimes revenge.”
“I don’t get it.” Danny frowned, confused.
“Soon, you will.” Clockwork said grimly, “But for now… Trust me when I say all is as it should be.”
“Okay.” Danny said, “I trust you.”
“Now, time in.” Clockwork said. When Danny tried to give him the medallion he shook his head, “No, hold onto it. I believe it goes without saying, but do not lose it.”
“I know. I won’t.” Danny promised.
“Good, now… I believe you have some friends to talk to?”
“Er, right!” Danny said and rushed off.
“He doesn’t know who you are?” Frostbite turned to Clockwork, “And you haven’t told him?”
“… He’ll learn during his studies.” Clockwork admitted begrudgingly, “And it’s best that he come to me after he processes the information than during.”
“Just remember, Kronos.” Pandora glared as she handed over her medallion, “One wrong move-“
“Yes, yes, I am very aware of your opinions of me, Keeper of Hope.” Clockwork held a hand to Frostbite, “Shall I take you back to your people?”
“Er, yes.”
“Good, then-“
“Hey! I was not finished-“
Pandora sighed as they disappeared, “Ugh. He is always such a petty menace. One of these days…”
Danny Phantom & Naruto crossover idea
As Minato collapsed into the dirt alongside his wife, gaping holes in both their middles, all he could feel was a strange relief. They saved their home. They saved Naruto. Their son was safe.
His relief soon turned to confusion though. He wasn't entirely sure how long it took for someone's soul to be eaten but he's pretty sure it should have happened by now. Was the Reaper just taking it's time? Perhaps it wanted to draw out the pain for as long as possible before tearing his soul out.
Glancing back at the hulking figure Minato felt what was left of his stomach drop. The beast, once a huge menacing shadow with glowing green eyes, (eyes that were brighter then even the purest healing chakra) was shrinking. Soon it was no bigger then a genin, the shadows fell away to reveal a disturbingly human form.
It hovered in the air in an almost groggy way before snapping to attention! It looked at Minato 'This is it...' the young Hokage thought as the creature flew straight at him.
Much to Minato's surprise the creature didn't immediately snatch his soul, instead opting to frantically fly around him and Kushina making destressed noises in what had to be an unknown language.
The creature, much to Minato's horror, reached for Kushina.
"NO!" He yelled with all his remaining strength, "Don't touch her! I'm the one you want!"
The creature jolted at Minato's yelling then turned to him. Finally it spoke for the first time.
"D-don't... be scared," It said slowly almost like it was trying to remember what the words meant. "I'm going to help you."
The last of the shadows fell away and Minato was met with the face of a child. A child who's tears were falling freely from his face.
He reached out to both fallen shinobi engulfing them in a green energy Minato recognized as healing chakra. Although he'd never felt it this cold before.
"I don't understand," he gasped out feeling his lungs and heart stitch themselves back together. "Aren't you here to eat my soul?"
The boy's tearful face twisted into disgust, "Why would I want to do that? Look, just stop talking this is harder then it looks."
When Kushina felt her eyes fluttered open she wasn't expecting to see her husbands relived smiling face next to her own, she definitely wasn't expecting to see a flying teenager with glowing eyes healing her wounds.
"W...what's happening?" She slurred, "Wh... Naruto!" Her arms thrashed around trying to force the rest of her body up.
"Hey! Calm down! Your wounds will reopen!" The glowing boy yelped.
"I don't care! I need my baby!"
The boy quickly flew out of sight only to return with a familiar bundle. "Look he's fine! You can relax he's safe."
Kushina felt a new wave of tears, her baby was okay. And so was she apparently?
"You saved us." She concluded, looking at the strange boy.
"Yes, you'll both be fine now. But you might not wanna move around too much for a few weeks." The boy said with a tired chuckle. He leaned down and placed Naruto between the two of them.
Instinctively, Kushina reached over to place a hand on her baby and felt the tips of Minato's fingers against the blanket. He smiled at her. It was a messy, watery, bloody smile and she never wanted it to end. They were alive. Their son wasn't alone.
"Thank you."
The boy blushed green and shifted awkwardly. "Uh, you're welcome."
"I still don't understand why you helped us," Minato said looking at the boy, "You didn't have too."
The boy looked confused now, "If you can help someone then of course you have to, that's what I think anyway."
Before either of the two could respond a wall of green cut through the air. The boy made his way towards it, "Hopefully the next time we meet will be under better circumstances. Oh, and congrats on your baby!"
And with that the teen disappeared.
What did he mean by next time?