Fairy Tail Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Kinabra Reunion Headcanons

Because my otp doesn't get enough love. This is what I want for a reunion. COME ON MASHIMA!!

-Since crime sorciere was pardoned by the princess Hisui they all go to fairy tail

-Pahh not because of Jellal's crush on Erza what are you taking about, shut up Meredy

-So Erik walks in to the guild along with the rest of crime sorciere grinning about how he'll tease Jellal later because he can hear the blue haired mage freaking out on the inside

-Then it's his turn to freak out

-He sees Kinana and freezes because he did not know she was a member of fairy tail oh shit oh shit oh shit

-(Okay maybe he does know but shh for story purposes) she didn't have a guild mark when they had their little reunion in the key of the starry heavens soo

-Sorano looks back at Erik and asks him if he's just gonna stand there all day and that's when Kinana notices him

-She's so shocked that she drops the glass she was cleaning and it shatters on the hardwood floor

-The whole guild stops at that sound, everyone looking in the sounds direction to see Kinana standing there wide eyed and starting at Erik

-The tension between the two is deafening and everyone is staring at them while they stare at each other

-Then Erik takes a hesitant step forward, not quite believing it

-Suddenly Kinana lets out a broken sound and then she's running to him and he's running to her

-They crash together and holding on to the other so tight because they're afraid that if they loosen they're grip the other will disappear again

-Kinana's face is buried in his shoudler and Erik is bringing her closer and just trying to tell himself that its real, that she's real and that they're together again

-They pull back just enough to study the details of the other's face

-Kianna has tears running down her cheeks and Erik's eye is watering full of love

-The moment is so serene and romantic

-The guild and the other crime sorciere members feel like they should look away but they can't take their eyes off of them

-Mirajane is about to faint because to her, christmas came early

-Finally someone (Sawyer) coughs awkwardly and they both jerk like they've been electrocuted

-Kinana's face turns bright red when she realizes everyone had been watching them

-and Erik wishes he still had his hood on because he wants to disappear into it and take Kinana with him

-Lucy is the first one to ask the question that everyone is wondering

-So... when did this happen?


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6 years ago

Fairy Tail Disbanded

A newspaper sits on a bar top. The title printed in thick black letters. Fairy Tail Disbanded.

Letters blur into pictures and notes, all connected by strings.

Lucy is crumbled on the floor in front of the board.

She just wants her friends to come back.

Abandoned on a side table, Aquarius broken key comes into focus and Lucy's hunched form blurs in the background.

The scene fades away to Natsu and Happy  sitting around a campfire.

Natsu turns his head to say something "Hey guys do you-" then stops.

Because his team isn't there.

He clenches his fists, knuckles turning alarmingly white as he stares into the campfire.

"I will get stronger."

He had to get stronger.

His was no longer a quest to find his missing father, but to avenge him.

The fire roars higher and when it goes back down it's Erza we see, staring at herself in the mirror.

She lifts up the piece of hair that always covers her eye.

An image flashes of her being tortured back in Tartaros. Kyoka's face and that awful creature.

She lets the lock of scarlet hair fall back into its original place.

The mirror ripples and reveals Gray in the shower.

The water streaming down his bent head, and flowing over his arm, and down his torso.

A puff of white steam comes out his mouth but he's still shivering

Why is it so cold?

It's almost like he can't feel anything. Numb to the world.

His gut clenches as he feels that darkness creep up his skin, itching at his face.

The final gift from his father, a parasite.

He twists the shower knob, with the red letter H, on full blast.

The image cuts to darkness before lighting up again a moment later.

Spotlights turn on and we see Wendy and Chelia, side by side behind a red show curtain.

Chelia smiles at her and Wendy smiles back, but her eyes don't hold it.

Chelia turns away and Wendy's smile curls downwards, her hand clutching her new Lamia Scale emblem.

The scene frizzles and cuts for a second and you see a Fairy Tail mark, then it goes back to the snake woman.

The snake woman warps into a cross, the sleeve of a Magic Council uniform.

Levy is seated in a chair, quill in hand as she fills out the council papers on her desk.

Gajeel is standing by her side, munching on an iron rod, his shadow over her.

Suddenly the pen stills.

Levy is staring at a picture in a glass frame. A group picture of fairy tail.

Gajeel stops eating, setting down the chunk of metal he's been gnawing on. Appetite lost.

"We'll get it back, right?" Levy's voice shakes, her eyes still glued to the picture.

Gajeel places his hand over hers. "Y-yeah."

The view pans up, from a wooden ceiling to a gray sky, then back down and we see Juvia sitting in the rain on a bench, water plastering her bangs to her forehead.

Water flows down her face in a never ending river.

Is she crying? Or is it just the rain?

Her hands are in her lap, the signature teru teru doll sagging between her limp fingers

She's all alone again,

and this time she doesn't have an umbrella

Water sloshes, from clear to brown.

A waiter sets the drink in front of the brunette.

Cana is hunched over in her stool, for once not looking lively.

She picks up the drink, bringing it to her lips

then sets it down again.

Cana closes her eyes. It's just not the same.

Eyes open, one with a lightning shaped scar.

Laxus stares off into the distance, his fur coat rustling in the wind.

A cough builds in his throat and he chokes it down, but not without being noticed.

Freed is behind him, in view over his shoulder.

Evergreen and Bixlow are even further back, just dots and lines.

Freed looks at the man with concern, he keeps his mouth closed, but Laxus hears the unspoken words.

His companion's worry is practically radiating from him.

He sighs, pushing back his blonde hair, in that awful new hairstyle no one likes.

Where is that old geezer?

Thunder booms, soon followed by a crack of lightning, so bright it could burn your retinas.

Makarov is sitting in the hull of a ship, floor rocking with the tide, devastation written on his face.

He looks up at an invisible something. "Tell me, First. Was it worth it?"

For a split second you swear you see a small girl standing next to him, with curly hair so long it almost hits the floor.

She looks down at her bare feet.

"No. It wasn't."


A/N: I feel like in the manga everyone moved on too quickly, bc yay we're happy and together again! They were separated for a whole year. There should be some drawback and pain from that. I feel like Mashima did a good job with Lucy, but what about everyone else? Both Natsu and Gray lost their dad's again, Laxus is kinda dying, and Erza was tortured for gods sake. So I made this angsty thing. It's a mash up of headcanons, a oneshot fic, and a video script. At first I imagined this as a kick ass montage but I could never make it myself so I wrote this. If anyone wants to try and make a video edit or an animation of this, please do so!

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3 years ago

I was looking at a list of Fairy Tail characters the other day and found out that Wakaba has a daughter. I didn’t really try too hard find out anything about her but since I didn’t find a name for her when I googled it I decided that her name is now Juliet.

Hear me out. When Waianae and Macco found out they were having a kids at around the same time, they decided they would have to give them a couple name so that one day they would magically fall in love and their families would be united.

Since they were having a boy and a girl, the first names they thought of were Romeo and Juliet, because it’s such an iconic couple name.

So yeah, Wakaba has a daughter, and her name is Juliet.

I Was Looking At A List Of Fairy Tail Characters The Other Day And Found Out That Wakaba Has A Daughter.
I Was Looking At A List Of Fairy Tail Characters The Other Day And Found Out That Wakaba Has A Daughter.
I Was Looking At A List Of Fairy Tail Characters The Other Day And Found Out That Wakaba Has A Daughter.

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3 years ago

Ok so in my version of Fairy Tail’s next generation Natsu and Lucy have a son who is the exact spitting image of Natsu. Seriously, Lucy didn’t help with his looks at all. His name is Igneel. Two things about this.

1. One Halloween they got identical outfits and Luna (the youngest of the Dragneel children and the most crafty) did their makeup to make Natsu look younger and Igneel older so they seem the same age. It confused everyone in the guild when they arrived at the Halloween party and no one can tell them apart because on top of the way they look, both of them acted in a way that both of them would act.

2. In my version Igneel is with Nova (Mira and Laxus’ oldest daughter). When she gets pregnant she insists that if it’s a boy and he has pink hair they don’t name him until they can see what color his eyes are and what he ends up looking like. If he looks like Natsu and Igneel did when they were his age she said they should name him Natsu, and they could start a tradition. A bunch of Natsu and Igneel Dragneels, all identical and named after their grandfather. Igneel was completely against the idea and they even had a poll, which Igneel won, but all it took was one puppy dog look from Nova and he gave in. Igneel is weak.

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3 years ago

Random thought I had the other day about Gruvia as parents.

Juvia is the one who initially wakes their kids by like shaking them in a gentle way and stuff but if they don’t get up after a couple of tries, she asks Gray to do it.

Gray walks to their rooms and tells them to get up. If they don’t he just picks em up without another word, goes downstairs and plops them on the couch. He just honestly does not have the energy to try anything else. After that either one of them makes food or they drag the kids to the guild and after they eat they wake right up.

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3 years ago

I seriously can’t get out of my head Natsu as a dad just calling his kids nicknames. Like each kid has a nickname. And it’s things like Dragonette, Starfire, stardust, fireheart, etc.

Lucy thinks it’s adorable.

The kids love it too but when they get older they get embarrassed when he calls them stuff like that in public.

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3 years ago

Why do I not see anything where Lisanna and Cana are best friends? Seriously if you think about it they’re an amazing duo!

Lisanna knows when people are meant for each other, just like her sister and Cana is the person who has the guts to actually lock them in a closet until they realized they love each other

They may or may not have tried it on Natsu and Lucy and Gray and Juvia already

Don’t even get me started on the teasing they would put all the ships through before they got together.

They would literally be a power couple but as best friends

Like seriously, imagine then when they were younger convincing Natsu that the sun would explode and destroy then unless he kissed Gray and told him he loved him

Or them using flirting with people to get like a bazillion free stuff

And Cana being there for Lisanna after she gets heartbroken by Natsu (something that in my mind is unavoidable) and her being super supportive or her and Bickslow

O̸r̸ L̸i̸s̸a̸n̸n̸a̸ i̸s̸ a̸c̸t̸u̸a̸l̸l̸y̸ g̸a̸y̸ a̸n̸d̸ s̸h̸e̸ g̸e̸t̸s̸ w̸i̸t̸h̸ C̸a̸n̸a̸

Seriously, the possibilities are endless

Why Do I Not See Anything Where Lisanna And Cana Are Best Friends? Seriously If You Think About It Theyre

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1 year ago

Hey, I wanna start writing about fairy tail.

I mostly wanna write about Sting so if you have any suggestions please let me know :D

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