David M Willis - Tumblr Posts
Innocent smiles: An assortment.

Dina’s Six Stages
of confronting creationism.

Finally, acceptance bribed with McNuggets.

What’s safe on Tumblr?
I mashed up works from a favorite artist and a favorite cartoonist for my new header.
Let’s see if Tumblr approves this from the art deco Tamara De Lempicka and webcomic master David M Willis.

DofA chart for finger-guns:

Eric: Neutral...down-low?

Joyce: Lawful...buttinsky?

Billie: Chaotic...inebriated!
Big Iris Contenders
Now that everything has hit Ruth at once, including her meds (I’ve been there), she’s letting a lot of feelings out.
But this isn’t new for DofA. The composition matters: Some of these are extreme closeup, some a bit less. Let’s see who else Willis has given the big eyes for the big feels.

Superhero PSA: Keeping your secret identity
When you’re Walky: Dress like a twelve-year old.

When you’re Nightguy: Dress like an eight-year-old on Halloween.

Poor Joyce...
Her lying on the bed like this is never good news.

Joyce and Steven: More maturing.
I couldn’t not do this after these epic events!

If Ross isn’t stupid, he’ll take Joyce’s weeping as a warning.

Meet Holy Heck, The Fort Wayne Slugger, Chief Executrix, Nightguy, and Sawtooth

In a world full of bad dads, these ordinary college students just might be the heroes we need
Joyce Faces: The Return
Willis has always been keen on drawing Joyce so that you could just look at her and follow the story.
Here she is at church with Jacob.

Here, in two recent strips in the current scene.

And now, just letting it all rip: I cut today’s comic down to only Joyce, she’s almost the whole thing wall-to-wall. Dialog not there? Just concentrate on the expressions. They take you through everything without a miss.

You can’t convince me Kureha isn’t just young Ruth in training:

Walky, before and after.

...or, how Sunday School conditioned her:

New addition:
Amber's shameless hormones!
Innocent smiles: An assortment.

Joyce Red Panel Faces make this family-friendlier, but I'm still tagging it.
Big H/T to @zenevasmuroa for the idea!

Joe and Joyce
A romance that's out of this panel.