Dragon Zhongli - Tumblr Posts
Small bit I thought up while gaming today, hope you enjoy babes~
It was a rather sunny day, the sun shone brightly over Liyue, the beautiful light reflecting off the cor lapis that surrounded the area.
You were in the chasm, visiting the Millelith memorial between Cinnabar Cliff and Tiangong Gorge. You had gone there to clean the area due to it being neglected for months since the Chasm was closed.
You made sure the sacrificial bowls and the items within were dust free and sparkling before you sat on the dry grass before the many stones. Looking up at your work you felt a sense of pride before a cold chill ran down your spine.
The bushes nearby rustled and sticks snapped, startling you and bringing you to your feet.
"Who's there?" You asked as you slowly inched closer to the bush. "Hello?" Your tone was soft as you neared the bush and pulled back some of the branches.
Before many branches could be touched something jumped out at you, making you yelp as you stumbled back and fell onto the grass you were sitting on previously.
Laying for a moment, you gathered your nerves then sat up to see... a dragon?
Completely confused you looked at the dragon to the bush and back once again. What was this small creature doing?
Gently, you reached out to test the waters, seeing if they were friendly. To your surprise the brown and amber dragon crawled into your lap and curled up as a cat would.
"Um- Hey there buddy." You began nervously. "Can I help ya?"
The amber-orange eyes of the small being looked up to you before it nuzzled it's head against your torso.
You chuckled, "What am I doing? Talking to a dragon?" You laughed. "Guess I finally lost it huh?" You jokingly asked as you poked the dragons cheek.
As you gently poked at it's smooth scales, it got up and jumped off you.
"Hey don't go-" You pleaded softly as you got up to follow them.
Having been alone in the chasm as one of the few workers permitted to stay during it's lock down, you had gotten lonely. Everyone was in the mines while you stayed up for maintenance topside.
As you followed the creature you smiled as you saw it's chunky little legs waddling with purpose as if he were leading you somewhere.
After following them for nearly 10 minutes you found yourself standing at a dragons cave.
"Whoa- this your home?" You ask as if you were expecting an answer, which to your surprise you did.
A plume of smoke that looked like orange clouds erupted before you as a deep voice sounded from within. "Indeed, this is where I reside."
As the smoke cleared, a tall man with long chocolate brown hair with glowing orange tips stood before you. His height was impressive, he towered over you with ease and the horns only added to that height.
"____, correct?" His voice filled the cave as he spoke your name. Unable to find your words you nod.
"I've taken note of you around the chasm, your kind acts and efforts are impressive." He complemented with a grin, sharp canines peeking through his lips. "Thank you....?" You replied, not knowing his name to properly thank him. "Morax." He said, answering your unspoken question.
"You mean, you're-" Voice trailing off, you gazed into his glowing eyes. "Indeed." He spoke, "I am Rex Lapis, the Geo archon, pleasure to make your acquaintance, my darling."
He held out his hand and you placed your shakey one in his. The moment your fingers grazed his palm, he pulled you close to his body. "My dear, you're beautiful." He states as one of his arms wraps around your waist and pulls you close. "I'd like to inquire if you would be interested in residing with me?"
"Wha- me?" You squeaked. Your voice had cracked as your eyes blew wide in bafflement. A smirk graced his features. "You didn't say no." He comments before sweeping you off your feet and carrying you into his home.
Deeper in the cave the area altered, beginning to look like an adeptus' abode. Clouds swirled as floating islands and glowing paths intertwined.
"I claim you as my own, dear ____. I'll be yours as much as you are mine." He states, leaving no room for your rebuttal, if there even were to be one. He takes you to a circle of clouds and set you atop them. It was comfortable and soft, you could feel yourself relaxing into the nest shaped bed.
Your fatigued gaze followed his form as he moved into the nest behind you. His tail wrapped around your legs as he pulled your back against his chest. "I'll treasure you forever my Glaze Lily." He murmurs into your ear as your eyes drift shut. Sleep taking over your mind as his warmth seeps into you.
A Much Needed Respite
Kima I fucking beg of you as your one and only bestie PLEASE GIVE ME MORE
Seeing as you also gave me inspo, I can't say no <3
1.5K words
The days have all been long and rough but recently they’ve been blurring together. Commission after commission, request after request, you couldn’t stay with it anymore. However, no matter how tired you were or how loud your stomach growled, you persisted. You needed the mora to fund your expenses, especially for the little gremlin that was your “Travel Guide”. Paimon spent mora like it fell from the sky and she never even worked to get any of it, she just took what you had earned.
After so long, your body couldn’t take it much longer. You had slowed down, lost your momentum, yet Paimon still pushed you to continue the commissions. “Traveler look! Mr.Zhongli put up a commission!” She exclaimed. Before you could comment or even get a single breath into your lungs to respond she had already taken the commission from Katheryne and returned with a mora hungry grin. “Let’s get a move on! The commission says to go to Wangshu Inn to meet Xiao, so he can lead the way for us!” With a groan you nodded and began your trek.
Upon your arrival you saw Xiao waiting by the entrance. “Traveler.” His monotone voice called out to you. “Zhongli advised me to take you to his abode, lest you get lost.” He explains with a pointed glare towards Paimon.
Xiao was fully aware of the ‘commission’ Morax had sent out for you specifically. Though you felt as if your endeavors had gone unnoticed, Zhongli had kept a watchful eye on you. He knew you were drained, he saw the way you looked as if you were going to collapse. And so he put out a commission to help you.
Not picking up on the rather hostile aura that Xiao emitted, Paimon smiled and spoke. “Great! Let’s head out then!” She blurted. The group soon moved out as soon as Xiao gave the traveler a small bowl of almond tofu, his favorite, to eat as they made their way to their destination.
Hours later, everyone arrived and entered Zhongli’s abode. Paimon hectically flew into the open area, looking around at the seemingly never-ending world. The fluffy white and orange clouds floated peacefully through the levitating islands that were connected by glowing paths.
“Welcome Traveler, I’ve been expecting you.” You hear Zhongli’s voice from your right, turning to look you see him in his half dragon form. Beautiful antler-like horns protruding from his head, Black arms with golden veins, and a dark tail that followed behind his tall form. “Hello Mr.Zhongli-” You spoke in turn before rudely being interrupted. “Hey Morax!” Paimon yapped. Her high voice getting on her nerves, resulting in your eye twitching. “Saw you have a commission, so what can we do for ya?” Her words only served to anger you more. ‘What can we do for ya?’ WE?! Last time you had checked, you were the only one putting work!
“Ah yes, the commission.” Zhongli repeated as he looked to Xiao for a split second. “There is actually two that I require, so Xiao shall take you while I take the Traveler.” He says, the words flowing from his mouth and soothing you. Just the thought of getting a break from Paimon felt like a gift from Celestia. Xiao nodded as he began to lead Paimon away before she could refute the former Archons words.
The moment the pair were out of sight Zhongli was at your side. “So what… do you need?” You asked, a yawn interrupting your words as you walked beside him, assuming he was leading you to what would be your next commission. “I need nothing dear Traveler.” His response made you look up at him in puzzlement. “But you had said-” “Yes, yes. I said I had two. However, that was an essential falsehood I had to tell to get Paimon to temporarily leave.” He elaborated his long thought out plan that went through rather smoothly.
“Then why am I really here?” You inquired softly. With a sympathetic look Zhongli took your hand. “My dear, you are at your limit and are in desperate need of a respite. One of which I am going to give you.” He said before unexpectedly lifting you into his arms and making you yelp in surprise. “My apologies Traveler, but I can no longer watch you drain your energy.” He says, silently explaining his actions as he carries you through the winding paths of his abode.
At his mention of your energy, you noticed how sore you truly felt. After the first, what? 6 commissions? You stopped feeling the pain that had accumulated in your muscles. “I appreciate it.” You say as your head falls against his chest. “It’s really nothing my dear-” “No, really thank you.” Looking up at him, you cut him off. “Don’t downplay your actions, I really appreciate this.”
A gentle smile stretched across his features as he lowered you onto a batch of clouds. “You’re welcome, my Glaze LIly.” He responds as he sits beside you. “Now rest, I shall stay here.” He stated as his clawed fingers gently raked through your hair. “Would it be okay for me to request a blanket?” You asked, the cold of the abode only now being registered. “Unfortunately I have no blankets. However I myself could keep you warm.” With a small nod you permitted him to proceed with his offer.
With ease, Zhongli lifted himself onto the bed of clouds and laid behind you. His strong arms pulled your back to his chest as he spooned you while his tail draped over your waist. With the assist of his warmth and added comfort, you fell asleep in his arms feeling safe for the first time in ages.
The next morning you awoke with the wonderful scent of slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup. SItting up your bones popped, further waking you. “Good morning my Glaze Lily. Did you sleep well?” You heard his gentle voice come from behind you. Turning, you see him approach you with a large bowl with plumes of steam waving above it. “Yeah, that was some of the best sleep I’ve had in ages.” You reply as your arms stretched above your head.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Zhongli sets the bowl in your lap before he sits behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist. “Where;s the chopsticks?” You ask as you look down at the bowl. “Right here my love.” He responds as he holds the utensils in his hand. Going to grab the chopsticks from his hand you hum in confusion as he pulls them away. “I insist that you continue to rest.” With a soft chuckle he picks up some of the softened shoots and feeds them to you.
Another hour passes and the bowl is empty and laying on the ground as Zhongli held you in his arms. A gentle, soothing, tune was hummed into your ear as your head rest on his shoulder. You couldn’t even remember the last time you felt this relaxed.
“Traaaavellllerrrrr!” You heard Paimon yell as she made her presence known. Flying over to you was the white haired pixie that currently felt like your arch-enemy. “Time to get up Traveler! We have more commissions to go do!” Trying to remain calm, you simply turned away and nuzzled your face into Zhongli’s chest. “Hey! Traveler!” She raised her already annoying voice. “Whaaaat?” You groaned. “Time to get up! Mora doesn't grow on trees, so lets go make some!” That was where you snapped.
“Really Paimon?!” You raised your voice in return, making her back up a bit. “‘Mora doesn't grow on trees’? Don’t you think I know that?!” You shouted. “Travel-” “No!” You interrupted her like she had done to you many times before. “Last I checked you spend most of the money I make!” Your tone dipped at the word ‘I’. “D-don’t you mean we?” She asked. “No I do not! I will do the commissions, earn the mora, actually put in the work while you hover over me and just watch!” You shouted.
Not knowing what to do, Paimon looked to Zhongli. “Paimon, I believe the Traveler is correct and I also believe you should leave before anything…. Unsatisfactory happens.” Zhongli voices as his hands absent-mindedly drew patterns on your back.
Paimon, seeing she was out numbered, floated away. Once Zhongli was certain the pixie was gone he turned his attention back to you. “I’m proud of you my dear, that took a bountiful amount of courage.” He comments before placing a kiss to your temple. “Please feel no regret, this was for the best,” You nodded, he was right, he always was.
For the remainder of the day you slept and relaxed in the peaceful abode with your love. Zhongli gave you all sorts of affection throughout the day, always having you be his main focus, not like that was any different from normal.
Hope ya enjoyed, bye babes <3
Any ideas are welcome, just leave them in my inbox.
(Tap the 'ask me anything' on my page 😘)
: ̗̀➛ Luxury ( Dragon-hybrid!Zhongli x Worshipper Childe )
▸ Rating ✧ NSFW
▸ Word count ✧ ~ 2,3k
▸ Summary ✧ Childe makes an offering to his dragon lord, and in turn receives a prize.
▸ Contains ✧ smut, choking, worship?, slight degradation, also slight prase, power dynamics, monster fucking?
▸ AN ✧ I genuinely had so much fun writing this, but it ended up being more descriptive rather than having long smut, forgive me!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
There was always something so thrilling about escaping normal life to indulge in something secretive, Childe knew the feeling well. Every so often, he’d make an offering. Honestly, the offering could’ve been anything. Food, gems… his body.. But this beast only had eyes for one thing. Eyes greedy and hoarding, clawed grip never letting go of the piles of offerings he’d made.
It was gold, of course. Piles and piles of shimmering gold coins.
Childe really thought it was funny, honestly. Why be so greedy and needy for something as simple as gold? But nevertheless, he couldn’t complain. The offerings he made got him what he wanted.
And what he wanted? Hoho, so sinful on the ears, he’d never spill a word about it to anyone. He never will, no matter who’s asking, no matter how much is on the line for him.
He was greedy too, greedy beyond anything else he’d ever felt for anything. This beast… this inhuman, malignant beast he’d grown to love. Loved more than all, he’d let it do anything to him.
That included… sucking his wallet dry.
But if it were for this beast he fed, he’d give anything.
He came upon the entrance of the cave, a deep blackness glowing from within. His steps inside were gentle, afraid to wake the dragon that might’ve been slumbering inside. He’d been there so many times in the past, legs and feet weaving in practiced steps between piles of the gold he’d brought in the past. There was a single light source in the cave, flaming from the grasp of the dragon.
“You’ve come again.” Its voice rumbled deep. “Do you wish to receive anything from me, as you foolishly return to me once again?”
“You call me foolish, and yet you always accept the offerings I bring onto you.”
And its head turned. Piercing eyes locked Childe’s, wearing an unimpressed expression upon the sharp features of its face- and Childe’s gaze glanced downwards and away. They had the same interaction every time Childe would show up to the hidden cave, it was part of the ritual they had at this point. How the beast slid carefully off the top of the glistening mass of gold, bare skin wearing the always familiar marks of his power staining his arms, his back, the pale skin that stayed in the shadows.
Ah- did Childe say he was a dragon? Well, he was half right, the beast that stood before him was a hybrid creature. Features of a human, but outward features of a powerful, wise dragon. A thick tail, horns crowning his long hair, sharp claws tipped on slender fingers… he was gorgeous. Not to mention the golden scales that sharpened his features, rocky on the smoothness of his skin.
This beast often didn’t wear much attire, at most it was a thin loincloth that wrapped snugly around the plumpness of his ass. It rested on top of his tail, flowing loosely onto his hips. It was a bit strange to Childe, but he wasn’t complaining.
“Tartaglia,” It spoke once again, holding out a lithe hand, “You refuse to break away from my grasp. Do tell, how much have you brought me on this fine day?”
Childe didn’t look up, only placing the heavy pouch into the palm of the dragon, “Only the finest, today I bear a hefty amount unto you, Rex Lapis.” He didn’t speak like this outside of the cave, the words felt heavy, but not unfamiliar on his tongue. He felt the pouch leave his touch, and he went back to standing still, arms at his sides and head bowed downwards.
Something like this… he would’ve hated it if it were to be anyone else, anything else, but he knew that, if he followed all instructions, he’d get anything he wanted.
Until the roughness of the dragon’s hands found his cheeks, turning his face upwards, finally being able to meet the piercing eyes once more. The beast- it looked pleased, a satisfied expression rested on its face.
“Such a promising worshiper, you are,” it leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss upon his lips, “You always manage to please me, so wonderful.” The words had a certain sting to them, laced with a stone-cold infliction that made Childe want to shutter. He couldn’t though, he couldn’t do anything without the given permission from the dragon he bowed to. Even so much as sighing might bring this whole ritual to a sudden stop. It had happened several times in the past, he was not risking it again.
The dragon’s stone face turned into a sharp smile, and, with a toss of the satchel over his shoulder, he placed another more forceful kiss upon the corner of Childe’s mouth, “You may now touch me.”
Immediately, he did, bringing his hands onto the large expanse of the beast’s strong chest. No matter how many times they did this, its body felt different. Stronger, coarser, more scaled, it was never boring to feel this gorgeous body. And he indulged himself in it. Running his fingers along the peaks of its chest, dipping down to his stomach, lower and lower… until his hands met with the cloth.
He let himself glance upwards at the dragon, watching how its face contorted with emotion, every so often letting out a particularly heavy breath or swallowing just enough to make his throat bob. The glance wasn’t long- as the piercing eyes opened again and met his, Childe moved them away.
The dragon exhaled a heated breath, bringing a svelte arm behind Childe, grabbing a firm handful of his ginger hair and pulling his head back, “You can look at me, Tartaglia. You are aware of how I wish to be addressed when we indulge our sins, do not dare forget it.”
Without a thought, Childe’s face became smug, a lopsided grin and half-lidded eyes. He let the name roll out of his mouth with a silky tone, “Of course, Master Zhongli.”
The dragon- Zhongli pulled away and turned his back to Childe. There was only one solid piece of furniture in the cave, a massive golden throne. He couldn’t count how many times he had had his back blown out over it, but each time he had done so he always had the most exhilarating experience, even almost surpassing the battles he had. Zhongli’s steps were elegant and proficient, treading lightly on the golden piles on the path to the throne. The man joining him had started to become giddy, making uneven steps on the golden coins as he trailed behind him.
In one swift movement, the previously worn loincloth had come off, only lingering on the edge of Zhongli’s tail for a moment before being discarded to the side. Childe, this man, had also begun to remove the layers he had on, hands frantically trying to tear off the clothing.
“No.” Zhongli’s voice boomed from in front of him, and when he looked up he met the eyes once more, wide and bearing the slightest of annoyance, “Do not remove your clothing today. You will satisfy me how I want, I do not wish to hear your desires or the appeals you have.” His body now fully faced the ginger, showing his bare beauty to the man, “You are no better than what you believe you are.”
Childe shuddered at the words, sluggishly moving his body back towards the throne. He wouldn’t, he wasn’t allowed to- especially after being talked down to like that. He wasn’t mad, not at all. Honestly, it was hot. It made his heart jump in his chest and his cock throb hard in his pants. And the way the dragon dragged his tail onto the base of the throne made him even more excited.
“Come.” Didn’t have to tell him twice. Childe shifted his feet closer, and he fell down onto his knees in front of the beast’s parted legs. He wasn’t acknowledged yet, the only sound that echoed through the cave for a long moment was the sound of a nearby coin pile crumbling and shattering coins across the floor. Only then did Zhongli grin once more, “Did you prepare yourself, as I requested from the last encounter we had?”
Childe only nodded, earning a pleased hum from above him and a hand running through his hair, “Very good. You can be such a good listener.” His thumb trailed down the cheek of the man kneeling at his knees, stroking along the bone, “Now, you must present yourself to me. Show me what you offer, over the arm of my throne.”
It was something they did often, it was the easiest to do when the only thing to use was the throne. Childe slowly lifted himself off the ground, twisting his body with practiced sultry. He kept his eyes locked with Zhongli’s, even as he gently bent his body over the arm of the throne, even as he slowly tugged down his pants to rest just below his ass. He was proud of himself, really putting in the work to prepare himself beforehand, he knew it was something Zhongli liked and appreciated.
“I am yours, Master Zhongli.”
The hybrid stood once more with a flow of wind, his two thick cocks standing up against his navel. Of course, he had two, but had previously stated that he didn’t believe Childe was “worth having both of them yet”. Did that hurt his feelings? A little bit, but as their meetings became more and more frequent, Childe had begun to get off to the feeling of having something pressed between his legs at all times. He begged for it at times and had come his soul out because of it multiple times in the past.
He could now shudder, feeling how the beast pressed behind him, bringing the heat of his crotch onto him. His legs struggled on their toes as he was pushed lower down into the throne, a firm hand on the center of his back pressing him over. It made him… very vulnerable, spread open, and bared for his dragon.
When they did this, there was little to no foreplay. Only rarely did Zhongli ever proceed with it, receiving or giving. Childe often didn’t complain about it, he had places to be, Zhongli gave no clues except for a simple “I am busy in my life” (even if he’s never seen the dragon leave the cave).
And because of this silent arrangement, Zhongli wasted no time pressing into him. He entered with one swift, slow movement- and Childe keened in his throat as he became fully sheathed. Zhongli only let out a held breath, moving his hand up and down the back of the man bent in front of him. His hand movements were gentle, even as he pressed his chest down and wrapped them around the ginger’s throat. Only then did he start to move his hips, a leisurely back and forth movement as he kept his palms wrapped around Childe’s neck.
As he let his hips pick up speed, Childe made another desperate sound in his chest, keening again when the hands around his throat squeezed just a bit more, fingers pressing into the sensitive parts of his neck. He choked as he felt a stab of pleasure in his gut, hearing the sound of their bodies colliding echo through the cave, over and over. The feeling in his gut grew through each punch of Zhongli’s hips into his, driving his cock into his ass with a persistent pace.
When the dragon’s face leaned close to his, breathing hard and needy breaths into his ear, did Childe know he was close. He felt himself edging too, felt it harder than before, a burning sensation at the pit of his stomach that showed no signs of stopping. But it did- very suddenly. As the dragon gave a blow deep once more, his cock pulsed with need and burst with a desperate need for release, and he came hard enough to stop the train of thought he had been having.
Zhongli didn’t stop his pace, not for a few moments. Even as Childe let out sounds of discomfort, he didn’t stop until- he burst too. He came with a deep roar, voice loud in the ear of the man below him. The sound managed to get Childe to push one last, forlorn spurt of cum from himself, encouraged by the similar fluid filling his hole and painting his thighs. By the time Zhongli pulled away and out, his legs had barely gotten enough strength to keep themselves up, and he stayed latched onto the arm of the throne for a few more seconds. He sure was lucky there was a lake just outside of the cave.
As he stood up once more, the dragon sat back down onto its throne, crossing its legs and running its hand through a pile of coins that sat on the throne. This was no longer Zhongli. It was now… Rex Lapis once more. And back they went to their usual arrangement.
Childe swiftly pulled his, now sticky, pants back up. He stood to the side of the throne, bowing his body over in respect once more, hands folded in front of him and head downwards.
“I thank you once again for the reserve you have bestowed on me today,” he never once lifted his head, “I shall treasure this encounter more than the last, and I vow to return with a bountiful offering once more.”
And, without another word, he turned and left through the entrance of the cave.
Zhongli’s dragon quirks [pt.2]
Characters: Zhongli x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
A/N: I just really like him…
I refuse to believe that this god, does not have a secret treasure hoard at home, it’s a very fun thing actually. He also always says that you’re the most intricate, loved and valuable treasure of his hoard <3
He offers you an assortment of different things as gifts or offers food (it’s a dragon courting thing).
He loves loves loves cuddling, since he does get quite a bit possessive over his beloved. Though I doubt anyone could ever complain about being in his arms.
In addition, he is incredibly protective, which means: shield.
It also means: having a scaly tail wrapped around you in affection
Sometimes when you’re free, you start cooking by yourself and by the time he comes home from work, he’s so tired, that he can’t wait to finally unwind and also relaxing completely, letting out some draconic features slip as well.
So we shuffles to you after having loosened his tie and lets his tail wrap around your midsection, chin resting on top of your head after having pressed a kiss to your hair. You can feel his chest vibrating when he hums and purrs in contentment.
Oh you’re also allowed to touch his horns! Pet them, he likes it :)
Sometimes when at home and deep in thought, he bleps.
He just sits there and bleps. Split tongue sticking out just the tiniest bit to investigate his surrounding the way a cat would.
Once again, I will talk about the hoard aspect, but he’s actually hoarding you. It’s only natural for him to always want to be in your presence and hold his partner.
He’ll sometimes want to stay in bed with you longer as to not part too soon, arms and tail wrapped around you, purrs erupting from him. His golden eyes gaze at you lovingly, observing and drinking you in.
“Please do stay with me for a little while longer, my treasure.”