Dullahan - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Chisstober, Mystical creatures: Dullahan.

Trigger warnings: This story contains mentions of death, blinding and blood, If any of these bother you, please don't read.

Obbic’rysta’leo is currently on a solo mission in a city where people are living in fear. She heard rumours that it was because of a creature that calls out the names of people who are going to die.

“It’s nonsense, how can such a creature exist,” She thinks to herself. Night has fallen and an old human woman walks up to her.

“Please, wear this it will protect you,” The old woman says and Crystal can't help but accept what she is offering to her.

Looking at what the woman handed her, she sees that it’s a solid gold necklace, “Ma’am I can’t take this,” She tries to give it back to the old woman but, the old woman shakes her head.

“You will need it tonight,” the old woman says and as the woman leaves Crystal, can’t help but feel uneasy about her. Why would she give her solid gold?

“Ma’am, I,” Crystal starts but as soon as she turns around the old woman is gone. As though she was never there, to begin with.

“Strange,” Crystal says and proceeds to walk around the city some more. She can’t help but feel uncomfortable with the way the old woman just appeared and then disappeared.

Placing the necklace around her neck, she suddenly feels a little safer for some reason. “It's just a gold necklace, nothing special about it,” Crystal thinks to herself, but she can’t but feel as though something might happen tonight.

Continuing to walk she hears the sound of hooves hitting stone. Looking to the ground she’s walking on stones. Turning around she sees on top of the hill a man riding a horse without his head. “What is that?” She whispers but decides not to stay around and hide in an ally.

She hears it get closer to her. She can hear her heart in her chest beating quickly. As the thing gets closer she hears it speak. “Eleanor,” It says it’d voice sounds raspy, and sends a shiver down her spine.

Looking at the main street she can tell it can’t see her, she sees that it’s carrying its head. And she hides before the head looks in her direction.

Placing her hand over her mouth, she tries not to scream. Fear gripping her chest, she can feel tears of fear developing in her eyes.

That’s when she hears the thing approach where she is hiding. Getting up she keeps her back to it and runs for it.

As she runs she can hear the thing struggle to find a good path to chase her. Running to a nearby house she bangs on the door.

“Open the door please,” She begs and a young woman opens the door and lets her in. Running inside she closes the door.

“What's wrong,“ the woman asks and Crystal tries to catch her breath.

“Something is chasing me, and it’s carrying its head,” Crystal says and the woman laughs. Crystal looks at her in disbelief.

“I’m being serious,” Crystal shouts feeling even more afraid than she has been since the abandoned city incident.

“You think you’ve seen a Dullahan,” the woman says and Crystal can’t help but be confused.

“Dullahan?” Crystal asks and the woman nods her head.

“It’s just some old legend, to keep people from wandering the streets after dark.” The woman says and Crystal shakes her head.

“Well, it seems pretty real to me,” Crystal says and the woman once again laughs at Crystal.

“Here I’ll show it it’s just a myth,” The woman says fn as soon as she opens the door a whip made of what appears to be bone comes and hits the woman's eyes blinding her.

Closing the door the woman screams bloody murder and Crystal closes her eyes and backs herself into a corner of the main room.

“Please don't blind me,” Crystal begs and the Dullahan growls.

“You are safe, You wear solid gold,” The Dullahan says and leaves the residence. He leaves the two women in fear and one blinded by his whip.

As the Dullahan leaves, he calls out one name, “Shannon,”  Was all Crystal hears before the sun rises in the sky.

“Are you okay,” Crystal asks and she begins to take care of the blinded woman.

“Get away from me, You brought the Dullahan here and now I’m blind thanks to you,” the blinded woman screams and Crystal can't help but feel like maybe it was her fault.

“She tried to stop you Shannon or should I say mother, but you said it was just a myth,” Shannon’s daughter comes downstairs.

“I’ll leave,” Crystal says and the daughter shakes her head. And walks over to Crystal.

“I’m Elizabeth, sorry about my mother, she's always been hot-headed, and tends to blame everyone else for her mistakes,” Elizabeth says and Crystal nods her head now understanding that it wasn't her fault.

“I should get going, My transport will be here shortly,” Crystal says and Elizabeth nods her head.

Leaving the residence she walks through town and sees a group of people gather around a body. “Poor Eleanor,” One woman cries as a man comforts her.

“The Dullahan called her name last night, I hear Shannon’s name get called before sunrise, I guess she’s next.” a man says and Crystal continues to walk but she glances over and sees that it was the old woman the gave her the gold necklace.

“What are you looking at Chiss,” One of the men says with hostility in his voice. She looks down at the ground and walks away without saying anything.

She leaves the planet and vows to never return because she’s afraid of what will happen if she does.

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7 years ago
Heeeeeeyyyyyy I Drew Something Im Actually Proud Of And I Spent Like An Hour Looking For References On

Heeeeeeyyyyyy I drew something I’m actually proud of and I spent like an hour looking for references on hand positioning and axe views andthefbimightbelookingformebecauseofmysearchhistorybutwhatever so look at my new child she doesn’t have a name yet but I’m open to name suggestions if ya got any ‘n stuff and I love her even tho I almost cried drawing this and she still needs design reworkings but whatevaaaaaaa

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11 months ago
A Couple Pieces I Made For A Zine That Will Accompany The Very Cool "Folkgore" Enamel Pin Collection
A Couple Pieces I Made For A Zine That Will Accompany The Very Cool "Folkgore" Enamel Pin Collection

A couple pieces I made for a zine that will accompany the very cool "Folkgore" enamel pin collection (check it out!!)

The Dullahan is a headless rider from Irish folklore, and the Aosaginohi is a yokai in the form of a glowing night heron

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6 months ago
Wing-it For TDoemooCovering A Dullahans Vent Inappropriately Can Cause The Magic To Build Up Inside Them

Wing-it for TDoemoo Covering a dullahan’s vent inappropriately can cause the magic to build up inside them

Posted using PostyBirb

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11 years ago
Day 14 - Dullahan*slowly And Painful Get Back To Challenge*

Day 14 - Dullahan *slowly and painful get back to challenge*

Ceanna, half dullahan half banshee with her hobby-horse~

btw Happy Spooky Halloween everyone! %D

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4 years ago

Lore Idea:

People with velvet ribbons around their necks were actually once Dullahans.

Their real heads were found by someone and attached to them with enchanted ribbons that keep them bound to the person who found their head. (Similar to Swan Maiden and Selkie stories.)

Bonus: Their usually ghosty horse is turned into a normal horse and either kept locked up in a stable somewhere else where they cannot find it, or sold off to someone else. But the moment the ribbon is taken off their master they immediately change back and race towards their direction.

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7 months ago
Been Meaning To Make A Dullahan OC For Aaaaages So Here's Siobhan, In Some Sorta Elden Ring/WoW Inspired

Been meaning to make a dullahan OC for aaaaages so here's Siobhan, in some sorta Elden Ring/WoW inspired death knightish armor

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1 year ago
Dogs And Sparrows, A Band Of Humans And Monsters

Dogs and Sparrows, a band of Humans and Monsters

ough ok ive been working on this for like 2 months anyway time to show off my ocs like a proud parent 

left to right it’s tiff (human) morgana (Dullahan) art (vampire) jess (human) and zaid (ghoul). 

they’re an emo punk band in the great year of 2008, and the name of their band is based on a grimm fairytale called the dog and the sparrow. I’d explain why but it’s a long story.

there’s a lot of little details and easter eggs in here that if prompted by one (1) person i’ll explain in horrific detail 

anyway alt versions, click and zoom in for better resolution :) 

Dogs And Sparrows, A Band Of Humans And Monsters
Dogs And Sparrows, A Band Of Humans And Monsters
Dogs And Sparrows, A Band Of Humans And Monsters

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7 years ago
A Commision For My Closest Friend, @spottyfreakk !Her Sweet Little Sheep Dragon Spawn Enjoying A Fun

A commision for my closest friend, @spottyfreakk ! Her sweet little sheep dragon spawn enjoying a fun time with Patty June.

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10 years ago
The Eighth One. Todays Prompt Was Dullahan/headless Horseman. I Am Not Feeling Particularly Revolutionary

The eighth one. Today’s prompt was dullahan/headless horseman. I am not feeling particularly revolutionary with this one, but I am working on my brush painting, so there you go. I think this is just the standard Headless Horseman, out to ruin the evenings of camping teenagers and hikers out after sunset.

Brown paper. Ink. That’s how we’re rolling lately. 

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2 years ago
My Take On Dullahan!Danny

My take on Dullahan!Danny 😁

Here we a angy boi- i hc that as he gets madder and angrier, his scythe continues to grow and grow in size, along with the flame on his neck growing in size as well. And the bigger his scythe, the more eyes it has. Since it would be harder to see in battle due to his head being cradled in his arms, his scythe acts as his sight. Along with that i hc that his scythe is made from ectoplasm and ecto- ice (ice core danny if you will.) Im gunna be honest im not used to drawing boys- let alone full bodies but this was nice practice!

The @ is my tiktok too!

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8 years ago
Day 11. Dullahan

Day 11. Dullahan

Late . . . 

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