Kimas Works - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Small bit I thought up while gaming today, hope you enjoy babes~

It was a rather sunny day, the sun shone brightly over Liyue, the beautiful light reflecting off the cor lapis that surrounded the area.

You were in the chasm, visiting the Millelith memorial between Cinnabar Cliff and Tiangong Gorge. You had gone there to clean the area due to it being neglected for months since the Chasm was closed.

You made sure the sacrificial bowls and the items within were dust free and sparkling before you sat on the dry grass before the many stones. Looking up at your work you felt a sense of pride before a cold chill ran down your spine.

The bushes nearby rustled and sticks snapped, startling you and bringing you to your feet.

"Who's there?" You asked as you slowly inched closer to the bush. "Hello?" Your tone was soft as you neared the bush and pulled back some of the branches.

Before many branches could be touched something jumped out at you, making you yelp as you stumbled back and fell onto the grass you were sitting on previously.

Laying for a moment, you gathered your nerves then sat up to see... a dragon?

Completely confused you looked at the dragon to the bush and back once again. What was this small creature doing?

Gently, you reached out to test the waters, seeing if they were friendly. To your surprise the brown and amber dragon crawled into your lap and curled up as a cat would.

"Um- Hey there buddy." You began nervously. "Can I help ya?"

The amber-orange eyes of the small being looked up to you before it nuzzled it's head against your torso.

You chuckled, "What am I doing? Talking to a dragon?" You laughed. "Guess I finally lost it huh?" You jokingly asked as you poked the dragons cheek.

As you gently poked at it's smooth scales, it got up and jumped off you.

"Hey don't go-" You pleaded softly as you got up to follow them.

Having been alone in the chasm as one of the few workers permitted to stay during it's lock down, you had gotten lonely. Everyone was in the mines while you stayed up for maintenance topside.

As you followed the creature you smiled as you saw it's chunky little legs waddling with purpose as if he were leading you somewhere.

After following them for nearly 10 minutes you found yourself standing at a dragons cave.

"Whoa- this your home?" You ask as if you were expecting an answer, which to your surprise you did.

A plume of smoke that looked like orange clouds erupted before you as a deep voice sounded from within. "Indeed, this is where I reside."

As the smoke cleared, a tall man with long chocolate brown hair with glowing orange tips stood before you. His height was impressive, he towered over you with ease and the horns only added to that height.

"____, correct?" His voice filled the cave as he spoke your name. Unable to find your words you nod.

"I've taken note of you around the chasm, your kind acts and efforts are impressive." He complemented with a grin, sharp canines peeking through his lips. "Thank you....?" You replied, not knowing his name to properly thank him. "Morax." He said, answering your unspoken question.

"You mean, you're-" Voice trailing off, you gazed into his glowing eyes. "Indeed." He spoke, "I am Rex Lapis, the Geo archon, pleasure to make your acquaintance, my darling."

He held out his hand and you placed your shakey one in his. The moment your fingers grazed his palm, he pulled you close to his body. "My dear, you're beautiful." He states as one of his arms wraps around your waist and pulls you close. "I'd like to inquire if you would be interested in residing with me?"

"Wha- me?" You squeaked. Your voice had cracked as your eyes blew wide in bafflement. A smirk graced his features. "You didn't say no." He comments before sweeping you off your feet and carrying you into his home.

Deeper in the cave the area altered, beginning to look like an adeptus' abode. Clouds swirled as floating islands and glowing paths intertwined.

"I claim you as my own, dear ____. I'll be yours as much as you are mine." He states, leaving no room for your rebuttal, if there even were to be one. He takes you to a circle of clouds and set you atop them. It was comfortable and soft, you could feel yourself relaxing into the nest shaped bed.

Your fatigued gaze followed his form as he moved into the nest behind you. His tail wrapped around your legs as he pulled your back against his chest. "I'll treasure you forever my Glaze Lily." He murmurs into your ear as your eyes drift shut. Sleep taking over your mind as his warmth seeps into you.

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10 months ago

A Much Needed Respite

Kima I fucking beg of you as your one and only bestie PLEASE GIVE ME MORE

Seeing as you also gave me inspo, I can't say no <3

1.5K words

The days have all been long and rough but recently they’ve been blurring together. Commission after commission, request after request, you couldn’t stay with it anymore. However, no matter how tired you were or how loud your stomach growled, you persisted. You needed the mora to fund your expenses, especially for the little gremlin that was your “Travel Guide”. Paimon spent mora like it fell from the sky and she never even worked to get any of it, she just took what you had earned.

After so long, your body couldn’t take it much longer. You had slowed down, lost your momentum, yet Paimon still pushed you to continue the commissions. “Traveler look! Mr.Zhongli put up a commission!” She exclaimed. Before you could comment or even get a single breath into your lungs to respond she had already taken the commission from Katheryne and returned with a mora hungry grin. “Let’s get a move on! The commission says to go to Wangshu Inn to meet Xiao, so he can lead the way for us!” With a groan you nodded and began your trek.

Upon your arrival you saw Xiao waiting by the entrance. “Traveler.” His monotone voice called out to you. “Zhongli advised me to take you to his abode, lest you get lost.” He explains with a pointed glare towards Paimon.

Xiao was fully aware of the ‘commission’ Morax had sent out for you specifically. Though you felt as if your endeavors had gone unnoticed, Zhongli had kept a watchful eye on you. He knew you were drained, he saw the way you looked as if you were going to collapse. And so he put out a commission to help you.

Not picking up on the rather hostile aura that Xiao emitted, Paimon smiled and spoke. “Great! Let’s head out then!” She blurted. The group soon moved out as soon as Xiao gave the traveler a small bowl of almond tofu, his favorite, to eat as they made their way to their destination. 

Hours later, everyone arrived and entered Zhongli’s abode. Paimon hectically flew into the open area, looking around at the seemingly never-ending world. The fluffy white and orange clouds floated peacefully through the levitating islands that were connected by glowing paths.

“Welcome Traveler, I’ve been expecting you.” You hear Zhongli’s voice from your right, turning to look you see him in his half dragon form. Beautiful antler-like horns protruding from his head, Black arms with golden veins, and a dark tail that followed behind his tall form. “Hello Mr.Zhongli-” You spoke in turn before rudely being interrupted. “Hey Morax!” Paimon yapped. Her high voice getting on her nerves, resulting in your eye twitching. “Saw you have a commission, so what can we do for ya?” Her words only served to anger you more. ‘What can we do for ya?’ WE?! Last time you had checked, you were the only one putting work!

“Ah yes, the commission.” Zhongli repeated as he looked to Xiao for a split second. “There is actually two that I require, so Xiao shall take you while I take the Traveler.” He says, the words flowing from his mouth and soothing you. Just the thought of getting a break from Paimon felt like a gift from Celestia. Xiao nodded as he began to lead Paimon away before she could refute the former Archons words. 

The moment the pair were out of sight Zhongli was at your side. “So what… do you need?” You asked, a yawn interrupting your words as you walked beside him, assuming he was leading you to what would be your next commission. “I need nothing dear Traveler.” His response made you look up at him in puzzlement. “But you had said-” “Yes, yes. I said I had two. However, that was an essential falsehood I had to tell to get Paimon to temporarily leave.” He elaborated his long thought out plan that went through rather smoothly.

“Then why am I really here?” You inquired softly. With a sympathetic look Zhongli took your hand. “My dear, you are at your limit and are in desperate need of a respite. One of which I am going to give you.” He said before unexpectedly lifting you into his arms and making you yelp in surprise. “My apologies Traveler, but I can no longer watch you drain your energy.” He says, silently explaining his actions as he carries you through the winding paths of his abode. 

At his mention of your energy, you noticed how sore you truly felt. After the first, what? 6 commissions? You stopped feeling the pain that had accumulated in your muscles. “I appreciate it.” You say as your head falls against his chest. “It’s really nothing my dear-” “No, really thank you.” Looking up at him, you cut him off. “Don’t downplay your actions, I really appreciate this.” 

A gentle smile stretched across his features as he lowered you onto a batch of clouds. “You’re welcome, my Glaze LIly.” He responds as he sits beside you. “Now rest, I shall stay here.” He stated as his clawed fingers gently raked through your hair. “Would it be okay for me to request a blanket?” You asked, the cold of the abode only now being registered. “Unfortunately I have no blankets. However I myself could keep you warm.” With a small nod you permitted him to proceed with his offer. 

With ease, Zhongli lifted himself onto the bed of clouds and laid behind you. His strong arms pulled your back to his chest as he spooned you while his tail draped over your waist. With the assist of his warmth and added comfort, you fell asleep in his arms feeling safe for the first time in ages.


The next morning you awoke with the wonderful scent of slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup. SItting up your bones popped, further waking you. “Good morning my Glaze Lily. Did you sleep well?” You heard his gentle voice come from behind you. Turning, you see him approach you with a large bowl with plumes of steam waving above it. “Yeah, that was some of the best sleep I’ve had in ages.” You reply as your arms stretched above your head. 

“I’m glad to hear it.” Zhongli sets the bowl in your lap before he sits behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist. “Where;s the chopsticks?” You ask as you look down at the bowl. “Right here my love.” He responds as he holds the utensils in his hand. Going to grab the chopsticks from his hand you hum in confusion as he pulls them away. “I insist that you continue to rest.” With a soft chuckle he picks up some of the softened shoots and feeds them to you.

Another hour passes and the bowl is empty and laying on the ground as Zhongli held you in his arms. A gentle, soothing, tune was hummed into your ear as your head rest on his shoulder. You couldn’t even remember the last time you felt this relaxed.

“Traaaavellllerrrrr!” You heard Paimon yell as she made her presence known. Flying over to you was the white haired pixie that currently felt like your arch-enemy. “Time to get up Traveler! We have more commissions to go do!” Trying to remain calm, you simply turned away and nuzzled your face into Zhongli’s chest. “Hey! Traveler!” She raised her already annoying voice. “Whaaaat?” You groaned. “Time to get up! Mora doesn't grow on trees, so lets go make some!” That was where you snapped.

“Really Paimon?!” You raised your voice in return, making her back up a bit. “‘Mora doesn't grow on trees’? Don’t you think I know that?!” You shouted. “Travel-” “No!” You interrupted her like she had done to you many times before. “Last I checked you spend most of the money I make!” Your tone dipped at the word ‘I’. “D-don’t you mean we?” She asked. “No I do not! I will do the commissions, earn the mora, actually put in the work while you hover over me and just watch!” You shouted. 

Not knowing what to do, Paimon looked to Zhongli. “Paimon, I believe the Traveler is correct and I also believe you should leave before anything…. Unsatisfactory happens.” Zhongli voices as his hands absent-mindedly drew patterns on your back.

Paimon, seeing she was out numbered, floated away. Once Zhongli was certain the pixie was gone he turned his attention back to you. “I’m proud of you my dear, that took a bountiful amount of courage.” He comments before placing a kiss to your temple. “Please feel no regret, this was for the best,” You nodded, he was right, he always was.

For the remainder of the day you slept and relaxed in the peaceful abode with your love. Zhongli gave you all sorts of affection throughout the day, always having you be his main focus, not like that was any different from normal.


Hope ya enjoyed, bye babes <3

Any ideas are welcome, just leave them in my inbox.

(Tap the 'ask me anything' on my page 😘)

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9 months ago


Abso-fuckung-lutely! Two of the hottest/sweetest thing put together?! Count me in!

I actually saw a picture recently of Diluc with a muzzle and omg... it now lives in my head rent-free

"DILUC!" You shouted as you saw your lover lunging at his adoptive brother Kaeya. His attention immediately diverts to you as his expression changed to that of a kicked puppy. "I told you to stop doing that." You scolded him gently, making Kaeya laugh before you snapped your gaze to him.

You were by no means tall, you were a head or two shorter than Diluc in comparison. But what you lacked in height, you made up for in sass. "Zip it Kaeya-" You snapped, warning in your tone. "Keep teasing him and maybe I'll just let him bite you next time." Letting out a nervous chuckle, Kaeya raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I'll play nice." "You better." You responded before taking Dilucs large hand into your much smaller one and leading him home.

Once at the winery you were greeted by Adelinde before pulling Diluc towards your shared bedroom and closing the door. Your gaze turned upward to look into your dear lovers blazing red eyes. "Diluc-" "I know, I know," He cuts you off. "I don't mean to, he just-" He sighs, his large form seeming to deflate as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I know babe, but if you keep biting and growling I'll have to muzzle you for others safety."

His eyes looked to you as a guilty expression crossed his face. Gently cupping his head in your hands, you kiss his forehead. "Instincts are hard to control, I know they are. But I need you to try to hold it in while we're in town." You said as your thumb gently traced circles around the apple of his cheek. "I do try!" He growls, making you pull back in shock. "I... I try, I just worry." He says, his head falling into his hands.

Sitting beside him, you take one of his hands in yours. "We're home now hun, you can wolf out all you want." You mumbled gently, knowing his acute hearing could pick up on your soft words. Another sigh escapes his lips as he gently pushed you back onto the bed and laid his head on your plush thighs, using you as a pillow. "It's not my fault he keeps flirting with you..." He grumbles under his breath, making you chuckle before responding, "No, it's not baby." You respond, placing your hand on his head. You began gently stroking his crimson hair. "So you gunna wolf out and relax or what?" You ask, gently trying to nudge him into a shift. With a little nod he agrees and shifts.

Once at the winery you greeted Adelinde before pulling Diluc towards your shared bedroom and closing the door. Your gaze turned upward to look into your dear lovers blazing red eyes. "Diluc-" "I know, I know," He cuts you off. "I don't mean to, he just-" He sighs, his large form seeming to deflate as he sits on the edge of the bed. "I know babe, but if you keep biting and growling I'll have to muzzle you for others safety."

His eyes looked to you as a guilty expression crossed his face. Gently cupping his head in your hands, you kiss his forehead. "Instincts are hard to control, I know they are. But I need you to try to hold it in while we're in town." You said as your thumb gently traced circles around the apple of his cheek. "I do try!" He growls, making you pull back in shock. "I... I try, I just worry." He says, his head falling into his hands.

Sitting beside him, you take one of his hands in yours. "We're home now hun, you can wolf out all you want." You mumbled gently, knowing his acute hearing could pick up on your soft words. Another sigh escapes his lips as he gently pushed you back onto the bed and laid his head on your plush thighs, using you as a pillow. "It not my fault the keeps flirting with you..." He grumbles under his breath, making you chuckle before responding, "No, it's not baby." Placing your hand on his head you began gently stroking his crimson hair. "So you gunna wolf out and relax or what?" You ask, gently trying to nudge him into a shift. With a little nod he agrees and shifts.

You cover your ears and close your eyes as his body changed forms. Even though you knew he wasn't in any pain and that this was actually normal for him, you couldn’t stand listening to the cracking and snapping of his bones or the quiet groans he let out once he was done.

Once the bed stopped moving beneath you, you opened your eyes seeing the love of your life as a large fluffy wolf. "Feel better?" You ask as he paws at the bed beside you before laying down. You grin as you run your fingers through his thick crimson fur. "I'll take that as a yes." You answer for him.

After a few minutes you feel a weight on your chest, making you open your eyes again as you were nearly asleep. Diluc rest his head upon your chest, his jaws wide open and his tongue stuck out as he yawned. A quiet snort sounded from your throat as you tried not to laugh. Though much bigger, more dangerous, and as some may say 'scarier', he reminded you of a loving dog. He was calm and gentle but also protective of you, making him look like a puppy in your eyes.

With a delicate touch, you rubbed the fine fuzz on the inside of his ear to relax him further. A soft huff sounded through the room as he laid his full weight on you and began going limp as he dozed off. When you woke, you saw red fluff before your eyes, along with a light weight draped over your chest. Sitting up you saw Diluc had curled around you as you had fallen asleep with him. His tail covered your upper body like a warm comforting blanket while he laid behind you. Feeling a tug on your shirt you laid back down, your body laying atop Dilucs as he pulled you back into his side. "Hello love." You said with a soft smile, to which he responded by laying his head on your shoulder. Looking out the window you saw it was nearing dinner time. "Let me up and I can go get something to eat?" You offered as you gently pet his head. His eyes rolled, as if to say 'I suppose' before he allowed you to climb out of bed.

Out the room and down the stairs, you find yourself in the kitchen chatting with Adelinde as the both of you worked on dinner together. Seeing as Adelinde was the head maid she never let you work much for yourself since you already had your hands full taking care of Diluc. But if you were anything, it was stubborn. You wanted to make dinner but she had already made plans, so you compromised and both worked, you chopping vegetables while she cooked the meat over a pan. When the food was nearly done you went to the bottom of the stairs to call for Diluc when you had already seen him making his way down. You smiled up at him with love. "Your ears and tail are still out love." You say as you gently place a hand on his cheek. "But you look much more well rested."

Placing his hand on your lower back he led you to the dining area where Adelinde had already set the table and filled your plates. "Thank you Adlelinde." Dilucs deep voice rumbled as he sat beside you. Dinner, as always, was delicious. Cooked to perfection with flavor and spices. With small conversion and time, everything disappeared as meals were eaten and Adelinde took empty plates when nobody was paying attention.

Once everything was cleaned up and taken care of the two of you retired for the night, going to your room and cuddling up on the bed before dozing off into a peaceful slumber.

The next day the both of you had returned to Mondstadt. Diluc had to help Charles with setting up an event at the Angel's Share and you just tagged along for some company. Halfway through their endeavors the door creaked open then closed. "Welcom to- oh.. You" Diluc began before seeing Kaeya. You looked to the cavalry captain with a stern glare as if to say 'behave or else' to which he silently seemed to understand as he went to sit at a barstool. Charles went to tend to Kaeya as Diluc finished up the final details and soon the bar was ready for the upcoming event.

Kaeya stuck around for awhile chatting with you, which passed Diluc off, but he kept himself in line and refrained from flirting. Diluc kept close to make sure you were safe and taken care of, ever the sweetheart. On one of his check-ins however, Kaeya caught his attention. "Brother, I wanted to express my dearest apologies. I only jest when I flirt with dear ____, I do know that she is yours." He says honestly. Diluc looks at him, seeing only sincerity and nods. Though not saying a word you both could tell Kaeya was forgiven and that ment the world to the both of you.

Just like all my other works, this too is not proofread so if ther are any mistakes suck it up!

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9 months ago

Could you pretty pleeeeeaaaassseee do a work of Thoma x Male!reader?? Or a Tighnari x Male!reader?

I love them both so choosing between them was really hard, buuuuut I had to go with my fennec fox baby. For the good luck on hopefully losing a 50/50 to him lol

"Dammit..." You mumbled under your breath as you picked through bushes to get berries. You were currently gathering ingredients for Gandharva Villes... medic? He was a the main forest troupe, leader, person, thingy, you didn't keep track of his titles very well. But you knew he was important and that he took care of the forest, the scouts, and most importantly, you.

Tighnari had recently started dating you, having asked you out nearly two or three months prior.

Hearing your quiet curse with his fox-like ears from the other side of the river, his head perked up. "You okay over there Lo?" He asked, his voice clearly concerned.

'Lo' was his nickname for you. You were his little lotus that bloomed and grew more beautiful everyday. You adored the name, it quickly became one of your favorites.

"Yea- Just these darn thorns, always pokin' me..." You responded, your voice growing more quiet near the end as your answer turned more into complaining.

Softly chuckling he walked through the shallow water, the ripples making the nearby golden bass swim away. "Here-" He said softly, his voice smooth. You could tell he was close by the way you could feel his warm breath on your neck, making a light blush creep up your cheeks. Turning you saw he was giving you his gloves. "Oh babe no, you need those-" You began before promptly getting cut off. "My hands will be fine Lo, I've gotten scratches before. But I want your hands to be okay, Archons knows how clumsy you can be." He says with a playful smirk as he pulls the gloves onto your hands for you, not giving you another chance to refute.

"And I don't want to have to treat my little lotus for a few scratches if I can help it." He mumbles as he pulls your hands up to his mouth and kisses your knuckles, his long ears sticking out and tickling your nose as he did so, making you laugh.

Once he had finished with his affections he released your hand and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "There- all better." He states confidently.

A quick glance to your basket later and he has you by the hand, walking to another bush full of berries. "This one here is full of ripe ones!" He says as he kneels down and picks at the miniscule fruits with you, throwing them into the basket.

Time passed slowly as the two of you gather ingredients for the infirmary, but you were content, you were with your boyfriend, so you saw this as a date. Over the span of multiple hours the pair of you gathered berries, lotus', sweet flowers, mints, and many other plants. Each plant the two of you picked was a new conversation starter, 'Nari had so many facts about medicinal properties and plants to tell you and you just let him go on. Truth be told you had no clue what he was going on about, but his voice was so soothing to you, so you simply listened to his rambles.

After the sun began going down you returned to Gandharva Ville to be met with a warm welcome from Collei. "Master Tighnari!" She said with a smile. He smiles back at her and the two began chatting away which had a massive grin crossing your face.

You were so thankful for the traveler, thanks to them Irminsul was saved and Elizar is a disease of the past. You had never seen Collei so upbeat and happy before, you were estatic you could see her as such.

You went to Tighnaris hut and began making the both of you dinner to share, this had became your routine. Tonight you were feeling a but lazy however, so you made simple chicken mushroom skewers. As you were setting the table 'Nari came in and helped you finish up then sat down to eat with you.

Mundane as the day was, it was sweet. Being with your boyfriend made your heart soar and it only got better when he said. "It's late. You should stay the night."

Oh Archons. When you say your heart was soaring.... Clearly you said yes and before you knew it the two of you were curled up in his cot, all cuddled up and cozy. His fluffy tail was draped over your waist like an extra blanket and your arms were around his neck.

Peeking over him you saw you still wore his gloves. "Oh, one moment." You whispered in his ear as you sat up to peel off the gloves and set them on his nightstand before lying back down in his arms with a smile. "Better?" He asked. You responded with a nod. "Thanks for letting me use your gloves, though I'm sure I would've been fine with a few scratches. Even if I had to wait in line to get patched up, I'd live." You chuckled. With a playful roll of his eyes and a shake of his head he kissed your nose to grab your attention.

"Lo, you wouldn't wait in any line for me to patch you up and of course I'd give you my gloves." He says, his gentle green eyes gazing into your soul. "You are my priority. My main priority. My first and foremost." He states, honesty in his words.

You knew you loved this man, but now you were pretty sure you wanted to marry him on the spot. He tenderly kissed you before pulling you close and cuddling you to sleep for the night.

I think I might like to try to get into trying some headcannons of some of the characters, so gimme ideas of scenarios and characters that you'd like to see!

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9 months ago

Okay I love this, it's so sweet and I think it's also really relatable cuz I sure as shit don't think I'm desirable. (probs why I'm still single lol)

Your thirties, everyone says they're the best years. All your friends found husbands or wives and have gotten married and had four kids or so. And then there was you. 32, single, with a few friends and a nightshift job every couple of days with hellish hours but decent pay.

In all honesty, you gaslighted yourself into thinking you were happy because let's be honest, therapy is too expensive these days. But thankfully your luck was about to change.

Ya see, behind your back your friends were gathering intel on simple things like, what's your type, what do you like, interests, needs, stuff like that. And what did they do with all this knowledge? They passed to your parents who you had cut off for being in your business too much, like now.

As you went from your day to day your friends and family planned and signed a marriage certificate to someone you haven't even met yet. So you, unknowingly, were now married to a stranger.

Days later as you were at one of your favorite coffee shops, where you met with one of your friends whom you chatted with for hours before the topic slipped and soon you were fuming. "YOU DID WHAT?!" You shouted as you stood, slamming your hands on the table. "W-we thought it was for the best, your parents said-" They began before you silenced them abruptly. "My familial matters shouldn't concern you Monica!" You practically screeched as you rapidly gathered a teacake or two and your latte before storming out of the café, leaving the rest of the onlookers to awkwardly stare at Monica.

Hurried steps carried you to your apartment and inside before you shut and locked the door. The heel of your hand wiped against your eye as you smeared your tears away. "God.. Why!?" You cried out as you went to your room to sit on your bed and eat what remained of your teacakes. You knew stress eating was a terrible habit of yours but it always made you feel better. Setting your latte on your nightstand you curled up on your bed wondering how your friends could've betrayed you like this, saying it was for the best? From your family it was understandable, it's why you cut them off- but your friends??

After hours of attempting to calm yourself down by watching shows, eating snacks, and taking catnaps, you were finally calm enough to fix yourself up to head back out to town. You figure after such a rough bout you should try to cheer yourself up, perhaps some retail therapy from that trinket shop you liked?

But the moment you opened the door, the overpowering scent of roses, lavender, and zinnias hit you. "Agh!" You exclaimed in shock. Stepping back from the strong smells, the backside of your hand covered your nose as you look in front of you to see a bouquet of flowers.

"So sorry!" You heard a rough voice come from behind the massive bouquet. "I hadn't thought you would be coming out at the moment. I was just about to knock actually..." Taking a few steps back with a cough or two to clear your senses, you looked up to see a tall red-haired fellow. From the setting sun behind them contrasting too much, your eyes couldn't see them too well, but you could very well assume they were male due to the deep tone of their voice and the incredible height.

"I'm sorry?" You said in a questioning tone. "I'm not expecting anyone, I think you got the wrong apartment." A nervous yet gentle smile graced your lips as you tried to kindly get the man to leave. "Is this the address for ____?" "Well, yes that's me" You answer, rather confused at this point. "May I come in please? I'd like to speak with you-" His voice was smooth and it made you want to melt but you also had no clue who this man was. He seemed like a fine gentleman and like a good character, so deciding to go with your gut, you stepped back into your apartment and help open the door.

He thanked you as he stepped through the door, his heavy black boots thudding on your wood floors. "Introductions first," He starts as he turns to you and places the massive bouquet in your small arms. "My name is Diluc and you my dear are now, well.... mine." He says as gently as possible.

Despite how gently he broached the topic, the way he phrased his words irked you. "'Yours'? And exactly what does that mean? Mr.Diluc?" He kneeled down to unbuckle his boots and take them off before standing tall before you once more and taking the flowers from your arms to place them on the nearby table. "Let's go sit and talk, shall we?" He asked, though the request sounded more like a demand.

With a quiet huff you walked to your small living area and dropped yourself onto an armchair. "Now start talkin'. What's all thus about me being 'yours'?" You began, tone laced with sass and a tinge of anger.

He let out what sounded to be a... nervous chuckle? Did you intimate him? Before you had the chance to think any further into his actions he cleared his throat. "Ahem, pardon my choice of words. I meant no offense. What I meant was that you are now my spouse." Your brain broke at the last word. Did you hear that right? "I beg your pardon? Spouse?" He nods. "We are now wed my dear."

Looking at him you felt both relief and fear. Reliefe because at least he looked good and seemed like a nice guy but utterly terrified because you had no clue who this man was. "O-okay... I'm married now." You say absolutely dumbfounded. "What am I supposed to do now?" You ask him as your previous anger simmered down into confusion and timidness. "Now we wade into these unknown waters together. I'll care for you and give you time to adjust of course but know that I'm still beside you with my arms wide open for you to fall into." He says softly as he finally sits down beside you and takes your hands in his. His hands engulfed yours entirely, making your tiny ones completely disappear between his long, thick digits.

Nervous as you were, you couldn't deny the facts.

1 This man was hot as hell, I mean- sexy as sin itself

2 If you decline this one another will be thrown your way

And 3 You don't have the money nor the heart to file for a divorce.

"F-fine..." You complied. "But we're taking things slow, got it? Like dating, hitting all the bases, the whole bit-" You state, putting your conditions on the table first moment you get. He nods. "Completely understandable, I will respect you and your conditions so long as you can mine." He counters. "And those would be?"

"You move in with me."

Not proofread, just had fun, like if you liked it and if I should continue or leave it be, love you babes and I'm going to bed, night! <3

arranged marriage but with a reader in their early thirties who thinks they’re not desirable and the man who they’re promised to also being in his thirties and glad to be marrying someone his age and is completely smitten with them

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9 months ago
When You're Just Existing Then Your Brain Kicks In And You Ruin Your Own Vibe.

When you're just existing then your brain kicks in and you ruin your own vibe.

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9 months ago

Y'all I feel like writing but I have legit NO INSPIRATION rn...

Need some of you sweethearts to put in some requests for my dead inbox please. Cause I've got nothin' better to do and I'm bored outta my mind this summer lmao 🤣

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9 months ago

Thoma x male!Reader

He finds you sad about something and cheers you up the best way he knows how (you decide)

I feel like Thoma would be a good singer and would be a sweetheart and sing to you until you calmed down. He just gives off the vibe of a loving mother y'know? I love him so much <3

In your shared room you were laying on the bed with your arms curled around a pillow as if it it would grow legs and leave you. Your day sucked, to say the least.

Tsukumomono groceries hired a new worker who you had the misfortune of training. They were around high-school age but they had a very entitled attitude to them. But despite the immense disrespect they showed, they still kept their place in the business.

Because with all the rude remarks and snide comments they threw your way they were young and cute, which brought in more customers than average. So they stayed since business was doing so well, which made your days forward hell.

Today however, was terrible, much worse than days prior.


You were stocking up display shelves and pulling items in from the back, when you saw your coworker leaving on the counter chatting with someone. Leaning over you saw they were talking to people that seemed to be their age so you just thought they were friends and let it be.

Continuing your work, they got comfortable and louder, making it easier for you to listen in on them.

"So how's the new job?"

"It's not bad, I don't gotta do much. Just put up with the old man they stuck me with."

You clenched the cans in your hands but said nothing as you kept working. What could you do? It's not like you could go over and tell them to stop, it would outwardly look as if you were refusing customers.

"Damn, that's gotta suck."

"Yeah, the old dudes everywhere- Always stocking, cleaning, doing something. He's such a try hard."

You never hated anyone per sé, but at times like these you really did consider dumping the shrimp in your hands down this girls front.

"Hah- Fuckin' loser."

And that's what it took. Some were quick to anger, but not you. You were quick to sadness. Depression ran deep in your family and most medications didn't cut it, they helped but not enough. So by that point you spoke with Aoi and clocked out early.

Which leads to where we are now, with you on the bed trying to hold in anymore sobs as you heard the front door unlock. "____? ____, Hun, you home?" Thomas voice chimed through the air, making you sit up and clear your throat to respond with a croaky. "Here-"

Moments later, after hearing rustling and approaching footsteps, the door to your bedroom opened. "Hey baby, on the way home Aoi stopped me, said my boy had to go home early. What's wrong?" He pried gently as he sat on the bed. Tossing the pillow to the foot of the bed you made your way to your husband. Pulling him by the shoulders to lay down.

"Another rough day Hun?" He asks as you lay next to him. He places his hand on ue cheek and wipes away the dried tear tracks on your face. You nod in response. "Can you tell me about it?" You look down at his clothes, fiddling with the fluffy tassel he had on his left shoulder. He nodded, taking your lack of response as your answer.

"C'mere-" He huffs as he pulls you up and drags you both towards the headboard to cozy up. Thoma wraps the blankets around the both of you before pulling your head to rest on his chest. "My boy's been working too hard anyways, he needs a break." He says as he rakes his fingers through your hair, working through whatever knots were in there.

Nestled into his side you felt a sense of relief and calm wash over you that you haven't felt in a while. Before you had noticed the soft humming the was rumbling from his chest beneath you, you soon heard his soothing, gentle voice softly singing to you. His voice was softer than a feather and sweeter than a sweet flowers nectar. He relaxed you until your eyes shut and you soon drifted asleep on him, your problems nothing more than a leaf in the wind now.

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9 months ago

Heard from @thetopazdragon that you two are buds, so I suggest a friendly competition to see who can make a better one shot-

Idea- Fem reader who is bio siblings with Kaeya but Diluc has a little huge crush on her, but since Kaeya is such a trouble maker, Diluc has to get reader alone for a bit to confess~

Will thou accept the challenge?


I shall accept this challenge, feathered foe. Let's see how my opponent fairs, if they so choose to partake in this battle-

The Mondstadt sun was blaring down on the winery as if it was trying to melt you and the boys as you were out working. The upcoming festival called for extra wine due to anticipated travelers and guests, so you and your brother came to help at the winery.

"Put the bottle down or I'll get Diluc to change the locks." You threatened your brother Kaeya as he slowly turned to see you behind him. "Heh- Sister, I was merely going to try the liquors to ensure they're best for sales." You roll your eyes and take what few steps separated you from him, then snatched the bottle from his hand.

"Outside now-" You ordered your older brother with a stern tone. "You can have this whole bottle when I think you've worked enough." You promised as you shooed him out of the cellar.

"Deal!" He gleefully exclaimed. You watched as he left to go help the winery workers pick grapes and other ingredients for the wines. "You solved that rather peacefully-" Said a voice from behind the door as soon as you had stepped out of the cellar. As you turned you saw your adopted brother, Diluc.

In all honesty, you never really saw him as a brother. He was more like a close friend that you spent most of your childhood with. He was 3 years older than you, but he never treated you like a child. He always was so kind and gentle with you as you grew up with him.

Thinking back on your younger years made you smile before you snapped yourself back to the present.

"O-oh yeah. Just figured he should be helping too." You said with a soft laugh. He looked down at you as he closed the door. "So I should change the locks, eh?" He asked, repeating your threat to Kaeya earlier. "Haha, you heard that?" You nervously looked away. "Uh, yeah- it would keep him out so he'll have to keep working." He grins with a nod. "Good idea, I'll get them changed out soon, and you go hide that bottle to keep up your end of the bargain." He says.

"Let's just keep it in the cellar for now if he won't be able to get in, yeah?" You suggest, to which he nods in agreement. "You best be off then, I believe you came to help too-" He said with a knowing smirk. "Oh right! Thanks for the reminder!" You quickly placed the bottle back in the cellar then ran to assist Adelinde in making refreshments for the hard workers who were out in the sun.


Heavy leather boots thumping on the wooden floors caught your attention as you cleaned up in the kitchen. You saw Diluc carrying kegs of wine to the cellar from the day. Leaving the kitchen, you opened the door for him so he wouldn't have to stop. "Thank you." You nodded with a soft smile as you propped the door open with a nearby vase of flowers.

The sun began to set as the yellow and orange hues of the pastel sky faded into the deep hues of purple and cobalt making night set in. You rolled kegs into the cellar as Diluc lifted them unto the racks until all work was finished.

"There- That's all for today." Diluc deep voice grumbled as he stepped out of the cellar and shut the door. "Wash up and I've got some dinner for you." You say, as you dust off your hands on your shirt. "Be there in a bit." He replies as he kneels before the door with a key you haven't seen before and inserted it. "Did ya change the locks already?" You inquired.

"Of course, unlike the inefficient Knights, I get my problems solved as soon as they appear." He says as he finished locking the door and stuffing the key inside his coat pocket. You chuckled at his statement, he never liked the knights and you always found it rather funny that he was sorta like one in your eyes.

"Alright dinner then bed?" He asked.

"Dinner then bed." You agreed.


"What the heck you guys?!"

You rushed inside to see a distressed Kaeya near the cellar. "They actually changed the locks on me! Can you believe that?!" You crossed your arms. "Really brother?" He froze up as he stopped his miniature tantrum and stared at you. "We had a deal, no alcohol until you've earned it. Now outside." You demanded. He left with a dejected expression.

You felt a bit bad, but you knew this was needed. Besides the festivities were to start in a few days and the wine needed to be prepared soon!

From the other room Diluc watched as you kept your brother in line. He grinned, he had feelings for you for some time but seeing you take charge like this made him fall for you all the more. He was absolutely head over heels for you, he knew he was ever since he was a teen. But he could never ask because there was always something or someone that prevented him.

Kaeya. He needed to get him out of the way for a bit.


After the third days work Diluc put all the full kegs into the cellar. Lifting them onto the walls with what looked like no effort at all.

Halfway through his efforts there was a soft click. Poking his head out of the cellar he saw his brother. "Hey, gimme a hand here-" He requested, putting hi plan into motion. With a sigh Kaeya walked over and helped Diluc with the kegs. Once a full wall had been stocked they called it a night.

"Finally!" Kaeya said exasperated as he walked out of the cellar. "Hold up." Diluc called him back, making him groan in what almost sounded like actual agony. "Don't be like that- I got somethin' for ya." The redhead says as he rummages through the cellar for the bottle he had attempted to swipe a few days prior. "Please say it's not more work..." He whined. "Quite the opposite actually-" Diluc laughed as he stepped out and handed Kaeya the bottle.

Taking the bottle Kaeya grinned. "____ told you about our deal?" "Yep, and your free to go. Works almost done so you can go back home now." He said, hinting that he should leave now. Keaya nodded with a gleeful grin before walking out and heading back to Mondstadt, wine in hand and and hangover in the future.

Diluc smirked to himself. Gone off without a hitch, now with the main distraction out of the way his odds of asking you out just got way better. As he locked up the rest of the winery he finished up the day and called it a night.

The next day you arrived early as usual and let yourself inside to meet Adelinde. You assisted with morning chores, cleaning the winery, anything you could get your hands on really. Most of the vineyards had been picked clean in the days prior so you just decided to make yourself useful in other ways until you were no longer needed or until the festival had at least passed.

After an hour the tell tale sound of thumping boots sounded from down the hall. You grabbed a glass of lemonade and stepped out of the kitchen with a smile. "Morni- oh!" You cut yourself off as you saw Diluc with a bouquet of flowers in hand. "Who's the lucky girl? Or guy?" You ask, a cheeky smile curving your lips.

"That would be you, my dear." He swiftly responded, making you choke on your own spit. At the sound of your coughing to clear your throat, Adelinde peeks her head around the corner, only to disappear into the kitchen once again as Diluc nods his head for her to leave. Diluc pats your back with his freehand until you take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. What?!" You exclaimed in utter shock.

He takes the lemonade from your hand and replaces it with the bouquet as he chuckles. "The lucky girl just so happens to be you." He elaborated. "Is this a 'thank you' for helping with the winery? Because if it is, it's really not nes-" "It's not." He interrupts. "These are an... um-" He clears his throat as the situation sets in for him.

Was he really about to ask out the girl he was crushing on for the past few years? Would this be the one time he could actually get the question out? Archons, was he always this nervous? Or was this time just more intimate? No, he had to snap outta it. He was going to do this.

"These are 'I like you... Maybe even love you, flowers.'" He says, mentally kicking himself over how incredibly stupid he sounded compared to his usual composed self. You chuckled softly, fiddling with the petals on one of the sunflowers. "You think you love me?" You ask as a blush sets itself into your cheeks and you shift your weight from foot to foot.

He gulps as hit mouth begins to feel dry. With a nod he clears his throat once more. "I was hoping I could mayhaps take you on a date?" He offers. He pulls his hands behind his back as he pulls his gloves off. The anxiety he felt made his hands sweat, and the gloves made things much worse. He pulled them off and slipped them into his pockets as he awaited your response anxiously.

"I like you too-" You began. YES! He thought. You had accepted his advances. "But let me think about the date part." NO! "But of course, about when can I expect an answer?" He asked, trying his best to not sound desperate. "By the end of the day, I promise." You replied. "I can do that." He said, lying through his teeth.

The day went on and Diluc practically tortured himself as he worked. Thinking or the many, many scenarios of how you could answer him. Would you agree and go out with him? Would you say no and never speak to him again? Would things become awkward between the two of you? He sighed as he continued filling another keg.

The hours felt like decades but by the time it was finally dusk, Diluc raced to the winery to meet with you and to have your answer.

Upon his arrival he saw you sitting at the table with dinner, a new glass vase with his bouquet settled in the center. "Hello there, Adelinde and I got dinner ready." You said as you welcomed him inside. He closed the door behind himself and came to sit at the table where his plate was set across from yours. "So..." He wanted his answer immediately, but he didn't want to seem rude and just demand it outright.

Thankfully, you knew Diluc, and you knew him well. "You must want to know my answer." You say as you look down at your plate with a grin, cutting your food before taking a bite. "Ah, yes." He replies, greatfull you knew what was on his mind.

You looked up at him with a soft smile and pulled on of the flowers from the vase. "Diluc, I honestly thought these flowers would've been for someone else. But I did say that whoever they were for would be lucky, didn't I?" You asked. Only answering his query with another. He nods. "Well yes." He responds. "Then I guess we'll both be lucky."

Taking the flower in your hand you place it in his hair so it gently rests on his ear. He looks at you with a pinkish hue to his cheeks. "Does this mean?" He asked, to which to nodded. Without a second thought he gets up and jumps the table.

Within seconds his hands were on your waist as his lips met yours, making you gasp in surprise. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that!" He says with an exasperated sigh. Your face was full-on red before you reached up on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. "So about that date?" You asked.

"It'll be the best date you've ever been on sweetheart. How does a vacation to Wangshu Inn sound?" He asks, knowing you've always wanted to visit. You look up at him with the brightest smile he's ever seen, which he takes as his answer. "I'll book a reservation as soon as possible!"

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9 months ago

Okay, I've been seeing so much "Save a horse, Ride a cowboy" shit recently and imma be honest

I'd save any horse, hell I'd save every horse. I love animals but not every cowboy is worth riding. I'd be the girl to save the horse and go "Ey! You dumbfuck! Ya left 'em out again." As I glared at them. Maybe even threaten them or ask for cash while I'm at it, y'know? Just for funsies! "Better keep a better eye on 'em or next time I'll keep 'em fer m'self! Now since I brought 'er back this time, 20 bucks!" I'd be a major pain in the ass about it.

So yea, I'd save any horse but I'd piss off the cowboy <3

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8 months ago

Won't be posting for awhile

Might end up going back to the psychward again lmao

Got a bit slice happy and my left shoulder probably won't look the same again but that's finnneeeeee- just part of the life

But ye, probs won't be posting for a hot minute unless it hits me like a freight train.

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8 months ago

Since I've already been called out (Fuck you too @zhonglis-little-slvt) here's a few of my works

Since I've Already Been Called Out (Fuck You Too @zhonglis-little-slvt) Here's A Few Of My Works
Since I've Already Been Called Out (Fuck You Too @zhonglis-little-slvt) Here's A Few Of My Works
Since I've Already Been Called Out (Fuck You Too @zhonglis-little-slvt) Here's A Few Of My Works
Since I've Already Been Called Out (Fuck You Too @zhonglis-little-slvt) Here's A Few Of My Works

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7 months ago

A challenge. That was your solution. So many men in Sumeru wanted you for your beauty, so what was a young witch like yourself to do? Thats when you saw a stray cat in the distance and an idea hit you.

Putting up a notice on the commission board, you wrote that whoever could get a bell from a stray black cat, would be given the chance to date you. A simple challenge right? No.

For there was a catch- you were the cat.

Being a witch, a chaos witch in particular, you weren’t restrained to any rules in the magic world. Other witches like Mona, are bound to astral magic. But you could use any kind you wished with bor limits. Chaos was yours to wield and that involved having all the magic arts at your disposal.

There were many attempts made as men dashed, leaped, and chased after you. Some even resorted to traps, of which you were displeased with as you occasionally tripped just for the fun of it. You snickered as you watched the men exasperatedly groan as their traps were found empty or torn to shreds.

In full honesty this was more for your entertainment, but having the males leave you alone was a major bonus.

One day you saw a tall male with large fennec fox like ears wander into town. He gathered supplies and stopped by the board, most likely because your commission was the talk of the town. His ears perked as he saw your picture on the commission,Like all the others, your beauty captivated him, and that was when he decided to take part.

A few weeks went by as you tricked the men of the city. But only one caught your eye. The green stripes in his hair mesmerized you, seemingly glowing in the darker areas of the underground market.

You saw him disabling traps that once were laid out for you. Seeing him do this made your heart melt. He seemed to really care for the condition the cat, well, you. He was rather kind, kind enough that he tried to feed you at times. Unlike the other men around, Tighnari, as you had learned was his name, was a sweet soul. As you observed him work and continue with his duties when he wasn't gaining your trust. You found he was both a forest ranger and a healer of sorts.

His smile was like a sweet treat. His voice smooth and calming to your ears. You knew he was the one when he kneeled down before you and gently pet you, not even going for the bell that laid on the collar.

You leaned into his hand, enjoying the attention of the sweet man. It was at this moment that you had made up your mind, you'd choose him.

The only problem? You only had to get him to take the bell. The challenge you once set for the men was now a challenge for you. He didn't even seem interested in the bell, only you.

Time and time again he seemingly didn't notice the bell. No matter how many times he stroked your soft fur, gentle fingers grazing the collar, he neve took the bell.

Growing mildly impatient you sook him out each time he returned to the city. As he was in the markets, you found him and sat beside him. Only moving to follow him around the area. You nipped your sharp teeth at his puffy pants to get his attention.

Your efforts only brought a smile to his face every time he gazed down at you.

;&───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───&;

After nearly a month of trying to get him to take the bell you grew impatient. Deciding he was the one and you were going to have him.

In your natural form you decided to approach him whilst he was in the city collecting supplies. If he wouldn't take the bell then you would just take him, simple as that.

But before you could even get in a word he turned from his trade and saw you. "Why hello there, you must be ____." His cheery tone took you by surprise. It was still so early, yet he seemed to have all the energy in the world.

"Yes, that's me. And you are Tighnari, correct?" You asked, if only to keep up a more formal appearance rather than admitting you had essentially stalked him while in cat form.

"Correct. Can I help you?" He asked, his sweet smile curling his lips. "Ah, yes." You replied, clearing your throat as you put your mind back on track. "I was um..."

God, how were you supposed to ask him out? Technically this was your first time meeting. Speaking with him only now seemed difficult.

His head tilted and his large ears flopped to the side as he looked to you expectantly. You cleared your throat once more. "Ahem, I was wondering if you would perchance go on a date with me?"

Your hands clasped behind your back as you looked to your feet bashfully. Hearing a snicker you looked up to him.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to ask!" He chuckled, leaving you confused. Was he so confident in himself that he knew you would want him? Or was there something he knew and you didn't? Before you could say anything more than a soft "How?" He began to explain.

"Your scent, I knew you were that cat. Despite the form you take your scent remains the same." He states matter-of-factly. "O-oh..." You mumbled thinking you should have seen that coming.

"So is that a no?" You inquired sadly, feeling your hopes begin to fall. "Of course not! I would love to go on a date with you." He chirped. Heart soaring you looked up to him. "Really?!"

He responded with a nod before setting his hand on your head, giving it a gentle ruffle. "Of course, I'd love to." You grinned from ear to ear as he spoke his next words. "I'll pick you up tonight around 7, sound good?" Words falling short, you nodded happily.

"Alright then, I'll finish up here and see you tonight." He said as he waved you goodbye. You returned the gesture as you waved him off and returned to your home, preparing your best outfit for the night.

;&───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───&;

That's all for today, wrote this while in the psychward lmao.

Send in a request if you have any ideas for me to write!

Have a lovely day babes ❤️

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