Loneliness - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

The Rock Garden

Just a concept that I had. Feel free to take the idea and run with it if you’d like.


There is a place, where the lonely go. Magic is strong there and some who enter do not return. It is always a gamble, to leave your existence in the hands of others. But it was one I was willing to take.

Had to take.

There is a point, that some of us come to. When the voices telling you that no one is this large and overpopulated world actually cares what happens to you start to win you over. You don’t want to believe. But the evidence seems to pile up, high as mountains, to prove you wrong. And hope seems to die.

Until it’s barely a flicker.

So you go, to the place, after reaching the point. You make the deal.

I made the deal.

Relief. A break from the world and the pressures and the loneliness. A chance to not feel anything. To just be. And to be content with that.

For a time.

Until there comes someone. To the place. Without the deal. And sees the garden. A garden of rocks.

A garden of statues.

For that was the deal. Flesh to stone, time to pass, forever alone, feelings to ash.

And this someone goes to the statues, looking at them all, so life-like, so expressive. Inspecting each one, they marvel and continue into the garden. Until they come to one, one they like, one that calls.

You, me, someone else. Anyone.

And they lift the curse. Stone to life, alone no more, together in strife, come from before.

And we suddenly have it. That someone. Who will gives us a chance. And we are not alone.

So until that day, we will wait. At the point, in the stone, in the place.

Rocks in the garden.

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1 year ago

Coping with Depression and Loneliness During the Holiday Season

Shaina Tranquilino

December 3, 2023

Coping With Depression And Loneliness During The Holiday Season

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many individuals, it can be an emotionally challenging period filled with feelings of depression and loneliness. Whether you're experiencing these emotions due to personal circumstances or simply feeling disconnected from the festive spirit, it's essential to remember that you're not alone. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical strategies to help cope with depression and loneliness during the holidays.

1. Acknowledge your feelings: Recognizing and accepting your emotions is the first step towards healing. It's crucial not to dismiss or invalidate what you're going through. Understand that it's okay to feel sad or lonely during this time; these feelings are valid.

2. Reach out for support: While it may seem difficult, reaching out to family members, friends, or even helplines can provide immense comfort during trying times. Sharing your feelings with someone who cares about you can alleviate some of the burden you may be carrying.

3. Seek professional help if needed: If your depression persists or intensifies despite efforts to cope on your own, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Mental health professionals can offer guidance tailored specifically to your situation and provide strategies for managing depressive symptoms effectively.

4. Engage in self-care activities: During the holiday season, prioritize self-care activities that promote relaxation and well-being. Take walks in nature, practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga, listen to calming music, read a book, take long baths – whatever helps you find solace.

5. Volunteer or give back: One way to combat loneliness is by getting involved in volunteering opportunities within your community. By helping others in need or spreading cheer during the holidays, you'll not only make a positive impact but also connect with like-minded individuals who share similar values.

6. Create new traditions: If previous holiday celebrations have been a source of sadness or loneliness, consider crafting new traditions that resonate with your current situation. This could involve engaging in activities you genuinely enjoy, such as cooking a special meal, watching favourite movies, or taking a trip to explore a new place.

7. Limit social media exposure: While social media can be a valuable platform for connection, it can also exacerbate feelings of isolation and inadequacy during the holidays. Remember that people often curate their best moments online, so take breaks from excessive scrolling to focus on self-care and avoid comparing yourself to others.

8. Reach out to support groups: Explore local community centers, religious organizations, or online forums that offer support groups for individuals experiencing depression or loneliness during the holidays. Connecting with others who understand what you're going through can provide comfort and reassurance.

Remember, it's essential not to let depression and loneliness consume you during the holiday season. By acknowledging your emotions, seeking support when needed, engaging in self-care activities, and creating new traditions, you can navigate this period more positively. Embrace the opportunity to connect with others and find solace in the small joys life has to offer. Although challenging at times, remember that brighter days lie ahead – even during the holiday season.

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8 months ago

always in the middle, but never the life of the party. i sit in the middle to have a chance. i rarely take it. no one answers my questions and no one laughs at my jokes. my neighbor graces my arm while i’m pouring a drink. sorry, he says. i didn’t think he knew i was there. assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. everyone assumes and no one asks. i thought you were supposed to grow into yourself when getting older. i just feel like i’m growing backwards. my body is getting smaller with each passing minute and no one notices. maybe no ones cares. the sun is shining through the cracks of the door and i want to open it, but there’s no key. (yes, i tried pulling and pushing. it didn’t work.) the rocks i’m leaning on turn into animated animals and get up and walk away. the children laugh. they don’t know that this is not a comedy.

            ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎— always in the middle, but never the life of the party by m.b.

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10 months ago
So Very Lonely

So very lonely

Black sharpie on paper

Los Angeles 2016

De Kooning once said, "In order for art to work the finished piece needs to at least look better than the original blank canvas."

I think de Kooning said that.

Maybe I imagined it.

In that case I said it.

I don't know.

The Rolling Stones- 2000 Lightyears from home

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9 years ago
 Lulus Secret Desires Www.facebook.com/lulus.secret.desires

© Lulu’s Secret Desires www.facebook.com/lulus.secret.desires

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10 years ago

Here's a new song I recorded in a super fun session with Jan Kerscher at Ghost City Recordings a couple of weeks ago. Mastered by Christian Hielscher.

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8 years ago

Breaking up with friends is actually a thing. One day they're all nice to you and then BAM they ghost you. You don't get any kind of warning and you're left wondering what you did wrong while you see them all happy together on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.

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Best Fine Art Photography

Best Fine Art Photography

500px’s list of best fine art photos in 2012. Included is a stunning image of a lone man walking down a desolate road, called Passenger, by Hossein Zare

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9 years ago

The devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for.

Tucker Max, Assholes Finish First (via skinned-kneees)

So what am I supposed to be looking for?

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11 years ago

Sometimes you feel so alone that it hurts inside but the thing is you have people around you and yet they won't understand. They only person to go to is God, he will hear you but its just the response sometimes can be a while. So what I need now is prayer, peace, and patience.

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11 years ago
No One Truly Wants To Be Alone....

No one truly wants to be alone....

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5 years ago


The cold surrounded me

I couldn’t feel my limbs anymore


But wonderful pleasant pain


I couldn’t and didn’t want to

The weight of the water pressed all the air out of my lungs

My clothes dragged me deeper and deeper down

Into the all-devouring darkness

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5 months ago

depression is best articulated as loneliness imo. its cold and isolating, unrelentless in its ignorance of reality. in moments of clarity, i am able to feel the love my friends so readily give me. but most the time i am alone. i long for what i have.

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1 year ago
The Night Is Silent, And I'm Here, Lying Alone In My Bed In My Room's Embrace,

The night is silent, and I'm here, lying alone in my bed in my room's embrace,

I am fascinated by the moon's grace.


I see the moon teasing me,

And I can't sleep as I can only see.

As I lie on my bed, my eyes are heavy with sleep.

The window shadow its vigil shall keep


The shadow of the window is my new companion.

Oh, how smart it is to pass through the curtain!

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7 years ago
Estudio Nx #retrato #esculptura #griega #loneliness

Estudio n°x #retrato #esculptura #griega #loneliness

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tfw you come across some content (usually a piece of fanfiction) which makes you remember you wanna wear silk ties and sense life deeply, and you start shaking with long-forgotten passion for being fierce and true and vulnerable and dramatic like you're intoxicated with the perfect fantasy you learnt to abandon, and you wanna grab someone hard enough to leave bruises on their skin and let summer flow through you along with coffee and fresh cigarettes, but there's nobody and you're just a lonely quirky man forever imprisoned inside your mind and then you start listening to slow iamx songs

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