Recovery Whump - Tumblr Posts
Rescued defiant Whumpee who deoesn't exactly realise they're not in captivity anymore.
(Cw: Captivity aftermath, conditioned whumpee, nonhuman whumpee kinda?)
(W): "Go on. Do your worst" (C) ".... Whumpee, look at it closely. It's a tiny bandage. With a kitten pattern on it. At this point I don't know what else to use to be even less threatening"
(C:) "You should at least try to eat. If you don't like this type of food, you can-" (W:) "What? Starve? Or let you push it down my throat? No matter how creative can you be, you won't impress me" (C:) "I meant tell me your preferences. I'm still learning to cook, you know"
(C:) "Do you want a hug?" (W:) "Do I have a choice to NOT be anywhere near you?" (C:) "Dude, you could just say no :'c "
(C:) *comically tearing up* "At this point I don't think you even like me a tiny bit!!" (W:) "S-stop that. What are you doing?" (C:) "What do you think?! I'm crying, cause you refuse to be friends with me! And I tried so hard!" (W:) "....s-stop that watery thing. I don't like it. It's concerning"
Perhaps it’s a picture from Before, Before everything changed. And Whumpee looks and FEELS like a different person, and Caretaker knows it.
Whumpee’s trying so hard to be that person again, but they’re just… not. And they knots Careyaker loves them, but they love the OLD them, not them them.
They break the photo out if frustration, in an argument.
“You’re just not acting like yourself!”
“This IS myself now! I’m not your perfect whumpee anymore, this is me now, deal with it!”
Breaking something.
Is it whumpers ceramic pot? Caretakers plate? Their own picture?
Whatever it is, they’re scrambling on the floor to pick up the pieces, sobbing, jagged shards cutting into their hands.
new idea!
Avian whumpee's feathers specifically
Whumper plucks them and uses them for arrows or darts or pillows or anything
Avian whumpee's feathers molting from the stress
Avian Whumpee recovering and people realizing they aren't human.
whumpee ends up in a support group and then turns out that Whumpee was slightly mean to one of the people a month before The Horrors and Whumpee had no idea and doesn't remember anything
So, I just got a really bad sunburn at the beach recently. It’s been a long time since I’ve been burned that badly, and it made me think about whump OBVIOUSLY. I think I have a problem, lol.
Imagining a Whumpee getting a punishment where they have to be strapped down or tied up outside in the direct sunlight so that they get burned all day long until the sun goes down. Especially with how hot it’s been recently, being stuck in 100+ degree weather is not fun. Of course that’s whumpy enough, but what got me thinking about it so much was the recovery.
You have to deal with your hot skin and feeling sore all over. Especially if Whumper is merciless and doesn’t allow you to have creams and lotions to care for the burns. Your skin peeling everywhere, it might even be painful to peel if Whumpee has open wounds or scabs. Feeling very itchy within the first week of recovery and having to fight the urge to scratch otherwise your skin will burn and sting. Imagining Whumper yanking on Whumpees hair when their scalp is burned and sensitive.
Maybe it wasn’t a normal world like Earth either, or a non-human/immortal Whumpee. Having a world that has two suns could make it worse. Maybe Whumpee is highly sensitive to sunlight and their skin is capable of burning off their body. What if that planet on very specific days gets exposed to flares from the sun that can actually get past the atmosphere layers. Just a scorching hot planet where if you walk on your bare feet, your skin will melt and peel away.
Whumper might actually appreciate the recovery process because it gives them chances to develop a bond with Whumpee through rewards and gentle care that they only get after taking punishments. Or they can use it as a way to inflict more pain. Taking Whumpee a cold ice bath or even a steaming hot one can hurt their skin a lot. Scrubbing away at the dead skin with a harsh scrubber or a file of some sort.
Is it obvious I hate sunburns?
- 🪻
Date: July 8, 2024