Endverse!cas - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

SPN- Angel Warrior Castiel And Misha Collins Tribute- The Warrior Song (Remix)

【SPN】天使戰士卡及米沙 Misha 獻禮 - The Warrior Song (Remix) My tribute to the beloved angel warrior Castiel (2008-2020) and the amazing actor Misha Collins. This took me about 3 days to plan, search for materials, remix the BGM, and edit. As a diehard Cas fan, this is a collection of BAMF!Cas' fighting scenes. Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! :)

為紀念 SPN 天使戰士 Castiel 和感謝演員 Misha Collins,花了三天混音剪輯完成的作品。身為死忠 Cas 粉,這是個戰士卡的鏡頭集錦,希望各位喜歡~ ^^

Subtitles 字幕: English / Chinese lines and BGM lyrics 英/中文對白及 BGM 歌詞 New Version (fixed some details) 新版(修改部分細節): https://youtu.be/oe2TVzf6hfk BGM: Supernatural Angel Warrior Castiel Tribute- The Warrior Song (Remix Song)


Related Fanvids Playlist 相關作品播放清單:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLttIMdZhz5VlwtGET351V-oxUMFDV4AL https://space.bilibili.com/1534665633/channel/detail?cid=161733 https://www.instagram.com/egoismht07/channel/

Tv Show: #Supernatural


VideoPad Professional v8.99 Audacity v2.4.2 格式工廠 v5.5.0

Original songs from: Sean Householder

The Warrior Song (video with lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwh6xbowC00

The Warrior Song - Aer Vis (video with lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzI3-73ELxw

The Warrior Song - Aquila Natus (with lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkDYrCCmUIA

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4 years ago

【Fix】SPN- Angel Warrior Castiel And Misha Collins Tribute- The Warrior Song (Remix)

Just fixed some details of the former video 僅修改部分細節,原影片:



【SPN】天使戰士卡及米沙 Misha 獻禮 - The Warrior Song (Remix)

My tribute to the beloved angel warrior Castiel (2008-2020) and the amazing actor Misha Collins. This took me about 3 days to plan, search for materials, remix the BGM, and edit. As a diehard Cas fan, this is a collection of BAMF!Cas' fighting scenes. Hope you'll like it. Enjoy! :)

為紀念 SPN 天使戰士 Castiel 和感謝演員 Misha Collins,花了三天混音剪輯完成的作品。身為死忠 Cas 粉,這是個戰士卡的鏡頭集錦,希望各位喜歡~ ^^

Subtitles 字幕:

English / Chinese lines and BGM lyrics 英/中文對白及 BGM 歌詞


Supernatural Angel Warrior Castiel Tribute- The Warrior Song (Remix Song)


Related Fanvids Playlist 相關作品播放清單:




Tv Show: #Supernatural


VideoPad Professional v8.99

Audacity v2.4.2

格式工廠 v5.5.0

Original songs from: Sean Householder

The Warrior Song (video with lyrics)


The Warrior Song - Aer Vis (video with lyrics)


The Warrior Song - Aquila Natus (with lyrics)


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4 years ago

【Fix】SPN- Angel Warrior Castiel And Misha Collins Tribute- The Warrior Song (Remix)

【原創】【SPN】天使戰士卡及米沙 Misha 獻禮 - The Warrior Song (Remix)

Repost my fanvid. Enjoy! :)

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7 months ago

You think endverse Cas was really human? I mean was he a reliable narrator in that script or doing this whole performance to hide himself in plain sight while being more than human less than angel?

Good question! I didn't come away from that ep believing he was fully human, personally - his ability to both instantly spot time-travel!Dean and effortlessly identify what must've happened to him speaks to that. His senses aren't fully human, maybe - at the very least, he retains a mind free from the confabulation and confusion that humans can't avoid when perceiving the world. He sees - and trusts - exactly what's actually there in front of him when the 'wrong' Dean walks in. No hesitation or bewilderment because his brain's telling him two different things - just a few pertinent followup questions to get the context of Dean's time travelling. He still has the uncomplicated, uncomfortable clarity and directness of angel!Cas.

You Think Endverse Cas Was Really Human? I Mean Was He A Reliable Narrator In That Script Or Doing This

It says a lot that this timeline's Cas describes being human as a step down. Endverse!Cas equates his relative lack of power with becoming human, but losing his angel powers isn't enough to leave him fully human, I don't think. Mortal, maybe, and functionally diminished as a warrior, but not human. It's like he's using it as a catchall word for his fall from grace, and as a derogatory label for his own limited capacity to make a difference in their fight. I don't think he thinks less of humanity than he did before, but he thinks a lot less of himself. Not because he's human, or humanlike, but because he's failed.

I'd suggest that Endverse!Cas's ability to function as an ally who Dean can tolerate (or even allow to live) means that he's less affected by the substance abuse than a human would be. I can't see that version of Dean tolerating any liability in his ranks, let alone in the leadership tier. Maybe Cas walks a thin line with it, always a misstep away from Dean having to take decisive action about him, but he seemed ultra-competent, and trusted, for a guy mixing uppers, downers, and probably sideways-ers, with apocalyptic stress levels and the loss of his very identity.

You Think Endverse Cas Was Really Human? I Mean Was He A Reliable Narrator In That Script Or Doing This

I do think hiding in plain sight could be a really big part of what we saw from Endverse!Cas. Hiding from himself as much as anything else. Hiding what? Despair, I think. We see hints of that same bitterness and acting-out in regular Cas later in S5, when he thinks that Dean's about to surrender to Michael; that his faith has been (once again) misplaced and the fight is lost. Cas needs something to believe in and fight for because that's how he's made. He takes failure very hard and very personally. There's something defensive about Endverse!Cas, prickly and difficult, even when he's smiling and appears body-comfortable. That easy geniality vibrates with an edge of, "Just try me", like a neon warning sign. I doubt anyone but Dean ever gets the opportunity to see past it.

You Think Endverse Cas Was Really Human? I Mean Was He A Reliable Narrator In That Script Or Doing This

The End is such a brilliant script, such a well-made episode that it feels like a complete 'verse, but there are so many unanswered questions about how the characters ended up where that story found them. It's a headcanon and fanfiction goldmine because it's so sparing, and I love it. (But I'd just about kill for a Camp Chitaqua or Sam-as-Lucifer spinoff serial to tell me much, much more about it.)

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7 months ago

Down to Agincourt - here we go

So, after several nudges (and someone finally sending me the author and link as well as the title!), I started reading/listening to my text-to-voice software [badly] reading @seperis ' epic Down to Agincourt series.

"You don't have to work this hard," Dean assures him uneasily; every instinct is telling him there is something profoundly wrong here. "I really don't like you already." "And my work here is done." Castiel lifts one shoulder in the impression of a shrug, like he can't bother himself to even make the effort to do it right. Dean didn't realize he started toward him until he's close enough to see Castiel's face, a blur-edged oval with skin bleached of all color in brutal contrast to smudges like bruises beneath shadowed eyes.

It's gonna be one of those semi-lethal brainworms that wiggles in and never leaves again, so I'm still getting flashbacks and random belated insights about it in 30 years time, isn't it?

Down To Agincourt - Here We Go

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6 months ago

Did you figure out why Endverse Cas "enchants" you?

Nope! I know why the episode does - it's right up my storytelling alley. It could've been made to hit my every ficcy spot. And it's brilliant. But why I have a feral response to images of Endverse!Cas, when I can be perfectly sensible about regular Cas and would pose no threat whatsoever to the person of Misha Collins... not a clue. I've joked about it being the facial scruff, but while I do appreciate some flattering facial topiary, I'm really not that easily swayed by a performer's physical attributes. [*]

Did You Figure Out Why Endverse Cas "enchants" You?

* Exception to rule = the 10/10 perfect backside of Mitch Pileggi for some reason.

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6 months ago

One word please for Endverse Cas?


One Word Please For Endverse Cas?

As before, I tag anyone else who fancies a go. (I find it so hard!)

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6 months ago

When I'm Gone - Chapter 5

Supernatural Masterlist

When I’m Gone Masterlist

Chapter 4 - See end to read what’s next

Summary: When Zachariah sends Dean in the future to show him what’ll happen if he keeps saying no, the annoying angel also sends you. Because that asshole is certain you can convince your boyfriend to become Michael’s meat suit. But when that doesn’t work, Zachariah leaves you in the future, putting pressure again on Dean to say yes, or else, he’ll never see you again. But in 2014, there is no future version of you because you died years ago. And 2014 Dean doesn’t want to let you go.

Chapter Summary: Zachariah left with your Dean, he left you in the future with no way of going back to 2009. But that’s not the worst. The worst is future Dean’s betrayal. He knew from the beginning, working with the angel to keep you to himself. The worst is the chain restraining you to the bed. The worst is his eyes, empty, his soul broken. The worst is that everything is your fault.

Pairing: Dean x Reader / Endverse!Dean x Reader, sets in 5 x 04

Chapter warning: DARK themes, sequestration, endverse!dean is broken, endverse!dean is possessive, guiltrip, suicide threats, dubcon but nothing explicit, mention of smut

Word Count: 7620

A/N: Hellow people! This chapter again is super long! So I tried to explain as best as I could how time travel works in this fic with examples and all, and tried making it as close as possible as the show, but there might be mistakes (I’m human after all). This series was made for @katelyn–renee​ followers celebration! This isn’t proofreaded, any mistakes are mine!

Don’t forget to leave a feedback, feedbacks are gold!!

PSA: This is a you choose the ending type of fic. At the end, you get to choose, as the reader, what you want to do. There is 3 endings… Good luck!


Keep reading

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