Feralnette Au - Tumblr Posts

Fanart of @bigfatbreak's Feral Ferret that we love & Adore.
[I apologize if it looks bad, i'm completely self-taught since I can't retain information given to me in a teaching environment. I tried my best tho!]
Now it's the only thing keeping some people in the fandom at all. *Cough* me *Cough* Anyway! I love your Felix design for the feralnette au! Their non-binary feral ass keeps me alive
I’m not so good at keeping a lot of things straight, but if I did like. a few full akuma “episodes” would that be cool? like start to finish kind of thing
I really wanna make a whole comic where Felix first befriends Feralnette and how all that goes down. I work full time so I don’t always have the energy to be consistent, but I think it might be fun to do, especially as practice
I generally work in like short scenes because I can get those done in a sitting without work interfering with my spoons, and I like interacting with ppl, but it might be especially fun to see how Felix and Mari first kicked it off and how the classroom responds to everything
I’ve also gotten more than a few asks about it, so showing it in full I feel would be better than responding bit by bit out of order
May we have more of Lady Clarity reveal stuff from your Feralnette!au, pls? Also maybe some feralnette going apeshit after defeating sandboy chat blanc, pls. More food, it is very yummy.

first of all, here's a doodle of what i imagine lady clarity to look like, her akumatized item is a magnifying glass that fires energy beams. if you're hit, your phantom heart pops up and starts spewing your thoughts and emotions

second of all, Nathaniel is absolutely thriving off the drama that is felix and marinette pining for each other like a fucking forest of pine trees. he hopes they dont confess for like another six months because this is great writing material

somewhere, the quality of nathaniel’s comic went up by about 15%
Luka: Marinette, why is your heartsong bass boosted doom ost?
Feralnette: Wouldn’t you like to know, guitar man?

ok but the guitar man comment DID make me laugh lmao
Loving the Lady Clarity doodles! What if the akuma occured b/c of Lila (the whole revealing your true thoughts/feelings powers targetting her for being a fake) and that's how Lila's lies become exposed? Would Feralnette not care at that point or be kinda salty towards the class? Like, what if after getting hit Lila's phantom heart spoke about all the vile things she's done to Feralnette & LB & who HM really is? I can see Gabriel going "Oh sh-" before Mari arrives to kick his ass.
I imagine by that point, Feralnette is off being Ladybug trying to stop Lady Clarity from forcing anyone else to confess their receipts. Adrien by this point hasn't been hit, he's checking up on his friends and making sure everyone's ok!
it doesn't seem like it...

bonus: Felix trying to make good on that promise with an extremely hesitant Adrien attempting to be the voice of reason

Okay but Sabine looks so cool.... how does she get akumatized though-- was it just something that built up iver the months/years??
seeing Marinette become miserable on and off in bursts of sadness and apathy is a lot to see anyone do, especially your own child. how do you express that? how can you handle seeing someone who, you’ve dipped your hands and heart into their growth, you’ve adored their every mistake and success, you made them and you love them, and now they’re devastatingly alone, being attacked by a terrorist in a mask because she’s as strong as you taught her to be?
how do you handle that?
eventually, in a moment of worry, Sabine slips.

(don’t worry too much.) (she’s not stupid.)
Marinette got her spunk from somewhere.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Hawkmoth is beginning to have regrets, Stage One
In the feralnette au Nathaniel has an under character for marinette and everyone simps for her. Marinette was Not Ready to learn this information.

there was, of course, no explicit content in the comic and it was, as usual, an action comic - but the subtle dialogue and pulpy cover was enough for the one-off Madame Manticore to be a fan favorite.
Marc was delighted. They love writing one-off romances and an antihero is a perfect amount of spice to add! Nathaniel was surprised how much of a viewership boost their website got, and was a bit bashful that his audience noticed how much better his muscle anatomy got over these past few months.
Marinette wasn't sure whether to strangle them for making a version of her in the comic without her knowledge, or appreciate the fact that it adds more to her cover regarding her secret identity. The character was also written surprisingly well, a mixture of smug and threatening. She ended up giving Nath and Marc her blessing after mulling it over for a while (they were ashamed about not running it by her first, and agreed not to make another chapter with her unless given consent. After she agreed to it, they instantly started churning out another plot arc with her, lmao)
...Felix and Kagami both bought a copy.
more vanity queen purrhaps? I freaking love feralnette au and I’m curious to see what other thoughts you have on that arc!

Hawkmoth has chosen........poorly.
it ends up his weakness is a competent parent. who knew!

i’ve done the horrible deed of not showing that Felix is also feral. Their favorite hobby other than fashion is stealing fashion related items from people they deem undeserving of them - his newest victim is his ‘Uncle’ Gabriel, obviously.
Luckily, they have a chance to flaunt their skills with the stamp of approval from their favorite person :)

Felix really gets into the thievery thing the minute Marinette gives them a longer ethical leash on the matter
bonus: you just heard the two feral students in class who you’re reasonably certain are going to be the people that kill a local terrorist start flirting in feralnese

Wait a minute…papa Tom doesn’t seem too hostile towards Nathalie. Or at least she doesn’t seem nervous/blackmailed. Does Tom not know her past allegiances or…is there an alliance in play?

Viceroy employs many in his arsenal, and as far as Nathalie is concerned, Tom is a coworker. :)

“What is a hero but a tangle of contradictions?”
Luka: Marinette, why is your heartsong bass boosted doom ost?
Feralnette: Wouldn’t you like to know, guitar man?

ok but the guitar man comment DID make me laugh lmao
Birds of a Feather previous / next
tw: blood