Fandom Disagreements - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

!Warning!: sadness

Do you know that feeling, when you are scrolling through the tumblr tags of something you really like and come upon a conflict. Sometimes it's a problematic post, sometimes it's a post pointing out problematic things about the fandom or a ship or the show or the writers. And you just get that churning feeling in your gut, like heavy stones of pain. And then you click on a tag, for some reason, that you know will have fights in it. And sooner or later you will come upon posts, that criticize things you also like/think, and you don't know if the person telling you not to do that is right, or the other person that counters with another argument. And you know, it's everyones right to have their opinions of things, but still the fighting somehow hurts. And by the time you leave the tags, you have this mountain of ice cold stones in your stomach. Do you know that feeling, like everytime you witness that, a tiny part of your fandom joy gets crushed?

Cause I do.

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