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baekhyun lockscreen
for delight

baekhyun lockscreen
for delight

BAEKHYUN, so sweet like CANDY 🍭c(‘ㅅ’🍬c)
stan the entire delight album or else i will come over and cough on you 🥴

Soups, Stews and Chili - Vegetable Soup - Vegetable Chowder In this recipe, a variety of fresh vegetables are cooked in chicken broth and combined with a creamy cheddar cheese mixture which is seasoned with chopped parsley and ground black pepper.

A doodle of a Doll💜
“Grape Delight”
A doodle of a Doll who doesn’t follow fashion rules💜

Due to the trade of illegal dragon parts – horns, hides, teeth, eggs and even entire hoards – conservationists have had to take extreme measures to protect these magnificent creatures from poachers. The acclimation process can be a bit tricky, but once a dragon has become used to the presence of a knight, they seem to almost enjoy the prestige of having an armed guard.

🇮🇹Amici che ne direste di preparare un delizioso filetto d’orata per la cena di stasera? 😋 Io l’ho servito con asparagi e salsa aioli: una vera bontà!!! Sul mio sito troverete la ricetta 😉 Buon week end a tutti!😉
🇬🇧What about preparing a delicious sea bream fillet for dinner? 😋 I’ve served it with some asparagus and a fantastic aioli sauce.😋😍 It’s a real delight!! Visit my website to read my recipe 😉Have a great week end🥳