Fuck Jk Rowling - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

Please note:
I found this on Facebook & wanted to share it, not Tumblr, or I would have simple reblogged it.
In case there are uncertain Harry Potter fans who are not completely convinced that Jk Rowling is a raging Nazi (and if you don’t believe me go read up the antisemitic storyline about Jews — I mean, GOBLINS! overthrowing the wizard government in the new HP video game) I would just like to highlight the fact that
Vladimir Putin is a JK Rowling stan and says they’re both unfortunate victims of cancel culture

Enjoy your new video game🙃
so the terf wizard books get a tv show even though the movies are barely over a decade old but we still don’t have a three dark crowns series? what kind of fuckery is this?
ok so i don’t know if this is just some throwaway thought or something significant, but my mother made a point the other day that she was surprised by jkr’s transphobia. i asked her why and she said that jkr intentionally published books under the name j. k. rowling rather than joanne rowling knowing that readers would assume she was a man. she also wrote mainly from the perspective of a male protagonist. so she essentially passed as a man, or at least that’s how my mom put it. i feel like something more could be said about that but i don’t feel like analyzing it

Hey so JK Rowling went full mask off and is advertising an explicitly terf store now.. Also sure is weird how TERF talking points usually consistently leave trans men out of these conversations and usually always direct their hateful rhetoric toward trans women.
Spoilers for the last movie of Harry Potter (also book)
In general, I have a lot of mixed feelings for these movies and books.
I love them because I grew up on them. One of my first ships ever was Dramione in fanon. I could never see it in canon.
I was always in love with the story and how it developed and how it made me feel.
Yesterday, I ended up rewatching the last film with my family because it was showing on the TV. And watching that film as an adult now, it made me realise just how many of the adults in the film did their best to protect the next generation. They weren't always successful. However, Voldemort ultimate died because Harry had been protected by Lily and James's sacrifices; through the efforts of Narcissa Malfoy to keep her son, Draco, alive and through the pact that she and Severus Snape made; through Snape and Dumbledore working together because Snape's love for Lily is everlasting.
There are many more examples of love throughout the entire story of Harry Potter. They remind us that as much as love can be our greatest weakness with people like Voldemort and his deatheaters using loved one's to control a person's actions; love is also what allows rebellion and change to flourish. Love is our greatest strength, no matter which form it takes.
The Battle of Hogwarts is won because people believed that kindness, love and acceptance can overcome hatred, cruelty and bigotry and ignorance.
I guess, that is why it never made sense to me why an author who preached about love, kindness and acceptance in her stories could be so hateful to people who are already hurt by how society is.
Nothing that I have said in this post is new or profound. This is however the first time that I could finally express my feelings on the matter of Harry Potter. It feels good to talk about a fandom that I am sort of a veteran of xD.
I know that nowadays there is even more to explore within this fandom with the Marauders side of the fandom exploding on Ao3 and on here. I just might dip my toes in there for a little while and explore the world of Harry Potter from a different perspective.
But honestly fuck J K Rowling. There's enough bullshit going on in this world already. Stop adding to it.