Natasha - Tumblr Posts
no because I get sad when I beat him up but get even sadder when he beats up my characters, cant even get to stage two....I just wanna level up boothills skills :cry: and like the only built healer I got rn is natasha, shes been my only healer too, but I'm bouta get the choice 5 star in standard banner so ima choose bailu, got her LC in early days, never got her tho
whoever directed and created aventurine’s boss fight… COUNT YOUR GODDAMN DAYS.
bro i finally got got to the second phase in aventurines boss but then my phone had to crash IM CRYING

He has an army, called the Chitauri. They’re not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract. The Avengers (2012) dir. Joss Whedon

маленькая звёздочка нашего театра - Наташа <3
Made for Each Other (Part 1)
You always knew you were different from others. You remembered how your parents gave you worried looks, as if you were some alien creature. You were human as far as you knew, with shape shifting abilities. You shifter into a cat and had climbed a tree when you were a mere toddler. Your mom kept looking for you everywhere. Police were called. Neighbors joined the search. Everyone was out looking for you in the town and the surrounding wilderness. No one could find you. You watched them as a cat and did not know how to turn back. There was no plausible explanation for where you were, what happened to you when you returned home.
That incident was marked in your consciousness. Since that day you had withdrawn yourself from the world. You found yourself more at home in the wilderness. You shifted into the animals, birds and even insects and trees. Over years you had figured out that you can shift into other humans and inanimate objects, which was when you found out that your father was cheating on your mother. To say the things did not end well would be an understatement. You shifted into a coyote (as they were seen in your neighborhood a lot) and broke into the house through the window. Your dad and his mistress were scared to their wits. Your neighbor who had heard the glass break had called the police and your mom. And everything went south from there. Your mom found about your dad’s infidelity, the police thought that there was a mad coyote attacking humans. Your dad was out of the town the next day with his mistress and the police were busy looking out for the coyote. No one could link your involvement with the incident. Except one person.
You were sitting under a park bench in a dog form when Fury came and sat on the bench. He started playing with you. You didn’t mind. You have played before with humans in your animal or bird forms. But then he started calling you by your real name. He whispers all the thing he knew about you. You tried to run but he spoke in such a soft assuring voice requesting you to hear him out. You stared at him for a while then rushed to the place where you had hidden your clothes. You came back and had one of the life changing conversations of your life time.
You waited for Fury at the reception of the Avenger’s Compound. You were to join them today. All the years of training and spying opened a new opportunity for you. You stared at the abstract painting in the room thinking about your past.
Your conversation with Fury. You were barely an 11 year old child with same cool powers, at least you thought they were cool. Fury had explained you about himself and SHIELD. He told you that you would make a valuable asset to the team. It didn’t take him much convincing for him to get you agreeing to his deal, but you had your conditions. You wished to be independent, not associate with any organization. Fury could request for your service at any time for decent remuneration. He agreed. Years later you and Fury would be thankful for this agreement as not very soon after your agreement, SHIELD collapsed due to HYDRA infiltration. You were the most trustworthy source of information for Fury. You had worked alongside the Avengers, assisted them in various missions. Only thing that they did not know it was you. You wondered how they would take the news. You will find out soon enough.
A voice calling you out of your reverie. Fury was waiting for you by the elevator. You walked up to him. You entered the elevator, and Fury turned to you.
“Are you ready for this?” He asked.
“I am.”
Situation - Bruce & Nat (“Like Or Bond”-Series One Shot)
Bruce x Natasha
Warnings: none
Word count: 388
Requested: I would like to see more Natasha and Reader. Also because Bruce knows how Natasha could never be a mother, and now things could change a little. -@Anon
Authors Note: I like this idea as well, also just thought of an interesting one shot for this series which came to me when I was typing this one up. Stay tuned!
Like Or Bond Series Masterlist
Avengers Masterlist

“Your good with her.” Bruce stated as Natasha walked over to him. The whole group had gotten together today to have some fun at a cabin Tony rented. Peter and Y/n came along as well. Bruce had been watching Natasha and Natasha for a while and it made him smile.
“So are you.” Nat responded smiling at Bruce.
“No, you. You are good with her in a way I could never be.” He was right and it was true. Y/n and Nat seemed to be best friends and they also seemed to be even closer. WHich made him happy for Natasha, given her situation. At least she could be a mom or motherly figure to someone.
Nat tilted her head as she wrapped her arms around his torso. “How so?”
“Your relationship with her. It’s like a mother and a daughter’s relationship.” Bruce explained as he to wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her closer.
Nat knew what he meant so she nodded and gave him a tight smile. “Yeah, well. She might be my only chance at that.”
“I’m sorry.” Bruce apologized, grimacing at the fact that she couldn’t have a family of her own.
Natasha shook her head as she ran her hands up and down his back. “Don’t be. Your not the one who took that away from me.”
“But I know how much you would have liked to have a child of your own. Our own.” Bruce knew what she wanted even if she didn’t want to say it.
“I would’ve loved to. But I can’t and you know what?” Nat smiled up at him with raised brows. “I don’t think I’d change how this turned out.”
“No Bruce, listen.” She shook her head. He didn’t need to say what she knew he was going to say. He needed to know how she felt. “Yes, I’d like to have been able to have my own children. But what I got? You, the Avengers, and that girl over there. I might not have all this if things were different. I love Y/n.So much, and I swear sometimes that girl has some of me in her. She has been calling me mom for a while now and yes we have a mother daughter relationship. I got everything I need right here.”
Party Worries - Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff
Nat x fem!reader (mentor/friend)
Wanda x fem!reader (mentor/friend)
Warnings: emotions
Word count: 615
Requested: Can You do a Natasha Romanoff and or Wanda Maximoff x adhd ! Y/n kid reader - @Anon
Authors Note: thank you for requesting
Avengers Masterlist

“Tony’s having a party tonight. You coming?” Wanda asked Natasha as she looked through her closet to see if she had anything to wear that night.
“I am.” the red headed assassin nodded.
“What about y/n/n?” Wnada asked, looking back to Nat who sat on her bed.
“I don’t know.” Nat sighed
“New meds not helping?” Wanda knew that Nat had taken Y/n to the doctor to adjust her meds for her ADHD. But the doctor didn’t just adjust her meds he changed them all together.
“No, there helping. She says she feels better but at the same time her body and mind are adjusting.” She explained. The last week hadn’t been easy on the young girl that Wanda and Nat had taken under their wing.
“Is she nervous?” Wanda wondered, hopping they could help the young Y/h/c-ed girl.
“She doesn’t want to make a scene.” Nat sighed telling the redheaded witch what y/n had inwardly told her that morning of why she didn’t want to go to the party.
Wanda scoffed at that reason. “She wouldn’t.”
Natasha nodded in agreement. “We know that but she feels differently.”
Wanda picked a dress and hung it on the closet door before she turned around to face the Black Widow. “We gotta change her mind.”
And with that the two came up with a plan. Before heading to Y/n’s room in the tower. After they had taken her under their wing she spent so much time with them at the tower, Tony gave her her own room. They had practically adopted Y/n and everyone was okay with it. Her family didn’t have much and her parents were always gon and pretended she didn’t exist. So Y/n was very much grateful and enjoyed benign apart of their family of hero’s.
“Do I have to?” Y/n whined softly not wanting to go to Tony’s party.
“Yes!” Natasha and Wanda stated at the same time.
“You’ll be fine.” Wanda smiled encouragingly.
“And if you want to leave at anytime you can.” Nat added as they tried to change Y/n’s mind.
“But you have to give it a chance.” Wanda cut in quickly. They wanted her to at least experience the party before she decided to leave if she wanted to.
Nat could see Y/n start to fidget and knew exactly what she was thinking. So Nat sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Your stronger than you think.”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded relucatnly
So with her agreement to go to the party Wanda and Nat got to getting her ready. They did her makeup and found one of their dresses to fit her and look fantastic.
Finally when the party rolled around Y/n had to admit it wasn’t as bad as she thought it was gonna be. She could feel herself lose focus at points but it wasn’t lasting long, the party seemed to keep her focused.
“You having fun?” Wanda asked as the young girl was approached by Wanda and Nat.
“You can’t lie to us.” Nat Joker as the two older woman each stood on a side of Y/n. “We saw you smiling.”
“Okay I am having some fun.” Y/n admitted cracking a pretty big smile across her lips. The party was a lot of fun and she seemed to be worried for nothing. But she’d never live it down if she told them that.
“We can go anytime you want.” Wanda told her and Natasha nodded in agreement. The 3 stayed for a while longer before leaving and having a girls night in Wanda’s room.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila

Jordi Gual, A portrait of his blind daughter Natasha
More here and here

I only recently started having tbs show up on my tumblr and when I saw this gif I immediately thought of this scene with Steve and Nat and I just wanted to see them side by side so that’s what this is. Enjoy :)

Also gifs are not mine but the tumblr app crashed as I was making this and I lost my place so I have no idea who made these I’m sorry.
I found where I got the second gif! Thank you @mrs-starkspangledbanner
Hey everyone! Sorry for not being active for months! I’ve been busy with college! But between writing block and homework, exams and presentations I haven’t had the time. I’m glad to say I’m back for a short while so send me any requests you have!!! Hope everything is going well for you guys!!! 💕I’m really in the mood to write a Bucky imagine so if you have any ideas don’t be afraid to drop some ideas.

Out of various Avengers pairing/porn prompts my friends gave me, this one turned out presentable.
As it damn well should have, because, well, red-heads.
An Arrow?
“That an Arrow around your neck, Romanoff?”
Pairing: Clintasha
Takes place after Natasha was shot by Bucky in Captain America: The Winter Solider
Written by me :) Please do not copy, if so you may put credit
Maria was currently applying pressure to Agent Romanoff's bullet wound, the relief for Fury outwitted the pain in her shoulder. Relaxation consumed her as the anguish went numb.
"So, Sam… was it?" Hill started small talk, the awkward serenity was unusual due to the hole bleeding out. “Yup,” Natasha’s husk, yet soft voice was covering the winces. “That an Arrow around your neck, Romanoff?” She raised a brow.
Maria had been looking for more… well, action? No. Drama, In the office. She already had enough action considering her salary. Being an agent, it was her job to look farther into the personal lives of her co-workers. The romance area. Something obvious has been mingling between two certain assassins, and she took this opportunity to dig deeper.
“Yeah, Barton gave it to me for my birthday. Said it was a symbol for long-lasting companionship,”
“Thought you didn’t celebrate your birthday?” The brunette smirked.
“I don’t. Barton does.” Tasha groaned, visibly aware of where this conversation was going and visibly trying to prevent it from going there.
“It’s different with Clint, isn’t it?” Natasha could hear practically hear her partners cockiness growing by the second.
“Don’t start, Hill.” She smirked once again.
“Oh, I’m afraid I already have. I’ll continue, though.”
The Widow stood up, ignoring Maria’s protests concerning her wound. She quietly left, after being shot she needed her beauty rest.
Loki, completely distressed: GET AWAY FROM ME!
Natasha, to the roomba chasing him: good job
Best Of Friends
Pairing: No pairing, just soft Tony ;)
A/N: Takes place somewhere between Iron man 3 and Avengers Age of Ultron. I haven’t posted this one on Watty yet soooo....
"So, what are we going to do while Rhodes and Pep are gone?" Tony looked up from the fashion magazine he was skimming through, clearly uninterested in the clothing and only paying attention to the models. "We could watch a Christmas movie?" Natasha was bored out of her mind and Christmas movies with a nice cup of hot cocoa sounded relaxing.
Tony threw the magazine to the side and got out two mugs, he knew exactly how Nat liked her cocoa. "Jarvis, heat some water please," he pondered for a moment "and turn on the fireplace as well,"
"Of course, sir," The AI obligated to Starks command, Jarvis also knew that Tony would like the TV on for later. He knew his boss too well.
Natasha walked out to get cozy blankets and socks, she loved being warm. Tony chuckled when he saw her try and make it down the stairs, blankets and pillows were stacked on top of each other, blocking her view. Once she got to the bottom she lowered them just a bit and shot Tony a soft smile.
Tony placed down the hot chocolates on their rightfully owned coasters Definitely not the Black Widow and Iron Man ones. Natasha threw the pile of comfies on the couch then jumped on it, giggling like crazy.
In the compound, she felt like she finally had a family, a family she never had before. She could be herself, or she could be complete grumpy pants and they’d still love her. Sure, she acted as though she hates the boys, but in reality, she couldn’t imagine her life without them.
Moments had passed and Pepper, Rhodey and one other were making their way through Tony's doors.
"We're back" Pepper singsonged, voice filled with amusement. But she didn't receive a response, which filled her with worry. "Tony?" She called out as she walked to the kitchen, Rhodey and the little surprise following close behind.
"I believe Boss and Ms. Romanov are in the living room, sleeping," Jarvis called, spooking the little Harley the two had snuck in. "Thank you, Jarvis," Rhodey offered Hayley a cookie from the McDonalds they got on the way back.
Pepper walked into the living room, you could hear her shoes click on the tile floor. Once she reached it, she cooed at the sight. Tony and Natasha were curled up in a blanket next to each other, the fireplace and Home Alone on, cups of hot chocolate now abandoned on the coffee table, most likely cold.
Harley soon sauntered to where Pepper, Tasha and Tony were. He took the last bite of his stale fast food cookie and brushed past his mother figure. A small smile grew on his face as he lifted part of the blanket to snuggle into the mechanic.
The little gesture lightly awoke Tony from his slumber. Normally, he would be grumpy
But realizing it was his kid next to him filled him with joy. Tony then looked to his other side and saw his little widow snuggled into his arm.
To say he felt safe around these two would’ve been an understatement. He loved both Tasha and Harley unconditionally and nothing can change the fact that they were like his own children. So, he hugged both of them tighter and slowly fell back into his little nap.
“Jarvis, could you take a photo?” Rhodey smirked from behind Pepper. Soft Tony was only around his loved ones, possibly a wall-climbing spider in the future but whatever breaks its way into his heart is a mystery.
Natasha Romanoff pose study!

"hes kinda cute as a girl"
The urge to treat an overworked Natasha [HSR] with countless orgasms makes me so 🥴 ASJHSJSGH
Bonus question; can we be moots? 👉👈
You mean to tell me fucking natasha widespread on the same table she writes out prescriptions and helps her patients is the hottest thing? Absolutely.
Stockings ripped apart, cum dripping down her thighs and down the wooden table. Her hair being pulled roughly while we fuck her from behind and see her ass shake??? Wait a minute i need a moment to recover.
Also of course yes! We can be moots :))