Do What You Want For Better Skin - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Reasons Why You Need a Fast (Not what you think)

So, for about a few weeks, I’ve been silent on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and even put my blog and podcast, on hiatus mode because I wanted to figure out where the hell to go, and what better way to grow.

I made one post, and even added tags just to see what they will do, and I figured out (last minute) that tags help bring attention to the posts on my blog. I should have known to use tags in the past, but now that I know, I will make sure to use tags.

But that’s not point lol.

The point is I needed a break from social media, blog, and podcast because it frustrated me that I wasn’t clear with what I wanted to present. And I felt like I was dull and stale. I’m always about fun and excitement, but I feel like I failed to do that. So my biggest priority is to work on my book while on hiatus.

Suddenly, I had an epiphany. I spoke to my friend about what I’m currently doing, and where I wanted to go, and I said out loud, “I’m great. I know I’m good at what I do.” Mind you, my confidence is so low, to find it you need a map. A huge one. And to say that I’m great OUT LOUD, I was shocked. I’ve realized that my confidence found me.

Just to end this on a good note, I know that I’m starting to understand and acknowledge myself more during my fasting from social media and blogging. And I also learned that I need to look up to someone that’s working on having a better life, and looking at their progress because it shows me that if they can do it, so can I.

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