Edward Hardwicke - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
I Find This So Funny. Jude Law (the Young Man Getting Cleaned Up) With No Clue That One Day, He'll Play

I find this so funny. Jude Law (the young man getting cleaned up) with no clue that one day, he'll play the role across from him.

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7 months ago

Watching the Master Blackmailer and I have to say. The scene where a woman asked Sherlock to kiss her which then cut to Watson and him at Bakerstreet is hilarious.

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13 years ago


♥ 7.6.1932 - 17.5.2011

dana-kujan - Dana Kujan

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7 months ago
Behold! One Of My Favourite Moments From Granada's Sherlock Holmes Series. Holmes' Little Dance To Show

Behold! One of my favourite moments from Granada's Sherlock Holmes series. Holmes' little dance to show Watson how the Dancing Men code works is always so precious to watch.

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10 years ago
Proper Update Coming Soon (it's Been One Of Those Weeks, Sorry) - But In The Meantime, A Couple Of Quick
Proper Update Coming Soon (it's Been One Of Those Weeks, Sorry) - But In The Meantime, A Couple Of Quick

Proper update coming soon (it's been one of those weeks, sorry) - but in the meantime, a couple of quick snaps from the sketchbook: Happy Watson, Grumpy Holmes; Happy Holmes, Grumpy Watson.

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10 years ago
It Was Really Only A Matter Of Time Before I Drew Monsieur Poirot And Captain 'Astings...
It Was Really Only A Matter Of Time Before I Drew Monsieur Poirot And Captain 'Astings...

It was really only a matter of time before I drew Monsieur Poirot and Captain 'Astings... 

There's been a grizzly murder, and as usual Holmes is the only one pleased about it.

(I got lots of lovely art supplies for Christmas, nom nom nom. It was like being 5 again...)

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10 years ago
OK, Not Strictly An Update, But - New Banner For The App Version! I Was Always Bothered By How Rubbishy

OK, not strictly an update, but - new banner for the app version! I was always bothered by how rubbishy the old one was, so I've spruced it up a wee bit and added a touch of colour. 

(Sorry for the lack of new Mrs Hudsons of late. Real Life Stuff is somewhat sapping me of jolliness of late and as a result I've just not been up to it. But please accept the above as a promise that Mrs H and friends will be returning very soon...)

(Also I'm being coerced into setting up a Facebook page for the Adventures so that non-Tumblrers can join in, too - more details when I've actually got it all sorted out.)

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10 years ago
"Oh, Alright, You Can Haveonesweetie. But Only A Green One. I Dont Like The Green Ones.

"Oh, alright, you can have one sweetie. But only a green one. I don’t like the green ones.”

Watson + food = my OTP.

Just a quick reminder that you can now find the Adventures of Mrs Hudson over on Facebook, should you feel so inclined. 

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9 years ago
I Thought You Were Retiring, Holmes?

“I thought you were retiring, Holmes?”

“What? Never mind that now, Watson - there’s a murder!”

More soon! Meanwhile, the obligatory periodic reminder that Mrs Hudson and pals are now on Facebook, if you like that sort of thing... 

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7 months ago

Granada Holmes enjoyers do yourselves the favor of listening and reading this play. It's a treat, I tell you, a real treat!

The Secret of Sherlock Holmes play with Jeremy Brett & Edward Hardwicke, 1988/1989

The Secret Of Sherlock Holmes Play With Jeremy Brett & Edward Hardwicke, 1988/1989

audio bootleg on SoundCloud, restored by Alison Carter (Act 1) (Act 2)

the play script (x) (x)

the program (x)

info about cast, crew, tour dates, pictures, etc. on The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia (x)

fan site with lots of links (x)

Finding out that this play existed was one of the best days ever. I can't believe this is a thing that actually happened, I literally think about it daily, what a cool thing. This one is up at the top of my time machine list (the one where I discover time travel and only use it to go see shows and concerts in the past) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just thinking about Jeremy Brett's voice (as Holmes !) booming across a theater that I am sitting in gives me chills.

I know I'm not the first person to post about this play, but if even one Granada Holmes fan sees this post and gets to discover this play, I think that would be pretty neat.

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