Formula One X You - Tumblr Posts

The roughie and the racer
Part one
Daniel Ricciardo x male!oc
Word count 4k
I don’t know how I feel about this honestly let me know what you think I had to break up with the last 2k words 😭😭😭😭
Caden arched an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest. "You want me to accompany you where?" he inquired. His sister let out a sigh. "To the Austin Grand Prix," she repeated. Caden's expression turned sour. "What happened to your date?" he probed. His sister glanced down at the ground and murmured, "He bailed." "And why do you assume I'm free that weekend? Perhaps I already have plans," Caden retorted sarcastically. His sister gazed at him doubtfully. "So, do you have plans?" she asked, fully aware that her loner of a brother likely had no prior commitments for the weekend.
Caden let out a deep sigh and slowly uncrossed his arms. "No, I don't have any plans that weekend," he said, his voice tinged with defeat. His sister's face lit up with a smile. "See, I knew it! And who knows, maybe you'll end up having a great time," she teased, playfully punching her brother in the arm.
Caden rolled his eyes, but a faint smile played at the corners of his lips. "I doubt it," he muttered, rubbing his arm where his sister had made contact. "But I'll go," he conceded, knowing full well he had little choice in the matter. "But don't expect me to enjoy myself. I don't get why you're so into this F1 junk." His sister beamed with excitement. “You're lucky I love” Caden says to his sister rolling his eyes. His sister grinned widely as she ruffled Caden's hair, playfully teasing him. "Awww, Caden, you're such a softie deep down," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Look at how easily you're being corrupted by my influence. Soon you'll be begging me to take you to every race." Caden grumbled as he attempted to fix his disheveled hair. "I'm only doing this because it's important to you," he muttered, his voice tinged with feigned annoyance. Deep down, he couldn't deny the fondness he had for his sister.
"And I won't beg for anything!" he added defiantly. His sister couldn't help but chuckle, clearly enjoying teasing her brother. "Oh, I know you won't beg," she replied with a smirk. "You're too stubborn for that. But mark my words, by the end of the weekend, you'll be a racing enthusiast just like me." Caden scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "In your dreams," he muttered, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'll tolerate the races, but I'll never become a fan like you. It's just not my thing, and it never will be."
Their banter continued as they joked and teased one another playfully. Despite Caden's reluctance, he secretly couldn't help feeling a hint of anticipation for the upcoming weekend and the chance to spend some quality time with his sister. "Just promise me one thing," Caden said, interrupting their playful banter momentarily. His expression turned serious, and he looked at his sister with sincerity. "Promise me you'll make sure we get the best view of the race. If I'm going to suffer through this, I might as well have a comfortable seat."
His sister raised an eyebrow, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "Oh, don't worry, Caden," she said with a sly smirk. "I already have it all figured out. We'll be sitting in the front row, practically on top of the action. You might even forget you hate F1 by the end of it." Caden rolled his eyes again, his irritation mingled with a hint of reluctant curiosity. He didn't want to admit it, but his sister's enthusiasm was beginning to rub off on him...just a little.
"Just don't expect me to root for any of those drivers or anything," he grumbled, trying to maintain his grumpy facade. His sister laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of asking you to root for anyone," she replied playfully. "You can just sit there and judge them in your head. That's what you do best, right?"
Caden huffed, pretending to be annoyed but unable to suppress the corners of his lips from twitching into a slight smile. "You know me too well," he conceded, a hint of affection in his voice. "Besides, you might discover you find one of those drivers surprisingly attractive," his sister teased, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.
Caden's eyes widened in mock horror. "Oh, please, don't say things like that! I wouldn't be caught dead crushing on some rich, arrogant racer."
His sister laughed wholeheartedly, thoroughly enjoying Caden's sarcastic reactions. "Relax, Caden, I'm just messing with you," she giggled. "But you never know, stranger things have happened. And if you do end up crushing on a racer, you'll owe me a year's supply of ice cream."
Caden playfully shoved her, trying to feign annoyance, but it was evident he was enjoying their banter. "You're insufferable," he muttered, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "But fine, if I end up hopelessly swooning over a racer, I'll treat you to a year's worth of ice cream. However, I highly doubt that's ever going to happen." His sister grinned widely, clearly pleased with his response. "Deal. But beware, Caden, life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. With the deal struck and the banter still flowing, they continued their playful banter, their laughter echoing through the room.
As the conversation continued, Caden found himself slowly becoming more at ease. Despite his initial reluctance, the idea of attending the race with his sister no longer seemed entirely unbearable. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, this could turn out to be a memorable weekend. But for now, he would continue grumbling and eye-rolling, maintaining his grumpy exterior as much as possible. After all, he needed to uphold his reputation as a tough, no-nonsense guy.
The weekend finally arrived, and Caden found himself standing outside the entrance to Circuit of The Americas, surrounded by a boisterous crowd of racing fans. His sister stood beside him, bubbling with excitement, while Caden tried to maintain his indifferent facade.
As they made their way through the bustling crowd, Caden couldn't help feeling out of his element. The noise, the energy, the excitement - it was all so foreign to him.
But there was something oddly captivating about the atmosphere. The colorful team jerseys, the enthusiastic chants, the intoxicating scent of engine oil and gasoline. It was a different world completely, a world that his sister seemed completely enthralled by.
“Here,” Cadens sister said, handing him something. “What’s this? " he asked looking at the lanyard. “It’s a paddock pass” his sister says. Caden raised an eyebrow, his tone filled with skepticism. "A paddock pass? Seriously? I thought we were just going to watch the race like normal people."
His sister shot him a teasing smile. "Oh, come on, Caden. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, how could I possibly ask you to accompany me to the race and not give you the full experience?"
Caden rolled his eyes, but a hint of curiosity piqued his interest. He had to admit, being in the paddock and getting up close with the race cars did sound somewhat intriguing, even though he tried hard to hide it.
“So what team hospitality will we be in?” Caden asked his sister. His sister's eyes lit up with excitement as she replied, "We'll be in the Red Bull hospitality. It's one of the best teams in the league right now, and their hospitality is legendary. We might even get a chance to meet some of the drivers!"
Caden couldn't help rolling his eyes once again. "Meet the drivers? Yeah, because that's what I want, to spend my day chatting with a bunch of pompous, adrenaline junkie billionaires." His sister laughed and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Lighten up, Caden! You might find that these drivers are not as pompous as you think. They're human beings like us, dedicated to their passion and craft."
“Oh yeah like you and your bull riding? his sister says. Caden's expression hardened at the mention of his own profession. "Bull riding is a true test of skill and courage. Those bulls are unpredictable. It's a lot more than just sitting in a car and pressing pedals." His sister raised her hands in surrender, realizing she had inadvertently struck a nerve. "Alright, alright, I get it. Your bull riding is hardcore, no question. But you have to admit, those race car drivers have some serious skills too. It's not just about the speed, it's about precision, strategy, and the ability to handle these machines at insane speeds." Caden grumbled, still not entirely convinced. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Fine, maybe those drivers do have some talent or whatever. But I'll still stick to my horses and bulls, thank you very much."
As Caden stood among the crowd, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "You ride bulls?" The question came from behind him. Turning around, Caden was met by the sight of a man slightly shorter than himself. The man stood confidently, wearing a crisp Ferrari polo. However, it wasn't the polo that grabbed Caden's attention. What stood out was the curious fashion choice of the man - his jeans were tucked into his boots, making for an interesting appearance.
Caden couldn't help but stare in disbelief at the man's attire. He had certainly seen some unique fashion choices in his life, but jeans stuffed into boots inside boots – a cowboy style – was definitely not something he had come across before. It was a stark contrast to the formal dress code he had grown up with thanks to his father's strict ways.
"Yeah, I do ride bulls now and then," Caden replied, trying to compose himself and look away from the man's unusual boot situation.Caden’s sister gasped, tapping him on the shoulder trying to get his attention but she had no luck because he was still staring down at the man’s boots.
As Caden looked down at the man's boots, he could feel his sister nudge him on the shoulder, trying to get his attention. But his focus remained on the unusual boot situation before him. Feeling a sense of obligation, Caden kneeled down and swiftly fixed the man's jeans, ensuring they were properly positioned outside the boots.
"Jeans go on the outside of your boots," he advised, trying to keep his tone neutral but unable to resist a subtle hint of amusement in his voice.
The man looked utterly bewildered, clearly stunned by Caden's unexpected act. He glanced down at his boots and back up at Caden, as if trying to comprehend what had just happened. "You... you fixed my boots?" he stammered, still processing the situation. Caden stood up, casually adjusting his own attire. "Yeah, sorry, man, but jeans stuffed into boots is just wrong," he replied with a shrug. "You gotta do it right if you're going to be in Texas and I’m surprised that everybody just let you walk around like that”
The man looked down at his boots once again, a hint of embarrassment creeping onto his face. He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I got carried away with the look," he admitted, unable to hide a sheepish smile. "Thanks for the correction, man." “I’m Charles” the man says introducing himself. Caden glanced up and met Charles eye-to-eye, offering a firm handshake. "Caden," he responded simply, his voice carrying a subtle hint of curiosity. There was something oddly magnetic about Charles' presence that intrigued him. "Are you a racing fan or just really into boot fashion?"
Charles grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "A bit of both, I suppose," he replied, his tone laced with a touch of playfulness. "Racing is my profession, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to rock this fashion statement."
Caden raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "Racing? as in F1?" he asked, his skepticism evident in his tone as he gestured towards the Ferrari emblem on Charles' polo. Charles nodded enthusiastically, a mixture of orgullo and enthusiasm evident in his expression. "Yeah, Formula 1, to be precise. I drive for Ferrari."
Caden's eyes widened slightly as he took in this newfound information. He had a feeling he was speaking with someone of significance within the racing world, but he hadn't anticipated just how significant. "Well, I'll be damned," Caden muttered, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I never thought I'd be fixing some posh Formula 1 driver's fashion faux pas."
Charles laughed heartily, clearly amused by Caden's remark. "Posh, huh? I guess you could say that," he replied with a light-hearted shrug. "But hey, fashion faux pas can happen to anyone, even F1 drivers." Caden rolled his eyes, not entirely convinced by Charles' self-deprecating remark. "Yeah, well, it's a good thing someone was around to fix it," he retorted, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Imagine if you had been filmed walking around like that."
Charles nodded, his expression turning sheepish once again. "Yeah, I wouldn't have heard the end of it," he said with a chuckle. "Thanks for saving me there, Caden. I owe you one."
Caden waved a dismissive hand, trying to brush off the gratitude. "No biggie. Just doing my Texan duty to spread proper boot style." Charles' eyes widened with interest as he processed Caden's words. "You're a Texan, huh? That explains the boots. And the bulls, I assume?" he asked, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.
Caden chuckled, a subtle hint of pride in his voice. "Guilty as charged. Born and raised in Texas, where cowboys and bulls coexist. Though the bulls might have the upper hand sometimes." Charles let out a hearty laugh, clearly amused by Caden's remark. "Sounds like an interesting life you lead, Caden. Bulls and cowboys, huh? Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about handling those bulls. And I can teach you a thing or two about F1."
Caden raised an eyebrow, feigning indifference. "Oh, so you're offering lessons now, Mr. Fancy Formula 1 Driver? I'll consider it, but only if you promise not to bring back the boot fashion blunders."
Charles grinned, clearly enjoying the banter between them. "Deal. No more boot blunders from me, I promise," he agreed, holding out his hand for a mock handshake that Caden reluctantly returned. "And who knows? Maybe you'll end up enjoying the racing world more than you think.”
Caden playfully rolled his eyes, masking his intrigue. "Right, sure. I'm sure the racing world and I will become fast friends. Just as soon as you convince me it's not just a bunch of millionaires driving in circles." Charles couldn't help but chuckle at Caden's remark. "No worries, I won't force you into a racing suit. But I do hope you'll enjoy your day and the race," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity.
Suddenly, someone called out to Charles from a distance, drawing his attention away. "I have to go, but it was great meeting you, Caden. Maybe we'll see each other later." Caden nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Likewise, Charles. Take care of those boots, and yourself. And try not to crash in the race, alright?" "I'll do my best,” Charles replied with a wink, offering a playful salute as he turned to leave. As he walked away, Caden found himself stealing a quick glance at the shortened jeans, still feeling the lingering impact of the brief encounter.
As Caden watched Charles walk away, his sister appeared at his side, a knowing smile on her face. "Making friends already, huh?" she teased playfully, nudging him with her elbow. Caden rolled his eyes, trying to feign nonchalance, but a faint blush creeped over his cheeks. "Don't be ridiculous. I just fixed the guy's boots. It's not like we're best friends now." His sister laughed, seeing right through his attempt to play it cool. "Right, right. Fixing someone's boots is the classic Texan move for making friends," she jested, a mischievous twinkle in her eye."Oh, shut it,” Caden grumbled, feeling a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. "I just didn't want him walking around like a fashion disaster, alright? That's all there was to it." His sister just grinned wider, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "Whatever you say, big brother.“
Caden scowled at her, knowing he had inadvertently given her ammunition to tease him about for the rest of the weekend. "Just great. Now I'll never hear the end of this" he muttered under his breath. His sister laughed, clearly amused by her brother's annoyance. "Oh, don't worry, Caden. I'll make sure to keep reminding you of this little boot-fixing episode. It's not every day you get to impress a Formula 1 driver with your Texas manners." Caden let out a long-suffering sigh, resigning himself to the fact that his sister would always be there to remind him of his embarrassing moments. "I should have known better than to step foot in this racing-crazed world. It's like a magnet for embarrassing situations" he grumbled.
As Caden and his sister made their way towards the stands, the atmosphere grew more intense. Cheerleaders performed acrobatic routines, bands played upbeat music, and fans wore colorful shirts and hats representing their favorite teams. The energy was palpable, and Caden couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Remind me again why I agreed to come to this madness," he groaned to his sister as the two of them walked to the red bull hospitality and garage.
"Because you secretly love it," his sister teased with a knowing grin. "You’re just too stubborn to admit it."Caden huffed in playful annoyance but couldn't keep the corner of his lips from curving into a small smile. He secretly enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere, despite his initial reluctance. As they entered the Red Bull Hospitality, Caden's eyes darted around, taking in the luxurious interior adorned with the team's signature bulls and crimson red colors. The atmosphere was a whirlwind of chatter and laughter as fans mingled and enjoyed food from various catering tables.
Caden's sister seemed to be in her element, effortlessly striking up conversations with fellow fans and basking in the buzz of excitement. Caden, on the other hand, found himself feeling a bit out of place. He stuck to the sidelines and observed the scene unfolding before him in silence. As they made their way through the bustling crowd, a sudden change in the atmosphere caught Caden's attention. The fans around them erupted into cheers and applause, their gazes fixed on something or someone behind him. Curiosity piqued, Caden turned around to see what had caused the commotion. Standing amidst the whirlwind of commotion was Daniel Ricciardo, the charming Australian driver with a contagious smile. His presence commanded the attention of everyone around him, and the crowd seemed to gravitate towards him like moths to a flame.
Caden's heart skipped a beat as he laid eyes on Daniel's captivating presence. There was something magnetic about him, an undeniable charisma that drew people in, and Caden found himself strangely drawn to it. His sister noticed the way Caden's gaze lingered on Daniel, and a sly smile curved her lips. "Seems like you've found someone interesting," she teased, nudging him gently with her elbow. Caden snapped out of his momentary trance and quickly composed himself, trying to mask his interest in Daniel. "What? No, I was just observing," he replied, trying to maintain a nonchalant demeanor but failing miserably.
His sister arched an eyebrow, clearly amused by his reaction. "Observing, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?" She teased softly, her eyes twinkling with playfulness. Caden grumbled under his breath and turned away, trying to hide the faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "I was just admiring the whole circus, that's all," he muttered, but his sister saw right through his denial.
She laughed softly, clearly amused by her brother's subtle interest. "Whatever you say, Caden. Just don't deny that you're intrigued by the charm of that Aussie driver and besides he’s your type.” His sister rolled her eyes, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Oh, come on, Caden. Don't act like you can hide it. All those guys you've had little flings with over the years, tall, charming, and charismatic. Seems like Daniel Ricciardo ticks all those boxes for you." Caden shot her a glare, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment at her astute observation. "Shut it," he muttered between gritted teeth. "I'm not interested in him. And even if I were, there's a zero percent chance he'd look my way."
His sister shrugged nonchalantly, clearly enjoying teasing her older brother. "Who knows? People surprise you sometimes. And who says you're not his type?" Her mischievous grin seemed to suggest that she had a few ideas up her sleeve. Caden gritted his teeth, feeling the familiar frustration and annoyance that always surfaced whenever his sister played matchmaker in his life. "Leave it, alright? We're here to enjoy the race, not discuss my non-existent love life," he huffed, hoping to put an end to the conversation. His sister chuckled, sensing her brother's discomfort. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it for now. But just remember, life's too short to hold back from what you want," she said, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder before sauntering off to explore the hospitality area.
As his sister vanished into the crowd, Caden let out a frustrated sigh, feeling a mix of relief and irritation. He cast a quick glance around, his eyes landing on Daniel once again, who was engrossed in conversation with a group of fans a few feet away. Despite his best efforts to remain aloof, Caden couldn't resist stealing discreet glances at Daniel. There was an inexplicable allure about him that drew Caden in, a magnetic charm that transcended the realm of racing. He couldn't shake off the subtle flutter in his chest every time he laid eyes on him. It was a confusing mix of intrigue and unease, and Caden couldn't help but question the strange pull he felt towards the captivating Australian driver. As he continued to observe Daniel, Caden couldn’t help but notice the effortless way he interacted with fans. Daniel's smile was genuine, and he engaged with each person with warmth and enthusiasm. Caden's heart thumped against his chest as he watched, and the thought that he could ever even approach such a vibrant and charming individual seemed far-fetched. He silently chastised himself for allowing his imagination to run wild.
Just when Caden was lost in his thoughts, Daniel glanced in his direction, their eyes locking for a brief moment before Caden swiftly averted his gaze. His heart raced, and a wave of nerves washed over him, silently cursing his awkward demeanor. It was in that fleeting glance that Caden felt a connection, a strange recognition that sent a shiver down his spine. He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to this encounter than just a casual glance. The moment was brief, but it left an indelible mark on Caden's mind. He couldn’t help but wonder if Daniel had felt it too. The thought tormented him, making him question everything he thought he knew about his own feelings and desires. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation swirling within him, Caden knew that this chance encounter had stirred something deep within him, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
The rest of the time at the hospitality area went by in a blur for Caden as they mingled with fans and enjoyed the pre-race festivities. He tried to keep his mind occupied, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the brief connection he had felt with Daniel. As the race grew closer and the crowd became more hyped, Caden's anticipation to witness Daniel in action slowly replaced his initial apprehension.
As they made their way to their seats, Caden found himself torn between excitement and anxiety. Every time Daniel's name was announced over the loudspeaker, Caden's heart raced, and a mixture of nerves and anticipation swirled within his stomach. He had never felt such a strong connection to someone, especially someone he barely knew, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to this inexplicable pull he felt towards the captivating driver.
The race started, and Caden was immediately immersed in the frenzy of engines revving and tires screeching against the track. The energy of the crowd was infectious, and he found himself caught up in the excitement of the competition. His sister leaned over, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, Daniel Ricciardo is leading the race so far. He's quite the skilled driver," she remarked, subtly trying to gauge Caden's reaction. Caden's heart skipped a beat as he heard the news, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety swirling within him. He tried to play it off coolly, shrugging nonchalantly. "Yeah, he's not bad," he replied, trying to keep his emotions in check. "But it's a long race, anything can happen," he added, hoping his sister wouldn't pick up on the newfound interest in his voice.
As the race continued, Caden found himself glued to every move Daniel made, his heart racing with every pass and overtake. He couldn't help but admire the confidence and skill with which Daniel navigated the track, seemingly unfazed by the intense competition. Caden's sister noticed his unwavering attention and let out a soft chuckle.
"Looks like you have a favorite driver now," she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "He's quite captivating, isn't he?" Caden playfully shoved her shoulder, trying to lighten the situation. "Shut it, you. I just appreciate good racing," he protested, though he couldn't deny the undeniable charm that Daniel exuded both on and off the track. The race continued to unfold, and Caden watched with a mixture of anticipation and dread as the leading positions changed hands numerous times. The race was on a knife's edge, with Daniel still firmly in contention. As the laps neared their end, Caden felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He couldn't help but feel invested in Daniel's performance, his heart racing with each turn and overtake.
As the final lap commenced, Caden's heart pounded against his ribcage, the tension palpable in the air. His eyes were fixated on Daniel's car, watching as it navigated through the curves and bends of the track. The race was nearing its climax, and the suspense was unbearable. Caden found himself involuntarily clenching his fists, silently cheering Daniel on.
The final minutes were a flurry of excitement and anticipation, and Caden's heart skipped a beat as Daniel took the checkered flag, securing first place. The crowd erupted into a roaring applause, and Caden found himself smiling despite his earlier reservations. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for the captivating driver who had managed to capture his attention like no one else had before. As Daniel's car slowed to a stop and he climbed out, waving to the cheering crowd, Caden's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but stare, captivated by the magnetic aura that surrounded Daniel. There was something about him that transcended the realm of racing he was charismatic, talented, and undeniably charming.Caden felt that strange pull towards him, a connection that he couldn't explain but couldn't ignore.
His sister, who had observed his reactions throughout the race, gently nudged him once again. "Looks like you're hopelessly smitten with the race winner," she teased, her eyes twinkling with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Caden snapped out of his temporary stupor, quickly regaining his composure. "Smitten? Hardly. I just appreciate good driving," he retorted, dismissing her statement with a casual wave of his hand. However, the faint blush on his cheeks betrayed his attempts to downplay his true feelings. His sister smirked, clearly not buying his denial. "Sure, just ‘appreciating' his driving skills, right?" she teased, her words dripping with playful sarcasm. Caden rolled his eyes, secretly flustered by her teasing yet unable to deny the magnetic pull he felt towards the charismatic race winner.
As the crowd started to thin out and the excitement began to subside, Caden found himself feeling a mix of emotions. There was a strange combination of anticipation and dread building within him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen. Despite his best efforts to push the thought away, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever cross paths with Daniel again. He was pulled out of his reverie by his sister's soft voice. "You know, you've been watching him like a hawk. I never thought you'd be this interested in a race," she commented, a teasing lilt in her words. Caden shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool. "I just appreciate good driving, that's all. He's a talented driver." But he couldn't hide the fact that his heart was beating erratically in his chest at the mere mention of Daniel.
As they made their way out of the hospitality and towards the parking lot, Caden's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the charming race winner. He tried to dismiss the persistent flutter in his heart as mere adrenaline, but deep down, he knew there was more to it. Little did he know that the night had a surprise in store for him
formula one ✩ m.list

# ᴄʜᴀʀʟᴇꜱ ʟᴇᴄʟᴇʀᴄ :: cl¹⁶
ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴏᴛᴛʟᴇ :: Finally feeling familiar with the heartbreak and love songs she has composed, the world's golden girl discovers that love is trickier than it looks—even more so when it comes in the form of a green-eyed Monégasque.
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴘᴀʀᴀɴᴏɪᴅ :: The fact that you have to work as a Formula One driver's assistant for your final college grade is not the worst of your problems; the true issue is that no one told you that you would become a emotional support human for him.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ :: Monaco is the jewel in the crown, a world of expensive cars, casinos, and sheer luxury that conceals the true reason for its name; who imagined that a night of joy would finish with blood on your hands.

# ᴄᴀʀʟᴏꜱ ꜱᴀɪɴᴢ :: cs⁵⁵

# ᴍᴀx ᴠᴇʀꜱᴛᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ :: mv¹
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴡʀᴀᴛʜ :: Who would have thought that a mistake on your application could cost you your dream job? And that in the end you would end up as an assistant to a one time world champion struggling to control his anger issues.

# ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ʀɪᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴅᴏ :: dr³

# ʟᴀɴᴅᴏ ɴᴏʀʀɪꜱ :: ln⁴
ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ :: After discovering that he is in love with his best friend, Lando is determined and will do everything he can to prove to her that he is the right man for her. [ coming soon ]
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ʟᴜꜱᴛ :: After graduating from college, you land a job assisting a Formula One driver, but nobody told you that this particular driver would be an absolute nightmare and that your job would basically consist of babysitting him.

# ᴏꜱᴄᴀʀ ᴘɪᴀꜱᴛʀɪ :: op⁸¹
ᴅɪꜱᴇᴀꜱᴇ : ᴘʀɪᴅᴇ :: Being hired as his assistant to help him during his second year in Formula One, you discover that the reason he has trouble expressing what he wants is not that he lacks the ability to do so, but that he is too prideful to do so.

# ʟᴇᴡɪꜱ ʜᴀᴍɪʟᴛᴏɴ :: lh⁴⁴

# ɢᴇᴏʀɢᴇ ʀᴜꜱꜱᴇʟʟ :: gr⁶³

# ᴘɪᴇʀʀᴇ ɢᴀꜱʟʏ :: pg¹⁰

# ꜱᴇʙᴀꜱᴛɪᴀɴ ᴠᴇᴛᴛᴇʟ :: sv⁵

# ᴍɪᴄᴋ ꜱᴄʜᴜᴍᴀᴄʜᴇʀ :: ms⁴⁷

# ᴀʟᴇx ᴀʟʙᴏɴ :: aa²³
ᴛᴇᴀᴍ ʀᴀᴅɪᴏ :: the disease series! all drivers have one, and the reader is always an assistant!
© mrslestappen :: please do not copy my work!
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖]
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you’ve had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: fluff, friends to lovers romance also fake dating trope so we’re going all in baby
A/N: I love this man, this man is very underrated and this is going to be a mini-series, probably 7/8 parts but we’ll see how it goes
Word Count: 1.7k (7 minutes reading time avg)
Lance oddly glances over your face, definitely dumbfounded by your ask.
Trying to persuade one of the two drivers for the team that you work for, that going as your pretend date to your brother’s wedding was quite possibly the weirdest favour you could ask of anyone.
You tilt your head, reasoning with him. “Whatever you need, I will do it and I’ll do it to the best of my ability.”
He hums, “I don’t need anything.”
You inhale through your nose, “I’ll wash your race suit and even bring it to the remaining.. 20 races."
With pursed lips, he appears untempted by your proposal.
“Okay, then I’ll do all your laundry, not just your race suit.” You say.
“There’re people in the team who do that anyway?” You sigh, leaning your elbows on the table.
“I’ll clean your driver’s room, after every practice session, after every qualifying, and after every race.”
He feigns offence, “my room is very neat for your information.”
You scoff, not wanting to but getting all the more closer to giving up.
“Then do this for me as a friend, you just said you had nothing to do between now and Baku anyway.” You countered, pointing an accusing finger at him.
Lance smiles slightly. “It’s a massive favour Y/N, I can’t just drop all my plans.”
You half-frowned, knowing he had a point. “Look, the moment I set my phone down, I know my mum would’ve been rounding up all the bachelors from here to Canada.”
He laughed and you smiled, though you were pretty sure your mum really was doing so.
“Have you asked anyone else?” He questioned, out of sheer curiosity on why you came to him first.
“No I haven’t, should I?”
“I don’t know.” His answer makes you groan, “one weekend Lance.”
There was a shift of emotion in his face and you jumped at the opportunity to try and make it as convincing for him as possible, “one or two photos, my dad loves racing so tell him about Bahrain. I have a nephew who’s into motorcycles so talk away about them.”
“With an 8 year old?” You blinked at him, “I admit the conversations may not be enthralling but toy motorcycles really get his gears turning.”
The F1 driver weighs out the pros and cons of your request, circling the rim of his glass with the tip of his index finger.
His eyes flicker to your pleading expression, your fingernails digging into the underside of your chin, your hands brought together in a praying gesture.
“Is a weekend with me going to be that horrible?” You inquire.
“No,” he admits, casually falling back on to his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “I was never going to say no, I just wanted to see how far you’d go.”
He grins cockily and you reach over to slap his arm which he manages to pull away from in time.
The few days after the Australian race, you'd been hammered by your parents and your siblings, on who the mystery boy was. It was pretty well known that they'd meet him at some point next weekend but that obviously wasn't reason enough for them to stop asking every question under the sun about him.
When the build to that weekend officially began, you prayed that it would pass smoothly, you'd tell a few little white lies along the way and should they ever ask about him following the wedding, you and Lance would've been peacefully broken up by then.
"Oh gosh, here we go." You lower your head to your lap while Lance takes a single sip from his champagne glass, setting it down on the coaster.
You knew bumping into a relative who asked a million and one questions during the rehearsal would be a given so you'd prepared your 'date' as best you could.
You instinctively reach for his hand, settling the palm of yours on the back of his. He's slightly disconcerted at the contact but doesn't move an inch, he glances at you sat on the seat besides him as you do the same.
You release a shaky sigh, "my sister's going to interrogate you like she's trying to put the FBI to shame. You remember what I told you right?" You ask quietly.
He nods faintly, "yeah, of course I do." He assures you.
You muster a sincere smile before retracting your hand from his and allowing it to fall on to your lap again. You then rub your palms on your thighs and stand up to embrace her.
Lance straightened on his chair, allowing your sister to approach the table before he followed your movements. You swallow when his hand rests on your lower back, but you reminded yourself it was just a part of the act.
It was amusing in hindsight how you'd pleaded, borderline begged, for him to be your pretend boyfriend for a weekend but you hadn't actually thought about what that might necessitate.
"Hi!" Your sister was ever the bubbly one who could rave about her passions for days while remaining oblivious to the other person's lack of interest.
She flung her arms around your neck and brought you in for a hug, to which you chuckled and winded your arms around her back. Lance's hand fell to his side, his gaze falling to his feet.
Once you'd pulled away, she sighed happily then glanced at him expectantly. You cleared your throat and he swiftly turned his head towards you, then at her.
"Dais, this is Lance," you realise he probably needs no further introduction. "Lance, this is my sister, Daisy."
He gives her a genuine smile, taking her hand that she holds out as a formal introduction. "Is this the boyfriend I messaged you a million times about?"
You scoff with a smile, feeling his eyes fall to your face, as if he was watching for something. "Yep, in the flesh." He swallows, nodding.
She gasps, pointing a finger towards him and you panic for a moment, if there was a single hidden talent your sister had, it was putting two and two together at record speed.
Luckily, Lance remained unphased despite the stark contrast between yours and his tension levels.
"You're the F1 driver Dad was telling us about, the one with the broken wrists." She announced loudly, though it was only a surprise to her.
"That's my reputation I guess." He comments, turning his head to your side, directing it at you. You smile, continuing to fidget with your two intertwined hands.
But he confirms it nonetheless, "that's me."
"Wow, F1. Must be cool having the girl you date at the garage for every race." He gave her a polite smile, not knowing how to continue the conversation.
“It has its perks.” You agree with him, not vocally saying what those supposed perks were.
“What kind of perks?” Your sister asked craftily and you sigh, dismissing her question.
“Behave, now go and find Kev, we want to congratulate him.” As your baby sister, with a huff, she agreed and sauntered off elsewhere.
“She’s nice.” You hummed, turning your body to Lance’s so your back was facing the crowd of people that would occasionally glance in your direction.
“She’s one of many,” He smiled, seeing the deflation on your face form when you realised this was going to be a very long weekend of lying.
“Regretting it?” You meet his eyes, he meets yours. “No. Just wondering if it was the best decision.”
“One question less, 20 more in its place.” You chuckle knowing he was referring to the inevitable question on where your date was had you not brought one, but because you had, it was flipped on its head.. then multiplied.
“Should I apologise for bringing you here now?”
“How bad are they?” He asks.
"I haven't seen anything about you two online, considering you're famous and all." Your words remained stuck in your throat as you scrambled to try and find an answer for it in your head, Lance chuckled a little nervously.
"We keep it on the down low, trying to navigate through a relationship while being in the spotlight has its own challenges." You looked up at him and gave him a sympathetic look, a doubtful smile on your lips.
You turned back to your mum who hummed, almost with a certain distaste in her tone, a sour look on her face which you really weren't in the mood for. She was never fond of the guys you 'picked' for yourself, but instead the male specimen she spoke to once were going to be your Prince Charming, God forbid you ever went against that.
"Look, me and Lance are a little jet-lagged so can we carry this on sometime else?" You gave her a pointed look and she took the hint, though not without shooting you a knowing glance.
"Well, your room's all ready for you at home." She says.
Home. You hadn't heard that word from your mother's lips for some time, having moved away and working everywhere in the world, it was rare you found time to go and see your family.
"Thanks mum." She kissed you on the cheek before walking away, ignoring Lance's existence entirely. Your shoulders slumped once her attention had turned towards your brother and his soon-to-be wife, whom you'd already congratulated.
He exhales through his nose and you lift your eyes up to his face, "Okay, getting slightly worse." You shake your head, your fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of your nose. At this point, you were wishing for the night to be over.
By the time the night is coming to its eventual end, you and Lance had managed to convince most people with your act of being a couple. That entailed a lot of hand-holding and lovesick smiles but you'd pulled it off, a little too well.
With his hand splayed out on your thigh, your hand was wrapped around his bicep. Along with every little gesture and movement, there was a fresh wave of goosebumps forming on your skin. You didn't think Lance knew that he was stroking his thumb along the fabric of your leggings.
"We should get some sleep," You turned your head to him and he looked down at you, his attention turning away from the current conversation your sister had everyone tuned into.
"Ready when you are." He added and minutes later, you and Lance were leaving the table, a few of your folks extending their fair shares of goodbyes and nice to meet you's to him.
Part 2
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part!
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you’ve had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, one bed trope oop
A/N: Thank you all so much for the love on the first chapter, you guys are incredible :') Here's Part 1 if you haven't read it yet or want a recap!
Word Count: 2.1k (8 minutes reading time avg)
"Your Dad, your sister, your brother, they're great." You didn't add anything on to Lance's sentence, heading out of the venue your brother had extravangantly booked for a rehearsal dinner.
Being a lawyer marrying a real estate agent must have its perks.
"Your mum is.. certainly a character." You scoffed, knowing he probably had no intention of clearing up what he meant, assuming you'd understand what he was trying to say.
The sun had barely begun setting, the weather was cooler, and your home wasn't that much of a walk so somewhere between the few minutes it took for you both to leave the venue and reach the corner of the street, you decided walking would be the best option.
Lance just inattentively followed you, knowing you were his only navigation system.
He took a few brisk steps to catch up with your pace, the only comfort offered to you that you'd accept after a long day would be under the covers of your bed.
"In a rush?" You exhaled through your mouth, watching the puff of air escape from your lips.
"No, just want this day to end." You felt bitter about how your mother was acting, ignoring Lance then shooting you looks as if you were in the wrong was so typical of her.
Yet you were still surprised she'd go that low on such a celebratory occasion.
"You're.. chipper." The corner of your mouth twitched upwards and you mumbled a barely coherent word of confusion.
Lance laughed at your expression, "I heard one of your uncles say it, I like it."
You breathily laughed, shaking your head. "Trust me, no one says that anymore. My uncle uses slang he thinks would make him fit in. It doesn't."
He shrugs, stretching his arms outwards and only satisfied when he hears an expected 'pop' sound. "I think he's pretty cool."
Your lips curve into a smile, turning your head towards Lance who has a similar grin on his lips. "You should tell him that, he'll blush bright red."
You undo the latch to the front gate, pulling it wide open so the F1 driver can slide through, then you shut it behind him.
"Do you have a key?" Lance asks you, hopping up the final step of the patio. He extended your purse out to you in case it was in there but before you could answer his question, you paused.
"Why do you have my purse?" Trying to recall if you handed it to him but nothing sprung to mind.
"You left it on the table, I recognised it from this." He fiddled with the Aston Martin keyring Sebastian left the entire team as a parting gift in Abu Dhabi last year.
He brought it to your line of sight, proudly smiling.
You smiled back at him, "sharp eye Stroll."
"Thank you darling." That same look of confusion arose on your face again.
You looked away, your face warming slightly as you kicked the corner of the doormat to reveal a familiar key beneath it.
"Another one of my Uncle's terms of endearment?" He chuckled from behind you, the keyring making a faint clank sound as it hit the chain of your crossbody bag.
"Afraid so." You shook your head for the second time in this conversation, bending over to grasp the key between the pads of your index finger and thumb.
Slotting it into the hole, you pushed the door open and similarly to before, Lance easily maneuvered inside and past you.
He toed off his sneakers and picked them up with his two fingers hooked into the back.
You pulled open the drawer to the shoe rack, and he pushed them inside one of the empty spaces. You followed in his movements.
"Hungry? Thirsty?" He accompanied you to the kitchen. You flicked on the light switch and he went over to the kitchen island, leaning his elbows on the cold marble counter.
"Nah, I ate my weight in almonds already." He grinned, watching you pull out a jug from the fridge.
"Sucks having a rehearsal dinner with no dinner." You commented.
You poured yourself a glass of some freshly-squeezed apple juice. Your mum was always hellbent on having fresh everything when you were growing up, guess that habit still hadn't faded over time.
After a brief moment of chatter, you slung your bag around your neck, both you and Lance ascending the stairs to your bedroom.
As you pushed the door open and your hand searched for the light switch on the wall, you came to a sudden halt when the room was eventually illuminated.
Your heart sank to your stomach as you stared at the double bed in the center of your room.
He shut the door, wondering why you'd stopped moving all of a sudden before the realisation dawned on him and his words faltered halfway in his throat.
You glanced at him as his shoulder ghosted yours to stand besides you, his gaze met yours and both of you had a very similar look on your faces: the one that said 'this wasn't part of the deal'.
"Do you want me to open a window? It's a bit stuffy in here." He nonchalantly questioned.
You refrained from telling him that it wasn't stuffy because of the humidity, it was stuffy because there was an obvious elephant in the room that needed to be addressed.
You don't answer him, your mind in somewhat of a haze as you're trying to comprehend when the fuck two twin beds that you remember moving out from suddenly turned into one double bed.
"I'll open a window." Lance states, passing the inanimate bane of your existence to crack open one of the windows.
The idea of sharing a bed brought on a sudden discomfort, and without obvious reason. You'd shared beds with so many people before; friends, cousins, on sleepovers, girls' nights.
You dismiss the memories of physical contact earlier: Lance's hand resting on your thigh, fingers intertwined, and his touch on your back.
Consequently, you also disregarded the subsequent surge of butterflies in your stomach.
Those butterflies could have been easily set aside as mere surprise, and you also had no intention of experiencing them again. It took a considerable effort to convince the F1 driver to accompany you as your pretend date for a four-day weekend, so the thought of him ever entertaining any connection with you seemed entirely implausible.
Plus, you don't even like him like that.
Lance noticed you deeply lost in thought, biting the inside of his cheek.
"I can take the floor." Your eyes snap up to him stood on the other side of the room, leaned against the window pane.
Your eyes then flicker to the wooden flooring beneath your feet, shuddering while imagining how wildly uncomfortable that would be for a whole night, nevermind three nights.
"It's cold, and hard."
He shrugged, not caring much for his own discomfort. He reached over to grab his gym bag besides your suitcase, your parents had brought them in from your car this morning.
He unzipped the front pocket, fishing out his toothbrush.
"I dragged you out here so the least I can do is give you a bed to sleep in. I'll take the floor."
Lance hummed in disagreement, giving you a firm look. "Nope, not happening."
He pulled off his hoodie and dropped it on top of his gym bag, heading straight for the bathroom, already knowing where it was having had it shown to him before by your sister.
You took the time to change into your pajamas, digging through your open suitcase for your toiletry bag and simultaneously waiting for him to finish up in the bathroom.
After he had, he entered your bedroom once more and you found yourself staring at his bare arms, flexing with every little movement as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
The image of his muscles burned into your mind as you swiftly exited the room and set foot into the bathroom, locking it. You exhaled a shaky breath, taking out your toothbrush from your bag of skincare.
As you brushed your teeth then veered off into your skincare routine that followed, you only prayed that this weekend would go by quickly and smoothly. Something you'd been praying for since your brother had announced the dates of the ceremony.
After you finished up, you turned the light switch off and with a hesitant movement in your feet, you pushed open the bedroom door that hadn't been closed the entire way. Yet.
You saw Lance preparing to lie on the floor and told him to wait, hoping that if your parents hadn't been clearing out the remnants of your wardrobe as they had been with your bed, you'd find..
"Yes!" You exclaimed, tugging out the air mattress, keeping a hand on the tower of clothes you never took with you. Lance helped before laughing, you met his eyes as you lay the deflated cloud on your floor.
"Why do you have an air mattress in your room?" You blushed, "because of my sleepovers. I bought it spontaneously and look, now there's a purpose for it."
"Pump?" You whisked around again, now on your tiptoes as you tried to feel around the top of your wardrobe for a familiar cardboard box but ultimately failing because of your height, or lack thereof.
"Let me," Lance interrupted, extending his arm easily to the top. You looked down to the floor so your gaze wouldn't fixate on his bare bicep twice this evening, and eventually he lowered the box so it was within your grasp.
After pumping up the mattress, pulling on a fitted sheet and throwing him two of your pillows, you also threw him your thicker duvet.
Before he could complain, you stopped him. "I took the bed, you take the duvet. I've got a blanket." He gave in, sorting it out on his bed for the night, laying on his back after what felt like days.
You slipped into your blanket, resting your head on your pillow.
"Y/N?" You hum in return to his call of your name, turning your head to see him staring at the ceiling.
"The light's still on." You chuckled but before you could swing your legs over to the side, Lance was already up and going over to the far wall.
"Thanks." You add. He cautiously steps in darkness back over, careful as to not hit anything or hurt himself.
You wake up to find sunlight peaking through your windows, the cause of your slumber coming to its eventual end. But the man who fell asleep beneath the window isn't there, the blanket half falling off of the air mattress, the pillows tilted slightly.
Your eyebrows furrow when your eyes adjust to your room, but you also manage to half-remember that the blanket you were seeing on Lance's mattress was the one you'd fell asleep with a mere 8 hours ago.
The duvet you'd thrown at him now covering everything below your hips. You realised he must've swapped them at some point during the night when you were sound asleep.
After a few minutes, you sat up on your bed and left to brush your teeth, retying your hair into a low bun and splashing cold water over your face.
You skipped down the stairs, walking into the kitchen where most of the voices you were hearing were coming from, Lance's distinguishable accent being one of them.
"Morning sleepy," you smiled at him as he turned away from you and to the coffee machine, looking around to see only your sister and one of your cousins who'd stayed the night meeting your tired gaze.
"Where's mum 'n dad?" Daisy shrugged, "out."
She turned her attention back to your cousin so you headed for Lance, who, with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in his hand, swung around to see you.
You groaned happily at the sight of it, excitedly taking it into your hands. Coffee cheered you up. Lance chuckled, noticing the genuine twinkle in your eyes when he extended the mug out to you.
"Thank you." He nodded, and after a short moment's of silence, you looked at him.
"Did you.. swap the duvet 'round?" You questioned quietly, making sure the others in the kitchen couldn't overhear.
He smiled, taking a swig of his coffee before answering.
"You were shivering." He didn't add on anything else and from the gesture alone, that damned flurry of butterlifes erupted out of their cages again in your stomach.
"Well, I appreciate it. I guess my body did too." You joked, Lance nudging your arm with his elbow, a grin on his lips.
Part 3
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part!
Taglist: @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @flowerchild-96 @vildetry06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @e-lisa-bettan @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you’ve had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of exes and annoying ones ugh, slight angst??, alcohol but it isn't heavy on the topic, let me know if I'm missing any!
Word Count: 2.3k (8 mins reading time avg)
You push the inner corners of your false lashes, whispering a curse word when the left one sprung back up again though you'd spent over a minute holding it down.
"Come on, play nice." You murmur, repeating the movement.
You slowly removed your finger, as if any mere force of air would make it lift again.
You really didn't have the time to mess with it, already keeping one eye on the clock.
"Hey, you nearly done in here?" Lance entered, giving you a single glance as you leaned in closer to the vanity mirror.
You eyed your appearance one final time to make sure your makeup was blended, even and smooth.
"Yep, just finishing up. You gonna get changed?" You fanned your face after spritzing your face with setting spray, then stood up from the stool and pushed it in.
With a nod, he sifted through his suitcase, the crease between his furrowed eyebrows distinctly visible despite his downward gaze.
"Are you okay?" You asked, taking a step closer.
You watched Lance effortlessly pick up his open suitcase and place it on the bed.
"Yeah, I just can't.. seem to find.. my watch." He said between pauses, and your eyes fell to the bedside table where his watch was clearly staring right back at you.
Without a hint of laughter, you brushed past him, capturing the timepiece between your fingers.
As he frantically searched for it, oblivious to what you were doing, you turned towards him.
"This watch?" You asked, innocently enough, a slight smile adorning your lips.
His eyes shifted to your hand where you extended his personal belonging to him, and he shook his head.
"Why is it that girls always know where everything is?" He rhetorically asked, and you shrugged as the corner of his mouth curved upwards into a grateful grin.
"Just one of our many talents." You responded.
"And the lack of ours," you chuckled as his fingers brushed yours to take the watch.
Lance's eyes fixate intently on your face and you wonder if you'd overlooked something, unblended contour or way overlined lips but he didn't look like he wanted to point something out, rather seemed.. taken aback?
His lips part slightly and you smile, blushing under his unwavering focus.
"Earth to Lance?" He stumbles in his speech, abruptly swallowing his words before tearing his eyes away from you.
"Sorry 'bout that." You ignore the wave of disappointment that washes over you and tuck your bottom lip between your teeth, before sliding past him again.
"I'll leave you to get changed," you said, pivoting to offer him a brief nod and smile before making your way out of the room. Once the door was shut behind you, you let out a sigh.
"Y/N, I've ironed it." You smile at your mum who appeared out of the empty room, which once belonged to your brother.
You thank her as she headed downstairs, and you lock the door behind you as you get changed into the outfit you'd packed. Carefully pushing your head through the hole of your top as to not ruin your makeup went fairly successfully.
Maybe it was a touch extravagant for an early evening outing, but you hadn't packed much since you also hadn't anticipated your brother's fiancé's insistence on getting everyone together before the weekend's chaos ensued.
You eventually went downstairs to gather with everyone else, encountering a mix of readiness. You found one who was eager to leave, one who still needed to pee, and one who couldn't find her other heel.
Lance idly fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater, tugging them up a bit. He had always been particular about the unpleasantness caused by the cuffs rubbing against his wrists.
As he entered the lounge, he stumbled slightly when your sister swiftly pushed past him in a fleeting attempt to run upstairs.
In the midst of her hurried movements, she shouted a few incoherent words of instruction to a hapless relative who happened to be occupying the bathroom at a time that was inconvenient for her.
Instead of blending into a group of unfamiliar relatives he had yet to be formally introduced to, Lance leaned casually against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
His eyes roamed across the room, wondering what these people’s names could be, their background, their profession. He was merely amusing himself with a fictional concoction of reality.
You emerged from the midst of the group, your attention fixed on a cousin whom he had met previously. A bright smile on your lips, anticipation evident as you awaited their response.
In that moment, it felt as if time had slowed down.
Lance's face lit up with a smile as he observed your eyes growing wider in disbelief at something you were told but didn’t quite believe.
The smile lines from your lips to your nose became more pronounced as your grin stretched across your face.
Playfully, you leaned over and gave your cousin's arm a slap, causing your hair to cascade and partially obscure your laughing face, which was tilted downwards.
His gaze fell from your side profile to your body, fixating on the way your bodysuit, tucked into your leather pants, clung to your figure ever so snugly.
He knew if he were to touch you even once tonight, it would feel as though his hand was grazing your bare skin.
A thought that spurred on an erratic beat in his chest, a flutter in his fingers as he could only imagine it, but never truly feel it.
He brought the tip of his thumb up to his lips, perhaps to conceal the subtle upward twitch of his mouth's corners, deeply absorbed by.. well, you.
He really believed he was lucky, though this wasn’t real. This was a plan to fool your family and by Monday, it’d all be over.
"Lance right?" His eyes snapped to the approaching individual, meeting the man's hand in the middle, shaking it for a few seconds.
The F1 driver was slightly taller than him but not by much, his linen shirt and the sunglasses perched on his head didn't disguise the fact that they seemed similar in age.
"Yeah," Before he could ask any questions about him, he was quick to turn and point his chin towards you, still standing and conversing with your cousin.
"You're Y/N's boyfriend?" Lance gives a smile, nodding his head.
"That's me. I didn't catch your name?" He added rather quickly, before the opportunity to cut in again arose.
"Name's Thomas, but everyone calls me Tom." There was a hint of scrutiny in his eyes when Tom looked him over, something that was bound to make anyone feel uneasy.
Lance hardly knew the man and already felt like he wanted to conclude the conversation. Not because he was one to back down, but because he wasn't one to waste his breath.
You laughed as Daisy pointed accusingly at your brother, berating him for 'throwing her off' just as she was about to hit the winning putt in mini-golf.
He dismissed her rather effortlessly. Growing up, she was the most competitive one out of the three of you.
Lance seemed deep in his train of thought when you glanced at him, you leaned into the booth, the back of your head meeting his outstretched arm.
The contact drew him away from his reverie, and he met your gaze with a gentle expression.
"Hello stranger," You teased quietly.
"Stranger?" He questioned and you smiled, shrugging meekly.
"You haven't spoken much, you doing okay?" As he was about to answer, his eyes instinctively shifted from you to the man that was seated across the large booth, next to your brother.
Tom's eyes were trained on him, he'd been observing both of you since the evening had began.
"That um," He started and you watched him pick up his glass, take a sip from it then place it back down.
"That guy on the other side of the table," Lance's jaw ticked as he redirected his stare towards you again, diligently searching for the slightest hint of a change in your expression.
"White shirt, sunglasses." He sensed the urgency to comment on his appearance so you'd catch on, but he didn't know that you were already aware of who he was talking about.
He eyed you inquisitively, noticing your hand form into a fist on your lap.
"Old friend?" You peeled your gaze away from Lance to your lap, shaking your head.
You were wishing that he wouldn't even be mentioned tonight but since he'd made a reappearance, you realised you couldn't indefinitely confine your past to seclusion.
"Ex." You explained with a single word, practically feeling him tense then ease again besides you.
He retracted his arm from its previous position, no longer outstretched on the back of the booth.
You felt a pang of sadness in your chest; possibly from not letting Lance know, remembering he would be here tonight, or both.
"Small world." He commented, trying to think of what he could say next but really only one question springing to mind.
"Why is he here?" you grimaced, expressing your frustration.
You couldn't recall him ever having a particularly close relationship with any family member, making his presence tonight all the more irritating and confusing.
"I don't know." You breathed out, though being truthful.
"You never told me about him." Lance remarked, obviously referring to the bore speech you'd given him as preparation on most of the people from your hometown that he'd probably get acquainted with.
You'd failed to mention any of your exes, but it didn't cross his mind that you'd even have any exes whom of which were still close, enough to show up on a night out that was rather exclusive.
You gave him a pointed look, defenceless in this conversation. "He wasn't supposed to be here."
“Well, he is.” You rolled your eyes, terribly grateful for his rather obvious input.
He sensed that you'd rather drop the topic than continue talking about it so with a lopsided smile, he picked up his glass.
Lance stood up and glanced at your nearly empty glass, offering, "I'm going to get another drink. Do you want one?"
You respond with a subdued half-shrug, muttering a word of surety under your breath. Although you spoke softly, he managed to hear you.
He collected both glasses, left the booth and went over to the bar. As soon as your 'date' was out of sight, you allowed your gaze to wander around the room.
You can sense Tom's penetrating stare, but choose to ignore it, taking out your phone from your bag and navigating through various apps.
When Lance still hadn't returned after a few minutes of waiting, you decided to let him return and place the drinks down while you went to the bathroom to pee and touch up your makeup, not at the same time obviously.
As you exited the bathroom, hastily returning your pressed powder and lipstick to your purse, you were taken aback when you nearly collided with someone directly in front of you.
Prepared to apologise, you glanced up and locked eyes with the individual in question.
Letting out a sigh, you instinctively took a step back, creating a few feet of distance between yourselves.
"Y/N!" Tom bursted out, as if he was utterly surprised to see you despite being seated across the booth from you for a little over two hours now.
You blink back at him, hoping the ground would swallow you whole so this conversation wouldn't need to happen.
"Tom." You don't match his excitement in the slightest, on purpose.
Your eyes scanned the restaurant, desperately searching for any potential means of escape.
Your ex opens his arms, hoping for an embrace when you take another step back, holding out your hand.
"No. Look, we're not friends. I don't want to see you or even talk to you right now." You shut him down rather bluntly and he scoffs, scrutinising you with every speck of colour in his eyes.
"Oh come on, lighten up. I'm just being friendly." He replies, as if it was a valid excuse for his nonchalant behaviour.
You roll your eyes, ready to shoot back when Lance steps in between you both.
Your shoulders slump, feeling the tension bubbling in your body come to a slow decline.
You reach for his arm and he allows you to snake your wrist around his bicep. Tom smiles, rather forcefully.
"What's going on?" Lance asks.
"Friendly conversation." He states, deeming the F1 driver's presence an unneeded one with his words alone.
"Mm-hmm." You squeeze his arm, a poor attempt to throw a hint that you just wanted to be taken away from this conversation.
Lance nodded his head towards the man opposite you and remarked, "come to think of it, I've heard a lot about you, Tom."
His words caught your attention and you squeezed his arm again, a tad more firmly this time.
“Oh, really?” Tom lifts his eyebrows, shooting you a smirk.
"No," Lance replied in a flat tone, devoid of any enthusiasm.
Tom blinked, clearly a little shocked at his response. Lance pays him no further attention and rests his hand over yours, offering you a smile. "Care for a drink?"
"Please." His smile doesn't falter as he looks away from you and back up at the man who was now carrying a hostile look instead of a confused one.
"I'll see you 'round, Thomas." Lance says, pulling you away and allowing you to follow him back to the booth.
You slid back into your seat and scooted over to make space for the F1 driver. As he settled in, he casually outstretched his arm once again, placing it on the back of the booth and allowing it to drape over your far shoulder.
You leaned into his side, relieved he was playing his part perfectly.
Part 4
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part :)
Taglist: @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @flowerchild-96 @vildetry06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @e-lisa-bettan @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003 @honeyric3 @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you've had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: fluff, brief mentions of alcohol and being drunk, a tiiiiiny bit of sexual tension
Word Count: 3k words (11 mins reading time avg)
At some point, the boys had peeled away from the group after dinner when everyone headed for the club across the street.
After a little while of dancing with a few girls, and working your way through four or maybe six shots, you squeezed through the crowd to head over to an unoccupied table.
Despite your best efforts to try and balance yourself on the outsoles of your heels, you couldn't locate the brown-haired boy anywhere.
You groaned, plopping your bum on one of the stools and stretching your feet out ahead of you. It was that time of the night where you were beginning to curse younger you for choosing to wear heels.
"Don't tell me you're tired already!" Daisy called as she approached you.
She slightly stumbled from her drunken steps and you reached out your hand to help her keep both feet on the ground.
"I guess I'm getting old," you joked, observing as she clumsily positioned herself on the stool a few feet away from your legs, her tipsy movements betraying her level of inebriation.
She took a moment to herself, neither of you saying anything but you're eventually left alone when Daisy's pulled into the crowd again by one of her friends whom she'd invited rather late.
Deafening music pierced through your ears; while it may have elicited a surge of adrenaline a few hours ago, it now proved to be nothing more than a source of a throbbing headache.
You let out a sigh, contemplating whether to text Lance.
However, amidst the chaotic environment of a nightclub filled with alcohol, people, and loud music, the likelihood of a vibration or a ping in his pocket capturing his attention seemed slim.
You made your way to the bar and placed an order for another drink.
The bartender slid it to you across the smooth wooden countertop, and you took a sip through the straw, using your palm to cover the top.
Attempting to survey the club, you found yourself momentarily blinded by the flashing lights, hindering your vision for a brief moment.
You squinted your eyes and looked away, but then felt someone's hand brush against your shoulder. Startled, you jerked away from the touch, causing you to nearly lose your balance on your seat.
Lance quickly reacted, firmly pressing his hand into your waist to steady you. His touch ghosted over your side, ensuring that you remained stable.
"Oh.. hello." You say. The corners of his mouth curve upwards as he nods towards your drink, "how much have you had?"
You dismiss his question with a wave of your hand, "I thought you were with the boys."
"Everyone's coming back together," he spoke a little louder, aware that the crowd was becoming increasingly noisy the later it got.
“I came to find you," he added, ensuring his words reached your ears amidst the bustling club.
"You found me."
Lance's eyebrows knitted together, not understanding what you were saying and he instinctively lowered his head.
"What did you say?" Your lips are inches away from his neck, you swallow your words when you feel his hand press into your body again.
"Y-You found me." You repeated and the F1 driver chuckled, your eyes met for a brief moment as he turned his head. He promptly corrected his posture.
"Yes I have." You run the tip of your tongue across your bottom lip, and tuck it in, turning your head back to your drink to take another sip, feeling his gaze trained on you.
That stupid wave of disappointment came over you once more. Eventually, you finished your drink, all the while aware of his lingering presence behind you.
You swivelled around to face him again, determined to shake off whatever emotions had been plaguing you moments ago.
Your gaze travelled from his stomach up to his face, and in that moment, you realised just how tall he was. It hadn't fully registered until now, as you were sitting down and he was standing upright.
"What?" He looked like he was assessing you, but once you called him out on it, his eyes met yours.
"What?" He copied, you furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head. He shrugged in response, wiping the tip of his nose with his thumb.
You allowed yourself to appreciate the lights that played across his face in the dimness of the club, regardless of whether or not he noticed you staring at him.
You were starting to feel disoriented, and suddenly, he'd become a muse for only you to admire.
Even as Lance watched the two drunks on the other end of the bar socialise without there being much regard for discerning conversation, he knew you were staring.
Whether it was in admiration or confusion, it stirred on an onset of nerves he hadn't felt before with you.
"Come on, I think it's time to get you home," he suggested, your gaze growing sleepier. An urge came over you to lean your head forward and find solace on his sweater, which did look incredibly cosy and inviting but you fought it, struggling to keep your eyes open.
"You alright?" Lance tilted his head to get a better look at your face, once he'd registered that it was the tiredness consuming you, he shook your shoulder.
You forcefully blinked your eyes open, forming your hand into a fist and absentmindedly pressing it against Lance's stomach for support, preventing yourself from swaying forward.
"I'm fine," you reassured him, your voice carrying a hint of exhaustion.
"Come on," he urged, firmly gripping your wrist and placing his other hand on your shoulder. With careful determination, he guided you off of the stool and maneuvered through the crowd, parting people to clear a narrow and cramped path as you stumbled along ahead of him.
It brought a sense of comfort to know that he was looking out for you, but at the same time, it left you with a bitter feeling because somewhere in your cloudy mind, you were aware that this display of care was just an act.
You shoulders slumped when you neared the exit, blinking when nothing really happened for a moment. You turned your head, and it took a moment for you to register where Lance had gone.
His body shielded the person he was conversing with, prompting you to muster your remaining strength and stagger back towards him, to find out what was happening.
"Lance," his name rolled off of your tongue as you neared him, your shoulder grazing against his arm.
You straightened yourself and your gaze fell upon Tom. A frustrated groan escaped your lips, clearly indicating your annoyance.
"Give it a rest." You look up to find his hardened expression.
"Just saying." Tom comments.
Lance's fists clench at his sides and you find its the right time to intervene, whether or not either men have noticed your presence.
You decide to pay your ex no attention, one because he didn't deserve it but two because you were too tired to bother with him.
"Lan, can we go? 'Am about to drop dead." You didn't want to risk a full-blown confrontation between Lance and Tom tonight, especially considering how visibly drunk Tom appeared to be.
"Yeah," he breathed out when he met your eyes, his jaw unclenching.
Tom scoffed and ventured off elsewhere. Both of you left the club, walking only a few blocks before you crossed the road to get to your car.
Just as you pressed the button to unlock the vehicle, Lance stopped you.
"Don't you think you're a little.. under the influence to be driving?" Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, and you feigned offence.
"Are you suggesting I'm drunk?" You prodded shamelessly.
"No. But I'm not suggesting you're sober either." You rolled your eyes, swaying a little from where your feet were planted on the ground.
"You can't even drive a manual." He scoffed, giving you an unimpressed look.
"I got my driving license with a manual." You didn't believe him but you also knew you didn't have much choice.
Lance extended his palm out. "Keys." You dropped them into his hand, and teetered over to the passenger side of the car, dropping on to the seat and shut the door after you.
You could finally rest your head and it felt good to hear silence over the booming club music.
You felt the car underneath you start up, and with one eye cracking open, you turned your head to see the Canadian looking rather dumbfounded. You didn't say anything as his hands ghosted over the handbrake, then the steering wheel.
"Manual driving license huh?" You teased, "shut up, what is it?"
You chuckled, pausing while you were trying to visualise the movements in your head. "Clutch all the way to the floor, then put it in first gear." He hummed once he'd done that, and you continued giving him instructions.
He was about to move off and you pointed behind the wheel to where the indicators were located, "signal." He stopped and flicked it upwards to which the familiar sound followed, "just testing you." He replied and you smiled.
Amidst a half-yawn, you asked, "did I pass?"
"With flying colours," came the reply as you finally closed your eyes.
"Ow," you stumble along the concrete path to the house, taking the left side to the garden door.
Lance follows you, though he glances back at the front door, wondering if you even knew where you were going.
"Y/N, the front door is that w... okay." He gives up when he sees you unlocking the latch, pushing it open.
You settle onto the lounge chair while he places his phone beside him after retrieving it from his back pocket. He then occupies the chair opposite you, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.
The chairs were positioned near the edge of your family's glistening swimming pool, softly illuminated by the pool lights beneath the water.
Neither one of you were drunk enough to want to take a dip, the moon cast its glow upon the water's surface, creating a reflection that danced along with the ripples.
"Peaceful at least." Lance drew his gaze back at you, doubled over to try and unclasp your heels. He realised you were struggling, having alcohol in your system made even the smallest tasks virtually impossible.
"Let me." He kneels on the concrete beneath him, his fingers navigating the straps of the heel and tugging on them to force them to come undone, he did the same for the other heel, and eventually Lance tugs them off.
You sigh with relief, watching as he rose rather effortlessly and took his seat again. You smile at him and he returns it, his gaze falling from your face to the floor then to the garden around him.
"I'll call for you everytime I need someone to take my heels off." Your joke earns a little chuckle and he nods, seeing no issue with your demand. "Always happy to do that."
You bite your lower lip, glad that the darkness of the night concealed the faint blush spreading across your cheeks. Though you'd just cracked the worst joke of the century, you couldn't help but realise that his mood had shifted rather quickly.
As his head was turned, bathing in the ethereal glow of the moon's reflection, his forehead bore faintly etched lines where his eyebrows were knitted together.
Lance was never really one to open up to you so you knew your chances of him doing so now were rather small. In place of that, you had quite possibly a more terrible idea.
You stood up from the lounge chair, and hopped down on to the concrete decking surrounding the swimming pool, wincing when the pain in your feet was a little more painful than you'd anticipated.
"What are you doing?" he calls out, his voice carrying across the short distance.
You look at him, your lips pursing together before forming into a small grin. "Take a guess."
"You want to go into the pool?" You hummed, like a teacher prodding a child for an answer who was close to getting it right. "Now?" You scoff, applying a bit of pressure on the bottoms of your feet to try and numb the radiating pain.
"It's perfect, peaceful." He stands up and follows you, but takes the steps on the side instead which you can't say wasn't a wise choice.
"It's also dark and cold." He adds but you dismiss him. "Hey, the darkness and the cold.. ness don't bother me." Lance raises his eyebrows before smiling, hardly taking you seriously.
"Alright Elsa, let's do this another time, come on.” You whine, as a means of trying to convince him that this may be fun, and he sighs, squatting to dip his hand into the water.
“That’s not how you swim.” He rolls his eyes, making sure his hand was fully wet before turning his head to you.
He flicked the water from his fingertips up to your arms and face, and you flinched, feeling the cold droplets prick at your skin. “Dude.” You kiss your teeth, rubbing your arm down your face, feeling yourself sway back and forth.
“Careful,” He gets up rather quickly to create some distance between you and the edge of the pool, to be sure you didn’t fall in. As he checks to see if you’re alright, your eyes glance to his face then to the pool and you bite back a grin.
“What’s that?” You question, feigning captivation by something at the far end of the garden. When Lance follows your line of sight, you use your force and the distraction to push him into the pool.
Amidst the bursts of laughter, he eventually emerged to the surface, running his hand down his face and then back up through his hair. Gasping for a brief moment, he released a sigh and shook his head in a mixture of surprise and amusement.
“You’re.. oh you’re a prick.” He exclaimed, exasperated and cold from the unpleasant temperature of the pool.
“You gotta stop talking to my Uncle and learning all these words, you’re hurting my feelings.” You placed a hand over your chest, playfully fanning your eyes as if you were blinking back non-existent tears.
He smiles warmly despite being one-upped and you return it proudly, placing both hands on either side of your hips, accepting the small victory. “Alright alright, now help me up, please it’s freezing.”
You knelt down to reach for his extended hand, and because of your own foolishness or the possibility that you were a little too intoxicated, the mischievous smirk on his lips as he eagerly grasped your hand flew right over your head.
You yelped as you felt yourself lose balance very quickly, and in a matter of seconds, you hit the surface of the water then felt your entire body be embraced by the pool.
You could hear Lance’s deep laughter despite being underneath the water for the brief moment it took for you to swim back up.
Once you resurface, you quickly turn around to find Lance holding his hands up in a playful mock surrender. Determined to retaliate, you attempt to reach over and slap his arm, but he pulls away just in time.
"Hey, you get what you give," he teases, reminding you of the playful exchange and the consequences it entails.
A faint shiver coursed through your body as a gust of wind swept over the pool. You had no doubt that Lance was feeling it too, noticing a light red tint of colour on his nose and cheeks.
Curiously, you raise your arm above the water’s surface, witnessing goosebumps forming on your skin. "Me too." You glance up, finally realising that the F1 driver had closed the distance, leaving only a mere quarter of a meter separating the two of you.
The proximity between you becomes apparent right in that moment and almost immediately, another spark ignites in your body, but you’re not so sure it’s solely because of the cold.
Your gaze fell to his arm, he pulled his soaked sleeve up and you noticed the similar goosebumps on his skin. You couldn’t help the smile that overcame your lips and Lance grinned, “stupid idea.”
You let out a chuckle, which emerges slightly breathier than you had anticipated, and you notice your teeth starting to chatter a little from the cold.
You swallow nervously as his gaze fixates on you, reminiscent of this morning and in the club when you called him out for his lingering stares.
The air between you carries a hint of tension, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection. Rather this time, you didn’t have the intention to say something about it, whether or not it was the alcohol talking, you wanted to see what he’d say or.. do.
He draws closer to you but you don’t move away, your hand beneath the water instinctively gravitates towards him, as if guided by a force of some kind.
But, much to your disappointment, his attention is abruptly diverted as the kitchen light flicks on, capturing his focus. You shift your gaze and notice your sister stumbling her way into the room, followed closely by your parents.
You mask your sigh, attributing it solely to the cold, and Lance tilts his head towards the ladder, suggesting it's time to dry off.
The words you had on the tip of your tongue seem reluctant to escape, so you simply nod in agreement and follow him out of the pool. Accepting the towel he throws your way from the rack, you begin the process of drying off, silently acknowledging the untaken paths of conversation and connection that now retreat into the background.
When you walk into the kitchen to acknowledge your family that had returned, well your parents since your sister had already passed out on the couch, they only exchanged weird looks between them.
Neither of you were dripping wet but neither of you were dry either. You both eventually carried yourselves upstairs and you allowed Lance to go before you, as you settled on using your sister’s bathroom.
The night finally began to wind down after the pool escapade since neither you nor Lance had initiated another conversation. The lingering excitement and connection that existed earlier seemed to have faded away, perhaps because neither of you knew what to say or how to address what had happened.. or what was happening.
Part 5
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part :)
Taglist: @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @flowerchild-96 @vildetry06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @e-lisa-bettan @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003 @honeyric3 @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams @rd14 @honethatty12 @keonminshea @pierre-gasssllyy @lestappenloverr @amirahart @secretlyangrymagazine @chiliwhore
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll × Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you've had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: injury, one bed trope but actually no catfishing this time lols, mentions of exes, lotttta feels, yep that's it methinks :)
A/N: I'm going to start wrapping this up in the next few chapters, phew, it's been a journey but there's still a while to go :D Thank you for the support, the likes, the reposts, it all means so much and doesn't go unnoticed!
Please don't be silent readers, I always want to hear your thoughts :)
Word Count: 3.1k words (11 mins reading time avg)
You had been restlessly shifting and unable to fall asleep for nearly an hour. The clock blinked, taunting you as the minutes seemed to drag on.
Rather than persisting in unsuccessful attempts to find comfort in the sheets of your bed, you swung your legs over and picked yourself up, firmly placing both feet on the floor.
After a moment, you managed to stand up, slightly unsteady as you slipped your feet into your slippers and maneuvered around the bed's edges to reach the door.
Glancing back at Lance, who was deeply immersed in sleep, you opened the door rather hesitantly, taking care as to not disturb him. You left the door slightly cracked open, walking over to the bathroom.
As the light from the hallway seeped through said crack in the door, the F1 driver roused from his slumber, disturbed by the sudden brightness shining on to his eyes. He rolled over to the other side, seeking a respite from it.
Half-awake now, he distinctly heard a faucet begin running in the otherwise silent house, lifting only his head to turn and squint at your empty bed.
His head lazily sank back on to the pillow. He held on to the hope that when you returned, you would close the door anyway, allowing him to roll back over to his preferred side, finding his current one rather uncomfortable.
As if on cue, the door creaked open. However, the expected sound of the door clicking shut did not follow, causing him to groan inwardly.
Lance contemplated whether to get up himself, but instead, reasoned that his preferred course of action would entail zero movement.
“Y/N?” His voice croaked out, a given at this time of night.
You hummed, not using your words. “Could you close the door? The light.. y’know. M’sorry.”
“Sure,” you mumbled, retracing your steps and pushing the palm of your hand into the door until you felt it click shut.
As you fumbled around in the darkness, attempting to locate the edge of the bed, a sharp pang of pain shot through your shin when it unexpectedly collided with the bedpost.
“Ow, motherfu..” You gasped out as quietly as you could, leaning down to rub the aching area. You hissed through your teeth when you struggled to straighten it.
“You okay?” You heard Lance ask, his voice heavy and laced with grogginess. “Yep.” You breathed out, but it came out sounding like a cry for help instead.
You found yourself hopping on one leg in an effort to reach the edge of the bed and eventually sat down, wincing in discomfort.
He shifted his body back to his original side, noticing you sitting upright at the opposite end of the bed, with your head lowered.
He removed the covers over his legs and slowly got up from the air mattress; in his defence, he tried to do it as quickly as his current state would allow him. “Is that how you sleep? Worrying.”
You exhaled through your nose at the sound of his deeper than usual voice, pulling your feet towards you as he walked over to turn the lamp on. “Elbow? Leg? Head?”
“Yes, they’re all body parts, well done.” He breathily scoffed, the mattress dipping as he took a seat. “Which one? I heard the thud.”
You met his eyes for a brief moment, then pointed at your right knee. “May I?” He tilted his chin towards your leg and you could swear that blood was rushing to your face, you swallowed then nodded.
Lance rested his weight on to his knee, tentatively reaching for the hem of your loose pajama trousers and continuing to fold them up until he reached the part you’d pointed at a moment ago.
He gestured for you to hold the rolled up hem as he assessed your knee with concerned eyes. His focus held a certain charm, yet you forced yourself to interpret it as mere kindness, intentionally avoiding reading too much into the situation. He’s an F1 driver, he’ll know what to be looking for if you had bruised it at all.
His thumb stretched the skin on your knee, and he tried hard to ignore the goosebumps that arose on your leg following the contact.
“It’s swelling up, how bad does it hurt?”
Your heart began beating stupidly faster when his eyes glanced up to meet your gaze. “Uh, not much. Just when I straighten it, it’s a little painful.”
“Alright, let me get an ice pack. It should help reduce the swelling a little.” You felt his breath fan over your skin and you covered your leg again shortly after he rose up.
Before you had room to disagree, he was already halfway out of the door and heading downstairs.
The lingering scent of his cologne, a blend of petrichor and wood, filled the room, even hours after he had sprayed it on. You’d grown oddly accustomed to the fragrance, finding it.. comforting? As if it belonged, had a home here.
You looked up when he slipped back inside of the room minutes later. “Got some frozen peas, no ice packs. Should do the trick though.” He countered, whispering. He wrapped it in the tea towel he’d also stolen from the kitchen.
“You need help lying down?” You shook your head and shoved both fists into your mattress to hoist yourself further on to the bed but struggled to lift your leg. Lance spared no moment when he saw the muted pain on your face, promptly positioning his hand under your calf.
“Take it slow.” He advised, resting it on the bed, you again felt your heart flutter at how careful he was being.
He sat near your knee, placing the bag of frozen peas on it and you flinched from the sudden coldness. After a brief moment of silence, you spoke up.
"I'm sorry for waking you up," you apologised.
“It’s alright,” he assured you, smiling a little. “You owe me twice now, anything I want remember?” A blush crept onto your cheeks as you pressed your lips together, averting your gaze from his infectious smile.
"You say that like you’ve made your mind up already," you remarked, a hint of curiosity in your tone.
He shrugged, repositioning the frozen pack on your skin. "I have a few ideas. Just need to narrow them down to two.”
The smile never left his face and you rolled your eyes, “gotta clean the bathroom too I bet.” He laughed, still refusing to give away what he was thinking.
"Thanks for doing this." He dismissed your gratitude with a wave of his hand. He was getting tired of sitting upright and thus gestured for you to scoot over.
You did so eventually, he laid besides you but with a noticeable distance between your bodies. His upper back was leaned on the headboard, "I'll stay for 20 minutes or so then take the.. peas off."
You smiled, mumbling a small "okay."
Eventually, you both got lost in talking. While the conversations weren't profoundly intricate, they revolved around light subjects such as work and the dreadful next few days here.
Amidst it all, you found yourself laughing at one of Lance's numerous stories, often requiring you to press a hand against your mouth to suppress the bursts of laughter.
He moves to sit up and remove the bag of peas from your knee, turning to set it on your bedside table with the towel included. "You should keep it elevated." He mumbles and runs his tongue along his bottom lip, then stands up to grab the pillows from his air mattress.
He comes back over before you can really understand what he's doing, positioning them so they're below your calf, keeping your leg raised. "Lance, you don't have pillows anymore."
"Good for the spine." You scoff, "and for psychos." He pulls the duvet over you, bidding you a goodnight but you reach for his hand to stop him from walking away. You wrap it around his fingers, and he could swear his heart overlooked a beat.
"Don't be ridiculous. Take them back. Or better yet-", You pause before you finish your sentence and Lance's head turns but not enough to meet your lingering stare.
"Stay. I- I could use the company."
He swallows the words stuck in his throat, his fingers twitching against yours and he smiles a nervous smile. "I usually go on a few dates before the bed territory gets crossed." He turns to look at you and you retract your fingers from his.
You chuckle, "it's up to you."
"Only because you asked so nicely." He remarked. With a nervous swallow, you can't help but question why you're subjecting yourself to this internal turmoil.
The sensible thing to do would be to ignore these feelings until the weekend concludes and revert back to the way things were, colleagues with a tenuous friendship. Yet, contrary to that, you find yourself seizing every opportunity to grow closer to him.
Lance climbs into the bed after turning the lamp off, faffing with his pillow before plopping his head on to it. You extend half of your duvet to him and he pulls it just so it covers his legs. He bends his arm behind his head and eventually closes his eyes.
You turn your head towards him, though his features are no longer clearly discernible in the dim lighting. However, the sky taking on a deep blue hue, rather than being pitch black, helps you in outlining the contours of his nose, his jawline, his cheeks.
You eventually succumb to the dreariness washing over you, the frantic beating of your heart slowing. You ponder in a hazy manner about the eventual time that you have to revert back to a mere professional relationship with Lance Stroll, considering the infatuation that now you're a captive of.
Each gentle touch from him quickens your heartbeat, and every glance he casts your way sends your head into a whirlwind. His smile occupies your thoughts relentlessly, even in his absence. His scent is like a combination of rosewood and aftershave, you cosy up to it as if its the last one you'll ever smell.
You close your eyes, a light smile painted on your lips.
You woke up the following morning to find your head resting on his forearm, inches away from where it connected with his shoulder, your hand flat on his chest. You were laying on your side and you held your breath when you tilted your squinted gaze up to see his peaceful state.
You didn't want to wake him up, you wanted to relish this moment and appreciate it as if it was real. As if this unspoken connection the two of you shared was laid out in the open and no longer a secret caged by your ribs, consuming your heart.
You shut your eyes again when Lance stirred, pretending you were asleep to anticipate his reaction when he realised what was happening, or what had happened. You vaguely remember having quite a bit of distance between yourself and him when you fell asleep.
He brought his free hand up to rub his eyes, inhaling a deep breath through his nose then exhaling seconds later as his consciousness caught up with him. Your hand followed a similar rhythm, mirroring the steady rise and fall of his chest.
His fingers rested atop of yours as he came to terms with what was happening, blinking a few times then wincing in discomfort at the tenseness of his upper arm. He didn't know how long you'd been laying on it but it was certainly throbbing. He folded his arm to relieve some of the tension, his hand lightly skimming the exposed skin under the hem of your top, tracing circles with the pad of his thumb on your waist.
His touch caused your body to instantly tense up, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you. The simple act of singular motions on your skin ignited a storm of chaos.
He didn't mean to stare but he couldn't help it either. Under the morning sun, the soft contours of your shut eyes, the curves of your cheeks and the bump on your nose wasn't something Lance could openly admire without arousing your curiousity.
You hummed, knowing if you continued on with your eyes closed, you'd fall back asleep again. Your ears perked at a distant door squeaking open in the hallway, telling you it was nearing breakfast time. You slowly looked up to see Lance's head turned to his phone, he was scrolling through his notifications he'd recieved while he was asleep.
You didn't know if he thought you were still asleep, but when you slid your hand off of his chest to bring it to your head, swiping some of the sweat you'd gathered during the night off of your forehead, he set his phone down.
"Morning," he greeted you, his eyes a little puffy and a prominent wrinkle between his brows, yet still a grin on those pink lips.
"Good mornin'", you returned his greeting.
"Can I just-", he began but you took the hint when he removed his hand from your skin, picking his forearm up so your head was at a slight level. "Oh, sorry." He curved his arm around then stretched it out in front of him, satisifed when some life returned to it.
You rolled over to the other side, taking your phone off charge to check it in case you'd missed anything. You climbed out of the covers eventually, standing up but you quickly were forced down again when the limbs in your leg had instantly turned into jelly.
Lance chuckled behind you, "forget what happened last night?"
"Ah, I thought it had gotten better." You answered truthfully, you didn't have time to worry about this. Your brother was getting married today and you were supposed to be heading to the venue soon to get ready with your sister.
"I'll just have to wrap a bandage around it, my dress will cover it anyway."
The rest of the morning went by in a blur. Kevin is eagerly awaiting for his bride to come down the aisle in all of her glory, you'd seen her earlier and she was halfway through her hair and makeup, you couldn't imagine just how beautiful she'd look now.
You're sat at the front sandwiched between your mother and sister who are constantly looking over their shoulders, being unable to contain their excitement but annoyingly, all that is running through your mind is the enchanting smile, the playful eyes, and the wonderfully sculpted body belonging to Lance Stroll.
The atmosphere filled with a harmonious symphony of piano melodies, delighting everyone present. The guests rose from their seats, eagerly acknowledging her arrival, their smiles reflecting the grace she exuded.
As you observed, a smile formed on your lips in response to the tears welling up in your brother's eyes. He wasn't known for displaying emotions openly, making this moment particularly special in ways that perhaps you couldn't comprehend right now.
You take a deep breath as she leaves her father's arms and joins him at the altar.
You hadn't seen Lance since this morning but you knew you had to mask indifference towards him romantically while simulataneously pretending he was the man you were in love with. It really didn't seem difficult but the shortness of breath and the butterflies in your stomach you were experiencing every breathing moment he was near you was not helping your case.
You casually turn your head to try and catch sight of him but you can't place his princely brown hair anywhere in the crowd of people on the other side of the venue hall.
As the celebrant starts the ceremony script, you nonchalantly continued scanning the surroundings in search of him. The inability to spot him raises doubts in your mind - did he choose not to attend? You were confident that he had received an invitation, extended by the groom who had developed a fraternal fondness for him during the dinner rehearsal.
You find yourself wishing he'd given you a heads-up about his absence, or at the very least, informed you that he was contemplating it. However, in an instant, your emotions undergo a sudden shift as your wandering eyes lock onto an attractive face. A smile graces his features as he watches you smile back at him, assuming a grin of a lovesick girlfriend.
He was dressed in a black suit with his top button undone, his hair slightly neater than when he woke up beside you this morning. Seeing him in formal attire is a new sight. And he undeniably looks good.
You tear your eyes away at the light slap on your thigh from your mom, telling you to keep your head forward for the photographer.
Following her instructions, you shift your gaze from the bridesmaids to the groomsmen, eventually fixing your eyes on Thomas, the final member in the line of five. He was filling in for one of Kev's absent friends. He grins at you, causing you to quickly avert your gaze back to the bride and groom.
A wave of nausea washes over you as your eyes meet his, and you can't help but dread the remainder of the day that lies ahead. The mere possibility of encountering him multiple times fills you with frustration. He has always had a way of getting on your nerves, but that feeling had only intensified since your return.
As the ceremony concludes and the guests rise to applaud the newlyweds, you feel your posture falter, weakening from your knee. Your jaw clenches, and you make an effort to conceal the pained expression on your face, mindful of the photographers who are swiftly capturing as many photos as possible.
The last thing you wanted was to appear constipated in your brother's wedding photo album.
Kevin and his newly-wedded wife dashed down the aisle, with confetti bursting in the air and cheers resounding from the crowd. You instinctively bend your leg, trying to relieve some pressure, but as the pain radiates through the area around the bruise, you can't help but release a sharp breath.
Lance hops out of his row, crossing the aisle as the guests began mixing to head to the reception. He slides his hand around your waist to allow you to lean your weight on him when he nears you, having read the distressed expression on your face.
"You good?" he asks with genuine concern, his face hovering close to yours as he leans in to get a better look at you.
"Mm-hmm." You hum out, not having much to say that he wouldn't figure out anyway. You couldn't quite decipher which facet of his current cautiousness was an act that he was revealing to you, and you couldn't help but seriously contemplate why he hadn't pursued a career in acting, considering his ability to portray such emotions convincingly.
"Come on, let's find you somewhere to sit."
Part 6
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part :)
Taglist: @fantasticbouquetwitchsthings @topguncultleader @spicyclover @amirahart @softiecaro @alilstressyandlotdepressy @eugene-emt-roe @e-lisa-bettan @strolleclercs @jjsprobablywrong @carmelita-holland @flowerchild-96 @rd14 @honethatty12 @keonminshea @pierre-gasssllyy @lestappenloverr @secretlyangrymagazine @chiliwhore @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @vildetry-06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003 @honeyric3 @nikki01234
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll × Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you've had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: angst, lottssss of fluff cause u guys deserve some, lots of mentions of alcohol, basically a party lmao
A/N: I’ve got ideas for a mini-series with Lando and one-shots with Max but I need to finish this off before I get carried away elsewhere!! ALSO, super sorry for the late update but it’s been a hectic last few weeks with weddings (summers are BUSY) but yep, finally dialled down and ready to post!
Listen to 'Ho Hey' by The Lumineers during the dancing part, it's such a feel good song :')
Word Count: 3.4k words (12 mins reading time avg)
"Ow." You say monotonously as Lance rewraps the elastic bandage, then loosens it amidst your very nonchalant way of expressing agitation.
"The bruising's little better, you just gotta try and keep it straight." You nod, turning your attention to your sister who slid her chicken off of her fork by her teeth.
Lance turned to face his body forward again, tugging the sleeves of his blazer down. He watched as you directed your gaze towards your knee, carefully adjusting the bandage a couple of inches higher to prevent any itchiness.
"Can't believe you hurt it the day of the wedding." You shrug, fiddling with the hem of your dress and stretching your leg out, being careful as to not collide it with someone else's foot beneath the table.
"Just my luck," you settled on an answer and took a sip from your wine glass which desperately needed refilling if you wanted to let the thoughts of your damned knee waft out of your mind.
As if on cue, the waiter who was serving your group tonight popped open and poured a few inches of content from a fresh bottle into your glass. You refrained from asking him to hand you the entire thing. Once he'd began tending to someone else, you spared no moment in taking another sip, though this one was much longer than the previous one.
It didn't slip your notice how Lance leaned in, his words laced with a faint concern.
"You do know alcohol slows your healing down." You only give him a side eye, your lips touching the rim of the glass. Maybe you paused for a brief moment to register what he'd told you, but it didn't matter because you resumed consumption of the liquid seconds later.
He chuckled, shaking his head. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something else but his eyebrows raised in attention as his head whisked to meet your brother.
"Try some of the sushi mate," he prodded hospitably, but Lance brought a hand to his stomach, "I'm not a fan of it. I'm sure it's been well-made but I've tried it a few times in the past."
"Ah." He paused before your mum cut in, she was dabbing her napkin to either side of her lips. "Y/N, you should've told us. I would've asked for something else to be made." You really wanted to roll your eyes, she definitely wouldn't have. In fact, had she known, she probably would've asked for just seafood to be made.
"No harm done." Lance smiled, seeing the impatience with your mom already bubbling up evidently on your face. "Do you cook?" Your mother didn't stop there though as she recaptured his attention.
"I do sometimes, yes." His response took you by surprise, you'd never pegged him as the cooking type. Yet, the revelation only added to his allure in your mind.
"What, tea and toast?" She covered with a laugh though you knew it was a subtle dig, it didn't seem to occur to the man besides you as he only breathily laughed with her, assuming lightheartedness but there was nothing lighthearted about her.
"He can make plenty of things." You added, injecting a touch of seriousness into the conversation. Lance's eyes briefly flickered towards you, his eyebrows furrowing in a slight downward motion.
"Oh?" She sounded surprised, he was quick in interjecting to downplay the sudden admittance. "Y/N's hyping me up," he smiled then continued, "um no a-a couple of things sure. Just practical stuff."
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, noting his growing nervousness as he struggled to comprehend the atmosphere surrounding the conversation. You could sense the tension in the air, a feeling that lingered.
Releasing a sigh, you made a conscious effort to ease the growing awkwardness, forcing a smile as you lifted your gaze once again. "A man of many talents," you commented, aiming to lighten the mood.
Lance smiled at your compliment, remaining modest as he nodded appreciatively in your direction. It was evident that he was grateful you didn't let your mother's remarks affect your mood.
A few of the guests were beginning to leave the dinner table, the party now beginning to bleed on to the dance floor. You were slouched in your chair, going through your Instagram when Lance stood up.
"Where you going?" You asked him, though soon to be regretting it when his smile widened. "To dance. And you're coming with me."
Your eyes widen in horror, "I don't- no. I-" He doesn't let you finish your sentence, already tugging your hand up as you slide your phone flat on to the dinner table.
"My knee." You say in a matter-of-fact tone but you know it's not nearly as bad as it was earlier, the compression doing wonders for it.
Lance sees right through your lies because his grip on your hand doesn't loosen, "I'll be careful." You quickly join the assumption that he wanted to dance with you, not just have you up there to lessen his own embarrassment.
"I-" He tuts, "come on."
"Go have fun Y/N. It's not like this opportunity'll come 'round again." Your aunt wags her eyebrows suggestively, and Lance tilts his head towards her, wordlessly agreeing with the cheeky grin on his lips still very much prominent.
"You've definitely had more to drink than I have." He laughs, successfully helping you stand up and guiding you to the dance floor. He moved to the rhythm of the music, already grooving as he walked.
Suddenly, he tugged on your hand, causing you to turn towards him. Your eyes locked as his gaze swept over your body before returning to meet yours. With a playful smirk, he lifted your hand and drew you closer, his arm wrapping around your waist.
As the beat pulsated through the air, he began to shimmy his shoulders, a glint in his eyes. A smile adorned his lips when you instinctively started swaying your hips, matching his energy.
"I don't know where I belong, I don't know where I went wrong, but I can write a song," Lance sang along with the words, his voice as silky as butter. Oblivious to the effect he was having on you, he seamlessly continued on to the chorus, his energy contagious and captivating. You struggled to keep up with the whirlwind of feelings surging through your veins.
A genuine smile graced your lips as Lance playfully tried to engage you in the dance, guiding your arms and encouraging any movement. Laughter bubbles forth as he effortlessly twists you every which way. In the midst of the moment, the encounter with your mother fades into insignificance, and any lingering irritation dissipates.
You're overwhelmed with appreciation for the lengths your 'boyfriend' is willing to go to keep up an appearance.
Lance extends his arm, spinning you around before pulling you close, your bodies meeting. Your forearms align with his chest, and his hands firmly hold yours against his body as he continues to sing.
The lyrics escape his lips, "I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart," and in that moment, everything else fades away, leaving only the two of you entwined in a dance that feels like pure magic.
You're already breathing a little heavier after the song had ended, beads of sweat trickling down your forehead but the man who'd constantly been spinning and twirling you around looked effortlessly handsome still. The perks of being fit, you supposed.
"I love this song." You listened a little closer then laughed when Lance began singing again, but messed up the lyrics a little.
"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something stu- dumb to do." The note way off-key meant you couldn't help but chuckle, finding his imperfection endearing. Your head naturally found its place nestled in the dip of his collarbone as he joined in with your laughter.
Moments later, you lifted your head, resuming the dance with him. Once the chorus had begun, he quickly found his rhythm, the music guiding his movements flawlessly.
As the DJ continued to spin songs perfectly suited for a lively and exuberant wedding reception, a few guests eventually broke off from the floor to take a break or grab another drink.
However, you and Lance showed no signs of faltering. Fuelled by the atmosphere, you both remained in sync, undeterred by the fact that it'd been a while you'd been dancing. The music seemed to invigorate you, carrying you both through the night as you danced with unwavering enthusiasm, creating sparks of energy and joy on the dance floor.
As you settle onto a stool by the bar, your now sister-in-law taps you on the shoulder, holding a drink filled with clear liquid in her hand. Leaning down to ensure you hear her, she whispers, "you guys look great together."
Despite mustering a smile, a sour feeling comes over you. On one hand, it feels amazing that you and Lance have managed to convince everyone of your relationship, but you know it's not real. Your feelings for him are genuine, but he remains your colleague and friend — nothing more.
"I don't know how much it means coming from me, but he seems like a really good guy." You look up to meet her gaze, she tugs her dress closer to her legs to sit on the stool opposite you. "Can you tell my mom that?" She smiles, remaining cautious but you understood why. That is her mother-in-law now.
"I don't get the ex thing. The way you look at Lance, I don't know, you never looked at Thomas that way." She leans in to add convincingly, she was only dating your brother during the brief time you were seeing your ex, but the fact that she sees right through you makes you wonder just how obvious your attraction really is. To Lance especially.
You smile appreciatively nevertheless, at least someone's in your corner.
When you feel a presence come up behind you, you don't hold back a grimace when Thomas steps forward. You mouth 'save yourself' to your sister-in-law who chuckles, giving you a small hug before being whisked away by your brother, her husband, as he invites her to dance.
He takes her spot on the stool and you move to get up but he grabs your arm, "five minutes." You shrug his grip off of you and sit back down, pushing your stool a little back to maintain some distance. "Two."
"You're not serious about the F1 bloke, are ya?" You sigh, wiping the tip of your nose with your thumb to catch the tiny drop of sweat.
"I don't have to explain my life choices to you but just so you know, yes, I am serious about him." You state as if it should be clear, although maybe it was. In another reality far from this one, nobody would bring their partner to a family wedding unless they were truly committed to them.
"I know he's not your boyfriend, Y/N," Tom stares at you intently as he finishes his sentence, clearly anticipating any change in your demeanor or facial expression, causing you to suppress any visible reaction. But you're quite certain that your internal organs momentarily ceased functioning.
"What're you on about?" You question him.
He scoffs, as if you're just prolonging the inevitable truth. "At best, he's a friend. There's no way that dude's your boyfriend." You want to ask him how he caught on but didn't know how to word it so you chuckle instead, albeit a little nervously.
"You're funny." You say bitterly but Tom shrugs, a smirk on his lips, oozing confidence and surety in what he was saying as if he was aware this wasn't alcohol talking but the facts he'd built up since this weekend began.
"Come on. The air mattress in your bedroom, obviously has been slept in. On top of that, I haven't even seen you kiss the guy, just hugs and hand holding. People manage that with their mates."
You're beginning to get angry and you wonder if the two minutes you'd allowed him had grown to pass, "perving on my bedroom are we?" You suggest disgustingly through gritted teeth and Tom rolls his eyes, knowing you were stalling to gather a possible answer.
"I went to the bathroom, door was wide open. It's not like you tried to hide it." The smugness in his voice made you want to slap him but out of the corner of your eye, you saw your sister-in-law tap Lance's arm and point in your direction. You hid the relief washing over you, and swallowed your words.
"I couldn't give a shit about how you feel about my relationship." The anxiousness settling into the pit of your stomach caused you to feel a little nauseous.
"Mm-hmm, 'relationship'," he says, using air quotes with his fingers as he takes his hand off of his glass, followed by a playful wink directed at you. The feeling of nausea grows stronger, but you distract yourself when Lance places his hand on the small of your back.
Without wasting another moment, Tom leaves when Lance glares at him, leaving the two of you alone. He immediately redirects his attention towards you, his gaze fixed, wordlessly asking if you're okay.
"He knows," your voice shakes as you meet his eyes.
"Who?" He asks.
"Tom. He - figured it out. He knows we're not dating, he knows about the extra mattress in my room, he knows." You find yourself repeating, your mind in a frenzy as you whisper whatever you recall of the situation to the man currently hovering over you.
Your eyes glance behind Lance's body as you watch your ex go over to Kevin, interesting him in a conversation that you have no doubt is about his recent discovery.
"He's going to tell my brother, he's going to tell everyone-" You cut yourself off when Lance pushes his hand into your back, forcing you to meet his eyes again. Though this is not the time for it, the contact causes somersaults to erupt in your body.
"No he's not. He's not going to do anything, don't let him fuck with you." He reassures you, advising you to try and forget the encounter but it's all that is playing on your mind. You can't have him unwrap this entire weekend like a present waiting to be opened and showcased to everyone.
"Come on, it's the slow dance." You huff, finding right now a pretty stupid time to join your date for a dance. He sensed your hesitation, pulling you up by the hand much like he did a while ago.
"Isn't now a good as time as ever to convince everyone we are in love?"
You think about his question for a while then realise he had a point, you nod and let him guide you back to the dance floor, in a crowd full of many other couples doing the same thing.
You interlock your fingers around his neck, his hands finding their rightful places on either sides of your waist. You both begin to sway and you can see Tom standing just off of the floor, his eyes obviously trained on you and the F1 driver.
Lance looks down into your eyes to break your concentration, there was a subtle softness in them that you knew you could only claim as your own.
"What if he does tell everyone?" You whisper to him but he only smiles, contrasting you massively. One thing that differed between you was the lack of anxiousness in him and the load of it inside of you.
"A mattress can easily be explained, and he has nothing to prove that we're not dating." You swallow, remembering the other point Tom made in the short conversation.
"H-he said we haven't-" Lance's eyebrows furrow as your speech falters so you decide to rephrase it. "We only hug and stuff, to him couples do more than that."
"And to you?" You meet his lingering gaze, "what?"
His eyes fall to overlook your expression before catching your stare again, "what do you think couples do?" You subtly shrug when Lance tugs you closer to him. "I-I don't know. Traditional couple stuff." You curve around the obvious answer and he chuckles, nodding his head.
His eyes flicker to your lips and you could swear your heart skipped a beat, or maybe multiple beats. Your heart was fluttering vigorously within your chest, its rhythmic pounding so intense that you wondered if Lance could hear it if he focused hard enough.
You gazed at him, momentarily lost in admiration without any specific thoughts occupying your mind.
He observed you attentively, analysing you with deep contemplation. There was obviously something playing about his mind, but you couldn't decipher it, he'd never been one to read easily. He tucked in his bottom lip.
No words were exchanged but your chest was conveying more than enough, just as Lance's was. His emotions seemed to be a mix of nervousness, anxiety, and perhaps even panic. He couldn't understand why, this would only be a justifiable favour.
His gaze again shifted from your eyes to your lips, and the agitation in your body reached such a level that you felt your ribs may explode from the sheer feeling pent up inside of you. Raw emotions surged, unearthing feelings that perhaps you hadn't been sure about before. They were springing to life, blooming ever so confidently.
But so were you, every new sensation coursing through your veins made you feel alive, but frightened you too. It was powerful, overwhelming and a sensation that had never quite been matched with previous boyfriends.
You noticed the bob of his Adam's apple as he swallowed, the rapid rise and fall of his chest. In response, you leaned in closer. You didn't want him to retreat from this proximity, despite the anxiousness gripping you.
You couldn't help but wonder the potential consequences that could arise. Any platonic friendship you'd built up until this point would be shattered. Lance sensed your distraction and squeezed your waist in response, "how's the knee doing?"
You sigh out an unsteady breath, "g-good." Your gaze was darting between his eyes, barely formulating a clear response to his question, obviously lacking confidence. You knew the song was only a couple of moments away from ending, though there was no countdown, everything felt perfect enough for it to happen now.
Your face began to warm up, "I-I'm not the only one who's having all these feelings, am I?" You asked ambiguously, half-fearing his response.
Lance knew exactly what you meant, it seemed a little inconclusive to make assumptions on such an open-ended question but the breathless look on your face and the glint in your eyes both served as hints.
"No," the ends of his lips curve slightly into a smile, only to serve as assurance that he wasn't answering for convenience but because he was telling the truth and he too was sick of having to hide it.
Lance moved maybe a centimetre or an inch closer to you, his proximity was so close that the tip of his nose brushed against yours, causing your eyelids to flutter. His hands slid slowly from either sides of your waist to your back, interlinking.
Your lips parted instinctively, your mind becoming clouded, and any trace of logic vanishing from your thoughts.
His bottom lip skimmed over your top one and you could've sworn your body had turned into jelly, you could feel him smile faintly before his mouth closed around yours. For a moment, neither you or Lance breathed.
Perhaps to give the other ample time to process this was really happening. A blush crept on to your cheeks, his lips began to move, enticing you to join him in an illusive dance.
You released a content sigh through your nose which only offered Lance more assurance, continuing to kiss you with eagerness you didn't know he had. You toyed with a few strands on the back of his head, gently tugging at his neck to urge him closer.
He hummed in response, happily complying with your unspoken command. You pulled away to catch your breath, he allowed you to step impossibly closer to him as people began curving you to go back to their seats as the next song began.
You took the minute you had to appreciate just how good he looked, his eyes light, his lips pink, and his fair skin glowing even under the DJ's overhead spotlights.
You met his lips again, remaining there for a few seconds before he moved against them, kissing you a few times. "God, you're amazing." He whispered when you detached for the final time, blushing but making no effort to conceal it anymore.
Part 7
Two more parts to go!
Taglist: @fantasticbouquetwitchsthings @topguncultleader @spicyclover @amirahart @softiecaro @alilstressyandlotdepressy @eugene-emt-roe @e-lisa-bettan @strolleclercs @jjsprobablywrong @carmelita-holland @flowerchild-96 @rd14 @honethatty12 @gaslysainz @pierre-gasssllyy @lestappenloverr @secretlyangrymagazine @chiliwhore @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @vildetry-06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003 @honeyric3 @nikki01234 @purplephantomwolf @mindflay3r @ttzjune @xitsyaiizax @dylylylylyly @junhuilvrrr @f1-hyperfixation
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you've had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: exes ugh, lots of fluff, lotta kissing, some angst but more towards the end, cliffhanger cause ik y'all hate me already :D brief mentions of alcohol, please tell me if I have missed anything!!
Word Count: 3.1k words (11 mins reading time avg)
"Well played," Thomas slid past you with a remark as you stood amongst a group of relatives who were mostly conversing between themselves.
You turned your head to acknowledge him, obviously knowing he was referring to the kiss he'd seen you and Lance share earlier.
As the memory resurfaced, you couldn't help but suppress a smile while recalling it.
Subconsciously, your finger gravitated towards your lips, etching into your mind the unforgettable sensation of his lips melding seamlessly with yours, akin to the completion of a long-lost puzzle.
Maybe you began to daydream a little, staring at the hardwood floor when your aunt shook your shoulder. "I called you twice, had too much to drink?" She asked, though smiling through the question.
"Sorry Aunt Mel, what did you need?" She waved you off, "nothing. Your boyfriend's looking for you, dear."
"My boy… oh my boyfriend. Um, where is he?" you stammered, your aunt studying your face with a hint of suspicion, as if contemplating the extent of your alcohol consumption tonight.
"Last I saw him, he was by the chocolate fountain. You need me to go with you?" You shook your head despite the fact it wasn't very convincing, handing her your empty wine glass and wandering off.
Maybe you were rubbing your head or the nape of your neck when you spotted a familiar tall man with a tucked in shirt.
You reached for his arm but pulled away at the last second when you realised it was somebody else. "Sorry Unc-"
Before you allowed yourself to finish the sentence, you whisked around when you felt someone's presence right on your back. They steadied you with their hands on your arms, but a warm smile encompassed your lips when you realised who it was.
"018!" You exclaimed excitedly.
He scoffed, it was a running joke between his team that the 018 number would be used when Lance was either running late or wasn't anywhere to be found minutes before an important event, which had happened a few times too many.
When he eventually showed up, usually his team of mechanics which now had extended to any personnel who so happened to be present either by accident or not, would shout it out.
He never knew the backstory to it, just always played along, dishing out a few quick slaps on his engineers' arms before running off to fulfil his contractual obligations.
"Oh so now you know about that too?" He questioned, his hands sliding down your arms to meet your hands.
You tilted your head, reducing your otherwise beaming smile to an innocent one. You glance down at your intertwining hands before responding.
"Well, it's hard not to when the entire garage shouts it out for the whole paddock to hear." You explained.
"Is that so?" You nod curtly, biting back a laugh. He leaned forward and you decide to help him out, tip-toeing to meet his lips in the middle.
His right hand gently rests on your jawline. When you broke away, you rested both of your hands on his chest.
"Technically, we have a whole weekend to make up for. You know, for the sake of acting." He says, a subtle thrill in his voice like a whisper of excitement, one barely perceptible but undeniably present.
You hum agreeingly, tucking your bottom lip in between your two rows of teeth.
"Okay, that is so not what happened!" You burst into laughter as Daisy makes a genuine attempt to swat your cousin's head, playfully aiming to embarrass her with his exaggerated rendition of a story that your sister insists is nowhere near the truth.
"Why do we believe anything Dais says, you said you were giving up sugar three weeks ago and today the only thing I saw you cosying up to was the dessert stand."
Your dad nearly choked on his water just as everyone laughed again, recalling the heartfelt speech your sister gave about the perils of unhealthy eating.
While you obviously agreed with her message, the notion of practicing what you preach was never one of her exemplary mottos and this was one example of many.
"Okay, leave me alone! I held that up for a whole week and then I got my period so was it really my fault?" You smiled, shaking your head.
After some time, you decided to retreat from the living room as the various relatives who had gathered after the wedding started to head home.
With a sense of anticipation for your leave tomorrow evening, you bid them your goodbyes, realising that you wouldn't have another chance to see them before your departure.
You guess Lance was being your moral support with an occasional squeeze on the shoulder. The formality of goodbyes always stirred up emotions within you, especially when the uncertainty of the next meeting loomed large.
You made an internal vow to meet with them again over the summer, just as you had promised yourself in previous years. Yet, deep down, you couldn't ignore the fact that those plans often fell short of their intended course.
"You okay?" Lance asked, concern lacing his words. You gave a nod in response, avoiding his gaze and discreetly pressing your finger to the inner corner of your eye, collecting the tear that lingered, on the verge of spilling over.
After you bid goodnight to your parents, you and Lance finally retreated into your bedroom for the final time this weekend.
You flicked the light switch on as the F1 driver removed the tie hanging around his neck, having undone it the moment you left the venue anyway.
You picked at your false lashes, already feeling the weight on your eyes lighten a little when you simultaneously peeled them off and stuck them back on to their packaging.
Maybe half an hour had passed when you'd wrapped up your time in the bathroom, relieved to change out of your dress and remove the makeup that had adorned your face.
Despite not consuming much alcohol tonight, you had an inkling that tomorrow morning would greet you with a headache, or at the very least, some discomfort.
As you entered the room, you noticed Lance sitting on the air mattress, perceiving your hesitance upon seeing him there. He looked devilishly handsome even after a full night of dancing, drinking and socialising. You wanted to despise him for it, but how could you despise someone so perfect?
"What?" he inquired, breaking your momentary trance as you snapped back into reality and proceeded to hang your dress behind the door.
"Nothing," you replied, the sound of the door clicking shut marked your decision to face him. Though you attempted to dismiss the notion, Lance wasn't willing to let it go so easily.
With a faint but lopsided smile, he spoke up, "You gave me a look." You rolled your eyes, briefly glancing at the time displayed on your phone before reaching down to plug it into the charging cable.
“No. I didn’t.” You persisted.
"You tryna gaslight me right now?" You scoff, turning your head to see him beginning to stand up, you tried to ignore the rush of beats in your chest but it was his fault he had that stupid mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I'm not. I didn't give you a look. It's been a long day." You tore your eyes away from him.
"Has it?" You could sense he was moving closer but you didn’t dare look, trying to occupy yourself with the items scattered messily on your nightstand from the rush of leaving this morning.
“See, now you’re not looking at me.” You sigh unsteadily, finding his teasing intolerable for someone so attractive.
“Maybe I don’t want to look at you.” You turn your head in his general direction, emphasising your point but Lance only chuckled.
A momentary silence enveloped the room, and remnants of the wedding flooded your mind. You vividly recalled the instance when you found him near the chocolate fountain, guided by your Aunt Mel's directions.
Before, his chest only loomed behind you, but now you were certain that he was intentionally getting that much closer.
The palms of his hands feathered over your shoulders before pressing into them. His touch sent a surge of electricity through your entire being, awakening every nerve ending as if it were a cascade of fireworks illuminating the sky.
His voice barely above a whisper, emerged rather as a raspy murmur, "You don't want to look at me?"
“Maybe,” you reply, your head spinning as you attempt to make sense of his hands caressing your shoulders for any reason other than the one your heart was about to burst out of your chest for. Your fingers fiddled with the medication packet in an attempt to distract yourself.
“You sure?” You’re rendered speechless, his pelvis brushing against you. One of his hands remain atop of your shoulder, but you can feel every little tap, every little rub against your arm when he slides his other downwards.
It brushes against the fabric of your pajamas before finding its place, squeezing somewhere between the curve in your waist and your hip.
Perhaps you were being irrational or imagining a scenario beyond the realm of possibility, even in your wildest dreams. So when you start to turn towards him, Lance had already accepted your response.
Practically speeding up the process and turning you so you were facing him completely, he guides his other hand directly parallel to the other and uses the force he has over you physically, and the one you were allowing him from sheer vulnerability, to rotate your bodies.
You had your back turned towards the bed, feeling his hands firmly planted on either side of you, the intense contact driving you to the brink, yet you refused to lose yourself. You fought hard to remain grounded in the present moment, even when his head lowered to capture your lips in a kiss.
The cloud of uncertainty between you two dissipates, as if a wall had crumbled, giving way to an intense desire. Lance boldly encroaches on your personal space while you glide your hands up his chest and around his neck. With a firm press, his body collides with yours, causing both of you to stumble backward.
You find yourself collapsing onto the bed, and Lance positions himself on top of you, his body weight supported by his arm next to your head. With tenderness, you raise your hands to his face and gently cradle his cheeks in your palms, engaging him in a kiss.
The unraveling of his self-control is captivating as his hands glide over your neck, waist, and thigh with a benign caress. The kiss is fiery, possessing a rawness that contrasts with the smoothness of his lips.
As Lance's mouth leaves yours, planting softer kisses on your neck, a sharp pain shoots through your knee. You make an effort to conceal the burning sensation, but your body tenses involuntarily. His lips detach from your skin, his attention now focused on your discomfort.
“M’sorry.” You breathe out, frustrated and shut your eyes in annoyance.
"It's okay. Your knee?" Lance's concerned voice reaches your ears, and you give a single nod in response. The warmth of his body against yours lessens as he readjusts his position. Turning your head towards him, you can't help but wonder what's unfolding in his mind.
Lance exhales deeply as he pushes himself up and away from your body, running a hand through his hair. "Must've been from all that dancing," he remarks. You manage a weak chuckle, he was probably right.
You raise a hand to your forehead, realising you haven't experienced such feelings coursing through your body like this in years. The expectancy, nerves, and excitement intertwine, building up to a breaking point, like a taut spring ready to release its tension.. or snap in half.
Thoughts of self-doubt creep into your mind, wondering how pathetic and weak he might perceive you to be. As you withdraw your hand from your forehead, you notice him rising to his feet.
"Lance," you instinctively call out, though unsure of what you want to say next. Sitting up, you lock eyes with him, but a sudden pause overtakes you. Your lips part slightly, as if hoping it'll hasten your currently blank thought process.
“Yeah?” He prods you on further, but all that can leave your mouth is, “thank you.”
“For uh for this weekend. I guess you did really well.” He laughs, nodding his head.
As he makes his way around the bed to return to his air mattress, you reach up to the side of your neck where Lance left a particularly distinct kiss. Your fingers delicately graze over the tender patch of skin, feeling a lingering warmth.
Without another moment's notice, Lance switches off the light, plunging the room into darkness. A pang of sadness wells up in your chest, if only you had concealed your pain instead of openly admitting to it.
After a few minutes of silence, you lift yourself up to rest against your pillow, wincing slightly at the discomfort in your joint. Lifting the blanket, you slide beneath it, crossing your arms underneath the cover to try and warm yourself.
You search for something else to say, hesitant to fall asleep on these terms. The bed dips on the other side and you can't help but wonder what he might do next, or if he'll do anything at all. The uncertainty hangs in the air, intensifying the uneasiness inside of you.
For a brief moment, you feel a tinge of disappointment but it quickly fades when his hand slides under your top, traversing over your stomach, drawing him closer to you.
In a pleasant surprise, you turn your body to face him, and a smile spreads across your face when you catch the familiar glint in his eyes.
“You need to get it checked out,” he advises.
“I will,” you reply, sliding a touch closer to him.
Lance’s hand glides along the ridge in your hip, before moving to rest on your thigh. He presses his lips against the line where your scalp meets your forehead as you tuck your head in between the curve of his jaw and neck.
"Back home tomorrow," he whispers, and a bittersweet feeling settles in your stomach. It's ironic how, at the beginning, you wished for this weekend to be over, but now, almost 72 hours later, you find yourself yearning for the opposite.
His warmth comforts you the best it can, and you hum to assure him that you heard what he said. As the tiredness from the day weighs on you, sleep gradually takes over, and you find yourself succumbing to its embrace in the safety of his arms.
Your brows pull inwards when you awaken to the sound of a loud knock on your door. Lance isn't beside you, and you assume he must've already left to grab his morning coffee, considerately letting you sleep in.
"What?" you mumble, your words partially muffled by the pillow mushed into half of your face.
Your sister opens it, brushing her hair with one hand and the other waving you up. Like that was sufficient enough motivation to make you want to leave your bed.
“Dad's treating us all to this breakfast place ‘cause you’re leaving today so.. you’ve got 10 minutes to get ready.” You groan but have no option to argue when Daisy’s already gone by the time you blink both of your eyes open.
You feel like shit and you definitely look like shit when you force yourself to get up and out of bed, usually that takes you 10 minutes alone so you mentally applaud yourself for doing it so quickly.
You hurry downstairs once you’ve completed the tasks compiled from basic human hygiene, meeting only Lance in the kitchen, leaned against the counter with phone in hand.
“Where is everyone?” He looks up, rather obviously checks you out then meets your eyes with a bright smile.
Your chest warms, and maybe your face tints red a little, but you smile back at him. “They went ahead, said to meet them there.”
You hum, “I always wondered where I got my impatience from.” He chuckles as he slides past you, letting you pull your flats on before opening the door.
As soon as you catch sight of Tom across the way, a perplexed expression washes over you, causing a brief blink and a subtle parting of your lips.
“Y/N,” he looks past Lance and the F1 driver looks back at you puzzled, wondering if this was a planned meet-up. The bewilderment on your face answers the question for him.
“You need to go,” you say before the man in front of you gets a chance to.
“I just want to talk,” Tom says, watching you desperately. “Come on.”
As Lance takes a step closer to him, you swallow sceptically. You were aware that his tolerance for your ex had been dwindling throughout the entire weekend, but now wasn't the opportune moment to witness him reach his breaking point.
"What the hell do you want to talk about now?" you ask, your voice unsteady.
Tom again looks around him to meet your eyes, “five minutes of your time is too much?”
“I think it’s time for you to go,” Lance says warningly. You reach for his hand to tug him backwards which you succeed in, though not without a questionable look.
With a firm tone, you remind him, "you had your five minutes at the wedding." Despite your reminder, Tom takes a step closer, maintaining a cautious distance to avoid provoking the man fixed between the two of you.
Insisting fervently, he presses on, "you're going to want to hear this. I promise." The desperation in his eyes becomes apparent, and you hate that the urge to hear him suddenly overcomes you. Being your ex meant he was still masterfully able to draw you in somehow.
“Wait by the gate,” he nods at your instruction and you turn your body to meet Lance’s. “Just get the car started?”
"You've gotta be kidding. Why are you still bothering with him?" Lance probes, searching your face for an explanation. With a sigh, you mentally admit your inability to provide a good enough answer.
“I’m just going to hear what he has to say. It doesn’t mean anything.” You rationalise, your eyes growing soft and Lance can’t help but understand where you’re coming from.
Maybe granting him the chance to express whatever he wanted to say is a debt you feel obliged to fulfil.
“I’ll wait in the car,” you mutter a thank you in return, watching as he creaks the door open to walk through it.
He glares at Tom as he walks past, bordering on a push, and unlocks the car. He settles into the driver's seat and your ex waits for you where you told him to.
With a heavy sigh, you approach him, his face still adorned with a palpable sense of desperation that shows no signs of fading.
“What is it?”
Part 8
I am posting this at 4:47am in the morning :') The writer's block is REAL!! Thank you so much for your patience, I love you so so much! One part left :(
Taglist: @fantasticbouquetwitchsthings @topguncultleader @spicyclover @amirahart @softiecaro @alilstressyandlotdepressy @eugene-emt-roe @e-lisa-bettan @strolleclercs @jjsprobablywrong @carmelita-holland @flowerchild-96 @honethatty12 @gaslysainz @pierre-gasssllyy @lestappenloverr @chiliwhore @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @chonkybonky @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @lxnceclercs @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @hockey-racing-fubol @honeyric3 @purplephantomwolf @mindflay3r @ttzjune @xitsyaiizax @dylylylylyly @rd14 @secretlyangrymagazine @love4lando @vildetry-06 @sharllec @aundercover @mloyer @alesainz @cinnamonroll2003 @nikki01234 @junhuilvrrr @f1-hyperfixation
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟖
photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll × Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you've had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: angst, Reader being very torn, lots of obliviousness, fluff, emosh, implies smut but none of it, little bit of back and forth but issa good ending ofc :')
Word Count: 4.1k words (15 mins reading time avg)
"What is it?"
Tom crosses his arms over his chest, glancing back at Lance and eyeing him suspiciously through the car door window.
He's occupied with his phone but his foot is tapping impatiently against the floor mat in the car.
"Now would be a great time to spit it out," you regain his attention through gritted teeth. Your patience was wearing thin, you had somewhere to be and your ex was holding you up frustratingly slowly.
He lets out a sigh, his eyes darting over your face. He seems on edge.
"I was on Instagram yesterday," his gaze fell to the concrete pavement underfoot and you shrug.
"Congratulations." You retort sarcastically and Tom brings one foot forward towards you, "did you really think nothing was going to come of it?"
You furrow your brows, "come out of what?"
He tuts, finding your stubbornness to read between the lines all the more familiar from when you used to date.
"You and Lance on a 'romantic getaway', maybe you've fooled everyone else but you haven't fooled the press." He air-quoted with his fingers and you felt like the wind had knocked the breath out of your lungs.
"I-I don't see your point." You raise a subconscious barrier, certainly overcome with the realisation that agreeing to speak to him was a big mistake.
Your jaw clenches and you resist the urge to look around you, as if you were going to find a camera blinking back.
"It got online, Y/N. Started from Daisy's Instagram story to the most trending topic on Twitter." He explains, with a level of smugness in his voice that you can't help squinting your eyes at.
He caught you in a lie, but right now, that was the least of your worries.
Fists form by your sides and panic begins settling into your chest. "And how did it get on Twitter in the first place?" The distaste in your tone when you bit back was surely evident.
Bit by bit, you start to feel a sense of chaos enveloping you, like you've somehow misplaced the capacity to hold everything together.
He shrugs mutely but the quirk of his lip makes you think he had a bigger part to play in this fuck-up disguised as a Monday morning.
As your gaze falls, you avoid meeting his eyes again, even when he nudges your arm to recover your waning attention. Detached, you're occupied in crafting a plan to get through the remaining six hours you have left with Lance.
Once that time is up, you'll be free from any scrutiny, whether it be from the media or your family, and finally be done with him.
With all of this.
You shouldn't have been so disengaged but you couldn't help it, your thumb endlessly scrolling through Twitter, confirming what Tom had been telling you earlier.
You'd seen only one or two tweets unrelated to the topic since you opened the app a few minutes ago.
You swallow, locking your phone and looking up from your lap. You try to involve yourself in your siblings' conversation but fail miserably, your wandering mind not allowing you to do such a thing as ignore this mess.
Lance is laughing at a video Kevin is showing him, and you wonder if he's seen anything about it yet.
He'd been on his phone in the car after your conversation with your ex had ended, and the object had been with him ever since. You were at the very least surprised nobody had even messaged him yet.
Unless he was playing dumb.
"Y/N, what time you heading out?" Your mind is in a bit of a scramble when your mother perks up with a question, meeting her eyes, you can't help but stutter.
Lance steps in.
"8 o'clock. We're both heading back to the factory." You're grateful but he eyes you questionably, you've had tougher questions than that come at you this weekend.
He smiles at the irony but you don't return it, looking away.
His eyebrows knit together and he presumes whatever your ex had told you was what'd gotten you in a distant mood, he makes a mental note to ask you about it later.
You can feel his eyes trained on you until your brother whisks him away into another conversation.
The ride back home's quiet, with the radio airing fresh songs whose lyrics you're not entirely familiar with. However, their tunes are infectious, prompting your fingers to rhythmically tap along.
Lance fidgets with the leather material of the steering wheel, glancing at you every now and again.
After a while, he stretches his hand to the volume knob, reducing it. You sigh inwardly, knowing that he'd picked up on your subdued mood at breakfast, which meant the upcoming conversation was quite a predictable one.
"What did your ex want to tell you?" Lance asks, his voice curious. You press your lips together, absently twisting your cuff bangle around your wrist.
"Nothing." Perhaps if you avoided the topic for long enough, he'd drop it and choose to never touch on it again.
"You spoke for a while. He didn't say anything?" He persisted.
"Has Grace reached out to you?" You pivot away from his previous question by planting another in its place about the team's communications manager.
Lance seems confused as to why it's relevant to the conversation but answers nonetheless.
"Grace? No. Why would she?" You shake your head, not commenting further as you try to muster up a plan and the courage to tell him the truth.
You desperately hoped to avoid his anger, not wanting to sow any seeds of regret in his mind about joining you this weekend.
It's almost comical how rapidly things have unravelled since this morning.
As Lance parks a few feet away from your open driveway, you swiftly step out of the car, leaving him to catch up.
He manages to close the car door just as you round the gate, moving briskly to ascend the patio steps.
He jogs to try and keep with you, skipping the middle step and succeeding when his fingers wrap tightly around your wrist, keeping you from reaching into your bag for the house key.
"Y/N, what's bothering you?" He asks curtly.
Your jaw tightens, the conversation with your ex was replaying in your mind like a relentless torture, preventing you from forgetting it no matter how desperately you wanted to.
An uncertain feeling settles in the pit of your stomach, and you release a shaky breath, deciding to be straightforward.
"He said that-" Your words hang unfinished as you glance up at the front door swinging open. Your sister looks up from her phone, holding a plastic bottle in her other hand.
"Looks like you didn't manage to beat the traffic after all, huh?" She quips, tucking her phone into her jean pocket.
Her gaze shifts between the two of you, a hint of suspicion in her eyes, focusing momentarily on Lance's hand wrapped around your wrist.
He eases it, and Daisy casually tosses the plastic bottle into the recycling bin.
You offer an awkward smile. "Yeah, must be lunchtime at work," you explain. Daisy nods, stepping aside to allow you and Lance to pass before closing the door behind her.
"I'm going to get back to packing," you add, slipping off your flats and hopping onto the first step of the staircase.
You notice Daisy raising her finger at Lance, and you swiftly intervene, "Dais, he didn't do anything." You assert and she lowers her finger back to her side.
Despite being younger, she's remarkably swift to defend her siblings whenever necessary, often disregarding external opinions, even if those opinions are attempting to correct her misjudgement.
"Better not have," she mutters, giving Lance a once-over before heading off to the kitchen.
You release a sigh as the door creaks shut, avoiding his lingering gaze and resuming your retreat up to your bedroom to finish off packing your suitcase.
You delicately place your rings back into the small gaps amidst the cushions of the jewellery box, your throat tightening as the sound of Lance adjusting his gym bag reaches your ears from the distant corner of the room.
Silence hung between you both ever since he ascended the stairs a few minutes after you had entered your room.
Passing a hand through his hair, he looked up at you while you zipped up the jewellery box. You shifted to the opposite side of the bed, unlatching your closed suitcase then bending down to retrieve the laundry basket, placing it on to the bed with a gentle plop.
"Can you please talk to me? Tell me the truth or even tell me a lie, but just say something," he implores. Your shoulders slumping as you methodically fold your clean laundry into your suitcase, your actions momentarily faltering.
His voice carried a note of pleading, and your continued silence only reinforced the notion that something was wrong. It went beyond the subdued atmosphere during breakfast and the unrelated question in the car.
“The press knows, Lance.” You say firmly.
"What?" he responds, though he clearly heard every word.
You observe the shift in his expression, the gentleness giving way to a hardened look. Your words momentarily escape you, leaving you with an urge to resume folding, using it as a feeble distraction.
“What do you mean the press knows?” He says concisely and you shut your eyes, your gaze facing downward.
“About this, us, I don’t know.” your voice wavers as you try to explain..
“He told you that?” No name was mentioned but the contempt in his voice gives room for enough assumption to be made.
“Yes,” you confirm quietly.
“Of course he did.” He mutters under his breath but you hear it anyway. Your eyebrows knit together subtly, “what do you mean?”
He locks eyes with you, and if you said that the chill in his gaze didn't give you a slight shiver of intimidation, you'd be lying.
“What did I ask you when he showed up at the door? I asked you why you were still bothering with him?” He stresses breathily, overwhelmed by the situation.
“I told you it didn’t mean anything. I didn’t know this is what he’d tell me.” You counter.
“He probably had a part to play in it,” Lance assumes and you shake your head, “there’s nothing to gain. With Tom, it’s all talk. Going to the press just - it doesn’t make sense.”
“It doesn’t need to make sense, how is he conveniently the only one who knows about it?” He lowers his voice and you blink, averting your gaze. He had a point.
“I’ll talk to Grace, this’ll be fixed.” You try to assure him, picking your phone up from the bedside table.
“By doing what, telling everyone this was a lie?” He bristles and a twinge of pain overcomes your chest.
“Guess that was the whole point anyway.” he grinds out the last part of his sentence in a harsh whisper, his jaw clenching. You stiffen, his words carry a sting with them.
The realisation of the situation hits you, what he had mentioned to your mother about the challenges of maintaining a relationship in the public eye had practically come to fruition.
Though a relationship was far from what you had.
“This was all fake, wasn’t it?” you murmur, directing the question more towards yourself than the man standing before you.
"What?" He asks, having caught only a faint mumble escaping your lips. You shake your head, swallowing your words, focused on not letting them slip out again.
“Okay, yeah, we’re uh, we’re on our way soon.” You conclude the call, a small sense of relief washing over you after speaking to Grace.
She'd appeared relatively composed despite you having explained the situation to her in an undeniable panic.
You slide the phone face down on to the counter in the bathroom, leaning your head on the door, hoping that no one needed to relieve themselves in the next five minutes it would probably take for you to process your own thoughts.
You wince a touch as you recall the words that last fell from Lance’s mouth.
A lie was what it was, but it was strangely intense hearing it tumble from his lips.
Considering the feelings you only recently and barely had admitted to yourself and him, the weight of all of that felt as if it was coming down on you now.
But the bandage around your knee, the burden of responsibility, the dancing, the kisses, the way his gaze held you. Him. They all form as a defence argument inside your mind as you rattle through the weekend, it can't all have been fake.
You carelessly yearn for the weekend's routine – his presence, sharing laughter over the words he adopted from your uncle, the pushes into the swimming pool, the undeniable escalation of tension between you.
You realised it yesterday, though you never wanted to admit it. When his lips gravitated towards yours and his grip on your waist tightened, you realised.
You realised you’re in love with Lance Stroll. How irresponsible.
You quickly wipe away the tear sliding down your cheek, stealing a glance at the taxi driver who thankfully remained oblivious. You were a few minutes away from the factory, Grace emailed you this morning to call you in for a PR meeting but the topic of it was naturally foreseeable.
You hadn't yet managed to build up enough courage to text Lance, thank him for the days he wasted away to fabricate a relationship, despite it not lasting long. By the time you'd arrived back at your apartment, your sister had left you a few messages, screenshots of her Twitter feed.
She had reluctantly agreed not to inform your parents. The situation was already fraught with complexity, and having your parents involved would only make matters worse.
You offer a small, not overly enthusiastic smile as you step into the meeting room and catch sight of Lance, Grace, and the familiar members of the communications department all awaiting your arrival.
While Grace briefed everyone on the purpose of the meeting, the only faces that didn't register surprise were yours, hers, and his. You kept your gaze directed downward, fiddling with the rings on your fingers, your expression revealing nothing.
"Y/N, you mentioned you had something to share," Grace prompts, and you lift your gaze, nodding slightly. You take a moment to gauge the atmosphere in the room before you begin speaking.
"Yeah, thank you. I just wanted to say I'm uh I'm sorry for this. Perhaps I was being reckless for not thinking about the damage it might do beforehand, it was only supposed to be a simple favour." You admit, accompanied by a nervous smile.
Lance glances at you, his hands diving deeper into his pockets, inadvertently tearing apart the tissues crammed within them with his fingers.
You couldn't find any faults in their strategy to handle the potential public backlash, though at the moment, there wasn't much of it. However, Grace didn't omit the fact that the fallout could arise if indirect communication between the team and the fans was completely severed.
Several team members chimed in, contributing potential pros and cons to each of the strategies Grace had outlined. After around an hour of deliberation, with back-and-fourths aplenty, the group finally settled on the most suitable course of action.
“Lance, anything to add?” He broke his gaze away and looked up at the manager, “no. Sounds good.”
You acknowledge the fact that he seems entirely disinterested in what was happening in front of him but for good reason. You were the one who dragged him into this so in turn, it seemed unfair that he was one who had to bear the consequences of dealing with it as well.
When the meeting wrapped up, Grace allowed everyone to leave the room but you. You hoped this wouldn’t be a reprimand but you can’t deny that you had been holding a faint expectation of one.
“Y/N, I’m not that old,” your eyebrows draw together in confusion and she continues, “but I can pick up on a few things every now and again.”
You struggle to maintain the conversation, your lips parting as you respond, "I-I'm not sure what you mean."
"I'm certain this past weekend has been quite eventful, full of surprises," she emphasises, and perhaps you're leaning on the side of obliviousness because you still can't quite grasp the significance of her words.
Seemingly filled with riddles, you couldn't help but think.
“There’s a way that this entire situation could be fixed before we’d even have to step in.” Grace concedes, her words leaving a weighty impression on you, their meaning gradually becoming clearer as her sentences unfold.
“I see the way he looks at you,” she confesses quietly and you swallow.
Your gaze drops and her eyes narrow, “what is it that you’re not telling me?” Her attention to detail leaves you slightly frustrated, yet you can't help but acknowledge that it's this very trait which helps her excel at her job.
You waver in your decision, but you'd been carrying this weight within you for nearly a week. Thus, when the words begin to spill out of your mouth, you don't feel any remorse for your lack of restraint.
“He told me it was a lie. How can I tell someone who told me this was practically bullshit that I lo-” You cut yourself off, the words catching in your throat as you shift uneasily on your feet, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
"Do one better. Tell him the truth."
The Friday morning, two days after your brief conversation with Grace left you realising that she was right. The words you needed to express couldn't linger unsaid any longer. They had been gnawing at you, a constant replay of Lance's words echoing in your mind.
She appeared rather pleased that you chose to heed her suggestion when you approached her in the office. With her help, you managed to secure permission from the chief engineer, granting you the opportunity to visit the pit garage during track time at Silverstone.
Deciding to give him some time for his laps, you instead opted to stand on the balcony directly above the track, taking in the view. As you watched, nerves arose again upon seeing the engineers guide his car back into the garage.
It takes you a bit of time to reach the garage, as it's quite a distance to cover. However, the absence of crowds and the limited presence of other teams in the paddock make your journey a little quicker. You glance around his section of the garage, trying to spot him, but it's him who spots you first.
His smile wavers, and his ongoing conversation with an engineer comes to an abrupt stop. His race suit hangs around his waist, and his helmet rests on the counter behind him.
Navigating past a couple of engineers, you approach him, and he moves toward you with measured steps. His gaze roves across your features, seeking clues about your unexpected presence, but your expression reveals little beyond a gentle demeanour.
You take a breath through your nose, forcing a smile to greet him instead of merely gazing in silence. It's the first time you've been in such close proximity to him since the wedding day, a time that holds positive memories for a change.
"I, uh," your words falter in your throat, and you clench your jaw in an attempt to gather yourself. He remains silent, admiring.
“Do you have a minute?” You ask, a little quieter. He nods curtly, prompting you to follow him, probably to a place that wasn’t full of engineers and various personnel.
You allow him to guide you into what appears to be a communal drivers' room, presumably accessible to any driver in need. Once you're inside, he shuts the door behind you.
The confined space of the room doesn't escape your notice, but you choose not to focus on it. Instead, you concentrate on gathering your words.
Eventually, the only thing that does manage to come out is, “was it all a lie?” You ask in a whisper, though audible enough for him to hear.
Lance lifts his eyebrows in surprise, clearly not anticipating the direction that the conversation has taken. It seems your question caught him off guard.
As he remains silent, you interpret his lack of response as an invitation to elaborate on what you're asking, “what you said. There being something between us.”
He approaches you in the small space, his lips parting as he searches for the right words. “You know it wasn’t a lie.” You exhale a quiet sigh of relief, the similar emotions you’d been feeling the night on the dance floor stirring within you again.
It was a warm feeling. A comforting one.
His presence evokes memories of that night at the club, a feeling of protection enveloping you as if he were a shield of safety. However, the current proximity feels incomplete, lacking his touch on any part of your body – not around your waist, not on your arms, nor on your hips.
Perhaps, after pulling him into your mess, you deserved this sense of deprivation, as if it were a consequence of your own actions.
Several moments pass in silence within the room, a lapse in time that you're only drawn out of when he places his hand on your neck, his thumb gently tracing your jawline.
The touch pulls you back to the present, and his gaze moves from your eyes to your lips, his intention clear.
“I think I might go crazy if I don’t tell you this in the next ten seconds,” you breathily admit and Lance’s eyebrow quirks up in curiosity.
“Want me to start counting?” You scoff, a small smile tugging at your lips as you shake your head. His lack of seriousness manages to alleviate the tension slightly, making the impending conversation a touch more manageable.
"I, uh," you stutter, and he senses your nervousness, granting you a bit more time even though the ten seconds were swiftly ticking away.
"I'm in love with you," you blurt out, and a slight smile tugs at the corner of his lips. His gaze locks onto yours, the tension between you escalating threefold more than the time you had left things unresolved by the swimming pool all those days ago.
"I, uh, I didn't quite catch that," he replies and your eyes narrow. You tilt your head, offering him a silent caution. He grins, "what?"
"Don't. Don't make me do it again," you warn him playfully. A soft chuckle escapes his lips, and you can't help but smile in response.
"Why? Did you not mean to say-" Refusing to let him complete his sentence, you fist his shirt in your hand and pull him towards you. Your lips crash together in a fervent kiss, and he yields to your lead as you guide him backward until his back meets the wooden cupboard.
His hands tenderly cradle your cheeks before sliding down to your waist, drawing you closer to him. You succumb to the sensation of his touch, his fingers slipping beneath the hem of your top. The warmth of his palm against your bare skin rekindles a familiar sensation within you, one you had sorely missed.
A soft moan escapes your lips as his hand exerts pressure on your skin. "Lance," you murmur against his lips, pulling back slightly, but only by a few inches. His hand shifts to your back, preventing you from retreating any further.
Guilt washes over you as you come to the realisation that you could have had this moment much earlier. "I wish I had listened to you. I wish I hadn't heard him out," you confess, whispering.
"Hey," he murmurs, his touch gentle as he traces over the skin you only ever want him to touch. His gaze meets yours, and his eyes reflect a desire that you're certain he had kept hidden until now.
“I’m way too fucking in love with you to give a shit about that.. prick.” You chuckle softly, but his gaze remains fixed on you.
"I'd offer to take you out to dinner, but that seems like too small a repayment now," he says, and you blink, acutely attuned to his words.
“What do you have in mind?” Your fingers gently threading through his hair as your hand settles at the back of his neck.
"A few things," he replies, his smile warm and suggestive.
He continues and you blush when you feel his thumb fiddling with the band of your bra. “Just me and you, what do you say to another weekend away?”
A/N: AND THAT IS A WRAP! Seriously though, thank you all so much for your support during this lil mini-series, it’s truly been so motivating <33 I’ll be hard at work writing again after a lil break so this is a reminder to make you sure you take care of yourself too, and put yourself first!!
Mwah, love you all loads ;)
Taglist: @fantasticbouquetwitchsthings @topguncultleader @spicyclover @amirahart @softiecaro @alilstressyandlotdepressy @eugene-emt-roe @e-lisa-bettan @strolleclercs @jjsprobablywrong @carmelita-holland @flowerchild-96 @honethatty12 @gaslysainz @pierre-gasssllyy @lestappenloverr @chiliwhore @mentallyunstablebish @mcmuppet @xscorpioxmoon @ferrariloverr @rivivie @starkeyellow @vanillascreams @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @chonkybonky @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @lxnceclercs @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @hockey-racing-fubol @honeyric3 @purplephantomwolf @mindflay3r @ttzjune @xitsyaiizax @dylylylylyly @rd14 @secretlyangrymagazine @love4lando @vildetry-06 @sharllec @aundercover @mloyer @alesainz @cinnamonroll2003 @nikki01234 @junhuilvrrr @f1-hyperfixation

Social media au:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 4.1 // Part 5 // Part6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 9.5 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 //Part 15 // Part 16// Part 17 // Part 18// Part 19 // Part 20// Part 21 [Complete ✔️]
Happy birthday Mr Evans
Then I Met You (on going):
Summery: your life had never been easy and then you met him
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader / Matt Casey & Reader (platonic)
teaser //Part 1// Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 (coming soon)
Matchmaking (Jay Halstead x Reader)

The one with the thirsty tweets // Part 2
The one with the one night stand (multi-chapter story) // Part 2 // Part 3// Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6// (coming soon)
The one with the who’d you rather
The one with the disguise (Charles Brandon x reader)
The one with his personal Lois Lane
The one with the misunderstanding
The one with “Spill your Guts”
The one with the Advent Calendar(Day1)// (Day2)// (Day 3)// (Day4)// (Day5)//
Feeding the Army (Captain Syverson x reader)
The one with the Call her daddy podcast
The one with we were on a break
Are you Jealous? (Eddie Diaz x Reader)
Fate’s fault
Till I’ll find you again (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Winter (Bucky Barnes x Reader)// Part 2
The bet (Eric Blackburn x reader)

Social media 1// part 2// part 3// part 4 // part 5// Part 6 [Complete ✔️]
The Investigation
Win it all
Levitating (Instagram one shot)
Pole king… (and queen) (Smau one shot)// Blurb
Here’s the link to my taglist, please let me know if there are any mistakes, if I forgot to put you in it or if you want to be removed

Just to be clear I’m a Ferrari fan, so I really hope Charles will stay with the team for a long… loooong time. I just wish Ferrari would wake the hell up and stopped screwing him over, because he really deserves to win the title.
Also I would love to see Charles rebelling a little bit 😂… innocently of course
This is a continuation of this









I’m like 99% sure I won’t be able to watch the race on Sunday because I have my last exam of the session on Monday 😫
This is part 3 of my Charles Leclerc social media Au but it can also be a stand alone









English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated ❤️
Charles Leclerc // SMAU -Part 4









I don’t know where I’m going with this seriously. I guess I’ll see what inspiration the next races will give me
English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated ❤️
Summery: They should have seen it coming… Ferrari was going to conduct an internal investigation about some of the races, even though the championship wasn’t even over yet. (This is pure fiction and it probably won’t be accurate, not even a little bit. I am no expert, everything is made up).
Warnings: this is not proofread. Poor English, not even a little bit of accuracy, not very Mattia Binotto friendly
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
The age of the reader is not specified but in my head she just a little bit older than Charles, like 27-30 years old but that’s just in my head
You were standing there, just staring at the building, trying to breath: you knew that as soon as you were to enter the building you couldn’t be your usual self, you were going to be what was asked of you and most importantly what was needed of you.
You already knew what most of the people inside that building were going to think of you, what they were going to call you, you already knew because it was always the same: they were going to think you were a bitch, the mean lady- or pretentious little girl as some liked to call you for your young age- that was going to ruin their life. As if you were happy when your presence ended in people getting fired.
The building was towering over you in a scaring way, even scarier was thinking what your presence here meant. If you could have chosen you wouldn’t be here, your job wasn’t going to be pretty but you knew someone had to do it and who better than you.
“You’re not gonna believe this, but somehow the press knows already”- James, your assistant, said interrupting your thoughts
You kept your eyes on the building in front of you but hummed so he knew you had heard him

“But you already knew that”- he was looking at you with knowing eyes
“I did”- you said still looking at the building
“You were the one leaking the news, weren’t you?”- he asked, even if he already knew the answer to that
“Yes, it was me”
“Why? We’re gonna lose the element of surprise”- James not always understood your moves, you knew that, as you knew he wasn’t asking to undermine your decision but to understand it better
“We don’t need to surprise them, we need to put some pressure on them”- you took a deep breath and started to walk, your team behind you.
The little bit of fear, you were feeling a moment before, was already gone: you were here to do a job and you were going to nail it like you always did.

(Just to be clear this GIF doesn’t imply that the reader is white, it’s just the only one I found.)
The guard at the front of the building had been eyeing you and your team since you had arrived; you were sure he wasn’t used to new people trying to get in the building unless a tour had been scheduled for the day, and you didn’t think the man had been informed of your arrival.
You tried to wear your most reassuring smile and approached the door
“Buongiorno”- (Good Morning) the guard mirrored your smile
“Buongiorno, scusi il disturbo. È possibile entrare?”- you asked (Good morning and sorry for the trouble. Can we come in?)
“Mi dispiace signora, ma il complesso non è aperto per le visite oggi”- (I’m so sorry madame, but it’s not possible to visite the building today) you could tell the man was actually sorry for you and you sincerely smiled at him. It was always nice to meet kind people during a, what you were sure, was going to be a though day, if not weeks of work.
“Lo so, sono qui per vedere il Signor Binotto, qualcosa mi dice che mi sta aspettando”- (I know, I’m here to see Mr Binotto, I’m sure he’s waiting for me by now) the man looked a little bit startled, confirming your suspension that still very few people knew what was going to happen even if you had leaked the news. Despite his surprise, the guard didn’t hesitate to call the team principal
“Grazie, possiamo aspettare qui?” - you asked getting a positive nod from the man (Thank you, can we wait here?)
You and your team hadn’t been waiting long that Mattia Binotto appeared in the hall
“Salve”- he was smiling but you could see suspicious in his eyes: he couldn’t be sure but he knew who you were
“Hello Mr Binotto, I’m Y/n Y/l/n. I’m sure you have been informed of my arrival”- you said smiling at the man.
“Yeah I was informed this morning”
“Good, so without further ado, I would like to start today by looking at the cars and at the reports of the races you have run until now this year. I’m gonna need to talk with some of your employees, of course I don’t think I’ll be able to do all today but- “ you weren’t looking at the man while talking, too taken by the schedule you had made for yourself and your time on your iPad, so you hadn’t seen the look Binotto was giving you, but you heard the harsh tone with which he stopped your speach
“I don’t know who you think you are but you can’t come here and…”- you were usually a polite person and you didn’t like interrupting people, but you had learned long ago that with some people if you let them squished you once they were gonna do it again and again.
You knew you and Binotto were playing a game to see who had the upper hand right now and you almost wanted to laugh at the man for thinking even for a second you were going to “bow” to him.
“Let me stop you right there dear, I don’t care what you think Mr Binotto. I’m here to do a job and I’m gonna do it with or without your help, but let me give you a piece of advice : when I write my final report you’re gonna want me to say that the team principal was very accommodating and provided all the help we needed during our investigation. Because at the end of this investigation, if my report is not gonna be very positive, it’s possible that some head are gonna fall”- yeah you could be over the top sometimes, but you needed this man to understand the seriousness of the situation and you weren’t sure he had yet.
“Are you threatening ing me? Do you think you’re the first person trying to come for my job?”- Binotto said
“Don’t make me laugh, I don’t want your job or anyone else’s. I love my job, I’m good at it and I love Ferrari, that’s why I was sent here. And just to make myself clear, I’m not threatening you not anyone else. If everyone has done his job as they should have, you have nothing to fear from me; but if something doesn’t add up I’m gonna find out, and I’m gonna vividly recommend to fire who is not performing well and can I tell you a little secret, I have found out that usually when you cut the problem at the top , you have more chance to fix it and progress from there. Now are you gonna show me what I need or do I have to find it for myself?”
“This way, but I’m gonna ask for you to be the only one in the room, there are some confidential information”-Binotto said
“Of course me and my team are gonna be very discreet about it”- you smiled
“Your team? Absolutely not”
“I’m tired already”- you whispered and you could hear your team softly laughing at you- “I’m a very smart woman, but I’m not such a know-all to think I can correctly evaluate everything without my strategist, my engineer, my mechanic and go on. “
“If you need any information you can count on my team to help you, if something is not clear to you”- he was still defying you, but you weren’t scared a minute before and you weren’t going to start now. The little fear you had once felt, disappeared as soon as you entered the building.
“Yeah I’m sure your team would be so eager to show me any possible mistakes. You can whine as much as you want, but I have full access to every inch of this establishment and everything it contain, nothing can go out until my investigation is over, just to be clear . My team has the same access as me and that’s that. If you’re not happy about it, you can complain with your CEO since he’s the one who sent me here. Now I’m done with waisting my time.” - you stopped looking at Binotto all together. You had tried to be nice but you weren’t going to waste any more of your time- “Signor Giovanni vero?”- you said moving your attention to the guard at the front (Mister Giovanni right?)
“Si signora” (yes madam)
“Signor Giovanni, da questo momento fino a quando non sarò io a dirle differentemente, nessun documento può uscire da questo edificio senza la mia autorizzazione. Quindi dovrò chiederle di controllare qualsiasi borsa, qualsiasi zaino, qualsiasi busta in uscita e in ingresso. Se le sto chiedendo troppo, non esiti a farmelo presente e le affiancheremo qualcuno per aiutarla fino a quando non toglierò il disturbo”- (Mr Giovanni, from now on and since I tell you otherwise nothing, not even a blank piece of paper, can leave or enter this building without my authorization. So I’m gonna need you to check every purse, every backpack everything that goes out or in the building.If I’m asking too much of you, please let me know and I’ll be sure to find someone to help you until my job here is done)- you smiled trying to be as reassuring as possible, you weren’t here to make friends but you could try not to make too many enemies at least, beside Mattia Binotto of course. You could feel his eyes burning holes in your head and you almost smirked at him, you didn’t necessarily want to antagonize him but man, did he need to be put in his place.
“Certamente signora, farò quello che chiede”- Giovanni said (of course madam, I’ll do as you ask)
“Oh no, non mi chiami signora la prego o mi farà sentire vecchia. La ringrazio per la sua gentilezza Signor Giovanni, le lascio il numero del mio assistente, non esiti a chiamare per qualsiasi motivo, meglio una domanda in più che una in meno.” (Don’t call me Madam please or I’m gonna feel too old. I really appreciate your kindness Mr Giovanni, I’m gonna leave you my assistant’s number, please call him if you have any questions or need any help)
You smiled once again at the man before looking at your team again
“James please be sure to explain to Mr Giovanni what we need from him and if needed stay with him as long as necessary. Now we are gonna…-“ you stopped to look at the front once again when you felt eyes on you. There at the entrance , there were none other than Carlo Sainz and Charles Leclerc, the Ferrari drivers
“Hello Mr Leclerc, Mr Sainz”- you smiled at the drivers, trying to control your inner fangirl. -“It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Y/n Y/l/n, I’m gonna try my best not to interfere too much with your work, the last think we want is for the drivers to lose their focus. I’m here to make sure you have all the elements to succeed. This being said, I’m gonna leave you to your day, I’m sure we’ll have the time to talk. Have a good day”- You looked one last time at the drivers: Carlos was faintly smiling, it was clear he was unsure how to behave himself but he didn’t want to be rude, if you had to bet he had read the news of the investigation. Your eyes met the other driver’s eyes Charles, and you felt your heartbeat skipping a second, you could almost lose yourself in the green of his eyes.

You looked at his lips and damn it if they didn’t look enticing, you really wanted to know how they felt like, you could only hope he knew how to use those sinful lips, it would be such a shame otherwise.
A smirk appeared on his face and that was enough to clear your mind and let you focus on the task at hand once again.
You took a breath and turned around, you couldn’t lose your focus, even though…. Nope, not going there.
You nodded at your team and started walking like you were the owner of the room like your mother had thought you.
“Let’s go guys , we have work to do”- you looked at Mattia Binotto once again before leaving the room… it was going to be a tough job and you were pretty sure the principal had no intention of helping you.
And as though you didn’t have enough problems already, you needed to make sure to have as little interaction as possible with Charles Leclerc.
I’m just gonna dump this here and run 😂
I don’t know what this is really
English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated 😊
Summery: You’re Christian Horner’s daughter and the new Ferrari driver... well isn’t that ironic?
Pairing: Charls Leclerc x reader
Warnings: the relationship between Charles and the reader is not the focus. I dont think I’ll write more of this but if I was/will that was where I would aim. Also this story is not that Christian Horner friendly but it’s a fiction guys so NO HATE.

You took a deep breath knowing it was imperative for you to stay calm. They weren’t even looking at you yet but you could already feel their eyes on you, scrutinizing you, trying to find any sign of nerve, trying to uncover any weakness of yours so they could exploit it against you.
You almost wanted to turn around and run, leave the room, leave the state even, you wanted to go back to your apartment so you could hide under your comforter and never see them again, so that they could never again look at you like you were some little prey they were ready to destroy.
But you knew you couldn’t, not only becasue you would prove them right, but most of all, if you decided to leave and give up, you would disappoint yourself, you would give up your dream and you had fight too much for it, you had given your all since you were a little girl and you had no intetion to quit.
“Only the weaker quit Y/n”... that’s what your father had always told you and, even though he hadn’t taught you much, that had stuck with you.
So no, you weren’t going to stand up and leave the room, you weren’t going to give up, you weren’t going to give them the satisfaction to say that ‘this wasn’t a woman place after all’. No you had always been strong and you were going to be even stronger now, stronger than their prejudice.
Sure it would be nice to look up and see proud eyes, see someone that had always believed in you but you knew no one was going to be there.
An hand on your arm brought you back from your thoughts, and even if you didn’t need to look to know who it was, it was always nice to look into his eyes, they were comforting in a way you didn’t think your team-mate’s eyes were going to be.
“They are waiting for us, are you ready?”- Charles asked, smiling at you... Uhh his smile, it was even worse... ok better... than his eyes.
“Yap. as I’ll ever be”- you tried to smile but you knew it didn’t reach your eyes.
Charles knew that you were nervous even though you didn’t want to show it, it was your first conference after all, even though you had raced most of your life it was your first time in a formula one conference. Charles didn’t know all your story, no one did, you didn’t like to talk about it: you didn’t want people to pity you and at the same time you knew that, even with your problem, you had been lucky: you had always had a plate of food in front of you, a beautiful and comfortable house, your parents had given you the best educations. They hadn’t been always supportive of your choices but at the end of the day you were lucky and you knew it.
you took a deep breath and tried to prepare yourself: they were going to ask uncomfortable questions and you had promised yourself that you were going to answer to all of them without even a peep otherwise you knew they would say you didn’t want to answer because you were a woman, that you were easily hurt and irritable. Your team had tried to shield you from it for as long as they could, they had put off the news that you were going to drive for them for long as possible, but now was the time.
“Welcome to next year Ferrari drivers Charles Leclerc and Y/n Horner. So we’ll start with Y/n first if that’s ok?”- the journalist said and both you and Charles nodded.
“Well first of all I think congratulation are in order”- the journalist said
“Thank you, I’m very honored to be here, very happy that Ferrari believed in me and decided to make me part of the team”- you smiled
“I have to say that the news came at the very last moment, other drivers were taken into account for Carlos’ seat, why do you think Ferarri decided for you and not someone else, in the end?”- he asked and you really wanted to laugh in his face. It wasn’t the question per se, it was what he wasn’t openly asking but you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction
“I think you should ask that question to Mattia, the team principal, but I’ll say that they decided how they and all the other teams have always done: they select their candidates and then decide which one is best for the team, which one can help the team win”- you saw Charles smiling with the corner of your eye. he had that smirk that always made you feel hot, that smirk that said I know what you are doing… and he probably did: you hadn’t wanted to say ‘They chose me because I was the best’ but that was the meaning of your answer and you both knew that.
“So you’ll help your team win this year?”- he asked
“That’s the plan”- you shrugged, what a stupid question.
“So why Ferrari? How come aren’t you driving for RedBull? I mean it’s not a secret you are the daugher of Christian Horner”- you could see Charles was looking at you side way to make sure you were ok even though the questions were becoming more personal, but you gently nudge his foot with yours trying to convey you were ok.
“Ferrari is an amazing team, it’s well know they have had some bad years but they’ve come back on top in the last year, they’re still working on it and I can only be honored they believed in me. And frankly I’ve never been approach by RedBull”
“why not? I mean wouldn’t have been easier for you to drive for your father’s team?”- and this time you laughed for real.
“Seriously? We both know that it would have probably been harder for me, and if that had happened, now you would be asking me if I had had the spot only because I am my father’s daughter”- you could see no one was expecting such honesty from you, but you didn’t care
“So this is why you weren’t approached by RedBull? your father didn’t want to make things more difficult for you?”- it was clear that the interviewer was like a dog with a bone and he wasn’t going to stop until nothing was left
“Not at all, we all know that Christian Horner, as team principal, only care about what’s best for the team, as he should. So if he had thought I was the best choice for the team he wouldn’t have care what was going to be easier or harder for me”- whisper were filling the room but you still hold your head high
“Does your father think you deserve this seat in formula one?”
You could see Charles was ready to stand up for you but you stopped him once again. it was nice of him, it really was, it only proved how nice of a person he was, and that he cared about you but the last thing you needed was to show that you needed a man to protect you.
“I don’t know what my father think, you should ask him that. But you know, you can always tell me if he answers”- you smiled knowing that you hadn’t fallen into the interviewer trap. You answer was diplomatic and put your father in the corner and not you. You had been honest since the beginning of the conference so they would have never guessed you had lied at the last question because you perfectly knew what your father thought .
When you were young and had asked your father if you could race in the go-cart he hadn’t even needed to think about it and he had told you ‘yes’, he had always told you were going to be a F1 driver, the first woman in F1 in years and you had seen the pride in his eyes when he had said that. He had supported you for years until he had seen that there were kid of your same age more talented than you and he was right, you knew he was. You had seen his excitement fade away year after year, until the talk about you changing path, changing your dream had started. But you had always been a stubborn person and while your father’s belief in you subsided, your desire to chase your dream and prove everyone wrong only had grown stronger. Since then your relationship with your father had become stranded: he still had come to most of your races, when he had time, but most of the time his eyes weren’t on you but on the other kids, the more talented ones, the one he was eyeing for his team already, the one who was going to become his golden child.
You had started working harder than anyone then, just to see that look of pride on your father eyes again but it never came; and when he had decided to stop paying to help your career, you had found a job that helped you pay everything for yourself and tried your best to find your own sponsors. Your mother had helped you a little, you didn’t know if she had actually believed in your dream, but what you knew for sure was that she wanted to keep the peace in the family, and in particulat between you and your father. That was why you had moved out of the house as soon as you had been 18.
Your career in F3 and F2 hadn’t been the easiest, you had had your ups and downs, racing against your father’s future golden child for years had made things harder, but you had done it and in the end you had done it alone.
So yeah you knew what your father thought but you weren’t going to give anyone more ammos against you.
you almost didn’t noticed that the interview had come to an end, Charles’s questions had been more intersting than yours but they had tried a few shot with him too.
“Are you ok?”- Charles asked once you were alone
“I’m fine”- you shrugged
“They shouldn’t have asked those questions, in particulare the one about your father, it wasn’t fair”
“Life is not always fair, but it will be worst once my father answer”- you could feel your eyes burning with tears but you tried to stay strong
“He’s proud of you, I mean he has to be, how could he not? you are amazing”
“He is not”
“Y/n”- he wanted to comfort you, you knew that but you also knew better
“Believe me he isn’t ”
“Well fuck him...”- and you laghed... and laughed and for the first time since the day had started it was an honest laugh
“FUCK CHRISTIAN HORNER!”- Charles screamed making you laugh even harder
“Oh my god, stop before someone hears you”- you could see he was going to scream again just to see you laugh longer, so you covered his lips with your hand, the last thing you wanted was for Charles to get into trouble because of you.
Charles moved your hand from his lips, gently squeezing it
“i mean it fuck him and everyone else who doesn’t belive you earned your place here. We are gonna prove them wrong, we’re gonna win all, ok y/n? We’re gonna win the world constructor championship, and one of us is gonna be the world champion. We are gonna take it all ok?” Charles said, his hands still holding yours
“We are gonna take it all”- you smiled at him until a splash of blu came into your line of sight: your father had just entered the room. You look at him for a second, still waiting, hoping for something from him but when nothing came, you turn around and with Charles went back to Ferrari hospitality
Summery: You are Charles’ celebrity crush... or are you?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader. (This has nothing to do with my Smau series… it’s just a one shot I couldn’t stop thinking about)

liked by prideofgypsies and others
itsMeYn ...LEVITATING... OUT... NOW!
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YnMyQueen I’m obsessed already... obsessed
iloveyn Oh my god! yes!
yourbestfriend Finally bitch!
itsMeYn shut it
yourmom So proud of you honey
ItsMeYn ❤️

liked by itMeYn and 123,446 others
vogue Your new album is out today, what has inspired you to write it?
Y/n Y/sn speaks to Vogue about her new album, how she come to write it and new love.
“The last couple of years have been complicated but a full ones too: full of emotions, new experiences and happy memories. This album is a complex one because for me it’s about moving on, finding love when you weren’t expecting it and where you weren’t expecting. But all I want is for people to want to dance and have fun whenever they listen to it at the same time”
Levitating has just been certified with Platinum, what are your favorite lines of the song, if we can ask?
"-If you wanna run away with me, I know a galaxy, And i can take you for a ride.-
yeah I really like the beginning"
Visit the link in bio to read the full interview
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Y/nfan Oh my god, my baby is in love....
Ynmyquenn I’m so happy for her after her last break up... she deserves it
iloveYn do we know who is she dating?
YnmyQueen she did’nt say, I only hope whoever it is treat her like the queen she is
Yourbestfriend well look at this beautiful baby
ItsMeYn look who is talking
Interviewer to Charles: “Who is your celebrity crush?”
Carlos (before Charles can answer): “He can not say it, he has a girlfriend”
Charles: “No I don’t”
Interviewer: “So you have to answer”
Charles: “Mh… Y/n Y/sn”
So this happened and I’m so confused… is he in a relationship? Is he not in a relationship?
View all comment So yeah... it's just been one minute but I'm ready to die for this ship already
YnMyQueen He is cute, but I'm sorry to say Y/n is in a relationship Nooooo really... my poor boy, with whom? YnMyQueen We don't know yet, but some of the songs of her new album are about her new relationship So you're telling me, my ship is dead already? well one can always dream

liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and others
ItsMeYn Is this enough red? I don't know... @scuderiaferrari what do you think?
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scuderiaferrari It's a good start. We're gonna cover you in ferrari merch soon Look at our boy supporting his crush in red. @charles_leclerc we can see your likes
ilpredestinato She is a ferrari guest at this week gp just saying Are you telling me they are gonna meet? Hell yes. This ship is ready to sail This ship is not sailing... she is just an attention sicker YnMyQueen What are you even doing in her comments if you only want to bring hate

Spotted Spotted Y/n having fun with some friends
There are no responses to the current rumors about a relantionship between @itsMeYn and @charles_leclerc. What do you guys think?
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YnmyQueen why can’t you guys leave her alone? She deserves some privacy
IloveYn My friend met her and she was so nice... I can't be sure but my friend noticed a new tatoo under her ribcage, it seemed like a moon and a sort of number or a writing. she couldn't see it whole
Yn.Leclerc Imagine if it is Charles’ number… “you, moonlight, you are my starlight”

liked by itsMeYn, PierreGasly and 123454 others
charles_leclerc I could spend all my days listening to you sing
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danielricciardo Mate.. that was fun @itsmeYn thank you for having us
itsMeYn You guys can come whenever you want, you know it IloveYn Y/n giving all times free tickets to all F1 drivers is a mood 😂 Oh my god, he was at her concert Not only him, like half the grid was there. They all were seen backstage speaking with Y/n after the concert I saw Pierre's stories, they seemed to have a lot of fun I just don't understand if this is Charles confirming the rumors or just crushing hard.
YnmyQueen Who cares... let them be
ILoveYn I don't know, but what I can tell you is that, I was at the concert and I saw Charles covering Pierre's eyes everytime Y/n got closer to them. In particular when she was singing Pretty please 😂 PierreGasly That was uncalled for @charles_leclerc, I'm a good boy
ItsMeYn ❤️ Y/n singing "Love Again" while looking at Charles, you can tell me what you want but they are together and they are super cute

liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari and 3457283 others
ItsMeYn Always present even when you are away... Love you baby @charles_leclerc
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Charles_leclerc ❤️
Scuderiaferrari Happy birthday
YnMyqueen Happy birthday queen The confirmation we were waiting for... I'm happy now, happy birthday

liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc and 234566 others
ItsMeYn Post concert fun
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Charles_leclerc @yourbestfriend why are you touching my girlfriend's boobs?
Yourbestfriend She has amazing boobs Charles_leclerc I know that, but it doesn't answer my question Yourbestfriend Hey I was here before you, @itsMeYn control your boyfriend ItsmeYn I can't leave you two alone... not even for a second PierreGasly Does this mean that all your friend can touch your boobs or is just a @yourbestfriend thing? Asking for a friend Charles_leclerc @pierregasly you are an idiot ItsMeYn @PierreGasly 😂😂 it's mostly a charles' thing only, @yourbestfriend just like to rile him up Charles_leclerc I knew it Yourbestfriend @charles_leclerc you make it so easy 😂
Your story

English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
What are we gonna do after this weekend race 😭
All around taglist: @jwspiter
Charles Leclerc Smau- Part 5





your insta story (it’s a video guys)

The post mentioned in the tweet ⬇️


Taglist: @buendiabebeta @whathesaids @idkiwantchocolatee
Charles Leclerc- Smau Final Part
I’m not that proud of this end… but I didn’t have any other ideas so here it is anyway








Charles Leclerc Smau taglist: @buendiabebeta @whathesaids @idkiwantchocolatee