Food Waste - Tumblr Posts
Friendly reminder that corporations are making their employees throw away food tonight since they're closed for Christmas. I personally just tossed about 3 grand in taco materials (shells, sauces, lettuce and cheese, etc) simply because it won't hold until the 26th.Most of it was easily good through tomorrow. Just because The Corporation couldn't profit off it. Fucking obscene.
Their new neighbor Becky didn’t get how Chris was suddenly Calvin Klein. Was she supposed to play along? Becky never could tell when Brad and Chris were serious. Did they know that’s who she assisted 4? She saw her boss enough @ work thank u.
Turns out Brad and Chris already knew of Becky’s connection. They met Calvin on that legendary flight to Geneva. Unfortunately, the airplane toilet room only fit 3 so the cabin boy had to kick Calvin out. That or he was straight. Neither Brad or Chris could remember. There was a lot going down and covering every base as to sexuality with any shred of efficiency at the very same second the term cis became a thing without any briefs just wasn’t happening.
That’s when Becky asked Brad and Chris if they wore anything other than Speedos and skimpy underwear. Two months now living next door and their matching square cut Prada swimmers at the cooperative garage sale were the closest thing to full coverage she’s seen.
Brad said that wasn’t true. He wore a neoprene harness last week to chop a kale salad he or Chris never ate. That was practically a shirt and the the food perfectly fine but as an American, it ended up in the garbage as it does.
Chris agreed but then stated he needed to backtrack as there was a Geneva correction. It wasn’t Calvin Klein that was in the toilet room prior but Janet Jackson. Chris always mixed those two up. Brad had yet to get that far. Years later, he was still coming down from the baby news. It really shocked Brad.
Chris then mentioned to Becky, by happenstance Brad had two bothers and two gay dads and went to an all boys school. All cards in the deck of life do play out. Most of us forget that. We must consider ourselves lucky when we run across a rare hand.
Looking at her phone, Becky excused herself citing an urgent need to purchase lottery tickets and to throw away the pot roast in the oven. She didn’t want people to think she was Canadian or something else horrific like French Canadian.
What the difference was beyond her, but she knew enough to not get involved with people who think ice is something to stand on. There weren’t that many Canadians and well, duh. Becky then mentioned Palm Springs was a way better Dry as who on Earth would ever build a respectable resort on tundra?
Grabbing her red knit shawl Becky nodded farewell to each of the boys and headed for the front door. Just before she closed it behind her, Becky spun around to answer her own question.
“No one. That’s who.”
Then in an instant she was gone.
You know, Becky was not anything Brad or Chris expected.