Eros Deity - Tumblr Posts

I still believe that one of the prettiest love stories has to be the love story of the god Eros with Psyche, while the story of Appollo with Daphne is a beautiful yet heart wrenching tragedy in a way that it had love and disgust.. (one sided love). What's really magnificent about mythologies in general is that they make us see the world differently. A laurel tree is no longer a tree; but a last attempt of staying pure from the hands of the detested one.

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5 months ago

The intimacy of worship.

There’s something about walking through isles of a store and finding something that reminds you of your god. Or sitting down to write pages full of words detailing your love for them, giving them praises, talking about how they’ve helped you or how they’ve impacted your life. As a god, a friend, lover, sibling, or parental figure. Creating things in honor of them, dedicating pieces of art, finding silly things you just *know* they’d find hilarious, or helping others find their way to them just like you did.

Or finding them in everything you do.

I think about Hermes every time I’m writing, I think about Aphrodite every time I look in the mirror and bring myself to admire what I see, or how I think deeply about the type of love and devotion I’d want, my mind strays to Eros and Psyche. When I see and feel how much I hate certain emotions of mine, I think about how they can be expressed in healthy ways, and how I can lean on Dionysus and Ares without fear or judgement. When I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I think about our sun gods, and when the moon takes her rightful place in the sky, I think about our lovely moon goddesses. When a thunderstorm happens, I know I can say a bright hello to Zeus. When I’m doing house work with a frown, I know I can think of Hestia to make it a little less tiresome. When I’m clawing my eyes out because I can’t sleep, I know Hypnos will be by my side to make sure I can get a few restful hours.

They’re in everything. Every part of life that you wish to see them in, and I think that’s beautiful.

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5 months ago

Sexual relationships with your gods are valid

I saw a post not too long ago speaking on intimate relationships with your gods and also the idea of “god spouses.” And while it’s fine to have your own opinion and express that I felt like it dismissed the relationship one may have with a sexual deity or even one that’s not primarily thought of to be sexual!

There are so many gods that help others feel comfortable enough to live freely in their bodies, masturbate, be with their loved ones and more. Why dismiss or undermine that because you believe you can’t have a more intimate relationship with a deity?

Gods are what they need to be for you. A friend, lover, partner, sibling, parent, best friend, teacher, mentor, what have you. The gods can absolutely touch you. Is it rarer than one may think? I personally don’t think so. And yes this does get into some harder conversations about spiritual psychosis and being wary of those symptoms. But I believe people know what they feel.

And who really cares if your god didn’t actually make you come. You felt connected to them in that moment, you did that for them, in one way or another. That’s valid. Don’t let others tell you differently or dismiss your experiences.

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