Dnd Mini - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
I Have A New D&D Character!
I Have A New D&D Character!

I have a new D&D character!

His name is Mordai, and he's for a campaign thats going to be run by one of my friends, and is a level five Way of the Drunken Master Monk, with the entertainer background. At the moment, I'm just making Heroforge miniatures to test out color palettes and design elements while I focus more on art assignments for school.

Design notes, the character's backstory, and the image description are all under the cut! Any and all suggestions are welcome, both for his design and backstory!

[ID: Two screenshots of Heroforge, showing the same character from the front and back. He is a tiefling monk, with pale skin, and satyr legs. Their clothing is mostly composed of layered fabric in two shades of yellow, but with gold and red details. While the hair on his head is black, the fur on his legs is mostly brown. He is holding up a fist, and is posed as if stepping forward. End ID]


Full Name: Mordai Nethercote

He was born into a human family, with his infernal lineage pretty far back in their family tree. As a result, their last name is an old-english one. His first name is a tiefling one, just because I like it.

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Pan-romantic, Asexual

Backstory: Entertainer (Jester)

They were forced to join a traveling circus as a child, to bring in money for his family. Hating his life, he eventually ran from the circus, abandoning his family and the woman he met there. When the guilt became too much for him to drink away, he joined a monastery.


He's tired, and seemingly laid back, but haunted by what he's done, and isn't looking to repeat the experience. He values the freedom he found after the circus, but isn't sure that it was worth it.

Design Notes:

My main concern is him looking too much like Mollymauk, from Critical Role. Of course, they're both tieflings that spent some time in a circus, but I want to avoid similarities where possible. The yellow-focused palette helps, and I love characters who's personality contradicts their outfit.

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3 years ago
I've Finished Taking Pictures Of The First Dnd Mini I've Painted! He's The Dreadmere Tortoise, From Reaper

I've finished taking pictures of the first dnd mini I've painted! He's the Dreadmere Tortoise, from Reaper Miniatures. When I have the time, I'll likely start on his companion.

The picture is edited, as I'm using this piece for a school assignment. Almost nothing on the paint job was changed.

Critique is welcome, both for my photography attempts and paint job! ID is under the cut.

[ID: A photo, taken of a dungeons and dragons mini, on the ground outside. The miniature is a tortoise, with a saddle and an assortment of packages strapped to its shell. The sky is not visible, and the background is filled by the base of a tree and some thin tree branches. The ground is covered in small pine needles and dirt. End ID]

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2 years ago
A photo of a 25 mm Dungeons and Dragons miniature, from Reaper Miniatures. It's a demon warlock, dressed in bright red robes and leather armor. His left arm is a golden prosthetic, and holds his skeletal staff. His other arm reaches into the sky, and lines up with the sun in the background, creating the illusion of flaming magic dancing in his hand. The rest of the background and environment is filled by blurry pine trees.

I finished up my third DnD miniature! The image is slightly edited to change the hues of the sun and the shadows at the bottom, but nothing about the character's paint job was changed.

The miniature is from Reaper Miniatures, named "Vatanis, the Maggotcrown Warlock," and was sculpted by Bobby Jackson.

Notes about the paint job and photography process are under the cut! Critique is always welcome!


I don't know if there is any official color palette for this character, I just decided to use one inspired by the character Lucio's, from the game The Arcana, mainly his red jacket/cape, and golden details and arm.

The lighting, aside from the slight change of hue under the main light source and along the sun rays, is entirely natural. I finished this model in less than a day to make sure I could take advantage of the setting sun. The unedited version of this is up on my Instagram.

Once I'm sure I won't take any more pictures of him, I'll paint his base black. Originally it was kept grey to blend into the rocks I thought I was going to use as an environment before I got this shot.

This was taken on my iPhone, and edited with Clip Studio Paint. When it comes to mini paints, I have no form of brand loyalty, and used a mix of Army Painter paints and washes, then a couple Citadel technical shades.

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