Executioner - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Strict but polite executioner ASMR, pre-branding care

Executioner: Oh, hello, miss (hand shaking sound)...I hope you were warned prior to this, but you are sentenced to a branding, and I decided to make the preparations myself. Lately...My assistants have become rough and sloppy. A lady, even a criminal one, is entitled to a little gentleness.

(Struggling sound from "listener")

Executioner: Oh...I'll be quick. Won't you like to sit. I have brought a pliable chair for you.

(Sitting sound)

Executioner: Good. (Searching pocket sounds)...Please, close your eyes and don't move. I need to make sure the brand comes out nice.


Executioner: Why, you ask ? I have seen countless people sentenced as recidivists because a natural scar was confused with a branding one. I would then ask you, miss, to show curtesy to the innocent and not move until I am finished. Close your eyes...

(Small needle stab)

Executioner: I am so sorry to startle you, Miss. Please don't move...

(Three small needle stabs)

(Fighting back sounds)

Executioner: Don't you dare move a muscle !

(Holds tigher)

(More fighting sounds and heavy breathing)

Executioner: Move one muscle, and I swear I'll shave every strand of hair from your bratty head.

(5 extra needle stabs)

Executioner: See...Almost over. One (needle stab), two (needle stab), three (needle stab)...Mmm. That seemed sufficiantly pocked to me. Banishment after branding would surely be exhausting, so why don't you have a little bit of sleep, Miss ? Have a pleasant nap.

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1 year ago


𝐄𝖝𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖗 | Teaser


When second chances are wasted, there's only one thing left to do.

Tags/Warnings: Dystopian AU, Werewolf AU, Alpha!Jungkook, Omega!Reader, Angst, Some fluff, romance but he's a bit weird about it pls let him cook he's awkward okay, Violence, crime and.. bad stuff.

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A/N: oh look another werewolf fic oops. BTW if you do not like any of the tags or the trailer doesnt vibe with you, don't read the story. I literally have tons of other content for you instead. Thanks.

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“Do you think that people can change?”

No. Jungkook does not believe that people have the ability to shed their dark desires once they've shown their ugly faces to the world. Once someone has lost control over themselves and their inner demons even just once, it’s over. A wolf's inner beast set free won’t be tamed again, by anyone. There is no coming back from that- and a crime committed has to be punished, especially when there’s not even any effort put into areas trying to redeem one’s self. second chances should always be valued highly if given-

Because everyone has to face judgement for their actions, and if those second chances are wasted, he is the man who will execute the fitting punishment.

Jungkook doesn't believe in second chances.

A man who’s laid his hand on his wife will never truly change his mind and put the shackles onto himself after the line has been crossed. A cheating spouse will not suddenly become loyal as a dog again just because they realize the hurt they’ve caused. A murderer can’t give back the life they’ve taken even if they desperately want to. A young wolf lost to a frenzy can’t gain back their sanity with the snap of a finger.

He is part of the new world’s law.

Violence is the punishment put on people who can’t seem to keep themselves in check even after second chances. Violence is the final answer to the worst of the worst, the people who will never change.

Violence is the thing that changes people- from being alive to no longer being a threat to anyone ever again.

To Jungkook, these people are like maggots, infesting the cities and homes of families who just want to exist and live. Jungkook is the pest control, he removes those insects, cleans out the infestations.

Saves potential victims.

“I didn’t do anything!” the man slurs a little, alcohol in his veins causing him to visibly struggle with his bodily functions, even if he wants to desperately be sober in this moment. You’re sitting in the corner still, watching, well aware not to interfere with a man sent by the people in charge of the wolf’s law to carry out the final judgement.

“Evasion. Armed robbery, twice. Domestic abuse, twice. Attempted kidnap of a child while intoxicated.” Jungkook lists, having memorized what this person is being accused of- or rather yet, has already been judged for in the past. “You’ve shown that you do not aim to change.” He says, not even looking at you once. Instead, he just walks closer, like a predator, staring down his prey. “And now, keeping an omega hostage? Not exactly the actions of a man innocent.”

“I-“ the man tries, but he doesn’t get far with his words. “-There’s- nothing happened- Tell him! Nothing happened, right-?” He asks you, who’s staring him down.

Jungkook looks at you as well now, awaiting your answer.

You’ve got a life in your hands.

Your lips part, but you can’t speak- when suddenly, the man moves again, lifts his hand as he steps towards you, ready to intimidate you into answering if needed- but Jungkook is faster, having seen enough. Even if nothing happened- yet- surely if he was to leave, you’d be another body found. “Where- where are you taking me?” the man begs to know, unable to really go against the hand that holds the back of his head by the hair, fingers tightly dug into the locks to have a secure hold on him as he drags him into a corner or the small, run down house.

In this moment, Jungkook looks like a different person to you. There’s no trace of the man who just wants to help others. The hands that force this stranger to his knees aren’t the same that helped you stand earlier that day, hold gentle and without any intention to hurt. Those eyes are dark as coal, like two black voids swallowing any reflection whole.

“I'll take you straight to hell, where you belong.” Jungkook simply answers the man, before he lets go-

And takes out his gun, to fire the first shot of many.


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9 months ago

TrutnovskĂœ kolorit

Existuje takĂĄ kniĆŸočka, volĂĄ sa TajemnĂĄ magie stƙedověku, kouzla a rituĂĄly starĂœch cechĆŻ a napĂ­sali ju AleĆĄ Česal a Roman Herzinger.

No a jedna kapitola je venovanĂĄ aj katovskĂ©mu remeslu. Človek sa tam naprĂ­klad dočíta aj to, ĆŸe...

Trutnovsk Kolorit

...takĆŸe tohto tĂœpka...

Trutnovsk Kolorit

...si Ďuro z prstu nevycucal.

KlobĂșk dole, človeče, klobĂșk dole. (Les prĂ­zrakov, kapitola 5, strana 60)

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7 years ago
Town Of Salem. This All Any Is Probably One Of The Funniest Outcomes I've Had In The Game So Far. XD

Town of Salem. This All Any is probably one of the funniest outcomes I've had in the game so far. XD

Exes ftw! ( yes, mafia and lone survivor/amne wins too )

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