Five Of Cups - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

the five of cups & ungratefulness

The Five Of Cups & Ungratefulness

the most common theme that's associated with this card is the one of loss. the character on the arcana is grieving the things or the people that he has lost, so much so that he forgets whom or what remains.

as I drew the cards for myself this week, I realized this card warned me about my own ungratefulness.

a couple months ago, I quit my job because I felt I had nothing more to learn from it. I was ready to take another direction.

I then spent a month at home, which allowed me to rest and find myself again. it was nice to be in a peaceful, quiet environment, since my old job didn't offer me that.

that was nice at first, but not for long. a few weeks later, I started panicking. I saw close friends making moves, making shit happen in their lives, while I was doing nothing. I started thinking about the bills pilling up, and about how my savings would reduce.

so I found another job, which was very advantageous. i worked for less hours than i used to, made more money, worked in a agreeable climate, and i got to ride a bike to go there, which made me exercise. all of these elements were supposed to contribute to my well-being, but they didn't.

I was still unsatisfied. even if I spent good days there, I was not learning anything new, I wasn't stimulated, and I wasn't enjoying myself. I couldn't sleep anymore because all I thought about was how I was wasting my time doing something I didn't enjoy.

yes it allowed me to pay the bills, but it took time and energy, that I could have devoted to my actual passions.

I was ready to do something completely different. I wanted to work less, even if that meant making less money, if it at least let me give more time to creativity.

then, I had a bike accident, which unfortunately resulted in me breaking my elbow. I found out I wouldn't be able to work for some time. I should've been happy to learn that. except I wasn't.

I started having regrets about my former situation. I started thinking about how I was lucky to have found the job in the first place. it wasn't perfect indeed, but it offered me stability and comfort for little effort. I realized that... once I lost it all.

I did a reading for myself, and the card representing the challenges I had to overcome was the five of cups. the first thing that came to my mind was "ungratefulness." then, all of the situations I had gone through in the past months came back to me. I had not welcomed any of them with gratitude. there was always something to change, or something missing. I compared my situation to that of other's, and envied them. failing to recognize how much I had.

drawing this card was a wake up call. I need to stop seeing only the negative, because there is beauty in every situation. I don't think we are trained to see it, since we're encouraged to always want more. I think it's dangerous to always ask for more, or different. it prevents us from enjoying the present moment and the elements that compose it. it's only when time passes, when we lose what we had, that we realize its worth.

I am now trying to enjoy the possibilities of the present as much as I can. I am no longer asking for more. because who knows when an opportunity such as this one will present itself again ?

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8 years ago
Hello Everyone Who Asked About My Tarot Decks Future!
Hello Everyone Who Asked About My Tarot Decks Future!

Hello everyone who asked about my tarot deck’s future!

Today in the mail I received my printed proof from the folks at the Game Crafter. The only possible gripe I have is that the box feels a little loose (meant for 90 cards and I only put 72 in). Maybe someday I’ll update a new edition with an extra set of cards, or some sort of mini booklet. 

You can see the deck in the store here:

I think the rules state that it can’t be published for another couple of days however (not sure why), so it may not be available to purchase for until Monday.

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7 years ago
The Past, Present, And Future. I Always Find It Interesting How I Can Think About These Cards One Way

The past, present, and future. I always find it interesting how I can think about these cards one way when designing them and then a completely different way when reading them.

The second edition of Iconographic tarot is now available:

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2 years ago
My Two Card Artworks From @hsanthologies Recent Tarot Card Project! These Were The 5 Of Cups And 6 Of
My Two Card Artworks From @hsanthologies Recent Tarot Card Project! These Were The 5 Of Cups And 6 Of

My two card artworks from @hsanthologies‘ recent tarot card project! These were the 5 of Cups and 6 of Cups, respectively.

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