Deconditioning Whump - Tumblr Posts
I don’t think this is physically possible but…
Whumpee who’s trained not to move. They’re not paralyzed, if Whumper commands they go somewhere, they can. But when whumper tortures them, they’re not allowed to move or make a sound. I mean to the point that their reflexes are completely shut off, if someone pokes their eye they won’t even blink.
They can’t whimper, their breathing can’t change, can’t jerk away or flinch or twitch.
But the long hours of training and punishment don’t just go away once they’ve been rescued. So at first, doctors and even caretaker believe whumpee is fine or can’t feel pain. They perform their operations and procedures without anasthesia because they think whumpee can’t feel any of it.
But then later Whumpee tells Caretaker about one of the procedures and how much it hurt. And Caretaker is horrified!
“Why didn’t you say so? We never wanted to hurt you!”
“I can’t… do anything when it hurts.”
So that becomes Whumpee’s tell. When they’re feeling okay, they talk, they move, but the second something starts hurting they stop everything. Completely shut down.
“Does this hurt?”
“Does this?”
“That tickles a little.”
“Your shoulder?”
“Okay, what about here, on your arm?”
“No, there’s fine.”
Perhaps it’s a picture from Before, Before everything changed. And Whumpee looks and FEELS like a different person, and Caretaker knows it.
Whumpee’s trying so hard to be that person again, but they’re just… not. And they knots Careyaker loves them, but they love the OLD them, not them them.
They break the photo out if frustration, in an argument.
“You’re just not acting like yourself!”
“This IS myself now! I’m not your perfect whumpee anymore, this is me now, deal with it!”
Breaking something.
Is it whumpers ceramic pot? Caretakers plate? Their own picture?
Whatever it is, they’re scrambling on the floor to pick up the pieces, sobbing, jagged shards cutting into their hands.