Devotional Acts - Tumblr Posts
Acts of dévotion
I believe in several deity And therefore I like to do small daily actions to honor them like…
Clean my house for Bastet
Write poems for Odin
Studying astronomy for Stolas
Working on my dark parts for Belial
Perform magic or divination for Hécate
Take care of me for Hera
Going outside for a walk for Cernunnos
and you, what are you doing for your divinity.
Greek Gods 101: Ares
Ares is a God of war, battlelust, civil order, courage, and strength. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Red Wine
Helmet Figurines or Photos
Swords or Sword Depictions
Medals or Certificates
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for him include:
Standing Up for Yourself
Learning About Military
Learning About Past Wars
Learning How to Settle Conflicts
Playing Strategy Games
He are celebrated in 2 Athenian holidays:
Artemis Agrotera/Kharisteria
Genesios, maybe
Low energy Devotional Acts for when you don’t have a lot of energy (or time, or money, etc.) pt. 2
- if you’re an early riser watch the sunrise, if you’re not watch the sunset, or do both
- this is an easy one, listen to some music! Any music! Any genre! Any playlist! Doesn’t matter. Just music!
- to add to that: listen to a devotional playlist for Him!
-is there a musical instrument you really like? Watch videos of people playing it! Maybe even some tutorials if you’re curious about learning how to play if yourself!
-watch documentaries or do a Wikipedia deep dive about plagues and diseases and pandemics if that interests you
-watch archery videos or read about archery
- be kind to crows and ravens
- watch documentaries about any of His sacred animals
-let some sunlight in and sit in it for a little if you’re able
-if you’re on any meds, take them. Take care of your mental and physical health as well.
- take any meds you may be on, and take care of your mental and physical health
- rest if you’re able and need to rest
- use your mobility aid(s) if you have one and need to use it
- watch documentaries or videos about various diseases, plagues, and pandemics
- watch documentaries or do a Wikipedia deep dive on the history of medicine
- watch documentaries or do a deep dive on the history of surgery
- wear a mask, wash hands, and social distance if able
- if able learn first aid and either get one or check on yours make sure it has enough supplies
- watch medical shows/dramas (my favorite is m*a*s*h)