Diaboys - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago



Laito: Welcome to our blog little bitches~


Reiji: Why must you greet people in duch indecent ways? There are ladies present.


Laito: Doll-chan doesn't mind~ She is our darling cousin after all~


Ryu: I'd rather not be dragged into this.


Karlheinz: Will I also be included in this little blog?


Mia: Fraid so...


Ayato: Seriously...


Ryu: Anyway..Welcome to our blog! Where you ask my cousins anything you want! You may also ask my uncle, the Mukamis, and the Tsukinamis as well. And if you'd like you may ask Me and Mia things too!


Yuma: I'm lookin forward to seein' what people have to say.


Mia: Maybe someone will have some dirty confessions. Have fun!

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7 years ago
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.
I Wish I Had Access To My Computer Because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.

I wish I had access to my computer because MMMMMMM. LOOK AT SUBABU AND SHUUBABY.

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7 years ago

How would the S and m boys reaction be towards their s/o that has wings coming home badly injured (partly torn wing, stabs,etc) from a serious fight

~I feel like I don’t do enough for the Mukami brothers~


Ruki: “Who dared to touch what’s mine? Let me treat your injuries then I will deal with who did this to you.”


Yuma: “Who did this? Was it that lazy ass neet? I’ll kick his ass! No? Then who the hell was it!?”


Kou: “I’m going to find who did this and I will ruin their life.”


Azusa: “Who….did this….to my Eve…? I won’t…give them….the pleasure….of knives..”

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9 months ago

M + S reacted to finding out that the other diaboys are in love with his girlfriend yui too

Ksksksks I’m extremely late-

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Oi, she belongs to me. I hope you know this right? I may be lazy and often apathetic, but if you try anything, believe me, I won’t let it slide."

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Inappropriate! Having eyes for someone else’s property! Do not look, touch, talk to, or even think of my lady! And you, Yui, do not approach or let you get lured by this person. I will never forgive you if you do."

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Oi, you think I didn’t notice how you look at her?! I know you think of her as yours, you dirty bastard! What, come and get her! Fight me, I’ll explose that stupid face of yours! You’ll never get her! Here’s the proof!"

*bites you*

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Hey, you. I see how you talk to her. Do this again, and I’ll kill you! Uwaaaa… you are all so mean when we are supposed to be brothers… uwaaaa… Yui, I’ll punish you for looking at him! Don’t even do this again!"

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"There was a time I enjoyed sharing her… but now, this is impossible. I may be nice, but not for long if you try to take her away from me. You want her this bad? Too bad she’s mine~"

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

*Punches the wall*

"Everybody fucking listen to me! If anyone tries to touch my prey, you’ll all fucking regret it! Understood? This wall will be your face next! Yui, don’t ever stray from me, or I’ll have to put a leash around your neck."

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Do you know why I summoned you here? Look at the Livestock’s neck. That’s right, my fangs. I do hope for you that you understand what that means before I need to roughen up my actions. Don’t make me."

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"This is annoying… this is all fucking annoying… M-Kitty, come here! Show me your neck. Good girl… let me sink my fangs in it. I don’t want confrontation yet… first, I’ll have them understand who you really belong to. And if they don’t… that’s when there will be confrontation."

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Oi, y’all! See that Sow there? Well, she’s mine! If ya, or ya, or even ya try somethin’, believe me ya’ll eat my fist before ya taste her! Understood? Fuckin’ animals…"

M + S Reacted To Finding Out That The Other Diaboys Are In Love With His Girlfriend Yui Too

"Eve, you are mine… only mine. I do not want to share you. Let me bite you. That way, everyone will know… that we love each other, and belong to each other."

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9 months ago
 WARNING: The Links Under The Cut Lead To Posts With Explicit Sexual Content!

❌❌❌ WARNING: The links under the cut lead to posts with explicit sexual content! ❌❌❌

If you are a minor or sexual nsfw content makes you uncomfortable, don’t read under the cut!

You’ve been warned ❗️

Masterlist of S + M brothers nsfw alphabets

Dialovers Lover
Warning: THIS POST CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL NSFW CONTENT! If you are under 18 or these types of posts make you uncomfortable, you may want t

Carla’s NSFW Alphabet

Dialovers Lover
Warning: THIS POST CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL NSFW CONTENT! If you are under age or these types of posts make you uncomfortable, you may not w

Shin’s NSFW Alphabet

Dialovers Lover
Warning: THIS POST CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL NSFW CONTENT. If you are underage or these types of posts make you uncomfortable, you may not wa

Kino’s NSFW Alphabet

Dialovers Lover
Warning: THIS POST CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL NSFW! If you are underage or these types of posts make you uncomfortable, you may not want to re

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1 year ago

When you kiss them randomly (ft my husbands)

This post was inspired by @l0sercat


Danny Johnson

When You Kiss Them Randomly (ft My Husbands)


What did you just do?

His eyes sparkled behind his mask

Honestly gave him an ego boost

He's happy lmao

He lifted his mask and kissed you back

You blushed in response and ran away

Albert Wesker

When You Kiss Them Randomly (ft My Husbands)

He's not surprised or taken aback at all

He kissed you back

He smirked into the kiss

His kisses are long and passionate

When he pulls away, you won't escape his teasing

Mukami Yuma

When You Kiss Them Randomly (ft My Husbands)

He smirks "What was that for, sow?"

"Nothing? Just a random kiss?" you replied

He grins "Do it again"


"This is 'yer punishment for kissing me without permission"

That didn't make sense to you but ok

You hesitantly kissed him again, just a quick peck as this is a little embarrassing for you

Sakamaki Kino

When You Kiss Them Randomly (ft My Husbands)

He had the biggest shit eating grin EVER

"If you wanted a kiss, just say so?" he smirked

"But! -"

"No no, come here, you will kiss me again"

You kissed him again

"I love you, princess" he said eventually

"Huh? I mean, I love you too" you smiled

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11 months ago

Hello there thank you for the likes and the follow😊

No problem, I just saw you were in my niche and wanted to follow you. You’re characters seem interesting and I like them.

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9 months ago


Here’s some Róisín doodles for her upcoming birthday, I was practicing more dynamic posing

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9 months ago
Heres A Painting Of Blythe I Made Today!

Here’s a painting of Blythe I made today!

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8 months ago

Writers share

Thanks from @illarian-rambling for tagging me, here’s a little thing I’ve been working on for a while while on hiatus for my alt account @seashoresandbloodyroses, I’d thought I’d pop up and share it since it wouldn’t be too much work.

“Night!” The girls all said in sync, before turning off the light and heading to bed. It wasn’t long before most fell asleep, except for one; Blythe (And Calista, who was keeping watch). The sound of soft snores and light breathing was the only noise able to be heard in the room. Blythe felt a chill from the air conditioning. She sighed, despite the lack of loud noise or bright light, it still seemed so overwhelming. Rooms always felt smaller in the dark. Blythe sighed, sitting up in her sleeping bag, her knees pressed against her chest. It was a strange vulnerability few got the chance to see with her. Blythe tensed up. The feeling of the air conditioning on her back was irritating to say the least, and her clothes felt tight, and itchy. She could feel the seams inside her light, baggy shirt, and she hated it. She hastily grabbed her shirt and tugged at it so it wouldn’t touch her skin as much, but to no avail. She groaned quietly and clenched her fists as she shoved her face into her knees. She grumbled again, before getting up and heading to the balcony, hoping some fresh air would clear her thoughts.

Unbeknownst of the scene happening next to her, an agitated Andy woke up to see the commotion, only to watch as Blythe stepped out. Quietly, she got up, and after carefully stepping over the sleeping bodies of her companions, she gently opened the door to check on her. From what Andy could see, Blythe was simply standing there, looking out onto the horizon. She couldn’t see Blythe’s face from that angle, but from her slumped posture and position, body weight resting only on the balustrade, cheek in hand, it was easy to see she wasn’t feeling all that good. She swallowed, and with a face riddled with concern, she approached Blythe.

“Blythe?” She called out quietly.

“What?” Blythe responded, turning around to face Andy. Her voice was cold and quiet again.

“It’s- nothing, I just wanted to check on you, it’s quite late, you know. Is everything okay?”

“Yes. It’s fine.”

Andy sighed. “I know you like being blunt, but that was a little too straightforward, even for you. What’s up?”

“I said it’s- god, whatever, you’re too good at reading people to lie…” Blythe inhaled, before continuing. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed, that’s all….”

“Ah, I see. Well, that’s totally fine. If there’s anything I could do for you, just say the word.”

“Thanks, a lot, and there is…. One thing, actually, a question….”


“…Why did you invite me here?….”

That question stumped Andy. Why did she invite Blythe? The two had never been on good terms, but she still sympathized with her. Why? Andy pondered for a bit, gazing out on the forest below her, searching for a suitable answer. Malice? Definitely not. Was it pity? No, that’s wasn’t the right word. Empathy? Affection? Maybe.

 She took a breath in, before answering. “I don’t know, I guess-…. I guess I just wanted to be nice…. I mean- I guess I just- ugh!….” She breathed again. “I don’t exactly know, truthfully. I just…. did it. I know you aren’t the nicest to me, but I see how to act around Yui and your brothers, and…. I guess you just seemed like a pleasant person to just be around.”


The two looked in front of them quietly, relishing in the rich silence. Blythe glanced at Andy. Somehow just talking to her made her feel better. Maybe Andy wasn’t as bad as she thought. The two continued to stare out into the horizon, a growing feeling within both of them, a feeling of a newfound respect for each other.

I’ll tag @i-am-a-weird, cause I don’t know many others in the writers community yet, plus anyone who wishes to join of course!

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7 months ago
They Really Thought They Could Put Laito In This Show And We Wouldnt Notice
They Really Thought They Could Put Laito In This Show And We Wouldnt Notice

They really thought they could put Laito in this show and we wouldn’t notice

The mole’s in the wrong place but oh well.

Wait that’s actually a really good au-

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2 years ago

the fact that kou CANONLY says “No more Mr. Nice Guy” when he gets mad

The Fact That Kou CANONLY Says No More Mr. Nice Guy When He Gets Mad

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