Dragon Therian - Tumblr Posts

chat do you ever get the feeling that your body isn’t your own and rather that there is something trapped beneath your skin struggling to escape or is that just the derealization

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5 months ago

"humans who identify as animals are crazy! can you believe there are people who actually think theyre mythical creatures?? theyre so weird!!!!"

when i bite you directly on the neck, my blunt human teeth will feel no different than a dog's. only then will you understand that i have never been more than an animal.

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1 year ago

Hey therians, wanna cool game to help express yourself and connect with your therianthropy for free… I FOUND A GAME THAT DOES JUST THAT!

It’s called Felandia on roblox. You can customize your character to all kinds of things!! Cats, wolfs, dragons, skunks, aliens, bees, foxes, griffins, etc… You can just run around and be a little guy and dig up chests with your paws it’s great. Also it has pretty cool lore too!

It also has different biomes! Deserts, swamps, artic, mythical places, destroyed with lava pools, shores, etc…

The people playing are insanely sweet and we all try to help each other if rare npcs spawn so you can get cool items or coins <3

(My boyfriend said it sounds like I’m sponsernd I swear I’m not I’m just hyperfixated on this game and think others would really enjoy it like I do lol)

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6 months ago

What if the eldritch cosmic space horror beyond mortal comprehension was just some guy

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7 months ago

I don’t at all remember when exactly I was introduced to therianthropy, or even started identifying as so, but I do know that I’ve always felt like I wasn’t fully human.

I always used to tell people (parents, close friends, etc) that I felt like there was the spirit of an animal squeezed in with my human one (if that makes any sense). I was absolutely the wolf kid in school, except I had my own pack as well. We drifted apart, very sadly, and I went off to discover the furry community. I enjoyed imagining myself having physical animal traits again, and made myself a fursona (whose name is my url lol) I slowly began remembering more and more from my theriotypes, and didn’t know what to do about it. Sometimes I felt like I was going insane. I was not meant to be human, or even alive, and no one around me could relate. As mentioned earlier, I don’t remember discovering the term therianthropy but I think it might’ve been YouTube or something like that. I remember thinking about it that night and feeling so seen, like there was finally a community I could relate to! I did more research on the subject and somehow that led to me identifying as a therian! I’m still discovering more about my identity every day, but for now I’m glad to have friends who understand the pain I feel.

Non-humans, what led you to realizing you weren't human? What labels do you currently use to express your non-humanity (if any), and what exactly do you currently identify as?

I'll go first!

(Due to the fact that we as a system share memories due to the lack of blackouts/complete amnesia and are for the most part collectively non-human I, Wolf, will be speaking for us all collectively.)

As a child, from the moment we were able to form a sense of self, we knew we weren't human. We always had that feeling that there was something different about us, something nobody around us would ever understand. So we stayed quiet about it. Why would we ever talk about something that nobody would ever truly understand. Well, that's what we thought for the next 13-ish years of our life. When we first discovered alter-humanity it was through Therianthropy tiktok in 2021 (yes, I know, not the best source of information.) and we started identifying by tiktok's definition of a therian because we thought that's all we needed to know at the time. Just having a "special connection" to animals felt good enough at the time. It wasn't exactly how we felt, but it was "good enough" we thought. Something that we could tell people and they might actually understand. Around a month passed of this situation before we decided to actually do our own research (finally!). And we discovered that Therianthropy actually meant identifying as some non-human animal to some level. We felt like we'd been heard, like we could finally be accepted by a community of others just like us. And that's how it was for about a year. After a year had passed since my discovery of the true definition of Therianthropy, I decided to make my first Therian pack (which was open to all sorts of Therians). This is actually where I met my current best friend, Calix. I'm not gonna go through every detail of what happened during the era of this pack but what I will say is there was some drama and we had to do the right thing which resulted in the loss of my "pack" entirely. But in the end, I realized who my pack truly was (Calix). Sure, maybe it was a small pack but it felt like home to me. An amount of time had passed since then and I became more knowledgeable of the Non-Human community through my Wolf friend, Calix. A lot of things happened but so far along my journey I have discovered more and more about non-humanity then when I started out. Most of my knowledge is accredited to Calix. At some point, he discovered the term "Transspecies" and eventually "Holothere" A.K.A. physical non human, which are two terms we now use as a part of our identity (most of us anyways).

All of the labels we currently use include Therian, otherkin, Holothere, Transspecies, and Non-Human canine (specifically a dog/wolf/werewolf).

At the moment, most of us identify as some type of canine.

What about you? Tell me your story, friend :)

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6 months ago



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