For Further Reference - Tumblr Posts

Не так давно нашла отличную заготовку для Notion, в которой есть всё, что мне может понадобиться, да еще и очень красиво оформлено. Заготовка бесплатная, её автор_ка - @/studywithara (Instagram).
Сайт, где этот шаблон можно взять для себя (при наличии Notion, конечно, тоже бесплатное приложение) -
That's how it looks like:

цели, которых нужно достичь в 2022 году ♡
- уделять первостепенное внимание своему психическому здоровью;
- обрести мир внутри себя;
- исцеляться от прошлого;
- находить время для размышлений и ведения дневника;
- быть более честной и открытой;
- относиться к своему телу более доброжелательно;
В 2022 году все будет только обо мне.
20.01.21, part 2
А, и еще. Мне необязательно продвигать arrogant attitude и всем напоминать о своей уникальности, чтобы люди следовали за мной. Мне не нужно постоянно спрашивать себя "ох, если я репостнула этот пост, но до этого твитнула, что я в ужасном состоянии, то люди подумают, что я слабая/ я ищу поддержки/я впустую трачу время/я не стойкая?". Нет, мне просто понравился этот пост в этот конкретный период времени.
Мне не нужно постоянно себя оправдывать. Если я хочу почитать эту книгу, пускай она и популярная, я могу ее прочитать. не написав полотно оправданий "я почитала ее потому что меня взяли на слабо хохохо я бы сама не села ее читать я что как все"? Я не хочу больше никому ничего доказывать и загибать себя, свое любопытство ради иллюзии того, что меня будут почитать за мою уникальность.
И в этом свобода as it is. Я могу интересоваться репринтами начала 20 века на языках оригинала и при этом читать фентези, от которого я воротила нос, а потом сама нашла себя пищущей фентези. I can be both. I can be anything.
resources for beginning edit/gif makers
Making a gif/edit is honestly not that hard and takes about 5 minutes, well, depending on the scene, how long you’ve been doing this and how you color but the steps are:
Getting your screencaps.
Importing them into Photoshop.
Cropping and putting them into the correct dimensions for tumblr.
Six pretty easy steps. But this is not a tutorial post, this is a resource post.
Tutorials on how to make gifs:
Windows using KMPlayer
Windows using PotPlayer (my settings for capturing frames)
Windows using GOM Player
Mac using MPlayer OSX Extended
Windows AND Mac using MPEG Streamclip
Resources for getting caps:
KMPlayer (For Windows)
Potplayer (For Windows)
MPlayer OSX Extended (For Mac)
GOM Player (For Windows)
MPEG Streamclip (Windows and Mac)
Downloading videos from youtube, vimeo, and some other sites:
4K Downloader (windows, mac and linux) <- best one imo
KeepVid (windows and mac)
Clip Converter
Downloading videos from twitter:
Put a m. in front of the url, for example,
Click on the video and then right click > Save Video as…
New Dimensions for tumblr:
10 gifs: 268x145
9 gifs: 177x177/178x178/177x177
8 gifs: 268x160
6 gifs: 268x186-200 (whichever you prefer)
4 gifs (side by side): 268x268
4+ gifs: 540x220
2 gifs (side by side): 268x300
2/3 gifs: 540x240
The width is the most important, that stays the same but the height can be different as long as the gif size is under 3MB
this is a really good tag too see different sizes
Sharpening for gifs: (these are the best ones)
Actions I have made (includes three: the basic sharpening & gaussian blur)
Sharpening by hoechlin
the above sharpenings you need to convert your gifs into a smart object when you are in video timeline
Basic Sharpening (up to 150 frames) by karazorel
Resources for getting good quality pictures and caps for making edits:
Downloads for Photoshop:
completeresources: windows // mac
photoshopshitilike (includes downloads for other things too)
This is probably the hardest part finding a good download, its a trial, I went through a couple before I found a good one (I forgot where I got it sorry.)
Photoshop CS5 is probably the best one for making gifs, makes them look smoother.
Some tips:
Never use google to find images especially those found in pinterest, weheartit or other sites like that. Use the ones above or from official sites.
Never stretch an image more than it’s original size. If you already sized it down to 268px but now want it to be 540px, you need to just start over cause stretching it would make it really pixelated and gifs/edit that have pixels are ugly.
Always download 1080p, 720p is fine but try to find 1080p. Never 480p. Never, just love yourself.
When it comes to sharpening gifs, keep it simple. If you do use gaussian blur, don’t make it too blurry. Simpler is better but again, everyone is different so its not my place to tell you what to do. *You know you oversharpen your gif when you get that weird line around an object.*
Always use the right dimensions! Only use widths of 268px or 540px, unless you are making 3 gifs side by side then its 177 x 178 x 177. If you are makings gifs that are side by side, example, keep it 268px never anything smaller or higher, it makes the gifs blurry.
The only time it’s okay to use a bigger size is when you make a graphic, infographic, or art. Never for gifs or edits.
A clear sign that someone is stealing/recoloring gifs is if the gifs in the post are all different sizes from each other and/or have different sharpening.
For text, keep the font size between 10.3-11px. The best front to use is Arial Rounded MT Bold with a stroke of 1px and if needed, a drop shadow at 50%, angle 30, distance 3, spread 0, and size 5. You can download my font psd here if you want.
Make your frame rate 0.05, 0.05 or 0.07. Personally, 0.05 is the best, makes it more naturally looking. When you save your gifs, photoshops puts the frame rate to 0.07, so make sure to reopen your gif and put your frame rate back to the one you want and save.
It just kills me when writers create franchises where like 95% of the speaking roles are male, then get morally offended that all of the popular ships are gay. It’s like, what did they expect?
I fucking hate game apps. I wanted to play tetris the otherday so I figured there must be a simple tetris app out there its the most basic game. But every app is like heres your daily log in bonus of 10 gold! You get 5 free plays a day. Here's an ad. To replay a level costs 1 diamond. You can eart gold by earning points in levels. 1000 points = 1 gold. You can exchange 550 gold for one diamond but we have a sale right now that they only cost 500 gold. Heres an ad. You can buy a loot crate of diamonds for 5.99$! You leveled up! Heres 1 free diamond. Youve run out of free replays for today, would you like to buy some more diamonds? Heres your daily tasks, make sure to log in every day this month for a free reward chest. its free! Heres an ad. Would you like to sign up for this credit card to recieve 10 free diamonds? Invite a friend and you can earn points! Ding! Youve leveled up. Heres an ad. This is our special bonus play weekend, you get one free replay and a pack of diamonds only costs 4.99$. You can use your gold to purchase new skins for the tetris blocks. This ones shaped like cats! It costs 100 diamonds. You need to collect them all. Free to play, may be some in-app purchases.
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
@Fanfic writers:
My friend send me this link, is a series on a profile on Ao3 (tumblr) that has different tutorials to insert things to fanfics via html code, I thought I would share bc it’s really cool
Lists of tutorials:
How to make images fit in mobile browsers
This is a tutorial/live example on how to make large images fit on mobile browsers but remain normal size on desktop browsers.
How to mimic letters, fliers, and stationery without using images
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic the look of letters, fliers, and stationery (as well as other forms of written media) without using images. For all your epistolary fic needs.
How to make a “choose your own adventure” Fic
This is a tutorial/live example on how to create a "Choose Your Own Adventure" fic. While this has been explained before (see here), this particular tutorial shows you how to use a work skin to hide the next parts from the reader until they click through to get to them.
How to make linked footnotes on Ao3
This is a live example of how an author can create linked footnotes in their work with only a little bit of HTML and no workskins required. This is best viewed by clicking "Entire Work". While I've included the actual coding in bold and italic once you click "Hide Creator's Style", there's a more detailed explanation here.
How to change text on Ao3 when the cursor is hovering over it (or clicked on mobile)
This a tutorial/live example on how to have text change or appear once a cursor is hovering over it. Helpful for pop-up spoilers, language translations, quick author's notes, etc.
How to mimic author’s notes and Kudos/Comment buttons
Anonymous on tumblr: do you have a skin that would mimic the author’s notes and review/kudos buttons section from the end of a fic? the desired effect being that the fic could go on after the “end” of the fic, so after the author’s notes and review/kudos buttons
Here's a tutorial/live example to do just that, with some of the buttons actually functioning. I'll explain more inside!
How to wrap text around images
This is a tutorial/live example on how to align images to the left or right of the screen and have text wrap around them.
How to mimic email windows
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic email windows on AO3 without the need to use images.
How to make ios text messages on Ao3
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic iOS text messages on AO3 without the need to use images. There's also a chapter on how to have emojis displayed on AO3 as well.
How to make Customized page deviders
Bored with the default page dividers? This is a tutorial/live example on how customize your page dividers with no images needed (though I do show you how you could use images if you wanted to do such a thing).
How to make invisible text (That can be highlighted)
This is a live example how to make invisible text that can only be seen by highlighting the text. Tutorial is included in text, and you can always leave comments about questions you may have.
MOBILE USERS: Sadly, this probably won't work for you, since highlighting in a mobile browser is different than web. I've tried correcting this, but have yet to find a solution.
How to make a rounded playlist
Original coding and design is from layouttest. I make no claims for it, just tweaked it so it will work on AO3.
How to create notebook lined paper on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of lined notebook paper in their work. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
Sticky notes on Ao3 without using images
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of sticky notes (aka Post-Its) in their fic. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
How to make deadpool’s thinking thinking boxes on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of Deadpool's thinking boxes in their fic. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
How to make newspaper articles on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of a newspaper article in their work. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
Are you frustrated you can't leave second kudos on AO3? or third kudos? or whatever-who's-counting kudos?
Well, have I got the html for you!
Plop any of these in a comment (by copy&pasting the code) to make an author's day and show your appreciation!
Second kudos: <img src="" alt="second kudos">
Third kudos: <img src="" alt="third kudos">
nth kudos: <img src="" alt="nth kudos">
yet another kudos: <img src="" alt="yet another kudos">

It will look something like this (and will be transparent with white outline on dark backgrounds):

Feel free to spread and use these as much as you like! (and if you have ideas for other variations, let me know ✌️)