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Baby Doll Spider Symbolism
I'm a fan of dream interpretation. Below I will quote symbolism pulled directly from the website DreamMoods, which I always use for this.
I was thinking about the abstract symbolism of Hell and the Sandman universe, so I was curious about what the baby doll spider that hunts Edwin could represent.
Here are the relevant findings from DreamMoods:
"I'm Being Chased!"
Being chased in your dream is one of several common dream theme stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. In such dreams, you could be running from an attacker, an animal, a monster or some unknown figure who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Fight or flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. Thus it is natural to run or hide or try to outwit your pursuer.
Being chased signifies avoidance:
To dream that you are being chased is an indication that you are avoiding some issues in your waking life. The actions in your dream exemplify how you respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations. Instead of confronting the situation, you have a tendency to run away and avoid issues that you are uncomfortable with addressing..
Being chased signifies close-mindedness :
If someone is chasing you in your dream, then it may also refer to your close-mindedness. You are refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint or idea and don't even want to give a listen to any opinion that is different from yours.
Being chased signifies running away from yourself :
Another way to analyze your chase dream is how the pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own Self. Perhaps you are suppressing or rejecting certain feelings or certain characteristics of your Self. Anger, jealousy, fear, and even love can manifest as a threatening figure in your dream. And you could be projecting these feelings onto the unknown chaser.
Being chased signifies fear :
Running from an attacker in your dream may simply represent your fear of being attacked.
To see a spider in your dream indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or perhaps you want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Alternatively, a spider refers to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior. If you kill a spider in your dream, then it symbolizes misfortune and bad luck. To see a dead spider in your dream implies that you have overcome some strong feminine temptation.
To dream that a spider is coming down on you from the ceiling indicates that you are unable to escape from some relationship. If you dream of baby spiders, then they symbolize a new or recent relationship.
To dream that you are bitten by a spider represents a conflict with your mother or some dominant female figure in your life. The dream may be a metaphor for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship.
To see a baby in your dream signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies symbolize something in your own inner nature that is pure, vulnerable, helpless and/or uncorrupted. If you dream that the baby is smiling at you, then it suggests that you are experiencing pure joy. You do not ask for much to make you happy. If you find a baby in your dream, then it suggests that you have acknowledged your hidden potential. If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it suggests that you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities; you do not want to let others know of your weaknesses. Alternatively, forgetting about a baby represents an aspect of yourself that you have abandoned or put aside due to life's changing circumstances. The dream may serve as a reminder that it is time for you to pick up that old interest, hobby, or project again. Dreaming of holding a baby is analogous to holding onto an earlier part of your life where you felt more depended on and more needed.
To dream of a crying baby symbolizes a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs to be nurtured. Alternatively, it represents your unfulfilled goals and a sense of lacking in your life. If you dream that a baby is neglected, then it suggests that you are not paying enough attention to yourself. You are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, this dream could represent your fears about your own children and your ability to protect and to provide for them. To dream about a starving baby represents your dependence on others. You are experiencing some deficiency in your life that needs immediate attention and gratification.
To see a dead baby in your dream symbolizes the ending of something that was once a part of you.
Seeing an evil baby or a demon baby in your dream implies that you are apprehensive or afraid of a new project that you are undertaking. You may be taking on more than you can handle.
To dream that a doll comes to life signifies your desires to be someone else and escape from your present problems and responsibilities. The doll serves as a means to act out your wishes. To see a doll in your dream symbolizes childhood innocence and light-hearted fun.
DOLLHOUSE [realm they're in]
To see or play with a dollhouse in your dream suggests that you are idealizing family life. You have the notion that everything is perfect or problem-free. Perhaps you are in denial about any problems. Alternatively, the dollhouse in your dream may serve as an indirect way to solve and work out waking problems with family members.
To dream that you are dismembered suggests that some situation or circumstance is falling apart in your waking life. You feel cut off, isolated and disempowered. You may also be experiencing some great and significant loss. Consider also which part of your body is dismembered as that body part may offer additional significance or needs special attention. Alternatively, the dream may coincide with some significant life change as in a new job, new school, marriage, moving, etc. You are feeling a loss of power, potential, or identity.

is this anything
'what would surprise you more of you heard a knock: a walrus or a fairy?' well i dont know what the fuck tragic micks doing at my door but since he never leaves his damn shop i do think id be pretty surprised
theres probably someone whos already pointed this out, but anyway
so when in niko and edwin are in the gift shop by the lighthouse in episode 4 (??) theres a table with some dolls on it. and one of these dolls is a baby doll and when edwin sees it he looks at it with disgust (if i remember correctly) and turns the head away from himself. and that has got to be connected to him being tortured by a disgusting baby doll spider creature for 70 years, or at least thats what i think.
So as I've been rewatching, in light of the recent spoilers from Steve Yockey regarding Niko, I've been thinking about something…
At first Niko says the Magic 8-Ball must be broken because it says "Outlook Not So Good." Then in Episode 08, after she's rescued from the debris, she says she almost died and wonders if that's why the Magic 8-Ball said "Outlook Not So Good."
But what if it's neither one?
After all, it's a Magic 8-Ball that tells you when you'll die.
And if death is not available to the Principal, the way death is not available to the Night Nurse…
Then maybe it can't tell her when she'll die, because she won't. Maybe the chances of her dying (ever? any time soon?) are… not so good.
I'm not sure. But it's interesting to think about.
I think that S+E broke something inside of me..