Fnaf Earth - Tumblr Posts

What my brother would name TSAMS characters (he has never seen TSAMS)
Sun- Scary for no reason
Moon- Me
Earth- Ms Planet
Lunar- Hatsune Miku
Eclipse- Cheeeeeese dust
Solar- ‘I’m not like other girls’
Gemini- Caveman Chest
KC- Momo
Bloodmoon- Santa x Satan
Ruin- Sleepy Boy (btw ew British)
Jack O Moon- Dirt Ball
Happy Apocalypse AU characters

Sorry if Earth looks bad, it was my first time drawing her. (Click on them for better quality)
I’ll make more characters later.

The Moon with no Sun characters

Male, Universe: No Sun, Dimensional Traveler, Aroace, Second Youngest, Has the Glitchtrap Virus (like original game) and Killcode (like TSAMS), third tallest

Male Female, Universe: No Moon (from TSAMS), Dimensional Traveler (kinda), Pansexual, Youngest, is alittle shorter then Moon (reaches up to his neck)

Male, Universe: Void (when he died to Eclipse, he ended up in a void like plane. There he met the Astrals… or, more Gemini. Gemini helped Lunar control his magic, and when Lunar came back alive (thxs to Monty) he went back to the Astrals and became one of them.), Magic User, Polyamory, Oldest, lost his arm to using to much magic at once, Has a crush on Gemini, is alittle shorter then Sun (reaches up to her neck)

Male, Universe: Jester (him and his brother, Harvest, were made by Eclipse, but when they ran away to start their own life, a magical circus found them. They were taken in by the circus as jesters, and have been used and abused ever since.), Abused Jester, Ace, Oldest, saw his brother die to the people that “owned” them, rarely talks, mostly just follows Lunar around, same size as Lunar

Hello everyone! Um… here is my short haired, traumatized, trust and daddy issues, Earth…. Wait… *looks at all the other Earths who have the blue in the right side and the green in left side of face, then looks back at mine* ……… FUC-!
Anyways! While I cry in a corner, here’s Earth!
Female, Universe: Only a tool (When the Creator was done with her, he threw her out, not needing her anymore. She had to survive on her own, only herself, with nothing… but her everlasting HATE and RAGE for her father creator.), Used only as a tool, Pansexual, Second Oldest, never shows emotions, rarely smiles or trusts people, tallest

Here are the twins (Solar the oldest)
Both Male, Universe: War (It’s like Ruin’s Dimension, but the four main animatronics (Freddy, Roxy, Monty, Chica) are at war with each other. People pick a side and fight for them. To get out of the war, they started selling weapons to people, but it cost them one of their limbs (which they replaced). They also make robots sometimes, and ended up making their assistants, Flare and Jack.), Weapon Makers, Eclipse Gay, Solar ???, Third Oldest, second tallest (reaches up to Earth’s chin)

Male, Universe: War (Making weapons is his job. Lost some of his calf to people fighting in their shop (The Metal Sun… or something like that.)), Weapon Maker Assistant, Gay, Third Youngest, As tall as Earth

Male, Universe: War (Making weapons is his job. Lost some of his body to people fighting in their shop (The Metal Sun… or something like that.)), Weapon Maker Assistant, ???, Third Youngest, As tall as Lunar and Scythe

It’s bad, I know. (This was more funnier in my head………. Also sorry if anything is wrong.)
I’m going to make this into an animation tomorrow/today, it’s 4:35 am though I’ve been working on this all night…
a comic/animation I made


Incorrect Quote Generator
I might draw some of these later/tomorrow
——————————————————————— Sun: Croissants: dropped Solar: Road: works ahead Moon: BBQ sauce: on my titties Lunar: Shavacado: fre Earth: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead Eclipse: Eclipse, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
'Can I copy the homework?' Sun: I can help you with it! Solar: Yeah, sure. Moon: Bold of you to assume I did the homework. Ruin: lol nope. Earth: Wait, we had homework?!?!?! Bloodmoon: *Read 5:55pm*
Solar: Is something burning? N!Moon: Just my love for you. Solar: Moon, the toaster is on fire.
Ruin: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Bloodmoon: You need to stop.
Ruin: I made tea. Eclipse: I don’t want tea. Ruin: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Eclipse: Then why are you telling me? Ruin: It is a conversation starter. Eclipse: That’s a lousy conversation starter. Ruin: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Earth: What time is it? Eclipse: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out Eclipse: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune* Moon: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT TWO IN THE MORNING Eclipse: It’s 2 am
Sun: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Moon: How am I supposed to know? Lunar: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Moon: *sighs* Moon: You wouldn't be trapped.
Lunar, texting Solar: Solar! Help I’m being kidnapped Solar: Where are you? Lunar: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help. Solar: I’ll call Earth. Earth, answering their cell: Y’ello? Solar: Where’s Lunar? They texted me that they were being kidnapped. Earth: Lunar? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me- Earth: Earth: I’ll call you back. *hangs up* Earth: THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD! Lunar: WHO ARE YOU?!
Earth, talking to Sun on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to? Sun : You bet! Earth: At what temperature? Sun : 535. Earth: That's the clock. Sun: Earth: Sun : 536.
Sun: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Solar : Oh, I’m always running Solar : The question is from what
Ruin: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much. Solar : Oh, you’ve been? Ruin: Once. In Monopoly.
Sun: Favorite horror movie? Solar : It Lunar: Saw Moon: Annabelle Earth: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Sun: Nothing in life is free. Solar : Love is free! Lunar: Adventure is free. Moon: Knowledge is free. Jack: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Sun: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Bloodmoon will and will not eat. Solar : Grass? Yes! Sun: Moss? Yes!! Solar : Leaves? Ohh, yes! Sun: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Solar : Worms? Sometimes! Sun: Rocks? Usually nah. Solar : Twigs? Usually! Sun: Ruin's cooking? Inconclusive! Moon: How did you… test this? Sun: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. Moon: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Ruin: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Sun: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends. Moon : ... Your what? Sun: My friends. Solar: Are they saying “friends”? Moon: I think they're being sarcastic. Lunar: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Sun! All of your friends are in this room. Sun: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Sun: That's it, we're gonna go out and find what we need! Moon: To the city? Sun: Yeah, no matter what! Earth: Well- How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly? Sun: I... I don't know! Solar : Oh come off it, be serious! Sun: I am serious! Solar : You're insane! Lunar: Why, if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved! Everyone: Sun: What??? Lunar: Or maybe it was a basset hound! Solar , panicked: YOU'RE ALLINSANE!
Sun: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous. Chica : What if it bites me and it dies!? Moon: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Chica , learn to listen. Freddy: What if it bites itself and I die? Monty: That’s voodoo. Bloodmoon: What if it bites me and someone else dies? Chica: That’s correlation, not causation. Freddy: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die? Monty: That’s kinky. Sun: Oh my God.
Sun: Hewwo. Jack : Hihiiiiii! Moon: Greetings, Humans. Solar: Three kinds of people. Lunar: I want pudding. Sun: Four kinds of people. Bloodmoon: WHAT’S UP FUCKERS? Solar: Five kinds of people.
Drawings from this post I made

The Pirate’s Fairytale
Ch. 1 Meeting a Pirate
Sunny’s view
I wake up with a yawn as I look at my clock, 7 am. Getting out of bed, I check the calendar, looking at the date.
July 16….
July 16!
Me and Moon’s birthday!
I rush out of my room, and immediately bump into someone.
When I look up, I see Eclipse glaring down at me, “Watch where you’re going dork.”
Before I could say anything, he picks me up with his tentacles, then leaves.
As I watch him leave, I mutter angrily to myself, then remember I forgot to say it was my birthday. Then I think, ‘of course he knew! He’s my brother! My taller, younger brother…’
As I continue to walk, I see Solar and Moon talking. I hear someone behind me, turn around, and see Earth.
“Hey Ear-“ I wave at her
She runs over to Moon and gives him a big hug, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOON!”
I look over at them, slowly putting my hand down, my heart slightly breaking. ‘Maybe she didn’t see me?’ I think, slightly feeling better.
Feeling more people push past me, I see all my siblings wishing Moon a happy birthday… what about me?
As I hear someone clear their throat, I look behind me and see Trashcan Man.
“Hey Trashcan!” I smile kindly at him.
“I have a name you know.” I hear him angrily grumble, but before I can say anything, he grabs me, “You need to continue your lesson, let’s go.” And drags me along.
“Stupid royal lessons.” I mutter angrily and annoyed, “How come I have to do them, but no one else does?! I don’t even want to be stupid king. Why’d I have to be born first?! I always have to have it hard!”
As I continue to swim in the ocean and make coral crowns, I see a ship. Going above the water to it to check it out, I suddenly get caught in a net.
I struggle to break free from the net, only to hear, "Ye ain't human!"
Looking around at who said that, only to look down to see a short fox. Looking at the ships flag, I see it’s a pirate ship.
I reply uncomfortably, “Can you get me out of here? And who are you?”
The fox "Or a lass!" He looks more surprised.
‘Girl? I’m not a girl!’
Foxy’s view
Monty throws a bucket and mop across the deck, “Start cleaning fox!”
I glance at Freddy, who's busy cleanin' the cannons. "What's got the captain so riled up?" I ask.
“We’ve gotten no treasure for a whole week, and the crews getting hungry, especially since we have kids in the ship.”
"Ye've got to feel sorry for the captain…"
“I DONT PAY YOU TO CHIT CHAT! START WORKING!” Monty yells from his captain office.
I begin swabbin' the decks when somethin' colorful catches me eye in the water. Curious, I take a closer look and realize it's a head. Quickly, I grab the net and haul the person aboard.
When I get 'er to eye level, I see she ain't human, but a beautiful mermaid, maybe a siren? She was mostly yellow, with some red stripes on her tail and arms, her eyes were blue and orange, and she had a red amulet of some kind, not to mention a flower crown of some kind?
"Ye ain't human!" I gasp.
‘Whatever she be, she's a beauty. I could probably sell 'er for a tidy sum of gold.’
She starts to look uncomfortable as she asks, “Can you get me out of here? And who are you?”
I look surprised as I hear this, she didn’t sound like a lass, but she he looks like a lass!
“Or a lass!" I blurt out.
She He looks as angry as a stormy sea as I speak. Yet, he seems uneasy, not the type to cause real harm.
Glancing around to ensure no one's watching, finding Freddy long gone, I snatch the net. Dragging him to the ship's deck, I set him free.
He flops onto the floor face-first. I snicker quietly as he glares at me. But then, noticing his shivering, I offer him my coat.
He chirps in gratitude, or so I think. Looking around, he starts transforming into a humanoid shape.
"You can do that?" I inquire.
He nods and chirps something.
"I can't understand a word you're sayin'," I admit.
He grumbles, glancing at his hand and miming writing with the other.
"You need paper?" I ask.
He nods vigorously and chirrs. Hurrying to my quarters, I fetch a notebook and return swiftly. Handing him the paper, he begins to write something. Once done, he hands it back to me.
“I need clothes, also my names Sun. What’s yours new friend?”
"Friend? Well, this is gettin' awkward now," I mutter under me breath, considerin' I was plannin' to sell him earlier.
"My name's Foxy, and I got some clothes in me room. Come on," I say, leading Sun to me quarters to find him some gear. After he picks out a white shirt and a red skirt that fit him, we settle on me bed and start askin' each other questions—well, I ask 'em, and he scribbles his responses.
"What were ye doin' near our ship?" I inquire, loungin' on me bunk.
“I had been swimming by, and saw the ship. I was curious about it, I’ve only ever read about ships before.” Sun writes, staring at me.
"How come ye can write English but not speak it?" I ask, gazing at him curiously.
“I was taught to write English by my father.” He looks away glaring at the wall.
"I could give ye a tour of the ship if ye want," I offer, trying to change the subject.
He looks at me with stars in his eyes, chirring excitedly and giving me a hug.
I chuckle softly at his enthusiasm. Suddenly, I hear someone barging in just as Sun places his flower crown on me.
Monty yells as he fixes his gaze on me, “WHY ISNT THE FLOORS CLEAN?! AND WTF YOU HAVE ON YOUR HEAD?!” Then he glances at Sun and starts to calm down a bit. “And who is this fine young lady you have with you?” He asks, kissing his hand.
I glance at Sun, noticing his annoyed expression.
Giggling softly, I watch as he quickly scribbles something in his notebook. “I’m a boy, kind sir.”
Monty stares at him for a moment, then shrugs, “Fine with me ether way.” He replies, looking confused at me for why he wrote it down.
Before anyone else can say a word, or in Sun's case, write anything else, I interject, "Sun has amnesia. He's forgotten everything except his name."
“Even how to talk?”
"Aye, even how to talk. Found him in the water like this, and I'd be keen to lend a hand, if that's fine with you," I say earnestly, giving Monty pleading eyes. Sun looks at me, then turns to Monty with the same imploring gaze.
“Ok.. ok, fine, he can stay, BUT! He has to help around the ship. And Foxy,” He looks at me intently, “You’ll be talking care of him.”
We give a thumbs up as he leaves me room. Gods, what did I get myself signed up for?

Idk if Earth would look like this or look normal
Monty: So what? He’s just a baby because the star decided it?
New Moon: Yeah, he’s tiny.
Baby Eclipse: *happily giggling and playing with New Moon’s hand and in awe*
Sun: He’s got that thing because I can’t even stand to look at it.
Earth: Sun, we’ve talked about this. You can’t blame a baby for their adult actions.
Monty: I mean it’s true, he did…horrible things as an adult, but he’s just a baby right now, Sun. That don’t mean you have to deal with him, of course, but try to just be gentle with him.
Sun, pouting: Fine.