Why Did I Make This - Tumblr Posts
Sorry for the last two seconds. I was not about to spend money to make a less than 20 second meme(?).
I saw this ship on tiktok on now i cant stop thinking about about-

Bow eats a chair cause why not

I got bored and decided, fuck it, we ball, and drew Pete and Foxy from Step Closer. Absolutely love that story, but Pete is not my favourite character in the world.
I don't even know what led me to drawing him lmao. I hate eye gore, and it makes me super uncomfy lmao.
⚠️TW! Mild Eye Gore⚠️

Pete is kinda basic tbh. But chill.
I’ve found some old art of mine. God how my art has changed since this era of my art journey

I’m not a huge fan of some of these, in my opinion, really only the Stollen and Black Pearl drawings are good but they could still be way better.

Hot Soup: The Game in a nutshell

Did I do two versions of the same thing?
Am I proud that this was how I decided to spend my time?
Did I do it anyways because I have no self control?
Will All Might be fine tho?
I'm sure
Like 10% sure
But still he'll be fine
Jk lol no he won't

I decided to draw bnha character as ponies from mlp
For some reason
Mostly because I taught myself to draw in that style when I was into mlp and continued drawing in that style for some reason

The saddest toshi I've ever drawn
Why the hell did I draw this?
I wanna hug him
I have added to the list of bnha as mlp

Because why not
Dabi has the same candy cane style horn as todoroki
Also goddamn tall might pony is beefy as hell
I also just realized present mic is the only one with clothes

I decided to draw bnha character as ponies from mlp
For some reason
Mostly because I taught myself to draw in that style when I was into mlp and continued drawing in that style for some reason

Well I finished this
No one asked for this
No one wanted this
I still don’t know why I did this
You’re welcome

So I got really bored and decided to draw this
Don’t ask why
I have legitimately no idea why I decided this was a good idea
There is no story for this
I’m just a horrible person to my favorite characters
Do for some reason I decided to make this digital
Don’t ask why
I don’t have a good answer
I’m sure he’s fine tho

So I got really bored and decided to draw this
Don’t ask why
I have legitimately no idea why I decided this was a good idea
There is no story for this
I’m just a horrible person to my favorite characters

Ah yes, my favorite Urinetown character, amenity #9
I have this story (under the same name) on wattpad if you want to read the chapters faster I’m on there more!
I climbed my rope back down the counter.but as soon as i reached the ground i could have sworn i heard footsteps. Human footsteps. I looked around just in case and as I suspected, nothing. I ran back to the walls but right before I could get in I saw the door open, I ran under the counter just in case and stayed completely silent. I saw a pair of familiar boots walk in front of the counter and stop. I knew those boots. Those were the bullies boots. I heard the shake of a spray paint can and one second later I heard the spray of a spray paint can. “Was he vandalizing the school?” I thought.
Once I heard him start to walk away I ran out from under the counter. The moment I got to the middle of the room, I heard footsteps, human footsteps. I looked around and the only thing I knew I could hide in and get to before the human got here.
That thing was no other than a backpack. The back pack belonged to a human, a human none other than the bully.
I hopped into the biggest pocket and hid under a newly empty can of red spray paint. As soon as I got under the can I felt the backpack be lifted off the ground and rather roughly thrown onto his shoulder. I couldn’t really tell but we walked for what felt like hours until I heard the painfully loud unzipping of a backpack zipper. I tried to stay as still as possible, breathe as quietly as possible and pray he doesn’t lift the spray paint can. Just moments later I felt the spray paint being lifted and saw light seep down the bag and directly onto me. I was frozen in fear, I shut my eyes tight and went limp half hoping he would either not notice me or lose interest quickly if he did in fact notice me. “I'm going to die, i'm going to die, i.am.going.to.die.” was all that was going through my head while we sat in silence for probably about 30 seconds before i heard rustling and felt his fingers start to wrap around me like snakes. I almost struggled but I was too scared to move, so there I lay limp in a giant hand waiting for my imminent death. I was lost in my own thoughts but was suddenly brought back to reality when he started speaking. “What is this? Some kind of doll?” he asked. I assumed the question was rhetorical given he didn't know i was a living thing and couldn't have been asking a “doll” a question that seemed crazy, even to me.
I was slowly lifted to eye level and he started to look at me all over, probably trying to find a button or latch or anything that might tell him what was going on. I finally dared to open my eyes a crack out of curiosity but my eyes ended up meeting his deep brown eyes and we made eye contact.
We were both too stunned to speak or even move until he broke the silence. “You.. you're alive!??” he asked. “obviously” i thought as i mentally rolled my eyes “is this some kind of sick joke my friends are playing on me?”. “P-please……dont hurt me” i pleaded, i hate that he saw me cry and heard the weakness in my voice. He dropped me suddenly when he processed what i had said, i let out a shriek of pure terror as i went hurling toward the hard wood floor of the bullies bedroom. I closed my eyes and braced for impact only when I hit the floor it was a lot softer then i had thought. I cracked one eye open and saw it, I was on a giant hand. I started to crawl backwards towards the edge of his hand, anything even death was better than being at the mercy of a giant.
Growing up I had always been taught that humans were nothing but merciless monsters. I had been told never under any circumstances trust a human and NEVER be seen. I had already broken the “don’t be seen” rule but I was determined to get as far away from this boy as possible and forget this ever happened. I suddenly bumped into what felt like a bumpy wall, i looked behind me and realized his fingers were curled in a way that made it so I couldn't fall off his hand. “Woah, woah, calm down. It's ok i promise i won't hurt you” he said in a gentle and calm voice, almost making me calm down, almost. I looked up at him with big fear filled eyes and silently pleaded with him to let me go. “A-are you hurt?” he asked in a voice that sounded kind, almost concerned.i shook my head no. he looked shocked, and for a moment i was confused that was until i realized, i had just given it away that i could understand him.
“Wait. c-can you understand me?” he asked. It was already to late to play dumb so i nodded weakly. “Th-then can you talk?” he asked, raising his voice. I covered my ears due to the volume but eventually said “y-yeah” I said it quietly enough so he would have to be really listening to understand. He was really listening.
“I'm going to stand up now. Ok?” he said as less of a question and more of a statement. I nodded slowly as he stood up to his full height, making me a bit dizzy.
He walked over to a desk that was placed in the side of the room right next to an almost completely full bookcase. Once he reached it he sat down in a desk chair and gently set me down on the desktop. as soon as my feet hit the ground and ran as fast as I could to the edge of the desk. I was around halfway to the edge when a giant hand slammed down in front of me, I stumbled and fell on my back. This was it, this was the end, I shut my eyes tight and waited for some sort of pain only to feel the tip of a giant finger lift my chin up. “Look, I know you want to run but please stay just for a little bit. I have so many questions and it’s not safe for someone as small as you to be running around in my room.” He said softly, taking note of my tiny ear drums. I slowly opened my eyes and locked eyes with his big,big brown ones.
His eyes looked pleadingly at mine as I thought over what to do. On one hand I didn’t want to run again and make him mad but I really didn’t want to risk staying and miss my opportunity to leave. It was settled I would stay, though I would keep my guard up just in case.
“O-ok I’ll stay, but please don’t let this be a trick” I said just loud enough so he could hear me.
He looked sad for a second before he slowly set me on the desk. I noticed he left his hand nearby just in case I decided to run again. I stood up and saw his hand twitch in the corner of my eye.i tried to hide how uneasy I was and looked up at him. I started to shake when I saw that he had already been looking down at me. “So what are you?” He asked, startling me only a bit but just enough so he could see me step back. “sorry I didn’t mean to scare you! I-I’m not really used to being around um what are you exactly?” I looked at him, “ should I tell him what I am? Would that be giving away my whole Species?” I debated with myself for a few seconds. “You don’t need to know what I am. You can just call me by my name.” I said rather sounding rather snappy, “how can I call you by your name if I don’t know your name?” He said with a chuckle.
My face turned bright red with embarrassment, “yeah sorry I didn’t really think about that I guess” I said rather quietly, “i-it’s April”. “What? Sorry I couldn’t hear you,” he said with a smile. “My name is April!” I said a bit louder, “ sorry still didn’t catch that, you're just so small” “MY NAME IS APRIL!” I practically yelled, “just can’t quite hear you” he said.
That jerk! He just wanted me to make a fool of myself by yelling. “Your such a jerk! You big bully” I said quieting down at the last part. he quickly scooped me up and lifted me to his eye level, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said a half mocking apology tone. He reached a finger over to my stomach and poked me, I tried to suppress a laugh but it still came out as a giggle. I looked in his eyes to see wonder and playfulness swirling in them, oh no. “Are you ticklish?” He said, raising one eyebrow. “N-no” I said, looking away quickly.
“I think there’s only one way to find out……” he said as he lifted his finger again towards my stomach. I tried to shy away but I was met with a wall of fingers, I was trapped. But not a menacing kind of trapped, more of a playful trap, though it still made me feel a bit uneasy.
Then, the tickling started. I couldn’t hold back and I burst into laughter, I couldn’t stop and he wouldn’t stop tickling no matter how hard I pushed at his fingers.
“So you are ticklish!” He said now laughing himself “just take this as a sort of punishment for lying” “s-s-stop!” I stuttered through my giggles. “Say the magic word,” he said as he tickled harder, I looked up at him with my best puppy dog eyes and said “please stop”. He paused “ok, ok I’ll stop. You're just too cute!” He exclaimed. I was still catching my breath when I glared at him. “ I am not cute!”. “Oh but you are,” he said, moving his finger back. “Ok, OK I’m ADORABLE! stop with the tickling!!” I yelled.
He lowered me to his chest. I was wondering what was going on when he squashed me to his chest. I tried to scramble away but he just pushed me into the warm fabric of his shirt more. I stopped trying, realizing it was useless.
After a few moments he moved me away from his chest, I glared up at him. “You're such a big bully” I pouted quietly, “I’m sorry but you're so cute I just had to give you a squeze!” He said with a fake pouting look. I just rolled my eyes,crossed my arms and looked away. I know I was kinda pushing it but I definitely wasn’t thinking straight, probably because I was just smushed into a giant man’s chest! But still I didn’t think he would hurt me, at least not on porpoise. I might die from too much tickling.
Just then I had a mini heart attack while he pushed me into his pocket almost fast enough to give me whiplash! I was shaking and hyperventilating. “What is going on!? Has this really all been a trick?” I thought, as I was sitting there I went through almost every emotion except for happiness going from shock, to fear, from sadness, to anger.
Why had I ever thought I could trust him? A human. I felt angry tears at the brim of my eyes threatening to spill when I heard it, the sound of a door opening.
“He was just hiding you,” I repeated in my head to calm myself. He could have at least explained.



did i spend at least 15 minutes painting an egg on my computer?