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But imagine this.

Bf ! Kuroo who likes holding his s/o in the hallway before their exams to calm their anxiety. Body completely turned towards his s/o, with them in drowning in his huge stature. His s/o hands tightly tucked into their pockets to hide their clenched fists.
Kuroo would gently bring their head closer to rest on his shoulder. Placing his hands on their waist, from between their arms. His head, near his s/o ear. Whispering hushed encouragement and words of comfort.
With the promise, to find them after his exam, Kuroo would wave them bye until seated, Kuroo would walk away. Though it isn't before he pulling out their fists. Rolling them open to press kisses on the center of each palm. Seeing their smile, he assures himself that they would be fine.
"There, that's my very sexy brain, that I'm putting in these kisses. Don't underestimate the power to these kisses and your big stupid pretty and smart brain, "
"I- love you,"
"I love you more,"
"More kisses? You know only for science purposes,"
"Of course, you know me, I am a man of science. Anything for science, "

Hear me out tho.
Clingy bf! Kuroo ranting to his s/o, while his s/o squishes his cheek with a single hand. Cheeks mushed, pushed up to his eyes affectionately and Kuroo continues to rant about his new chemistry teacher. Sat in the corner of the gym, his legs thrown over yours, his body turned towards you. Feeling your eyes never leave his face, Kuroo pauses for a second smiling brightly before pressing a kiss to the inside of your palm, keeping his hand on yours to keep to you hand in place.
"And our teacher couldn't even solve the numerical and I....love you"
"I love you more"
"Oh no you didn't-" Before tackling you to the floor, straddling you.

Kaori- Kuroo Tetsurou

“Hello?” Kuroo whispered into his phone,
“Hi. heh! You see, I really have an emergency right now”
Your mind was racing, unable to wrap around the fact that your roommate who you have barely conversed with had even called you. At the sound of an emergency, you were already scrambling on your feet to gather your stuff halfway through your kickboxing training.
“Did you burn the house down?”
“What? No. I just…”
All you heard was radio silence on his side. Pulling away the phone from your ear, you checked if you or he accidentally hung up.
“Yeah. You see, I am naked right now.”
“NO.no. It’s not what you are thinking.”
Looking around, Kuroo saw the cause of this situation, his speaker that rolled away when Kuroo bashed himself into the shower wall on his side. He wouldn’t have had the courage to call his roommate, who he very much feared, if it wasn’t for his arm, which refused to move and was developing an ugly bruise.
“I think I broke my arm”
“And you’re naked because?”
“I broke my arm while showering, ok?”
Kuroo was beyond embarrassed. He thought the best of his roommate, the coolest. Maybe cool to the point where she was distant, but cool. He had seen her return from her practice with her boxing gloves tied together hanging from the side of her bag strap; her knuckles still wrapped in her white hand wraps. He would always be secretly glancing at her as she sat on the couch tugging off the hands wraps with her teeth. Kuroo would be there to see her head away from her, having no words to spare for him. Kuroo knew and understood you would return home tired, but secretly wished to befriend this very cool person he saw. He would often wonder what she thought of him, but that wasn’t important at that moment.
“And you thought I was the best choice for this because?”
Now, by all means, you were trying to sound rude, but you were headstrong about not wanting to see your roommate naked because he managed to break his arm while showering. A roommate, you didn’t know about beyond, his name, choice of cereal and unhealthy amount of fish that he likes.
“you think I should wait my friend to make a hourlong drive to get here while I sit here with my damn- arm tingling like freaking bitch”
Kuroo was in pain. That would be the only way he would explain this to his normally well-mannered self.
“True, I don’t see you yell, but I can hear you yelling. I’ll hang up now. I need to drive.”
You didn’t mind him yelling. Actually, you didn’t care at all. You knew it was the pain speaking having had some terrible injuries yourself, but you really need to concentrate on driving, though it was a sort of muscle memory to drive back home. You were glad that you had taken the car today. Just help Kuroo in the car and the hospital shouldn’t be too long of a drive.
“No,no,no, don’t hang up, please”
“I won’t just hang up and not come home, you know that, right?”
Of course, Kuroo knew that.
“I think my head might be bleeding too?”
“Oh fuck. Right. Ok. Where are you right now?”
“In the tub”
You could resist but rub your temples trying to soothe some stress out at that.
“Can you get out of the tub and maybe get some pants on for me?” You tried,
“About that, one broken arm, one broken leg, and maybe a bleeding head.”
“ what the fuck, even happened?”
“You see-”
Kuroo was just trying to have a good time. He had to house all to himself, after all. Pulling the currents shut, Kuroo stripped down, naked as the day he was born. First stopping by the kitchen to get himself some cereal, then sitting his naked butt on the cool surface of your precious couch enjoying some cartoons. Deciding to shower and refresh himself before your arrival, he prepared his clothes. Noticing your wireless speaker on the kitchen counter, Kuroo brought it to the shower with his phone. Starting a playlist, Kuroo was the main character of his world, until the mood of the playlist switched. Unable to stop himself, Kuroo was still covered in sud, reaching for his phone , going through his playlist while leaning on a single hand against the wall of the shower. It was all fine until Kuroo reached for the speaker to increase its volume. One miscalculated step and Kuroo was crashing against the wall, injuring himself with the tap of the bathtub he stood in. Elbows giving out, as he turned to support himself to balance. Falling on his back with only his phone in his hand. Kuroo tried to get up but quickly noticed his right arm not moving as he wished. The pain was incredible, but the shame had him sitting in his position for ten minutes until he finally gave in and called you.
“So yeah…” Kuroo scratched behind his ears as the embarrassment finally set in.
“Um… I am coming up the building right now, going to hang up.”
Kuroo wasn’t sure about hanging up. He deeply believed that he was going to pass out with how much effort it took to keep his eyes from drooping. He almost knocked himself out until he heard the front door unlock.
Calling out Kuroo’s name , you warned him of your presence. Knocking on the washroom door, before entering. Carefully taking in the situation had unfolded while you were away. Wet bathroom floor, with soggy cereal floating in the little puddle by the tub. Your speaker lay by your feet near the door, somehow still working. Leaning by the misty shower wall sat Kuroo, hiding his face in his hands. The shower was still pouring water to fill the tub. Grabbing the towel that was at arm’s length from where you stood inside the bathroom. You flung at the boy sitting in the tub, forgetting for a second about his potentially broken hand.
“Uhh, cover what you need to first.”
“Are you serious? Just pretend I am not naked, or else I will be sure to die in your arms.”
Pinching your eyes shut, you stood in your place contemplating what you did that led you to this moment. Realizing soon that he must be in pain, you said,
“Fuck it”
Kuroo’s head finally made an appearance from between his hands. Maybe he should have thought a little harder before speaking because now you were standing beside him, kneeling, hands reaching out for him. His eyes grew in size as you draped the towel over his lower body. Kuroo felt a gentle hand reach for his head, feeling around for a bleeding spot. Luckily, finding none, but a bump on his forehead, swollen for taking the hit. Kuroo finally breathed when you left the bathroom. A shaky breath escaped him while he waited for you to return.
Making Kuroo a makeshift sling for his possibly broken arm, you warned him to hold still as you placed one arm behind his knees and the other around his back, pulling him up bridal style. Quickly, but carefully, you placed him on the washroom counter.
Kuroo was lightheaded.It wasn’t because of the injuries he had brought upon himself, but it was the warmth of your hands on his bare skin that made blood rush to his head. Breaths swallow while all he could breathe was the peaches and vanilla scent that you always wore. He rested his head on your shoulder as you continued to dry him off the best you could without hurting him.
“Will you be fine getting some clothes on by yourself? I could ask our neighbor’s grandson to come help you if you need,” Kuroo’s head shot up at that.
“NO. I mean, no. You know the kid is Satan reincarnated himself. He would never let me live this down.”
“So, do I leave you with your clothes?”
No. That was the answer he should have given you. Turns out, pulling a pair of underwear with only one functional hand without hurting your broken leg is pretty hard. He couldn’t even pull it up his ankles. All those past years of stretching for volleyball weren’t coming to any use at that moment. The final nail to the coffin was his hand falling out of the sling you had so kindly tied for him.
“Fuck it.” He thought.
“Roomie~ don’t kill me. I need your help.”
And so…
You had to dress him with your eyes set to the ceiling. Admittedly so, you ended up poke around places you would want to be touching. A broken leg, broken arm and a hard on, and Kuroo was all set to head to the hospital.

Secret Secret (Valentine's Event)

Kuroo was whipped, and he knew he was in for a long ride ahead when you stepped into the gym.How was he supposed to miss the little hop in your steps as you strut into the gym? He was in the middle of a game, defending in his position as a middle blocker, and receiving the ball on his face wasn’t his idea of impressing a girl.
“There goes my shot,” Kuroo thought, choosing to clutch his throbbing head while crouching on the ground.He didn’t catch on to the light patter of your shoes, as you ran towards him.
“You alright there?” Kuroo could have sworn he was dead and probably in heaven, looking up at you with hazy eyes.
“Jeez, you don’t look good,” He snorted. Of course, that was something you had to say out of anyone.Oh.OH. He just snorted in front of you.Seeing the boy hide his face further into his hands, you assumed his head wasn’t helping him at all.
“I’ll help you to the infirmary,”
So Kuroo had totally ruined his chance at a meet-cute, and realization didn’t help when you helped the boy into the infirmary, handed him an ice pack.
“Is it that bad?” Kuroo finally asked. Seeing you flash a bright grin, he thought he could work with this.
“You’ll survive, you big baby,” giving into your urge to pat his fluff raven hair, the boy froze.
“Shit,” Kuroo thought.

‘Shit’ indeed. Kuroo shook his head, finding himself in such a position.
Baby blue envelope in delicate grip, to avoid creases.
The envelope, covered in an assortment of the cutest stickers Kuroo could find.
Taking a breath in, Kuroo passed it to you.
Eyes expectantly stuck to you, who sat in your seat reading his letter.
Kuroo had eyes shut by the time you completed reading.
Peeling the biggest heart sticker from his envelope, you took his fisted hand in yours, gently pressing the sticker onto the back of his.
Kuroo’s eyes shot open at your touch, blushing as you smiled bashfully at the boy after having completed your task.
Fist bumping his hand, before lacing your pinkies with his.

For all the feelings you have allowed me to feel, listen to me in turn.
You, my dearest, have touched me in ways I would never have believed existed. My heart was full the day you entered my life. I am yours. I was, I am, and I always will be yours. I love you. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I should make you love me any more by giving myself away like this - but oh my dear, I can’t be clever and stand-offish with you. I love you too much for that. Too truly. Running from my feelings was never a choice.You deserve to be loved. You deserve to stain every single thought of mine, bleeding in my day. Every moment I spend breathing, I’ll owe it to you. I’ll kiss you a thousand times over to prove my love. I’ll savor the brushes of my hands on mine. Warm them inside my pockets. Push back the hair that falls onto your face when you sleep. I’ll patiently wait for the day you can feel the same for me. Until the day you let me love you, I’ll love you in silence. From a faraway, I’ll wait for you.

Hey everyone, how's your valentine's week going?
The valentine's event is open to ask, please be sure to head to take part in it. I would love to write something for you. Bye 😘😘
Countless - Free Real Estate! Kuroo
Part 1: Free Real Estate

So what are we? That was now your new dilemma.
A years’ worth of feeling was poured into that three second kiss. It was fleeting, but at the moment, it was much longer. The blurred lines of the night city peeking from the window you sat by. The weight of Kuroo’s head on your shoulder and the timely brushing of his hair across your neck still stained your memory. Sleeping was a task that night. How could you when all you could think of was Kuroo.
“Should I leave him a message? Maybe congratulate him?”
No. He must be asleep. He had a long day.
Kuroo was wide awake, laying on the floor beside his bed. Flowers? Chocolate? What could he do to show that he meant for the kiss to happen? Kenma, too, stayed up that night because of Kuroo’s insistent texts.
Kuroo wasn’t good at lots of things, including finding the right words to tell you how he felt, but one thing was for sure, he would chase you down the school halls every time he saw you standing on the other side. So he did.
“Thou shall not walk away with my heart”
“Nothing. Kiss?”
You were flustered. Eyes open wide, searching his eyes for the teasing tone his words lacked.
“Do I have to intiate it or you’re going to be the man in this relationship and kiss me first?” Kuroo himself didn’t know where this was coming from, but he didn’t fight it. This was familiar. Just like the hundred other times, he had his arm around your neck. The hundred times you smiled at him for every successful block he made through the games. The hundred other times you came running to him after a match bouncing on your heel. It was natural. Same way he loved you. Learning small things about you failed to notice about yourself. Same way the kiss felt, simple.
It didn’t have you to be big and special, for you to like it. This was you, this was your friendship. It wasn’t pressuring. You didn’t need words to know that he felt the same. His hands fiddling behind his back, give it away.
“Yeah. I should really man up, huh?” You said, lips quirked up, catching on. Kuroo’s eyes visibly sparkled. Tugging the captain down by his collar, you nudged his nose with yours, holding eye contact. Kuroo was waiting for this, brain slightly more awake than yesterday’s. Eyes quickly falling to your lips as he smiled in anticipation. Noses brushing in an eskimo kiss before you finally met his lips halfway. The kiss was everything, and so much more than what Kuroo wanted to say. He tasted the same lip balm he remembers stealing for his chapped lips. You could taste the same lip balm that you used, on him. He would say he used only because you did too. A single hand coming up to your head, tucking behind the stray hair that fell onto your face.Other hand placed on the small of your back.
“I was certain you were too good to kiss in the moonlight.” Kuroo said smugly.
“So, I am the man in this relationship ?”
“If we’re in a relationship, then yes, you could be the man and I’ll be your lady”
“Milady, shall we seal the deal with a kiss?” you said, poking fun at the blushing boy who said before you.
“Seal the deal and we can head to our class,” Kuroo said, fondly fixing your hair for you.

Note: Hi guys, how are doing?🧸 I am kind of ✨stressed✨ Exams are coming up in a month and I am not ready. Hopefully, I find it in me to study. The post is a little small but I'll make it up with some text message of the same couple. So, keep an eye out for that. Bai, take care ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃

Ok another dilemma :((
Free real estate! Kuroo follow up
New kuroo roomate fic

Angst week?
Send an ask with 🍵 and I'll answer with a meme and a random paragraph from my works that are not posted yet.

Hi stranger - Whatever this is! Kuroo

Milky way- Kageyama Tobio

Sometimes you would curse your luck on finding yourself in such an awkward situation. In all honesty, you were ready to pull out your hair at the frustration you felt. You were having an exhausting day. All you wanted was a cool milk box to at least pull you through the rest of the day at school. You found yourself in front of the vending machine. Having already inserted the money for your milk, but the machine decided that it, too, would make your day more difficult than it already was. Kicking the side of the machine, you hoped that whatever luck you had left would pull itself together and just roll out the damn milk. As embarrassing as it was, only to make it worse, it seems, your crush, the first year volleyball player with blue eyes, walked in your direction.
“No, no, no,” you whispered to yourself. Not here please, you prayed soundlessly and as expected, he walked in the same direction as you. Of course, the boy would want his daily share of milk for his lunch. Pressing your forehead to the glass of the machine, you were ready to give up on your milk.
“Excuse me,” Kageyama said rather feebly. As loud as he could be, he had seen your defeated figure kick the machine. Not that it was discreet, but he didn’t want to add to your frustration or at the least not be subjected to it. He would often see you around the vending machine at lunch. He wouldn’t admit it but he did like it better when you were around here sipping on your milk as he would. Even having shared a few conversations which would end short because he was still a little shy around you.
Kicking the vending machine, he tried to help you get your deserved milk hoping in his head that he wouldn’t embarrass himself and the milk would just come rolling down. Well; it didn’t but before he could feel embarrassed by it; you kicked it too. Glancing at your face, he could see a soft smile adorn your face, a blush creeping up his neck as he turned back to the machine.
“Two would be better than one, right?” you said.
“Yeah,” he said blandly, although his face, too, now held a slight smile.
After a laborious time of kicking and shaking the machine. The milk came rolling down. As a smile of relief spread across your face, Kageyama could only watch your face light up as he handed you the milk box. In what felt like a moment of fleeting excitement, you threw your arms around him, hugging the tall boy who stood frozen at the affection.
“Oh- I DIDN’T, oh I am so sorry” you quickly regain your composure, all the while bowing to the boy blushing a bright red.
“Yeah, um- excuse me,” he said before sprinting away from the place.
‘The day took quite the turn, huh?’ you thought, turning around still giddily, poking your straw into the milk box as you drank your drink.
And from that day, you kept an eye out for the boy who helped you; you wanted to thank him and what better than milk for the milk-obsessed boy. That day, you brought two milk boxes, one for yourself and one for him. Waiting for him near the volleyball court, you saw the boy converse with the orange head. Waving slightly when he glimpsed you behind his teammate, he hurried towards his bag, grabbing it while pulling something out.
“Here” “Here”
You both said as you held out milk boxes for each other. Chocolate milk for you, as he had seen you buy every so often and plain milk for him as you had observed him drink. As you awkwardly exchanged the milk boxes you had bought for each other, you glimpsed the same box in his other hand. He too, had bought two milk boxes just like you. Looking back at your hands that now held two milk boxes,
“Uh- I wanted to thank you for that day,” you said.
Kageyama felt panic fill him as he realized. You had a reason to give him the milk, but he didn’t? What was he supposed to say now, he bought the milk for you because he noticed it was the last one and he wasn’t sure if you had bought yourself any and he didn’t want anyone else to get it before you could lay your hands on it so he bought it?
“Me too,” he hurriedly spat out, voice reaching new levels of loud as you jumped slightly at the voice.
“I will get back to my practice, let’s talk later,” Running back to his snickering teammate.
“LATER!! There is going to be a later,” your brain screamed as you completely disregard the ‘me too’ he left you with.
“LATER???” Hinata yelled, jumping up and down while pushing Kageyama down by the shoulder. Before Kageyama you could pull him off and yell at him, he paused at something the orange head had said.
“Girlfriend, you have a girlfriend”
He should have denied it, he should have, but the warmth filling up his chest didn’t allow that so,
“Shut up, boke or else I won’t toss to you anymore” He said before leaving the court. He didn’t have any practice to get back to. Their practice for the day was over with, but Kageyama just needed an excuse to hide his blushing face.
He doesn’t remember how, but the ‘later’ came and honestly, he was better than he thought, he didn’t embarrass himself, he even though he was so flustered the whole time you talked and from that, it became a daily thing for the two of you to meet at lunch, holding on to your milk boxes, you bought for each other.
Last one, one milk box. Only one milk box was in the vending machine.
“You can have it,” both said. Bending down to reach for the milk you paid for, you passed it to Kageyama while poking the straw in.
“But -,”
Before he could complete his sentence, the straw was in his mouth. And for a moment he froze, his mind taking him back to the first time he froze, in your embrace over the glad relief of having your milk. Taking a sip of the milk, he pressed his lips on yours as your eyes widened at the contact. Was this happening for real?
“It’s your favorite, chocolate milk and I used the straw already so…” He trailed off, letting the embarrassment set it.
“Sorry-” He was cut off before he could back out, with your soft lips finding themself on his again.
“Just checking the flavor again, don’t mind me. Maybe we could share it after all,” you said cheekily. While Kageyama could only wonder how this was even real.


Taking a sip of the milk, he pressed his lips on yours as your eyes widened at the contact. Was this happening for real?
“It’s your favorite, chocolate milk and I used the straw already so…” He trailed off, letting the embarrassment set it.

Posted work : Milky Way - Kageyama Tobio

“Hello?” Kuroo whispered into his phone,
“Hi. heh! I really have an emergency right now”
Your mind was racing, unable to wrap around the fact that your roommate who you have barely conversed with had even called you. At the sound of an emergency, you were already scrambling on your feet to gather your stuff halfway through your training.
“Did you burn the house down?”
“What? No. I just…”
All you heard was radio silence on his side. Pulling away the phone from your ear, you checked if you or him accidentally hung up.
“Yeah. You see, I am naked right now.”

Crosswalk Masterlist:

Key: f: fuff; a: angst; h: humor; c: comfort
Free real estate! Kuroo Tetsurou:
Free real estate: (f)
Are we getting a dog : (f) (h)
countless (aftermath) (f)
Love it when you boss me around: (f) (texts) (coming soon)
No match!Atsumu Miya:
No match!Atsumu Miya: (f) (h)
Come back : (f) (h) (texts)
Whatever this is! Kuroo Tetsurou:
Whatever this is! Kuroo Tetsurou: (f) (a)
Hi stranger (f) (h) (texts)
Secret garden! Oikawa Tooru:
Secret garden! Oikawa Tooru:(f)
Milky Way! Kageyama Tobio:
Milky Way! Kageyama Tobio: (f)
Kaori! Kuroo Tetsurou:
Kaori! Kuroo Testurou:(f) (h)
Secret Secret! Kuroo Testurou: (valentine's event):
Secret Secret! Kuroo: (f)
Drabbles: Haikyuu

Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki:
Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki: Part 1: (f)
Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki: Part 2: (f) (a)
Get used to it! Bakugou Katsuki: Part 3: (f)
Drabbles: My hero academia:
Dork! Bakugou Katsuki:
A hero!Bakugou Katsuki:
Needy!Bakugou Katsuki:
Katsuki with glasses (f)
Bad days with Katsuki (f) (c)
Kisses with Katsuki (f)
Katsuki never likes to pull away first (f)
Katsuki with glasses (f)
Asks: Katsuki Bakugou:
Forgets his anniversary
react to his child telling his mom to shut up
Truth quirk
Katsuki with a coquette reader
Time stamps:
11:53: Katsuki Bakugou
12:03-(coming soon)

So, I actually didn't really plan this through. Of course, I am so thankful for the support no matter what that means, like, reblog, comment. I am thankful for every single one. It really is relieving to see people appreciate or enjoy my work. It hasn't been too long since I started actually posting my work, but it has been so exciting to post each one of those.
Lately, I have been a little overwhelmed with other stuff but I do want to keep posting actively. I am currently working a on prompt list. And I'm completely open to asks for and about anything. Every story has a universe of it own and will slowly be built up over the time. You ask interact with the characters themselves by leaving asks if the specific universe and the character name.
Ex: Free real estate!Kuroo (enter ask) .
There will be a tag system for all my work to make it easier to search. Hopefully you will enjoy this as much as I do.

Secret Garden - Oikawa Tooru

Now, Oikawa wasn’t the worst of the boys you could find. Sure, he had a reputation that he would ever so carefully hold up, the flirty pretty boy who also was the captain of his school’s volleyball club. He himself took a lot of pride in being the unbothered flirt that he was. He didn’t mean to lead people on by flirting, and everybody around him realized that. Going back to the part where he was unbothered, yeah, that part stood true for the most of it, but he too had his moments of weakness, like now.
The day was as normal as it could be, him in his seat beside his seatmate who never seemed to care enough about him to ever try to converse to him outside the introductions and occasional polite smiles for a greeting. He understood you weren’t the big on talking, but he wouldn’t mind having someone to joke around with during a boring class. Not that he hadn’t tested out his charms on you, but you were a part of the lesser population who were immune to his flirting. Or so he thought. Of course, he missed that slight twitch of the corner of your mouth fighting to form a smile, or the embarrassing heat that creeped up the side of your neck which threatened to grow red. Of course, you didn’t have to hide your very obvious flustered state, knowing better that he was used to all the flustered girls around him and where was the fun in that? Why would you, when he gave the most animatedly wide eyes on having “failed” to fluster you as he thought he would?
And that day was the same, a polite smile and then the same boring lectures as the teacher went on teaching something that couldn’t be anymore boring for you. While Oikawa was the volleyball jock in all its truest sense, he also was a nerd who actually paid attention in class and took notes. Having been bored out of your mind, your usual aloof self slipped up. It wasn’t the worst,you just drew a big stupidly ugly flower on the margin of the book that laid open on your desk and it just had to belong to the person sitting beside you. To remind you, it wasn’t the worst situation, it could have been worse had you drawn it with something more permanent like a pen, it was just a pencil. You could erase it before the owner of the book noticed, right? Wrong. While you turned your side, scrambling to search for an eraser which, who knows you even had, Oikawa looked up to his book to refer to it and was greeted by the flower staring right back at him.
Oikawa was a nerd. He owns the cleanest books, in the best condition he could have. He made sure his books were free from any kind of pencil scratches or ink smudges. Pulling his book closer to have a look at the drawing that sat on his book, he could be sworn the face drawn on the flower seemed to mock him. The flower was HUGE and smug?? Oikawa Tooru wasn’t an angry person by any sense, but he always thought something like this would be the reason he loses his cool. Having surprised himself by the equally huge blush on his face, he couldn’t seem to gather any words as he shyly glanced towards his seatmate who hadn’t noticed him as he hid his growing smile. Once again, surprising himself, he grabbed a pencil of his own. Taking one last glance at his busy seatmate, who still continued to rummage through her bag, he started drawing flowers of his own around the obnoxiously huge flower.
“Finally”, you thought, as you accepted the eraser from your friend’s hand as you turned towards where you last left the book, already noticed the boy grabbing his book. You prayed internally for him to not notice the little souvenir you had left with your pencil.You continued to steal glances of your seatmate while holding onto the eraser in your hand, waiting impatiently for the book to be placed away for you to erase the drawing. And to your relief, he did so. Judging by his calm demeanor, you sighed, convinced that the boy hadn’t noticed your mistake. Subtly shifting closer to the book, you noticed the little garden drawn around your flower, eyes growing wide. You glanced at the boy who sat beside you, ducking into the notebook he had been writing in. Choosing not to erase the little artwork. You continued to act oblivious about the whole situation you had found yourself in. The volleyball captain who was flocked by girls gifting him daily was blushing beside you because of a drawing?
You knew a secret about the notoriously famous volleyball captain, the shy dorky side of him he was unable to hold back at the drawing of a smug little (huge) flower. That same day when you had left him in the class to sit back and stare at the flower you had drawn labeled - Oikawa Tooru, for him to find. That same day, he looked up how to draw flowers. He wanted to draw them for you, in your book by the margin and of course he too would draw an arrow and write your name beside it. If anyone was to ask him how many he had practiced making the same flower, he would be quick to deny even looking it up on the internet. If he had to make a flower to write your name with, it had to be a pretty one, so of course it would be a few days until he finally gathers the confidence to even draw in your book.
Even though it wasn’t as good as he thought it would be, he was content with the blush that rested comfortably on your cheeks as you looked away from your book at the sight of the flower drawn in pink ink, with a blushing face drawn on the flower, mindful to not draw over the text while your name was written in delicate cursive.
Oikawa didn’t know what to expect after that, he drew for you back that day, but he didn’t expect it to become an ongoing thing where he would return home and find a neatly folded paper, torn from the book you carried everywhere with you. A new flower doodle every day, while he did the same, although he did always research a little more each time to impress you.
Sitting in his seat, he was waiting for you to come sit yourself beside him and allow him to ramble how ‘Iwa-chan is always so mean to him” and how many times he got smacked in the head by him in the last practice session. You were still rather quiet and preferred to listen than talk, but Oikawa always got you to whine about how much you hated studying and how unfair it was that your dog preferred your parents over you.
Sitting yourself, you immediately turned towards the eager boy, turned towards you to greet you loudly while throwing his arms around “his favorite seatmate’. Again bored, you turned towards the boy you had grown to like over the months of talking. It wasn’t hard to take a liking to the boy you already had a crush on even before becoming friends.You gently pressed onto the pink, palm-sized envelope sealed carefully with a wax seal. Passing it to the boy it was meant for, you were greeted with the same blush from the first drawing, brows raised up into a question asking what was this supposed to be. Poking out your chin, you signaled the boy to open it. On opening the envelope Oikawa was greeted with a bunch of pressed flowers held between a folded paper, taking out the paper he was met with the same smug flower from the first time but this time followed with a “i like you, stupid flower boy”.
Oikawa had a secret, he liked his seatmate who first refused to give him any more attention than a polite greeting, the seatmate who drew him a pretty flower, the seatmate who he would whine to while clinging close to the quiet girl who made him blush on the slightest smile.
Picking up the same pink pen he had used to draw you the flower along with your name, he gripped the hand laid on the desk, drawing the best he could, he drew you a big pink heart on the back of your hand then turning your hand to face the palm of your hand, he wrote - “you are the stupid one between us, but i like you too”. Pressing a kiss to the heart he drew, he shyly turned back to his books, smile never leaving his face as he continued to steal glances at throughout the class, unable to focus on anything but the thought of now being able to drag all his games and greeting his seatmate with kisses in the morning.

Come back ( No match! Miya Atsumu)

Happy new year. Hope you have a great year ahead of you. To interact with the characters you can leave asks for them. Just mention the character universe, like No match!-verse or Free real estate-verse, the character, and your ask for them.
Original post:

Are we getting a dog? (Free Real Estate! Kuroo Tetsurou)

To interact with the characters you can leave asks for them. Just mention the character universe, like No match!-verse or Free real estate-verse, the character, and your ask for them.
Original post:

Whatever this is - Kuroo Tetsurou

“We get it. You guys are dating. Just admit it!” Yamamoto exasperated, throwing his hand up with a frustrated expression creeping onto his face. He couldn’t understand for his life why their captain and manager wouldn’t just come clean of their team. He just wanted them to declare that they are dating, instead of doing whatever this is.
Both the Captain and manager stood frozen in one corner of the gym the team was to use. Eyes wide as they stared at Yamamoto from their position. Kuroo had his arms slung over your shorter figure, his jacket on you as he folded his much longer sleeves for you, from behind you. The action wasn’t scandalous per se, just two friends standing in each other’s space as if it was second nature to them. It was, but…
“We’re not dating,” you both said, not missing a single second from the end of Yamamoto’s sentence.
“What?” Kuroo yelled, head whipping in your direction in shock?
“We’re not, right?” you whispered, turning your head towards him, double-checking at his disbelief.
“Yeah, but- “
The tip of your ears was leisurely growing red at the curious eyes of the entered team. Shrugging Kuroo off your shoulder, you stepped away from the captain at the voice of Yaku.
“Oi, you can resolve this lover’s argument, later, we’ve got practice”
“Right,” Kuroo whispered, “you. We need to talk. After practice.” He continued, lifting the other hand to fold its sleeve, looking at you with unsure eyes.
“Yeah,” you squeaked, running off as soon as his hands lowered themselves.
Kuroo and you were close. Having met him through Kenma, who you shared classes with. Being paired with Kenma for a project in your first year at Nekoma High meant you would go over to Kenma’s house. Kuroo just had the worst timings bursting through Kenma’s front door while you were over. Kuroo Tetsurou, being himself, would want to befriend this new friend of his best friend. So, along with Kenma, Kuroo convinced you too to join the volleyball club, so you applied for the manager position.
Friendship with Kuroo was easy. Though you were introverted and preferred keeping it to yourself, Kuroo would soon find himself a place in your life. With him, things like ice-cream after practice, his jacket instead of yours, your doodles in his books and you drawing all over him, became natural. Kuroo had taken it upon himself to care for you. While he liked to brush it off as the same Mother hen instincts he had for Kenma and his team, he realized his feelings for you.
The practice ended in a stench filled gym while the guys took the bottle you handed them. Passing Kuroo his bottle, he held your eyes for what felt longer than it should have been. The interaction gained the groaning of the team and all of them together, throwing their dirty towels in your direction.
“Love birds,” Lev giggled, feeling happy about his input in the situation.
“Whatever you say, Kenma, head home without us? We’ll follow later,” Kuroo replied, taking your hand in his, walking towards the gym doors.
“Clean up before you leave,” he yelled from outside the corridor.
“Just tell us you guys are dating,” Yamamoto yells back,
“Young love,” Lev said, shaking his head.
“So, ice cream?” you tried your attempt at a conversation before reaching wherever Kuroo was pulling you along.
“Uh-” taking a few seconds to think he continued, “later actually, we need to talk”
“Talk over ice-cream” you suggested, adding a smile to lure him into your offer.
“Two scoops, if we talk without it,” he said cheekily, poking your cheeks to make you drop the pout growing on your face. Playful biting onto his finger, you asked what he wanted to talk about so badly. Reaching an empty class, he tugged you in. Positioning you on a desk, he sat himself beside you.
“So you wouldn’t date me?” as your head jerked in his direction at that you said,
“Did I miss an inside joke or reference here?” genuinely confused about whatever this was.
“No, you said you weren’t dating me when Yamamoto said we should admit to dating,” He reminded,
“Yeah, but we’re not,” you state the obvious, with a hand movement similar to a shrug as if to say ‘duh’.
“So wouldn’t date me,” he repeated feeling sure of himself ,
“I guess? If that is what you inferred from, I said,” getting up from your place, thinking the conversation was over.
“Why not?” turning to see if he was serious about this, you raised your eyebrows,
“I am being serious. Why won’t you date me? What’s wrong with dating me?”
You couldn’t believe that this conversation was really happening. How in the world were you supposed to answer this question without outing your feelings for the man. This wasn’t the first time somebody had mistaken you guys to be dating. The whole thought of the two of you to be dating while you both denied it, the team would go around saying otherwise.
You couldn’t understand why they would mistake you for dating the captain. Sure, Kuroo made sure that you would wear his jacket more than you ever wore yours. Yes, he would carry around a scrunchie on his wrist for the days you wore your hair down and tied your hair for you. Agreed that he would glare at any guy who got too close to you, but so did the team, right? No.
“Tetsu, you’re all a girl to ask for and you could get any girl you liked, ok? Ice-cream?” you tried getting away for this “talk”
“Then you would date me?” He asked, adamant about having this conversation.
“Dude, do I like-”
“Let’s get ice-cream,” Kuroo said, pushing himself off the table.
“Ok, that worked like a charm,” you sighed internally.
“My treat,” you chirped, ready to pay.
“I’ll pay,” He stated, paying
Sitting at your usual seat in the café, you both made small talk, waiting for your sweet treats. As the familiar server set your dessert on the table, she talked about how you and Kuroo were her favorite couple to serve because it reminded her of her husband. Smiling at the lady, you didn’t bother correcting her as she fondly patted your head. Kuroo sighed to himself at the view. You basically preened into the old lady’s touch, thinking about how you would be around his grandparents. As the lady walked away, Kuroo commented,
“I guess, this is pretty date like, you know, just us”
What seemed like a passing comment, Kuroo hoped, you would realize what he was implying. He hoped you would look at him the same way he looked at you when looked. And so you did, Kuroo’s big brain not picking on the way your ears grew warm at his comment, the way your smile became softer, seeing him smile at the old lady as he made small talk with her while she served.
“Tetsu, uh- chemistry”
“Chemistry? You need help in chemistry,” he guessed.
“yes, yes” you quickly agreed to change the topic.
And that lie found you here, in your room, as he invaded your bed. Maneuvering yourself carefully over his starfish position, you pushed his enormous limbs to make space for yourself.
“MOVE,” you complained, unable to move his tentacles for limbs.
“You do this at my home all the time,” he whined right back at you. “Pretty boyfriend like”
Kuroo was one smart person. He knew what he was doing, you would think. While you thought so, he really did not know what he really was doing. He was pretty offended when you said that you wouldn’t date him while it was petty; he took this pettiness as motivation to pursue you and finally confess his feelings he gained over the two years.
Ignoring his random remark, you went ahead with your plans for the day.
His remarks didn’t stop. He was persistent, so persistent. Carrying your school bag around the school because he was a “gentleman”. Paying for your after-school snacks because “that is how dates in books work”. Bring you random flowers he found around the school campus because “pretty things deserve pretty things”. And honestly, your heart was ready to burst any moment now. Sure, you were really close as friends, but this was something else. It also confused you to no end why he was doing this.
Another day of Kuroo and his antics. He was folding the sleeves of his jacket that you over when,
“This is what a good boyfriend would do, right?”
“Tetsu-” you sighed “if this is about that ‘talk’ I told you already, you can pursue any girl you want and they would date you”
“Then you would date me?”
“Tetsu, you can’t date me because I said I wasn’t dating you when one of friends said otherwise”
“What about me pursuing the girl I want?” Kuroo said, stepping closer to you, tugging his jacket closer to keep you warm from the chilly breeze while you stood outside the gym, talking instead of entering.
“Yeah, you can get her if you want”
“Then…,” he promoted,
“Go get her, what are you waiting for” your heart could really take only so much. Your chest ached, tightening with every passing minute.
“Date me, then”
“Tetsu, I am leaving” you were completely over this conversion. You were growing tired from this “teasing”.
Heavy breathing was the only thing heard in the empty corridor. It was too early for anyone else to be here just yet. That might just be one of the few things you appreciated in that moment because you were FREAKING crying while being confessed to.
Kuroo was done with himself too, at that moment. That wasn’t how he planned it. In fact, he hadn’t planned this at all. The captain had no clue what he was going to do at the end of this “teasing”. He made you cry? HE made you cry. That surely wasn’t how he would have wanted it to go.
Did you really still think he liked someone else? Kuroo really had no clue how to make you even look at him other than as a friend.
Smacking his head gently to get him out of his dazed state, you pushed out your head hand, asking for your sleeve to be folded. Kuroo could only blank shift his gaze from your face to your sleeve clad hand then back at your face. You had an embarrassing smile on your face as you shook your wrist once again to turn his attention from your face.
Pulling you in by your hand, Kuroo landed his lips on yours in a slow kiss. His grip loose as he brings his hands to cup your cheeks, holding you close. Gentle thumbs warming your cheeks in what seems like a slow dance over your cold cheeks. HIs kisses were the softest flutter of butterfly wings against your lips as he moved savored every second of breathing the same air as you. Your fists grabbing on to his neatly tucked shirt, one drowning in his jacket, a reminder of how you found yourself in this situation. Pulling away, one look at your face and Kuroo Tetsurou could finally see the red he caused.
Pressing his forehead to yours, breathing an “I Love You” that left his lips the same way it felt to breathe, without a thought. He could hear the bushes rustle in the background, voices of his teammates fading into one,
“I told whatever this is, just admit it-” before Yamamoto could complete his sentence,
“We’re dating,” you both said, stepping away, while Kuroo slung his arms from behind you and folded your other sleeve as the teammate stood there with their jaws to the ground.
“Young love”
“Lev, no.”

Hope you guys are having a great day. Reblogs are appreciated. I will be taking asks, so feel free to interact.
Should I post?

We’re not dating,” you both said, not missing a single second from the end of Yamamoto’s sentence.
“What?” Kuroo yelled, head whipping in your direction in shock?
“We’re not, right?” you whispered, turning your head towards him, double-checking at his disbelief.

You can find the post at:

No match - Atsumu Miya

Atsumu is a simple man, even with a tunnel vision for volleyball, he did think about others. He thought about his twin when he saw an ugly character on the back of the comics you read. Atsumu thought of his mom when he saw you cook for him, thinking back to the time he brought you to meet his mom the first time on Christmas, a few years back. As soon as December rolled around, Atsumu would already be drooling for the cookies you and his mum baked on Christmas every year since.
He has always been big on Christmas, receiving gifts, food, cookies and throwing you in the picture, and it becomes even better than it has been. Now that Atsumu was older, one responsibility that he had as someone who earned his own money was buying gifts for his family and friends.
To say, Atsumu was good at thinking of gifts would be a lie. He was absolutely uncreative when it came to gifts, he would buy everyone the same gifts every year if it wasn’t for you. He loved every single minute of Christmas shopping with you.
The blurred golden glow from the lights that hung from the trees by the sidewalk, under the giant Christmas tree that stood tall in the center of the street, Atsumu couldn’t help his heart from swelling up in the happiness he felt in that single moment. He couldn’t have seen a sight prettier than you in the Christmas lights, soft white snow falling on your head while your cheeks and nose blushed red from the cold weather, laughter tipping from your lips. At that moment, he couldn’t hear anything but the giggle that left your lips and the jingle that the kids sang around him.
Pulling your beanie higher on your head, Atsumu crouched, pressing a kiss on your forehead fondly. The laugh that he started was from his suggestion to buy his twin brother an ugly sweater because;
“Samu, can suck it up and take it or leave it, I don’t care, I am gifting his ugly ass an ugly sweater to match ugliness, tho it won’t be any match for his level”
And so, began the search for an “ugly sweater to match samu’s level of ugliness” or so he thought.
“Pooh, look, we HAVE to buy this”
“‘Sumu, we were looking for a gift for samu, it’s already getting late, let’s speed this up”
Atsumu knew exactly how to convince you to buy these couple sweaters. As you dragged him away from the rack which held the sweaters he wanted, Atsumu knew to have his eyes stuck on them, staring longingly with tears sitting on his waterline.
“Pooh, but what about us, we don’t wanna look ugly like samu” He forced you to look at his eyes glistening with tears.
“Just — yeah, whatever. We can get them” you said, rubbing your temples to express your annoyance even with the smile growing on your face as he grabbed your face, showering your cool skin with warm fleeting kisses to show his appreciation.
Atsumu was basically vibrating with happiness while he paid for his sweaters, hanging from your shoulder with his arms draped over your form that he was back hugging, insisting that he was doing his boyfriend duties of keeping you warm. Heading home with Atsumu still hanging from your shoulders was something. While you appreciated your boyfriend’s warmth, you would still prefer his boisterous laugh not being directed straight to your sensitive ears.
Being whipped for his girlfriend had its own disadvantages. The same night, he fell asleep in your arms, totally forgetting the gift he set out to buy for his brother. Waking the next morning as he gloated in love and the cold snow, it still had set in that was missing a gift for his brother and instead of reminding you the same when he did remember, he sneakingly wrote his name beside yours on the gift you had planned for his brother.

“Sumu, do you have all the gifts in the car?” you said, pulling over the sweater Sumu had bought from yesterday.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I counted them too, don’t worry” he said, tugging his sleeves impatiently.
“Pooh, let’s head over already, ‘wanna have your cookies” he continued while resting his chin on your shoulder, tired from all the late night packing.

“WHAT?? YOU DON’T GET TO DO THAT, BABE, say something”
“Good going ‘Samu” you said, fist bumping Samu while your boyfriend whined to his mom about his girlfriend being unfair.
“BTW, ‘Sumu You’re banned from Onigiri Miya for the next whole year” Samu said, draping an arm around your shoulder, directing you towards the kitchen.
“YAH, ‘SAMU THAT’S MY GIRL” He said, stomping his steps, smiling softly at the view of you in the kitchen with his mum and brother, icing on your fingers as you offered him some.
Atsumu was a simple man, he thought as he licked the icing off your finger, his mood immediately brighter. His Christmas never ran smoothly, but with you here in the lights always shone brighter, the laughter louder and the days lasted longer. He was glad he could shop for Christmas with someone, although in the end he always ends up buying things for himself, and you, buy gifts for him to give. Samu was lucky he received the gift you bought for him instead of an ugly gift like himself because surely there was no match for “Samu’s ugliness”.
Free real estate - Kuroo Testurou
Part 2: countless

Kuroo tetsurou. You first met him in your first year at Nekoma High. And befriending the said person was as easy as it could be, you shared the same class and shared the same interests. The messy haired boy, soon convinced you to join the volleyball team as the manager and well, you did. You had nothing better to do. You quickly got close to the others on the team.
The second year rolled in, and everything was still the same, mostly. Your best friend Kuroo, was selected as the captain of the team he held so close to him and you could not be any prouder of him. The boy who had grown to walk you home every day after practice, the boy who would steal away Kenma's beloved games to teach you and the boy who would protectively place his jacket on you on the colder days. He was your best friend, yes but he was so much more. No matter how long you spent convincing yourself that being friends was enough, it wasn't. It wasn't enough when you stood so close to him on this crowded train holding on the hanging straps in front of him, the same day he was announced as the captain. So close, yet so far away.
"Hi" He said cheekily smiling at you, the happiness not wearing down from the announcement.
"Hi" You whispered back, it wasn't that he hadn't walked from the school to this train, he just had to fluster you like this.
He would be lying if he didn't think you were the most beautiful person like this, with your messy hair ruffled by the wind from the running you had done with him to catch the train, with your eyes lazily drooping in a comfortable shut eye and your pretty lips, parted in the slightest smile. You were so beautiful to him. Every single day that he spent with you, you were beautiful to him, you were beautiful when you drooled slightly on his shoulder on the days you were tired on your way back home or the day when you came to his house in your pajamas asking back for your notes that he forgot to return to you.
"Tired? " He asked pushing back the hair that fell on your face,
"Very" You replied, "also very proud of you" You couldn't help but voice out.
You knew he would have his share of worries and often stressed over a lost game or a bad day at practice. You also knew he would also very often avoid laying his worries on you, although you wish he did.
"Our bedhead captain" You opened your eyes slightly more to take a look at the said person, who grew increasingly shy at the title.
"Hush," He said softly. While pulling you close by the waist, at the sudden influx of new passengers. His other hand reached to release your hold from the rather high hanging strap, hooking your hand around his bicep of the hand that held the hanging strap. He wouldn’t want your hand hurting from holding it up for so long And for an extra measure his hand remained at your waist holding you close to his chest. Tucking your head under his chin, he rested his head on yours. Skinship wasn't anything new to your friendship, you would often hug and cling on him but this felt so much more. You wanted to say something, but you weren't sure if you wanted to disrupt the comfortable silence so you held tighter on to him while trusting him to hold you from falling.
As much as you wished for the moment to not end, an aged couple offered their seat to the two of you before they left and of course you took up the offer, exhausted from the long day at court. You by the window and him pressed up by your side. He quickly removed his jacket covering your legs then comfortably slouched down to lay his head on your shoulder and hooking your arm around his shoulder. After a moment of silence,
"Hi, again" He said nuzzling onto your shoulder,
"you're warm," He continued.
"Yeah? And you seem comfortable there" You said stroking his hair.
"Free real estate" He giggled looking at you.
While he held your eyes, you could only repeat in your head, this is enough. Being friends is enough. And boy, were you wrong. He slowly inched closer, pecking your lips in the most natural kiss. If you hadn't known better you would have thought this must have happened before.
"Free real estate only for me. Mine" He said as he went back to nuzzling and cuddling with his eyes closed while you could only stare at him.
"Sleep." He said. Please don't notice my red ears. He could only pray. It would never be enough, you would never get enough of him and neither would he.

Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading and please leave a message to be added to my permanent taglist. Have a great day ❤❤
Want to thank one of my lovely mutuals who gave me the idea of writing Haikyuu characters as one star uber reviews!! (Lmk if you want credit btw because I am still happy to give it!) I also want to thank my amazing mutual and friend @iwaprotector for helping me decide which character would match each review!!! She is so funny and kind and wonderful and I appreciated her help so much!!! @iwaprotector please save some swag and talent for the rest of us.
Here are the reviews and which uber driver I think would cause them!!

Hajime Iwaizumi (27) Athletic Trainer:







Noya’s Grandpa:


the complete works: the diary, virginia woolf // erasure, zoë lianne // dandelion wine, ray bradbury // the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, sylvia plath // the women, kim addonizio // august, mary oliver // the moon and more, sarah dessen // high bridge park, carlie hoffman.

the best smile 💕
like or reblog if you save

serious snack suggestions ONLY 🚫