Not Cats - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
So My Family Was Going On A Long Car Trip, Just Over A Year Ago. The Trip Was Long Enough That We Had

So my family was going on a long car trip, just over a year ago. The trip was long enough that we had to bring entertainment, so I was watching Twilight.

digression: I feel like people really overrate how bad it is. Like yeah, it’s not especially good, but it’s not that bad either. digression ends.

I was watching Bella’s first day at school, excited to see Edward - I had read the book, and she loves him so she hyped him up a lot. My certainty that Edward would be beautiful was only strengthened by the fact that Bella was gorgeous.

So I was immensely let down when Bella saw Edward from across the cafeteria and. well. He was okay, I guessed, but I didn’t see what all the fuss was about.

Piece by piece, my mind came to the realization that, hey - if they were both supposed to be super beautiful by conventional standards, but I wasn’t feeling Edward’s attraction at all - and if my two video game crushes had both been effeminate/not super gendered at all - maybe I just wasn’t attracted to men.

hey tumblr, wanna hear how i discovered i wasn’t straight?

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6 months ago

this didn’t really happen, but it easily could have:

random classmate: yo what you on?

me, away in the world of @undertalethingems ‘s wonderful comic: wha?

teacher, talking about predicate logic, ignores us completely

random classmate: what kind of drug


Unexpected Guests: Begin!
Next It’s been a while since I’ve drawn any comics, but I dusted off everything I’ve learned to turn a short fic I was working on into this!

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6 months ago

SERIOUSLY WHY ARE THERE SO MANY HUMAN WHEATLEYS? i’m freaking out here. why is this a thing? the personality cores are already super expressive, in a much simpler way than human faces. what’s going on here? why does tumblr think I’ll like this?

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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6 months ago


the bunny is mad at me for not letting him free roam the apartment and eat all the electrical cords and pee on everything else. woe. consternation. outrage. i pick him up and go mwah mwah mwah between his dumb little horse ears and he gets a little bit of his daily fruit allowance and forgets everything else. it's a magic spell

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6 months ago

why does it feel like such a white boy thing to accidentally/on purpose eat something with the outer layer still on it?

that one guy went to a high-class restaurant, ordered hard-boiled eggs, and ate them with the shells on. someone else bit directly into a whole avocado. i recently found out that my younger brother didn’t like edamame because he ate them with the pods on. why is this such a thing, and why does it happen to white boys in particular?

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6 months ago

ask me for advice one day and it’ll be “belief in the possibility of failure can make or break anything and everything” and then the next day it’ll be “do not be a dead goose in a bush next to a lake”

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6 months ago

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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6 months ago

forget all those “hot takes” on “omg what would happen if [predictable scenario] happened??”, what would happen if 682 saw that one image that everyone who’s ever seen it has been a loyal foundation member?

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6 months ago

i’m not sure how helpful my experience will be, since i was barely sapient during the initial buzz, but

i started reading homestuck for some reason i don’t remember - i think one of my parents made an in-joke? i asked them where it was from, they said “this webcomic, be careful, it’s really long” and left me to it.

(i don’t think my parents were ever super into homestuck, they just happened to know some of the lines. yes, i’m autistic, and they knew it.)

so i started reading it. it was only midway through that i found out that there had been significant fandom around homestuck, and because i’m a socially awkward nerd (and my parents won’t let me travel to california (: ) i don’t interact with the fandom a whole lot.

i guess my advice to someone starting to read homestuck would be: avoid other people’s opinions until you’ve formed your own (but still be sure to look at and consider those opinions), don’t take questions (especially of the “oh, have you seen [spoiler]?” kind) until you’re done, and remember that you don’t have to engage with any part of the fandom you don’t like.

seriously, don’t let anyone ruin this for you.

so homestuck is a big deal for a lot of people but if really feels like it was a "you just had to be there" sort of thing. (I was not there and barely know about it beyond what you get by just existing on tumblr) I'm curious if any of you know people that have dived in and "read" it all in recent years. How did they do it? How was their experience? Is this something that is even possible? How so?

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6 months ago
(xkcd #1922: Inferometry)

(xkcd #1922: Inferometry)

If You Arrange 9 Baby Seals In A Square You Can Make 1 Seal Block

if you arrange 9 baby seals in a square you can make 1 seal block

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6 months ago

warning: this was a lot longer than I expected, and contains purely hypothetical worldbuilding!

well, we’ve seen the “outside/inside the world” and curiosity/power aspects already, so I think my theme would have to do with time. in initial interaction with the lightners, I might answer questions before they’re asked. in battle, I would probably have low HP, but might dodge 90% of attacks with ease, but get hit extra hard by the other 10%. my attacks might do that rewinding thing you see in the Mettaton EX battle, or might move with unpredictable speeds. the reason I stop fighting the lightners? focusing this hard is giving me a headache, i need to go lie down.

backstory is difficult, because we don’t have very many examples of dark worlds. but since the third dark fountain is in toriel’s house, we can surmise that that dark world will feature elements of a cosy home. i’m gonna go out on a limb here, and decide that the ruler of my dark world is the living room TV. they rule over the dark world because they are the one who dispenses much-needed entertainment to the people. as for the people and lands…

some features of toriel’s house are: the fridge (cold, full of foodfolk), the sink (pleasant waterfalls and utensilfolk bathing), the oven (secret fight club where foodfolk and utensilfolk emulate superhero TV shows), the trash can (flowerfolk gossip and bake), the telephone (!!!), the couch and armchairs (the soft, fertile lands around the castle, peopled by lost quarters and lint), and the TV cabinet (castle of the TV, in front of the dark fountain). based on these features, we can get an idea of the layout of this dark world. since kris and susie are already very near the TV cabinet when the dark fountain is created, we can surmise that they have to journey to the left side of toriel’s house in order to enter the castle. now that we have a general idea of our heroes’ journey, time for the backstory.

I grew up as a happy flower monster, living in toriel’s trash can. but while the other flowerfolk were disinclined to wander, I yearned to see more of the world. when a strange noise echoed through the world, I jumped at the chance to go out and explore. I set off on an adventure to find the source of the ringing noise, and see the world while I was at it. but I saw more than I could ever have guessed…

I came back changed. my body was no longer that of a young flower monster. I existed in a superposition of states from my birth to my death. whenever I looked at my fellow darkners, i saw everything they would become - their eventual deaths weighed heavily on me. it wasn’t long before this became too much to bear, and i retreated to the telephone that had brought this upon me. I could at least count on one thing, I thought. The telephone, and the man on the other end, would stay there as long as I would exist. I could count on one thing, at least.

But the telephone never rang again.

Congratulations! Gaster has burdened YOU 🫵 with knowledge beyond your comprehension! You are now the proud owner of a shadow crystal!

What is your secret boss theme and speech/ battle gimmick? What would YOUR story be?

(reblog with your ideas! I would be happy to read them)

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5 months ago

woah this character is so cool i wish they were covered in blood their whole body trembling with a look of absolute horror on their face as theyre struggling to breathe in panic

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5 months ago

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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5 months ago

i have, in cases of duress, eaten ice cream with:

a spork

a fork

a knife

only the head of a plastic spoon (after a tragic ice-cream-related mishap)

my finger

a shard of hard plastic

some weird metal thing, kind of curved and with a narrow end

i haven’t tried eating ice cream with an allen wrench, but it sounds better than freezing the pails out of your finger. do not reccomend that.

spacefighter413 - Kalani A.

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5 months ago

35th day without access to a kitchen, i’m in the school cafteria using an empty peanut butter jar to make a vanilla milkshake

25th Day Without Access To A Kitchen, Im In The School Cafeteria Making Imitation Sopor Slime Out Of

25th day without access to a kitchen, i’m in the school cafeteria making imitation sopor slime out of pudding and jello

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5 months ago


Apostrophes are used to form possessives of nouns, to indicate the omission of letters, and occasionally to form plurals of lowercase letters. Does this make sense to you? Let’s go into more detail:


“the man’s hat” is the hat of the man.

“James’ hat” is the hat of James. Note that “James” ends in “s”, so the additional s can be excluded or included.

For joint posession, such as “Kylie and Jacob’s game”, only the final noun has an apostrophe.


Commonly known as contractions, this category is one of the most frequently misused. Let’s (let us) look at some examples.

“don’t” do not

“who’s” who is (although, depending on context, you may want to use “whose” instead)

“could’ve” could have - this is frequently misheard “could of”, which is gramatically incorrect

Decades of the 1900s are also commonly shortened “the ‘60s”, “the ‘80s”, and so on.

And most importantly,

“it’s” means “it is”, AND IS NOT THE SAME AS “ITS”. “Its” is a possessive pronoun meaning “belonging to it”, as in “The Council has made its decision.”

Possessive pronouns such as “theirs” and “its” do not need apostrophes to show that they are possessive. If you’re using indefinite pronouns such as “anyone” or “nobody”, then apostrophes ARE used to indicate possession, as in “It’s everybody’s dream.”

Let’s try some examples:

“___ a wonderful life” - it’s

“(examining a computer) ___ hard drive is dead.” - its

“___ no biggie.” - it’s

“This meeting will attempt to address some prior concerns of ___ members.” - its

Does this make sense? I know, English sucks.

One other thing:


If you want to refer to, say, how many instances of the letter “s” occur in a text, you might want to say something like “There are 67 s’s in the text.” This indicates the single letter’s separation from the plural. Compare it to its counterpart, without the apostrophe - “67 ss in the text” is harder to read.

Apostrophes should not be used in pluralization of anything else. If you say “I spent hours’ waiting in the rain”, then you are not only a wet fool, but gramatically incorrect. “Hours” is already a full, pluralized word - you don’t need to add anything.

Please, please share this information. Check your work. DON’T count on your teachers to find and correct these mistakes - even English teachers get this wrong. Please do your part to make the world a better place.

Sincerely, a grammar nerd who gets a migrane every time she sees “it’s” in place of “its”

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5 months ago

tumblr, please. i’m dying over here. please share your experiences, even if you think they won’t be helpful. please, i need to know

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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5 months ago

i’ve heard that south park is terrible, but i’ve also seen such loving renditions of its characters that i kind of want to watch some anyway

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