Episode 2 - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Any of y'all excited for the next episode? ‘Cause I sure am!

I've made a fake screenshot for TADC episode two. I showed this to a friend back on DeviantART, and she said she has a feeling that I predicted what’s gonna happen, and I think she’s right.
Sparrow's adventure continues: he encounters a Colin and a weird bee lady
Chapter One
After crashing, I had realized the carburetor, along with the entire engine, was far beyond saving. Smoke rose from the engine, the wings were utterly mutilated, and besides, even if I could repair it, there wasn’t enough runway on the small peninsula I was stuck on to take off. My only choice was to stay put for the time being.
I managed to pitch a few tents with the supplies that survived the crash, creating a sort of home base, for now, at least. I stayed in the tents for a few days, and took to exploring what was nearby. I soon found that the surrounding area was practically infested with resources in every cave, tree, and village I came across. The days were always clear and filled me with the urge for adventuring, but the nights were rather monstrous, and I always thought it best to keep near my tents.
In my exploring, I even found some sort of treasure map in a nearby village, and since I had always excelled at reading maps, I decided to see if I could actually find any treasure. After all I had seen in my adventuring so far, it didn’t sound like the least plausible thing in the world.
I soon found that whoever wrote the map knew nothing about real cartography. (I also never particularly liked sea travel. Boats are hard to manipulate and crammed. I’m a pilot, not a sailor!)
After rowing around in what was almost certainly circles, I eventually found the x-marks-the-spot I was looking for. Finally (after I dug more holes than I’d like to admit), I actually found something! Most of it was trinkets I didn’t quite know how to use, but some of it was materials I could put to use, including real diamonds!
After returning to my camp with the victory of finding riches in the soil and enjoying a bowl of celebratory carrot soup by the fire, I found myself more energized than before. So I decided to explore the surrounding area a bit more to see what – or who – I could find.
I had been trudging through the forest for a while now, and it was getting a bit too late for my liking. I had stumbled across a small cave, and had stopped there to rest for a minute on the rough, stony floor. I took out my sketchbook and began to write down some of the things I found that day.
But a strange lowing noise drew me out of my writing trance, and when I went outside to look, I was quite startled by a strange beast who looked like a goat crossed with a dinosaur. It had a furry body, goat-like horns, and a long, long neck. I was very wary of the unusual beast, for it had an uncanny resemblance to another creature who had blown up my base a couple of days ago. The beast studied me warily with its beady eyes, and I studied it in turn, so terrified I could barely move.
“S-Stay back!” I yelled once I had regained my senses, scrambling to grab a rock from the rubble. The horned creature just sniffed me with its little black nose. It made a soft growling noise, like a bear cub, showing its pointy teeth. It approached, coming dangerously close to me, so I reflexively threw my rock at it.
The rock knocked the creature back a few steps, and it whimpered in pain. It started growling furiously, and the next thing I knew, It was charging at me ferociously, and it knocked me down, down into a deep, muddy gorge. I soon realized in agony that the gorge was far too slippery for me to climb, and the horned creature above stalked and growled at me; ready to pounce at the slightest excuse.
My hands were dirty and bruised. I now felt that I was on the brink of death. Thus far in my life, I had never been as hungry and scared as I was at that moment. Oh, Why did I come here? I thought to myself in despair. They were right. There’s nothing here but wild, savage creatures. Perhaps hybrids were just a silly fantasy.
I heard a faint, far-off buzzing sound. At first I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me, but to my surprise, I saw a large, yellow cloud descending on the creature. A swarm of bees buzzed past and attacked the beast, sending it whimpering toward the mountains. The swarm that had miraculously saved me went out of my sight, but continued to buzz nearby.
Meanwhile, my brain was racing 100 miles an hour, trying to process what on earth had just happened. Did the swarm save me by pure chance, or did the swarm actively try to save my life? Where on earth had it come from? And worst of all, if the swarm had finished off the beast, would I become its next victim?
But then something even crazier occured. Out of the restless buzzing noises, a girl’s voice spoke to me: “Hello down there! Are you alright?”
Did swarms of bees now talk? I wondered in astonishment. I was too shocked to even reply.
When the swarm buzzed towards me, it was no longer a cloud of bees, but instead, to my surprise, a humanoid girl. She was sort of fluffy and lumpy looking, but she was clearly in the shape of a girl with a fluffy yellow sweater and red hair spangled with flowers.
“Are you okay?” She buzzed once again.
“Ermm… I-I think so?” I stammered in reply, still dazed by fear. She lent me her hand, and I took it. Despite being a hand made of bees, it was surprisingly firm and warm.
“T-thank you,” I stuttered. Yep, she was definitely in the shape of a girl, her feet hovering a few inches off the ground. But there was a question in my mind that I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Are you- could you possibly be- a hybrid?”
“Oh, yeah! I suppose you could call it that,” the bee lady answered. I’m Gem, by the way.”
“S-Sparrow,” I stuttered back in disbelief. She was so friendly to me! Could they have been completely wrong about hybrids? This is incredible, I thought to myself. Just a moment ago, I was doubting the existence of hybrids at all, and now here I am, talking to one!
But wait. What if she’s actually hostile, like I was warned about? I better make sure.
“Erm, you are a friendly hybrid… right?”
“Don’t worry, I’m friendly,” Gem buzzed. “But I do understand your concern. Hybrids come in all sizes and personalities, but I try to be nice to people unless they give me a reason to do otherwise. And you haven’t done anything to me. Speaking of which, you look starving, and you took quite a tumble. Would you like to come over to my house?”
“Um, sure?” I said. I now realized that I was quite hungry, and hadn’t had a truly proper meal in days.
So there I was, Sparrow the human, following Gem the Swarm of bees to her house.
Ik I'm dumb but why is everyone focusing on afo's eye color when we basically got a face reveal

Like his face at least the top half has been covered to the point you can't make out his face kinda but now we kinda can tell how the dude looks like.

like he looks hot but scary hot yk like that one hot boss who could fire you without a thought type beat dumb af and tired so

if I'm wrong or sound stupid please correct meeeee(@_@;)

I gotta know the context for this

Band of brothers, ep,2 days of days

You have heard of baby fever but now get ready for loki fever !
Anakin Skywalker - Older
Warnings: Death, Mention of the Dark Side [haha]
Words: 2,1k

[10 years earlier]
“FATHER!” My throat was raw as the piercing scream came out of my throat. Obi-Wan was stuck in two different pulsing electrons as we watched my father die. Tears of anger and revenge shot on my face.
As the pulsing electrons disappeared in front of me, my lightsaber shot up, the green color filing up the space around me. My legs were running before I knew it, while taking the first step to attacking the Sith. My fellow Jedi walked behind me, now attacking the Sith by two. Slashing sounds were all that could be heard through the grunts and the lightsabers hitting themselves.
My mind was racked with wrong ideas, ideas that weren’t the Jedi way, but now my father was the one to pay. Our enemy made me trip over the melting pit, but I cached a nozzle on the side before perishing into the whole. My lightsaber, that my father had helped me do it, fell into it. It was probably the only thing that I had that reminded me of him.
Obi-Wan needed to fight the Sith, but I knew that our opposant was stronger. I looked all around me to see what I could use to defend myself, as I saw my father’s lightsaber lying by him.
I’ve always been good with the Force, but when it comes to situations like these, I can barely function with the pressure. I focused my mind to help myself raise from the pit and to take my father’s belonging. I felt a boost of adrenaline run through my veins, making me lift up from the ground and catch my father’s lightsaber through the thin air.
I approached the both of them and attacked the Sith ruthlessly, slashing his body in half, and seeing him fall into the pit. I immediately rush to my father’s side, taking his hand in mine as Obi-Wan placed his head on his lap.
“Master.” Obi-Wan’s voice was filled with sadness and helplessness. Tears ran on his delicate face, making me tear up.
“It is too late...It's...” My father’s voice rang through my ears, making me regret not spending enough time with him.
“No, Father. Please don’t go.” My father looked down at me, holding his hand to my cheek, as I held his on my face, feeling his warmth for the last time.
“Y/N, my… beautiful daughter, Obi-Wan, promise me you’ll… both train…the boy.” He whispered loud enough for us to hear. I nodded my head against his hand.
“Yes, Master.” Obi-Wan ran his fingers on his face, admiring the only father figure he had.
“He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him! Y/N… I love… you…” His hand fell from my cheek, falling on the ground. My heart was broken and a powerful heartbreak was unleashed inside of me.
“Father, NO. Please wake up, I-I-I need you.” My head fell on his chest as I felt Obi-Wan taking me away from his body.
“No, Obi-Wan, No.” I sobbed while he took me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry...” He whispered in my ear, brushing his hand by my neck, making me look up to him.
“I know it-t-t hurts, but we need to leave, now.” I nodded against my own will, but our Jedi duties were needed. I took my father’s precious lightsaber in mine and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I will always love you, father.” I stood up and Obi-Wan led me towards the real battle.
[10 years later]
“Master Y/N?” A soft voice made me snap out of my thoughts. I had heard news that two Jedi knights were coming to help protect Senator Amidala. It made me relive some odd memories about my father, and my journey along the path of light.
“Yes?” My padawan came through the doorway of my chamber. He was one of the younger children I had helped in my journey. Most of my padawan were children who were orphans and didn’t know how to control their gift.
“The Jedi Knights are arriving.” He softly spoke to me. I smiled in approval. “Thank you, dear one. You may have the day to yourself, enjoy it!” He ran through the doorway, going to join his friends in the junior training center.
I really loved to work with the children, especially with the younger ones. It reminded me of my pleasant childhood on Coruscant. I walked towards the elevator, ready to welcome the two Jedi Knights. I didn’t know who were coming, but I felt a great force coming from the two of them.
I heard the doors open and turned around. I immediately recognize their faces.
Obi-Wan and… Anakin? Perhaps.
“Y/N!” He almost ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me tight against him. We trained most of the time together, and eventually became best friends.
“It’s great seeing you after all this time, Obi-Wan.” I gave him a squeeze around his back as he let go of our embrace, taking a good look at the woman I became. I looked at the teenager behind him and I could recognize those blue eyes anywhere.
“Anakin? God, you’ve grown.” A smile grew on his face, I walked closer to him, smiling back at him, and embracing him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my middle and landed his head in the crook of my neck.
His smell was always one of the things I always loved about him; he would always smell like sunshine and warm vanilla. I had no idea how much I had missed him until now. He mumbled something against my neck, making me shiver in his embrace. “I have missed you, Y/N.” His voice was much deeper and more mature, making me remind me of our last meeting ten years ago.
“I missed you too, Anakin.” I whispered by his neck, making me press my hand towards his hair, feeling his brownish hair in my fingers. We separated and just looked at each other for a few seconds.
I normally wouldn’t feel like this, but he made my heart flutter for the first time. After my father’s death, my heart couldn’t be repaired or fixed by anyone. His death had created a void in my soul, which made me loose some of my powers for a while.
Jar-Jar made his way towards the protectors and led them towards the Senator. Anakin turned his figure and smiled at me, offering me a small wink.
I smiled back and made my way towards the training center, which was below the conference floor. I had lived in Coruscant for a long time now, and it was and always will be my home.
[Time Skip]
I was training in the center with some electronics. I still had, even 10 years after, his lightsaber. I always had ease with the green lightsaber, as it offered me balance in my very core. Yes, I had my father who guided me before, but he appeared to me a few times. His Force was given to me after his perish, and I knew he would always be with me.
I used a blindfold to cover my eyes, seeing through it with my Force, my lightsaber was ignited and I took a deep breath before concentrating myself.
The electronic shot. Blocked it. It shot again, blocked it again. This sequence was repeated a long time before I took of my blindfold and decided to meditate.
As I removed it, I say Anakin standing in the doorway, eavesdropping. I closed my saber and walked closer to my training equipment.
“Hi there, pretty boy. Want to come in?” He nodded, smirking slightly. I opened the window that was facing towards the city, directly pointing at the sunset. We both walked towards the opening.
“How have you been, Y/N?” I took a deep breath and looked up at him, leaning against the railing.
“It’s been a hard couple of years, but otherwise I’ve been great, Anakin. I finished my padawan training and I’ve been on the council for about five years now. To be honest, I’ve never thought that I would be on the council someday.”
I chuckled to myself, hearing the words of my father that he used to tell me when I was younger; “When you’ll get older, I promise you that you will have a seat by my side, on the council.” This promise could’ve been fulfilled if things were different.
“And you? I imagine a lot has happened since I’ve met you on Tatooine.” He smiled and leaned too against the railing.
“Well, I’ve had loads of training sessions with Master Obi-Wan, but I do believe I would be ready for the trials.” He turned his head to me, running his hand through his hair. “I know that I should’ve started training when I was younger, but I feel it in my soul. I really do.”
“I get that Anakin, and I’m a master now, which can be helpful if you would want me to talk to the council, or even just to get you to do the trials without anyone, but me, knowing.” His feature stood up straight, as did mine.
His nose arrived at the top of my head, as I looked up to his complexion. “You wou…could do that?” I nodded as he wrapped his arms around my middle, spinning me in the air with him. A laugh came out of my throat for the first time in years.
As he put me down, still holding on to me, I wrapped my arms behind his neck, slightly running my fingertips in his soft hair. Anakin lifted his head, still looking in my Y/E/C eyes. His deep blue eyes and features were glowing against the dim daylight. They both looked down to my lips, lowering his head to meet mine.
Our lips collided together, making me stand up on my feet to reach his level. His hands travelled lower to my waist, pulling me closer into his warm embrace. His soft palm travelled all the way to the back of my head, making a chill run up down my spine.
My lips against his felt, like fire on ice. Soothing and loving in both ways. He was delicate and soft with me, just like he always was. My Anakin.
Even though I knew that “love” was forbidden in our sacred code, he and I had a different way of thinking. I had heard one of his conversation with the senator the other day, and somehow I couldn’t get it out of my head: “Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life.”
I always thought this way, because I knew that my father had a woman in his life, maybe he didn’t love her but he made sure that I knew that he loved me.
We both parted, as a smile grew on my face. “I’ve been wanting to do that ever since I turned ten.”
“You waited that long, huh?” A small laugh came out of his mouth.
“Yes, Master Jinn.” I kissed him again, this time his hands making their way through my hair, finding a small braid on the back of my Y/H/L Y/H/C hair.
He placed a small kiss on my nose before taking the braid in his fingers. “Is that…”
“My padawan braid, yes. I kept it, because it reminded me of you and, my father. He was the one to place the bands on it, when I was Master Windu's padawan.”
“I can never remember what the bands are supposed to mean.” His softness made me laugh.
“Well, the yellow and the red at the bottom are the ones I had when I was thirteen and sixteen, and then the white and green ones mean that I am a counselor and also a healer. Mostly healer, but I do have great skills from my previous master.”
“Oh, I do not doubt that.” I nudged him in his rib, making him chuckled a little. We both didn’t realise that the sun had gone out, when I looked to my right, seeing the stars appear.
“I believe your duties are calling, Anakin.” He nodded and gave me a last kiss, before running toward his master, a few floors higher.
“Y/N!” I turned to Anakin, seeing him stand on the doorway. “How about we train together tomorrow?” I smiled and gladly accepted. He turned around, practically jumping towards the elevator which made me smile even brighter than I was before.
I got shot in the leg and I don't get any cookies.
Dr. Spencer Reid in Haunted, 5.2
You know, the entire time I've known Hotch, I don't believe I've seen him blink.
Dr. Spencer Reid in Haunted, 5.2
You think it's about my profiling skills? Jennifer, listen, the only reason you were able to manage my perceptions is because I trusted you. I came to your house 10 weeks in a row crying over losing a friend and not once did you have the decency to tell me the truth.
Dr. Spencer Reid in Proof, 7.2