True Neutral - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

DofA chart for finger-guns:

DofA Chart For Finger-guns:

Eric: Neutral...down-low?

DofA Chart For Finger-guns:

Joyce: Lawful...buttinsky?

DofA Chart For Finger-guns:

Billie: Chaotic...inebriated!

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levels of headcanon:

This is heavily supported by text/subtext and is likely what the creators intended for me to get from this 

this is sort of supported by the text and could, conceivably be what the creators intended for me to get from the text/subtext

there is no evidence either way

there is slight evidence against my headcanon, but I don’t care

I’ve stopped giving a crap about canon

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1 year ago
My Imperial Agent Lady Meets Revan

My Imperial Agent Lady meets Revan

She is true neutral aligment and pretty badass as well

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7 years ago


A Friend Said NEUTRALCAT Mindwont Stop.
A Friend Said NEUTRALCAT Mindwont Stop.
A Friend Said NEUTRALCAT Mindwont Stop.

A friend said NEUTRALCAT mind…won’t stop….

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11 years ago

How our brains fool us on climate, creationism, and the vaccine-autism link.

A bit of a read, but absolutely worth it. This article really demonstrates the need for us to separate our emotional attachment to political and social issues, to exercise our faculties of discernment as much as possible. Reality is reality, and no matter what you value in your life, denying the way things actually are will never make things better. Remain calm and keep your mind open to the evidence that is there.

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2 years ago
Alignment Chart: Bookmark Edition. Tag Yourself Im Scrap Paper

alignment chart: bookmark edition. tag yourself i’m scrap paper

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7 months ago

The Dilemma of Lack of Definition

It's hilarious; any other time, I do my damnedest not to be defined by any one thing or niche.

I do a lot of things. I make music, I write, and I'm a goofy cartoon character playing video games. I am asexual, I am panromantic, I am nonbinary. I can't just walk up to people and tell them, "I am Chaos," like some edgy little weirdo, right?

So I just end up with, "I am me, and I do stuff"

This could do better for marketing oneself online.

Humans don't like that very much. You NEED labels and labels they can understand. It's just when I try to come up with some l am, like, "nah," "but," "maybe,"



Meat amoeba?

Somebody who larped themselves into an identity crisis?

Hi... Im Xhasha Seed

I am me, I do stuff...

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7 months ago


If i am confusing you, then im doing it right.

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7 months ago
Lyra Rainudomn Is The More Mature Older Sister Of The Main Antagonist, Gofurias Rainudomn, And A Mage,

Lyra Rainudomn is the more mature older sister of the main antagonist, gofurias rainudomn, and a mage, just like goofy. Compared to her sibling, Lyra is not a kelptomaniac, and does actually have magic unlike her sibling, and is notably taller than him too. She is rather comically serious and is deadpan, compared to the other characters in yokei godneu, but she still has her comedic moments. However she is a strong magic user despite that, and lives in the mountains, with her fluffy witch outfit protecting her form the cold. Like her brother she is neutral, but unlike gofurias, how is neutral evil, she is true neutral, not really caring about any sort of alignment, not leaning towards chaotic or lawful, and doesn’t care about the fight between good and evil.

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3 years ago
Ur Alignment Based On How U Rinse After Brushing Ur Teeth

ur alignment based on how u rinse after brushing ur teeth

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2 years ago

Months of signs on the alignment chart

Months Of Signs On The Alignment Chart

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artists on tumblr stop fukcing lying to yourselves you never draw those sticks and circles when you sketch stuff out you just die and you know it

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5 months ago

artists on tumblr stop fukcing lying to yourselves you never draw those sticks and circles when you sketch stuff out you just die and you know it

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3 years ago

Oh Crowley…

Crowley is less of a villain, more of a reluctant frenemy who refuses to admit he writes Crowley❤️Winchesters in the margins of his notes and sends taxidermy dioramas to their secret hideouts for holidays. 

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