Hey there! I'm Jace, 19 year old (*2002). she/her and they/them. bi or pan. A (funktioning) depressed fangirl (girl? person? idek anymore) from Germany and working on my mental health (which is also the reason why I'm hardly on this site anymore). Part of more fandoms than there are stars in the sky, but mainly D&D shows (Dimension 20, Critical Role, NADDpod, The Adventure Zone, etc.) Musicals (Starkid, bare, Lizard Boy, etc.), MCU, Narnia, Marauders, K-pop, ... and sooo many more. Big multi-shipper. Love the angst. poetry & aesthetics™ enthusiast. I'll try to do inktober this year, but who knows.
531 posts
!Warning!: Sadness
!Warning!: sadness
Do you know that feeling, when you are scrolling through the tumblr tags of something you really like and come upon a conflict. Sometimes it's a problematic post, sometimes it's a post pointing out problematic things about the fandom or a ship or the show or the writers. And you just get that churning feeling in your gut, like heavy stones of pain. And then you click on a tag, for some reason, that you know will have fights in it. And sooner or later you will come upon posts, that criticize things you also like/think, and you don't know if the person telling you not to do that is right, or the other person that counters with another argument. And you know, it's everyones right to have their opinions of things, but still the fighting somehow hurts. And by the time you leave the tags, you have this mountain of ice cold stones in your stomach. Do you know that feeling, like everytime you witness that, a tiny part of your fandom joy gets crushed?
Cause I do.
More Posts from Philosynphonie
I relate to Yurio, because I also FREAKIN LOVE CATS!!!

also he's my favourite character
I'm finally watching Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
I'm 41 minutes in, and now I want a Niffler and I have a GIANT CRUSH on both Newt Scamander and Queeny Goldstein!

How Newt helps all those creatures, he's just the purest soul!
I also really love Credence Barebone, but it's a little cheating, cause I already loved him before (from the only things I've seen about FBawtf)

He're, take a niffler on the way. I'll just get on with watching.
Idea for a weird/awesome Doctor Who AU
Ok, ok. I just had an (kind of stupid but awesome ) idea for an Doctor who AU:
A pirate AU, where there is this group of famous scottish freebooters, with an whole lot of ships. The main leaders are:
• Amelia Pond, with her ship “Raggedy Queen”
• Rory with his battle ship “the Roman”
• and River with her smuggler ship “Melody”.
They all want to storm/defeat/capture the royal armanda called “Demons Run”. On the way, they get help from the mysterious man, with his odd nightblue ship called “Tardis” which just appears out of nowhere in the fogg. He calls himself the doctor and is a healer, traveller and collecter of all different strange things in the world. Nobody knows where this island Gallifrey, from where he claimes to be, is. All they know, is that he once worked on a ship named “Badwolf” and fell in love there, but then this ship disappiert forever. Some also claim to know, that the Doctor is a title of an ancient family, whose men pass the title down to their son.
It’s a bit rubbish, but I think its kinda cool… (and I’m a sucker for pirates)
As a Logan lover, this has officially crushed me... 💔
I am not a robot
I am Logan
The Logical Side
That doesn’t make sense
What am I?
If I am not Logic, then… What am I?
Through the process of elimination I should be logic, right?
But… I am not the smart one
I am not the reasonable one either
Am I even needed?
Do I contribute anything?
I’ve just made things worse now
I am a waste of space
I am no longer needed
“Teach me how to feel”
ok, but imagine a Supernatural/Until Dawn crossover
It would totally work, since both shows/games perception of wendigos is pretty much the same!
- season 2/3 Sam and Dean hear about something happening on Blackwood Mountain/ get a call for help from flamethrower guy, but they think that there's only one wendigo

- they get split up - Sammy follows Beths ghost to the cliff, he goes down, finds all of Beths stuff
- he also has a near run in with Emily later (who hides, cause she thinks he's the psycho)
- then later he finds Jess (what irony!) and meets Matt, saves him from the Wendigo that wants to meathook him
- Meanwhile Dean is searching Sammy, investigates the old Hospital, meets Mike, shares personal (badass) history, helps him amputate his fingers

- they find their way through the tunnels, meets (female) Sam
- they find Psycho/Josh with Chris and Ashley, secure Josh and Sam explains that he is sick
-Dean, Chris and Mike bring him to the shack, Dean reigns Mike in, but trusts him enough (as a temporary partner) to keep an eye on Josh
- then Emily runs in, lots of anxiety/shock, almost collapses and Mike half-carries her to the others, leaves Josh alone in the process
- Emily tells Dean about the guy in the caves, Dean deduces that it's flamethrowerguy and Sammy
I haven't thoght it out further. If anyone has an idea, how this could end, please continue!