Faygo - Tumblr Posts
Hey, so... was anybody gonna tell me Faygo's a real thing? Cause like, I saw it in the store a minute ago and nearly lost it...... nah man. How do I explain my reaction to this seemingly regular beverage to my parents? I can't.

This does not belong here.

drhhhhh....DRGRRHHHHH....*pops like a balloon animal and dies*

A while ago, I got the idea of making Faego (a pun on Faygo hehe) and so I drew Fantastisa the Faygo Fairy as a anothet element to go with this picture and I would really love to use her again one day!
Enjoy!! 🌈🌈

Homestuck DnD is fun especially when you get to summon Godfield than worship him
'i suppose this is a good opportunity to,,, tierlist some flavours ive tried, since i drink faygo sometimes'
1: grape, it tastes like purple, as it should
2: the 7up copycat flavours, self explanatory
0: cotton candy, only for specific tastes, and i am not one of them
-0: whatever this is supposed to be...

drinking faygo right now. it tastes normal

TC: ThIs rAw, uNpAsTeUrIzEd sOda iS mOtHeRfUcKiNg aBsOlUtElY dEcEnT mOtHeRfUcKiNg sHiT. I mOtHeRfUcKiNg lOvE hOw dIs sOda iS aLl mOtHeRfUcKiNg rAw aNd uNpAsTeUrIzEd, jUsT LiKe mE. sO bReW uP sOmE rAw sHiT mOtHeRfUcKeR, aNd nO h