Ft Juvia - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


I was wondering if you could write a fairy tail gruvia?

so basically the plot would be that gray and juvia never went to tenrou island. instead of them being gone for 7 years, it's WAAAAY longer (like 22+ yrs)

it was hard at first for gruvia to move along. they searched for a long time but eventually moved on in peace together. they end up having a family together. then when team tenrou comes back, gray and juvia aren't very happy. it sounds wrong, i know-

but they both struggled to move on and eventually did. they don't really like the fact that they're back, as it feels like that was all for not. gray also needs juvia as like a comfort (almost always touching her in some way: hand holding, arm around waist, etc) their kids don't know how to feel (their parents are distressed a bit, so they are probably a bit defensive) team tenrou is hurt by the negatively from gray and juvia

if this was to much pls feel free to cut some out! but maybe if you could for sure keep the kids and gruvia not being happy about the return? that's what I'm really looking forward to lol

thank you! have a lovely day! :) <<<333

Can't Look Back

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Juvia and Gray.

Genre: Angst and Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: Apologies this took way longer than it should have.


All the guild members of Fairy Tail had been called to the guild hall for an announcement. All day the guild members of Fairy Tail had been wondering what this special announcement could be. However, before they could speculate any further the curtains to the stage opened.

The Guild Master Makarov was standing at the center of the stage alongside Mirajane. He then began to speak revealing why he had called everyone here today. "Wizards of Fairy Tail as you know it is a special time for the guild during this time of year.

Some of you will be selected for the S-Class Mage Promotional Trial. It will be held on the guild's sacred grounds Tenrou Island. I will now reveal the names of the wizards who will participate in the S-Class Promotional Trial Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Cana Alberona, Levy McGarden, Elfman Strauss, Juvia Lockser, Freed Justine, and Mest Gryder.

The trial will start in a couple of days and you may choose a partner to help you in the trial. That is all no get to practicing for the annual S-Class Promotional Trial!" Excitement could be heard throughout all of the guild halls as members raced out of the entrance to start training.

However, among the crowd of the many guild members of Fairy Tail, there were two who weren't so happy that were chosen. Of course, they tried not to show so as not to ruin the mood of their other guild members. Truthfully Juvia and Gray had grown very close to each other.

They both wanted to finally spend quality time with each other but with something like this? It ruined that quality time they both of them so desperately wanted. But they could just not show up and participate next year right...?

(Time skip brought to you by Happy eating fish.)

And so it finally came the day of the S-Class Promotional Trial. Everyone was already there and waiting on the boat to Tenrou Island (much to Natsu's dismay). Everyone had been waiting on the boat to Tenrou Island for Gray and Juvia but they had yet to show.

Master Makarov had to decide to set off without Juvia and Gray. As if they stayed any longer it would be late to start the S-Class Promotional Trial. And so the bost sets out to Tenrou Island.

(Time skip brought to by the events that happened on Tenrou Island and many years after it.)

It had been several years since the S-Class Promotional Trial. When those chosen went to Tenrou Island Juvia and Gray had excepted their guild mates to return within a day or so. However, that wasn't instead they had learned that their guild members and their guild's secret grounds had disappeared.

Of course when they heard the news it greatly upset both Gray and Juvia. They did all they could with those who remained of their guild, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale. However, after days, weeks, and months had passed their search efforts proved fruitless.

Gray and Juvia had begun to lose hope they'd ever seen their beloved friends ever again. So even with more search attempts with no results Juvia and Gray had decided to leave the Fairy Tail guild. Of course, this wasn't an easy decision and they didn't want to but the guild wasn't the same without their missing friends there with them.

And so Gray and Juvia set off from their guild to start another life somewhere together. It wouldn't be easy and it would take time to heal from their missing friends. But with each other Gray and Juvia would be just fine together.

(Once again another time skip of many years brought to you by Happy eating fish.)

It had been since the well-known incident of the famous Fairy Tail had happened. The incident still affected those who disappeared. However as bad as it may sound two people were living happily unbothered by the instant of years past.

A happy family was living in a house near a forest and laughter could be heard from outside of this home. It was the family all having a picnic together but just who was this family? Well, it's Gray, Juvia, and their beloved son Greige.

That's right over the family years since the Incident of the missing Fairy Tail guild members. Gray and Juvia had enjoyed their new life together and just a few short years of living this new life. They both welcomed their beautiful son Greige into the world.

They provided for him the best they could and made sure he was happy and cared for. They've been happier than they've ever been and they wished to continue living like this.

"Gray! Juvia!" Just then a pair of familiar voices could be heard getting louder and closer to the couple. No, it couldn't be, could it? Surly not especially after all this time could it? A similar sentiment the couple had both thought.

Just then familiar faces could be seen by both Juvia and Gray. They couldn't believe or at least didn't want to believe it but they couldn't deny it either. There they were clear as day both Natsu and Lucy running towards them clear as day.

Both Natsu and Lucy finally stop standing before just Juvia and Gray. "Finally we've finally found the both of you!" We couldn't believe what we heard but now we're here to tell you Fairy Tail has returned and we're here to bring the both of you back!" Natsu spoke with enthusiasm.

Gray and Juvia both stood up from their picnic blanket with their son hiding behind Juvia. "It's a surprise to see you Lucy and Natsu we thought you were gone forever when you disappeared all those years ago," Gray spoke unsure what to do as he hadn't expected this. I mean who would expect their missing friends to show up out of nowhere after so many years?

Gray and Juvia felt conflicted on one hand they were happy their friends had returned safe and sound. However on the other hand they're upset. They've built a new life together and truly loved one another not to mention their son who they loved even more than each other.

They just couldn't throw away this life they built together and return to Fairy Tail. Maybe if this happened a few years earlier but now? It was far too late to even consider that.

Whether they liked it or not they would give Natus and Lucy the truth they would not be returning to Fairy Tail. Emotions were running wild within Gray from the surprise appearance of Natsu and Lucy. So to calm himself down somewhat he held Juvia's hand and smiled.

Once he found the words and with the comfort of his beloved wife, Juvia spoke to Natsu and Lucy.

"Sorry, Natsu...Lucy but we won't be returning to Fairy Tail. It's too late for that now maybe if this happened sooner we'd consider such a thing. But now? It's far too late me and Juvia are married and happy together and with my son who I'm so proud of. So once again no no matter what me and Juvia will never return to Fairy Tail."

Tags :
1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail request hurt to comfort fanfiction of when Juvia Lockser's male S/O who is Gray's older twin brother reassured Juvia that he still loves her no matter what when Juvia heard complaints from S/Os fangirls of how he could fall in love with a gloomy weather woman and stuff like that and it understandably greatly hurt Juvia's feelings judging by how the rain began to fall (S/O saw the situation and made the fangirls see sense that he loves Juvia and there is nothing that can change how he feels about her). S/O comforted Juvia afterwards..not caring if the rain will make him sick considering how long he spent looking for her. He still cared about Juvia..and he loves her.

(Juvia doesn't deserve any hate)

My Lovely Rain Woman

Series: Fairy Tail.

Character: Juvia and Gray.

Genre: Hurt to Comfort.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Notes: Ahh omg just reading this request a little sad! I love Juvia with all my heart she's my favorite Fairy Tail character. It's sad to see so much hate for Juvia within the fandom. She's just a girl who's in love and who has no problem showing her love for the person she's in love with.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Request Hurt To Comfort Fanfiction Of When Juvia Lockser's Male S/O Who

Juvia was out doing some shopping in Magnolia when she overheard two girls talking. "How can a woman like that be with him? She's so gloomy!" One girl had said to the other. "I know right? There's also rain wherever she goes!

And don't get me started with all the affection she gives him. He can't get a moment to breathe without her holding onto his arm!" The other girl spoke in reply. In that moment it was as though Juvia's whole world began to collapse.

Was what they said true? Did what they say was how her S/O thinks of her? Then just as she was taking all of this I'm the girl spoke again. "Not to mention she can be so clingy and obsessive! Honestly, I do take pity on her lover."

"Clingy." "Obsessive." It rang in Juvia's head over and over overwhelming her. It wouldn't stop it's all she can think of now. It was beginning to become too much for her she started to tear up and began running home. On her way, she passed Gray who had notched how upset she was.

"Juvia!" Gray had called out to her but kept on running not stopping until she reached the comfort of her room. Gray knew something was wrong so he ran back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. As this was happening Juvia finally made it to Fairy Hills and ran straight to her room.

She immediately fell onto her bed crying about what those girls said earlier. The words felt like a knife to Juvia's heart and kept on hearing the words the spoke in her head. All of this was too much for Juvia as began crying harder from their words.

Just then Gray had finally made it back to the Guild Hall to tell you about Juvia. You were with Natsu and Lucy just talking about some jobs you should take. Gray ran up to you immediately to tell you about the state Juvia was in.

"Hey, little brother I just saw Juvia a while ago. She looked very upset I tried to call out to her to see what was wrong. But she just kept running for whatever upset her."

This was a surprise to you what happened? Where's Juvia? Is she okay? All these questions raced through your mind. But just then Gray began to speak again.

"I saw her running off in the direction of Fairy Hills. She's probably already made her way there. So I would go there first to look for her."

Gray spoke to you again and you immediately got up from your seat. You then began to race out of the Guild Hall to go see Juvia. On your way out you shouted to Gray thanking him for coming to you and telling you about Juvia. "Thank you, Gray!"

You were worried so very worried about Juvia. Nothing like this had happened before so you could only imagine how Juvia must be right now. You had finally made it to Fairy Hills now and made your way to Juvia's room as quickly as you could.

You finally reached her door and knocked gently. "Juvia? Can I come in?" No response but you can hear Juvia crying through the door. "Juvia? I'm coming in alright?" You spoke as you opened her door and entered her room.

There she was you saw her as soon as you entered the room. She was crying heavily on her bed. She didn't even look at you when you entered the room she just continued crying.

You approached and sat down on the bed next to her as you began to speak. "Juvia? What's wrong? Will you tell me what happened? I'm really worried about you."

You began to rub her back with your hand in an attempt to comfort Juvia. After a while Juvia's crying seems to have begun to slow down and she was taking deep breaths. Then after some more time, Juvia spoke to you about what was upsetting her.

"Darling, am I too clingy?" Juvia spoke and it surprised you as you didn't expect that. "What? No of course not Juvia why would you think that?" Juvia then sat up next to you.

"Juvia was out shopping earlier today and I overheard these girls taking. They said I was too clingy and obsessive over you darling." It hurts your heart to hear this but your heart hurt even more seeing how it was affecting Juvia.

You then pulled Juvia into a hug her head resting on your shoulder and your head resting on hers. "I would never think anything like that Juvia. I love you more than life itself you mean so much to mean and I care about you more than words can express. Don't listen to them Juvia what they said isn't true.

I love you just how you and nothing will ever change that." As soon as you tell her this Juvia's mood changes and you see her start to smile again. "Thank you darling I'll never doubt your love for me again. I love you so much." Juvia spoke looking at you with a smile on her face. "And I love you as well Juvia."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother *you know the rest about him including that he is a kind young man and he is a ice mage like his brother..and he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice mage and Juvia was now his wife*) were asked the awkward question about where babies came from and obviously you spat out your tea at your son's (Greige Fullbuster is your son) unexpected question and you were not telling your six year old son where babies came from literally..it was understandably awkward considering how the hell you were going to explain where babies came from to your son..Greige was understandably confused about it when you and your wife (Juvia Lockser is your wife) told him that Greige was going to be a big brother when Juvia found out that she was pregnant and you two were going to have a daughter (you and Juvia told Greige the pregnancy news yesterday).

Your loving wife, Juvia Lockser thankfully rescued you from an awkward conversation because you were getting rather flustered trying to explain in a way that was appropriate to a six year old boy (you knew exactly how babies are made but you are definitely not telling Greige that!).

You and Juvia are adults and married happily..and Juvia is now Juvia Fullbuster because she took your surname.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother *you Know The Rest About

*the little boy in the image is Greige Fullbuster*

Papa Where do Babies Come From?

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Juvia Lockser and Greige.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Notes: Hmm don't really like how this turned out honestly. I mean I don't think it's awful but I think I could have done better. Also Greige going to be a little OOC here. I've read the 100 Year Quest manga but just couldn't get his personality right here so sorry about that.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother *you Know The Rest About

Today was just like any other day when you woke you saw your lovely wife Juvia. No matter how many times something like this happens you'll never get tried of the sight. You love nothing more than waking up seeing and Juvia laying next to you.

You put your hand on her cheek just admiring her as she slept. You could look at this sight forever and not get tired of seeing it. However, even though you wanted to do you knew you had to get started with your day.

"Juvia it's morning time to wake up." You spoke as you kissed Juvia on the cheek. Juvia then begin to wake up and you saw her beautiful blue eyes that you love so much.

"Good morning darling how did you sleep?" Juvia spoke rubbing her eyes as she had not fully woken up yet. "I slept well as always you know I sleep great when you're here with me." You spoke In response to her.

"That's good darling I'm glad you slept well. I suppose we should start our day now right?" Both you and Juvia now sitting up in bed and hold her. "Wish I could stay like this forever but we have to start our day. Greige might be upset with us if we decided to stay in bed all day."

Juvia laughed. "You're right he would be upset tho I would to see that cute face of his when he gets mad," Juvia spoke as you both got out and started getting dressed.

Juvia had finished getting before you so she went to check on Greige to see if he was awake or not. While Juvia was doing that you went to the kitchen and started to enjoy your food along with some time.

After some time your son Greige came into the kitchen and it looked like he had something on his mind. "Hey buddy what's up? You look like you've got something you want to ask me." You said to Greige as you drank some of your tea.

"Papa, where do babies come from?" Greige asked and you immediately spat out your tea and began coughing. "Papa, what's wrong?" Greige asked wondering why you had such a reaction to his question.

Your mind drew a blank as to how you should go about answering his question. You sat there confused unsure of what to say to him. But just then Juvia entered and saved you from the awkward situation!

"Oh, Greige you're a bit too young to know about that. But I promise I'll tell you when you're older. But I do have something to tell you. " Juvia spoke looking at her son happily. "What is it, Mama?" Greige said curious thinking about what his mother was about to tell him.

You stood up and walked over to Juvia as you kissed her and wrapped one of your arms around her. "You're going to be a big brother! Soon we'll be introducing a new person to this family your little sister!"

Juvia spoke happily that she could now finally tell Greige the news. "Me? A big brother?" Greige said in surprise to his mother.

"That's right buddy soon you'll have a little sister. You'll be a big brother to her make sure to keep her safe okay?" You said to your son.

Greige smiled running up to hug the both of you. "Yes, I promise I'll be the best big brother ever and protect my little sister!"

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail parenting fluff too scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother now an adult and he is married to Juvia Lockser who is now Juvia Fullbuster considering that she took his surname) came back home after a job that took longer than expected (you told Juvia on the phone that when you realised that) and it didn't exactly surprise you when you heard crying upstairs that belonged to your infant son, Greige Fullbuster and your poor wife was exhausted trying her best in trying to get him to sleep but Greige certainly wasn't having it today when you went upstairs *after you placed your bag on the floor* to Greige's room knowing exactly where the source of crying was coming from. You were Juvia's saviour when you came to help now that you are home..and of course you will..you are Greige's father and it was your role as a Dad to be a Papa to your son. You gently took your baby boy from Juvia's arms when you sat in a rocking chair opposite your wife as your son wailed in your arms. You vaguely remember a lullaby that your father sang to you when you were a baby when you couldn't sleep and you sincerely hope that this will work otherwise both you and Juvia were in for a long night. The lullaby worked wonders and how you remembered the lyrics was just lucky when you had your eyes on your son the whole time when you sang it and it definitely got Greige to finally sleep in your arms and you were clearly exhausted too when the tiredness caught up to you but you still had a gentle and steady hold on your son when you fell asleep with him in your arms..the both of you clearly looking peaceful.

https://youtu.be/FFIMtuFkUD4 (that is the song that you sang to your son, Greige Fullbuster to help him sleep)

*Greige Fullbuster is the boy in the photo*

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Parenting Fluff Too Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother

Troublesome Child

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Juvia and Greige.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Parenting Fluff Too Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother

You had been away on a job request you had taken from the Guild for a couple of days now. It had taken much longer than you had expected. However, you were now returning home after finally getting the job done.

You had called your wife Juvia that you would be arriving home soon. However, while talking with her you could hear your child crying. Juvia had told you that Greige had been non-stop crying for a while now.

Juvia wasn't exactly sure as to why Greige's behavior had changed recently. However, she suspected that it was because you weren't at home for a while. You weren't far from your home now so you would return to help Juvia with Greige.

After some time you finally arrived home to your lovely wife and son. You had knocked on the door to alert Juvia that you were home as you entered the house. After setting down your belongings you went to your son's bedroom.

Juvia was already in there trying to calm down Greige. Because of the job you had been away on this left Juvia to take care of Greige for some time. Juvia was tired from taking care of herself for a while.

She was happy to see you return home after being away for some time. "Hello, my daring I'm happy to see you return home safe and sound. " Juvia said as she kissed you and had Greige in her arms.

"Hello, love I'm happy to see you again. Why don't you go get some rest? I'll take care of Greige now so don't worry." You said as you took Greige out of Juvia's arms and kissed her. Poor Juvia looked tired from looking after Greige you wished you could have returned home sooner.

"Thank you darling hopefully Greige will be able to settle down now. You are my savior you know that? I'm going to get some sleep I'll see you later." Juvia said to you as she walked out of the going to get some much-needed rest.

You then turned your attention to your son Greige it looked like he had just finished crying before you arrived. "Now what trouble have you been causing your mother little man?" You said looking at your son who now had his attention on you.

You then went to sit on the rocking chair that was in Greige's room. It was something that always helped him sleep easier along with a lullaby. You began to rock in the rocking chair hoping to Greige at ease.

Surely after all that crying he had been doing he'd be tired just like Juvia. You knew Greige had a favorite lullaby that mostly Juvia would sing to him. "I might not be as good of a singer as your mama. But I'll sing your favorite lullaby how does that sound?"

You said looking down at Greige in your arms it looked like he had become tired. It shouldn't be too long before your son fell asleep. Even you were feeling quite tired yourself. After some more time, you began to sing his favorite lullaby to him.

"Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster's gone

He's on the run and your daddy's here

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy."

Greige had now closed his eyes fully relaxing in your arms as you sang to him.

"Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy"

His breathing slowed as he had now gone to sleep as you sang to him. You were feeling quite sleepy yourself you might end up falling asleep with Greige in your arms while on the rocking chair.

"Out on the ocean

Sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

'Cause it's a long way to go

A hard row to hoe

Yes it's a long way to go

But in the meantime

Before you cross the street

Take my hand

Life is what happens to you

While you're busy making other plans

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy"

You had now felt sleep taken over you as you struggled to keep your eyes awake. But even still you continued to sing to your son.

"Before you go to sleep

Say a little prayer

Every day in every way

It's getting better and better

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

Beautiful boy

Darling, darling, darling

Darling Sean

Good night, Sean

See you in the morning"

Barely being able to get the last words out of the lullaby you had fallen asleep. Both you and Greige had fallen asleep in the rocking chair as you sang to him. Him comfortable in your arms as both of you slept.

Juvia had awake to see you not in bed with her. She was a little concerned since you had returned home yesterday. So where were you?

Juvia had gotten out of bed to see where you were. After looking around some of the rooms she found you with Greige in his room.

Both of you are still asleep from when you were taking care of him yesterday. Juvia looked at both of you with love and happiness wondering how lucky she had to be to deserve the both of you.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail fluff scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother who is now an adult and he is Juvia's loving husband and he is a ice mage who is slightly stronger than Gray at it and he is a member of Fairy tail and Juvia is his wife) and Juvia obviously knew that when you and Juvia were on a job just to earn money.. Your children, Greige Fullbuster (your seven year old son) and Sophia Fullbuster (your 1 year old daughter) had been under the watchful care of your brother and Fairy tail and for the last few hours..some of the Fairy tail members had been eagerly repeating their names to Sophia (much to Greige's confusion)..hoping that she would say her first word and it would be a lie if Juvia or you (Juvia's husband who is Gray's younger twin brother *he is an adult and a ice mage but he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic*) didn't see the sight as bizarre (when you two came back from a job to the guild and Greige happily greeted you both when he ran up to you and Juvia and then Greige told you what was going on when you asked) of a bunch of guild members on their knees around a year old infant who was sitting on the play mat as the guild members eagerly repeated their names. Sophia was definitely grateful at being rescued from your guild mates when she reached up for you and you picked her up..

You weren't expecting for Sophia to say "Daddy" as her first word but it definitely brought tears to your eyes a bit at the first word being your name..it was a touching sight for everyone else.

https://youtu.be/Y7VpC9xmoF0 (Sophia's first word go to 0:22 for that)

First Word

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Juvia, Greige, and Lucy.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Fluff Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Twin Brother Who Is Now An

You and Juvia had just finished a quest and now returning home. But before the both of you did you went to the Fairy Tail Guild first. As both you and Juvia had asked your guild mates to babysit your children.

Of course, they were more than happy to babysit them! Of course, you went to Gray about this first and Lucy had also offered to babysit your children. Currently Gray and Lucy were with your youngest child Sophia.

Griege was also with them however confused about what the both of them were doing. Well, what were they doing? Currently Gray and Lucy were trying to make Sophia say your name!

"Daddy come on Sophia say daddy!" Gray spoke happily hoping to get her to say your name. "Mummy! Say, mummy Sophia!" Lucy spoke as she tried to get her to say Juvia's name.

Gray and Lucy were trying to get Sophia to say your Juvia's name as a surprise as what you surprise for when you both returned from the quest. Speak of the devil both you and Juvia walked through the entrance of the guild. Both you and Juvia had seen Gray and Lucy around Sophia wondering what was going on.

You walked over to your son Greige as he greeted both you and Juvia. "Hey, son what are Lucy and Gray doing?" "I'm not sure Papa both Lucy and Gray have been saying 'mummy' and 'daddy' to Sophia.

You and Juvia had caught on to what was going on here and smiled at it. By now both Gray and Lucy had noticed that you and Juvia had returned. "Oh hey, what did you return?"

Gray spoke as he turned to face you with a smile. You gave him a handshake as you responded to him. "Just now actually how has Sophia been?" You asked, "Oh just lovely she's been an angel!" Lucy responds with a smile.

"Good I'm glad to hear that!" You respond to her as you approach Sophia with a smile. "Hello angel how have you been?" You spoke as you as you picked her up.

"Daddy!" Sophia spoke with a smile on her face. "Her first word!" Juvia spoke happily her eyes shined with sparkly. "Her first word! You said your first word!" You said happily as the others gathered around celebrating Sophia's first word.

Tags :
1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail comfort and fluff scenario of when you (Gray's younger kind twin brother now an adult *he is a ice mage but he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice magic* and he is Juvia's husband and he is a loving father to Greige Fullbuster who is now five years old*) clearly have had a nightmare about that job you went on and it was concerning when Juvia woke up to realise that you weren't in bed with her. You were apologetic for making your wife worry about you when you realised that she came into the kitchen and you were sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of herbal tea..you were reluctant to open up about it but Juvia promised to listen and so you told her. The job you went on (Juvia knew full well of the job)...it took six months and you thought that you would never make it safely home to your family and the job itself involved clearing out an enemy fortress..that took five months and that last month was spending a month in hospital after sustaining some serious injuries and you actually required a blood transfusion. (That S class job was almost 3 months ago now)..admittedly Juvia had something to tell you as well..Greige had been having nightmares about losing you (his Papa) recently and obviously it had been the first time you had been away from him for that long when you were on that S class job request 3 months ago..speaking of the devil himself when you realised that you sensed that Greige was up when you and your wife turned around to face your little boy who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen *you and Juvia stopped hugging each other when you realised that*..he had that kind of expression on his face that basically told you that he have had another nightmare again..you knew exactly how it felt to have nightmares about losing people. You made Greige feel better about his nightmares when he told you what it was about when you gently picked him up in your arms so that he is on your lap, facing you and you promised that you will never leave him no matter what..he is your son and you told him that you love him dearly..no matter what people said..you are honest with your words and you meant every word you told Greige when you gave him eye contact and you love your wife and your little boy dearly.

(The nightmare that Greige had was of you telling him in a nasty way that you would never love him and so on).

*Greige Fullbuster in the Photo*

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Comfort And Fluff Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Kind Twin Brother

Talk to Me

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Juvia and Greige.

Genre: Comfort/Angst.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Comfort And Fluff Scenario Of When You (Gray's Younger Kind Twin Brother

Rolling over in bed Juvia felt an empty spot beside her. "Darling?" Filled with worry Juvia got out of bed in search of you.


The sound of a door could be heard opening. Looking up from where you were sitting you saw Juvia enter the kitchen. "Darling, are you alright? Why aren't you in bed?"

Juvia spoke with concern as she moved to the kitchen counter to prepare some herbal tea for you. "I don't want to talk about it you'd think less of me if I said it." You spoke hanging your head in shame not wanting your wife to think less of you.

"Oh darling now you know that isn't true! I love you and I could never think less of you so please talk to me I'm here for you." Juvia spoke with love and reassurance as she finished making your tea setting it down next to you.

"Thank you Juvia it means a lot it does." After taking a sip of the tea and taking some time to collect your thoughts you spoke again.

"It's just about the S Class Quest I took on all by myself when I really shouldn't have." Juvia's eyes widened she knew all too well about that quest you took on. For three long agonizing months, you were away on that quest.

Over those three months, Juvia was in a constant state of worry. Worried for you your safety and if you would even come back alive to her and Greige. It was torture but Juvia put on a brave face for herself reassuring him that you would come home.

"I just... I just had a nightmare about the quest I was on. Afraid that I would die afraid that would leave you alone afraid I'd never get to see your smiling face again. I was just so afraid Juvia."

Tears start to fall from your eyes Juvia moves from her seat to your side wrapping her arms around you in a hug. "Don't worry darling it's okay you're home and I'm here with you. Everything will be okay I promise."

You put your arms around Juvia in a hug as you cry into her shoulder. You missed her you missed her so much. You were so happy to be home with her again.


It was the sound of a door opening. "Papa?" Rubbing his eyes with a blanket in his arms it was your son Greige in the doorway. It seems he had woken up but why?

You and Juvia stopped hugging as Griege walked over to you. As he got closer you picked him up and set him on your lap. "What's wrong little guy? Why are you up at this time?"

You spoke trying to play off what had happened before Griege entered the room. "I've been having scary dreams about you Papa." This surprised you why would he be having nightmares about you?

Just then Juvia spoke "Darling ever since you left for that quest three months ago. It's been the longest Griege has been separated from you. He began having nightmares that you might not return home I reassured him that you would come home safe but the nightmares would persist."

"Oh, Greige..." You hug him protectively not letting go. "Losing someone it's a dreadful thing some move on but others don't. But no matter what as your father I'll be here for you from on I'll be here to support and protect you. I'll be here when you need me because I love you and I couldn't be more proud to call you my son."

You smile happy to be home to be safe again. Happy to be home with your wife and child. You were just happy being in the arms of your wife and child.

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario Platonic and angst and comfort because it is between parents and their child and the pairing between Juvia Lockser and Gray Fullbuster is Gruvia and they are married and adults. Juvia and Gray could clearly see that something was affecting you (their son age 5 *he is the most sweetest kid known to man and everyone and he is just starting to learn ice magic) and the lack of appetite for Juvia's cooking and your older brother Greige Fullbuster age 10 noticed that something was clearly up with you as well..you were a sweet kid but seeing you this down..clearly broke their hearts (the Gruvia couple and your brother and Fairy tail noticed that something was clearly up). Gray and Juvia made an excuse to talk to you alone just to divert Greige to leaving the room just in case if it was a private conversation..you were rather reluctant to open up about was wrong when you were gently picked up by your mum and you saw the concerned look on Gray's face..you were reluctant but you then..told your parents that..your close friend from school passed away from a illness yesterday and the teacher told your class and you guess that you should feel relived right? *you were clutching your toy rabbit (Lucy got you the rabbit for your fifth birthday) closer to you* That your friend wasn't in any pain when he passed away in his sleep..Gray promised to listen when he just told you to talk while your mother was already listening to you clearly knowing that you wanted to talk to someone *you faltered again* after a while though, you start talking, reluctantly, your voice faltering and stumbling on each syllable as you choose your words..it was a rough start but it soon steadies and along with it..to keep company the stories and the memories you are so fond of..are the tears *the rain outside started to fall the moment that you started to cry*...like any parent..the Gruvia couple hated seeing their children cry..it was generally heartbreaking.

https://youtu.be/kuU7gEaIGso (to help you with the angst scenario)

https://youtu.be/gLVTeHPu_kY (to help you with the tears ost)

Moving On

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray and Juvia.

Genre: Angst.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Male.

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Scenario Platonic And Angst And Comfort Because It Is Between Parents

You're behavior change had not gone unnoticed by your parents. You thought you were putting on a brave face. But your actions betrayed that and Gray and Juvia knew something was wrong.

At first Gray and Juvia thought that you would come to speak with one of them about what has been bothering you. But time passed and you still didn't say anything. Their ray of sunshine their beautiful son was hurting and they were hurting as well.

Juvia's cooking was something that she knew you were always looking forward to and enjoyed. However at dinner tonight you've barely touched anything on your plate. Picking and playing with your food with a sad expression.

Gray and Juvia had tried to make conversation with you but you didn't seem interested. All you wanted was to be alone and you didn't want your parents to see you in such a sad state. "I'm not feeling all that hungry. I'm going to go to bed goodnight Mommy good night Daddy."

You spoke pushing your plate away from you and getting up from your chair. You walked to your bedroom and your parents could tell you weren't feeling the best. Gray and Juvia shared a look knowing they couldn't let this go on any longer.

Juvia and Gray both made their way up to your bedroom. Juvia knocked on the door as she spoke. "Sweetheart, can me and your father come in?"

A weak and soft response could be heard through the door as you replied. "Yes..." With permission, both Gray and Juvia entered your bedroom. You were lying on your side facing away from them as they entered the room.

Juvia sat down on the bed next to you putting her hand on your arm for comfort. "Sweetheart you haven't been acting like yourself lately. You've had me and your father worried sick. Please tell us what's wrong?"

You sat up from your bed and hugged Juvia and she wrapped her arms around you. Gray also sat on the bed putting his hand on your head. You couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears just started to flow out like waterfalls.

"It's okay sweetheart we're here cry for as long as you need," Juvia spoke as she rubbed her hand up and down your back. Your grip on Juvia tightened as you cried even more.

Juvia had picked up the toy bunny that Lucy had gotten you for your fifth birthday and gave it to you. Holding the bunny you now started to calm down and started to cry less. "Sweetheart if you're ready please tell us what's been bothering you."

Juvia spoke with a concerned look on her face. After finally finding the words you spoke. "My best friend...my best friend has passed away."

You spoke as you held your toy bunny and rested your head on Juvia's lap. "Oh, honey..." Juvia spoke putting her hand on your head to comfort you.

Silent tears fell from your eyes and your father Gray spoke to you. "It's okay to feel sadness like this and to show emotion. Don't feel the need to hide it if something is bothering you talk to one of we're here for you.

I'm sure in their final moments your friend was happy they were happy they met you and everyone in their life. So don't worry even in their final moments they passed on happily and without pain."

With his words, Gray wrapped you and Juvia into a hug. You smiled as happy memories of you and your friend filled your mind. "Yea you're right Daddy I'm sure they were happy."

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1 year ago

Please may I have a Fairy tail fluff scenario and obviously the Gruvia couple are married and everything with two children, you (their eldest daughter only eight years old *she is a water mage and everything*) and Greige Fullbuster only a year old (their youngest son). It was when Lyon and Meredy came round to Juvia's and Gray's place for dinner with their daughter, Jane who is the same age as you (Jane is your childhood friend) and she wanted to test something out much to your confusion when she asked you to bring Greige to the living room *your parents trusted you considering how good you are with your baby brother and you are a good kid anyways*. You said that you didn't really believe that it was going to work considering that Greige was only a baby *you and Jane were sitting in front of him on the living room floor and in front of Greige was several items on a blanket that were meant to represent what he would value most in life..a pen meant that he would value a career, a dollar bill meant that he would value money and a felt heart would mean that he would value love etc..

Imagine your surprise when Greige practically pushed those items aside to crawl over to you..you didn't realise that you were one of the choices when he practically went over to hug you. You practically cried when he did that big time..it was a sweet sight to see, you told Greige that you loved him too *you hugged him in a gentle manner*. You almost worried your parents *they rushed into the living room* but they were quick enough to catch on to why you were crying a bit (once Jane explained)..it was rare when you cried so it was bit of a surprise for Gray and Juvia.

Dear Little Brother

Series: Fairy Tail.

Characters: Gray, Juvia, Greige, Lyon, Meredy, and Jane.

Genre: Fluff.

Proofread: Yes.

Reader: Female

Please May I Have A Fairy Tail Fluff Scenario And Obviously The Gruvia Couple Are Married And Everything

Knock knock.

Knocking could be heard from the door of the home Juvia was first to react to the knocking on the door. "Don't worry darling I'll get the door. Continue setting the table!" Juvia spoke as she approached the door to the home.

Unlocking the door and opening it the guests for tonight's dinner. It was Lyon and his wife Meredy. However, they were not the only ones as their daughter Jane was also with them.

Dinner is something that the two families would have often together. It was a good way to keep in contact and have their children play and get to know each other. Of course, just like the many precious dinner nights, Jane was excited to see Y/N and Greige.

"Ah Lyon, Meredy it's nice to see you again! Oh and if isn't little Jane look how big you've gotten please come in!" Juvia greeted the three of them as she led them to the dining room and closed the door.

Juvia turned to Jane and bent down to be at eye level with her. "Y/N and Greige are just in the living room go on in they'll be happy to see you!" Juvia spoke as she turned away and spoke with the others.

"Thanks!" Jane spoke as she held her backpack and went into the living room to see Y/N and Greige. Jane was your childhood friend and you trusted her very much. You got along well with her and were always happy to see her.

"Hi Y/N! Hi Greige!" Jane spoke as she entered the living room and sat next to you and Greige. "Jane!" You spoke happily as you hugged her excited to see your best friend again.

Greige didn't say anything instead just opting to wave. Jane laughed as the two of you parted from the hug. "I'm happy to see you again as well Y/N. But look here I've got something to show you!"

Jane spoke as she set down her backpack opening it and taking out multiple items. She placed all of these items down on a red blanket. "What's with all this Jane?" Y/N spoke confused as Greige just watched.

"Well, I'm glad you asked Y/N! All of these items represent your desires or goals. Such a dollar bill represents the need and want of money. Or this pen represents the want for a good career in your future!

"However this isn't for you but instead Greige! Yes, he's super young but still! I want to see what he would choose. So go on Geiger choose one if you have questions just ask!"

Taking a moment to listen to what Jane had to say Greige started to move. Both you and Jane watched him with curious eyes to see what he would choose. However, both of you were surprised when Greige moved the items out of the way and hugged you.

"I choose Y/N..." Greige spoke as he held onto you. You were shocked at first but that was soon overwhelming with happy tears. You hugged Greige back while crying.

"Oh, I love you too Greige! You are the best little brother I could have asked for!" Hearing the crying Juvia rushed into the room. "What's going on is everything alright?"

Juvia spoke in a panic worried one of you might have gotten hurt. "Oh no it's fine they were just..." Jane went on to explain what happened and why you hugged Greige. Now knowing what happened Juvia's heart melted at the sight and was glad you both got along so well.

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5 years ago
3d Textured Model Of Gray's Locket Form Fairytale. Made Using Maya 2018 And Rendered Using Arnold For
3d Textured Model Of Gray's Locket Form Fairytale. Made Using Maya 2018 And Rendered Using Arnold For

3d textured model of Gray's locket form fairytale. Made using Maya 2018 and rendered using Arnold for maya.

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