February Productivity Challenge - Tumblr Posts
february productivity challenge
Heeyy, let's try this! First day, first answer! Also first productive day of February!
Day 1: What’s your favourite podcast?
The Minimalists and UI Breakfast. It’s fully connected with my interests so probably you could find it boring. I cannot recommend it for everyone :>
The Minimalists is about living with less and being focused on real values.
UI Breakfast podcast is a series of interviews with more and less popular people who are connected with user interface design, product design ect.
Usually I listen to them during morning commute, work or breakfast.
february productivity challenge
Day 2: What are you reading right now?
I’ve started many books at once. So now the most regular “returning” title is “The Magus” by John Fowles and “Dune” by Herbert. Also I enjoy doing my excercises and morning pages from “The Artist’s Way” written by Julia Cameron. I bought myself an ebook reader for Christmas and I’m in love with it! I can grab all of those started titles with me everywhere!

february productivity challenge
Day 3: What's your nighttime routine like?
It’s pretty funny. (It’s a mess... it’s not funny)) But since I’ve started living in small apartment with my bf we share a lot of time together. So... I try to reserve some evening time for myself. But usually I end like playing video games and watching tv series..
My nighttime routine doesn’t exist. Sometimes I have some work to do. Sometimes I read books and have a calm, cozy atmosphere around. Sometimes I have to do groceries and I enjoy doing it lately because shops are mosty out-of-humans hahah.
Yeah, tbh with you... I’m pretty disorganized this year. And that’s why I decided to do this challenge! Now I try to do my own planner and use it as my main plan for February. I really enjoy block method of time schedule, but it’s not working for me cause I do many different things every day, and usually threre’s something unexpected. Also I travel a lot (I have my family and friends pretty far from me) so it’s not that easy to have one plan to do. That’s why I use a calendar this year.

february productivity challenge
Day 4: What would you describe your study method as? Sometimes I use pomodoro method. But what I truly prefere is making notes by hand and sketch a lot. I love using colorful Mildliners, crayons, pencils. I just try to do my best. Also I prefer doing it all in one notebook with bookmarks. I always lose separate pages and they usually crumple in the backpack (what do you do with your backpacks so that they don’t become a mess???). Also I enjoy making 3d models (by clay or polystyrene) but mostly because I study architecture.
february productivity challenge
Day 5: What's the most recent thing you've dreamt?
I dreamed about becoming an architect. And now I’m starting regret it a bit... just a bit. But I appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of this field! Now I just do what I enjoy and try to find my path. It's a winding road, but I believe there is a satisfying goal at the end. ((Photo from plain-air when I still truly dreamed of becoming an architect...))

february productivity challenge
Day 6: What are your current top 5 songs?
Did you watch Space Force? ...
My top 1 now is Kokomo by The Beach Boys. It’s my comfort zone song, like for Mark Naird... Don’t judge me!
top 2: Fade to Black - Metallica
top 3: YEAH RIGHT - Joji
top 4: Home - Corey Taylor ♡
top 5: Unsainted - Slipknot
february productivity challenge
Day 8: Is there someone you recently got acquainted with? How did you meet them?
Not really. Now in my country, COVID has the party-hard, so.. I usually stay home. Tbh with you, sometimes I feel a bit alone in my new place. Probably due to the pandemic and closure, I have become more closed person. Sometimes I am ruled by fear and anxiety.
In a month I'm going to start my master's degree, so then I'll meet someone... maybe. I change the university to a master's degree, so I have to accept the fact that most people already know each other and form groups... and there is a chance that I'll be pretty lonely there. But I'm going there for myself, not for others... am right?

february productivity challenge
Day 9: Have you been anywhere recently for the first time? How was the experience? Recently-recently... yeah. Because I moved to another place, some parts of the city are unknown for me. Soo, recently I saw many beautiful post-war tenement houses. When the street is well preserved it’s pleasure to have a walk along. I enjoy my current place. It’s pretty romantic and I can say... pretty #darkacademian haha

february productivity challenge
Day 11: What’s a piece of random trivia that you know? The largest pumpkin in the world weighs 1226 kg.
february productivity challenge
Day 12: What’s your favourite family tradition?
Eating long breakfasts during weekend. We can spend like two hours on talking and slowly eating. It’s time for important talks and for goofy gossips. This usually extends over coffee and cake, so.. yeah. Lazy mornings with my family around the table.
february productivity challenge
Day 13: Do you like video games? What's a game you've wanted to play for a while? What's the last game you've played?
Oh yeah, I enjoy it unfortunatelly.
When I was a teenager I really wanted to play Skyrim and my friends bought me it for birthday’s gift. It was huge surprise for me, cause I usually don’t talk about games too much! Ahh, also they knew that it would be a great gift for me, so one of them hid in the bushes and recorded my reaction to the present. This is the stupidest video I have. My jaw dropped from the impression.
About last game - it takes two on PS. Great title to coop! Also I enjoy Farming Simulator, but don’t tell anyone.
february productivity challenge
Day 14: What's a youtube channel you really like?
I don’t watch YT often, tbh. But there is one polish channel, which is provided by middle aged woman who is sooo true and authentic. I watch her videos when I have a moody day. She always makes my day.
february productivity challenge
Day 15: When you hang out with friends, what do you usually prefer to do?
Just sitting and chatting. I’m not really “dynamic” person. Also I enjoy long walks and playing boardgames. There was a time in my life when I was going out to crochet in the park with my friend. Yeah, I am a grandmother in the soul. Also I have a few old-aged friends.... well.
february productivity challenge
Day 16: What's something you would like to make if you had the time and/or skill?
Painting watercolors. I try! I try really hard! I almost rage quit it!

february productivity challenge
Day 17: What’s your favourite place you’ve ever visited?
Verdens Ende in Norway. My love. My true love inexplicable, authentic and indisputable.

february productivity challenge
Day 18: What’s the best advice you’ve received and consciously try to follow?
“This is the best what they can give you. Take it gratefully, whatever it is.“
I repeat this every time someone makes me upset or disappoints me. And then I feel better. It's not my fault it's the best they've got.
february productivity challenge
Day 20: If you made a youtube channel, what would it be about?
It would be about architecture studies and my love-hate relationship with it. But I'm too shy to start it...
february productivity challenge
Day 21: What's something you've wanted to take a deep dive into but haven't got the time to yet?
Yeah.. Astronomy and physics. My mysterious series of unreaded books...

february productivity challenge
Day 22: What are your favourite colour combinations?
Sth like this... >

february productivity challenge
Day 23: What's a gift you'd give to someone if you don't know them all too well?
Something hand-made. A handmade cup or bowl. Everyone loves beautiful cups.