Danny's Grieving - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


So to start lets say that jack and Maddie already know about how danny = phantom and so does most of the town, it took awhile but eventually everyone got used to it (danny would be 16)

One day the GIW starts to surround Amity Park in secret by the time anyone realizes whats happening the GIW already had everyone blocked in claiming "they were all infected" and "a danger to everyone else"

It was a long battle to get the GIW to leave Amity alone but they did leave eventually, however during the fight there were some loss, such as Maddie, jack, sam, tucker, vlad, dani and more

A few months later the JL were informed of a big on going blizzard that started somewhere in Illinois and began to spread, the immediate area was already evacuated and now they need to send a team (yj, teen titans, or the batfam it's your call) to find the cause of this unnatural snow storm

When the group eventually gets to the center of the storm they find a mostly abandoned and partially destroyed town, they managed to come across a brown haired teen girl in red winter gear going through an abandoned store

On that note jazz is currently sitting with her brother as he sleeps (for once) and listening to the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen, she wonders when val will be back with more supplies.

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